SomeLikeitHot (5 page)

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Authors: Stephanie

BOOK: SomeLikeitHot
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“Hi, Naja. I must say this visit is a surprise.”

She laughed. “Is it? I would’ve thought you’d be expecting me.”

“I have to admit I hoped, but I didn’t presume anything.” He stepped back and opened the door wider. “Would you like to come in? I was sitting out back.”


He extended a hand toward the back door, indicating he’d follow her lead. When they

reached the kitchen he stopped at the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of water. Once they made it outside, he pulled her chair out with his free hand and waited for her to sit. He placed a bottle in front of her as he took his own seat.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

“You’re welcome. How has your day been?”

“Awesome. Just finished eating lunch with my sister.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“It was. This is the first time Imani and I have been on vacation together in a long time.”

He scratched his jaw as he tried to figure out what to say next.

“Do you always wear a beard?”

He glanced over at her. “What?”

“Your facial hair. It doesn’t look like you’re completely comfortable with it.”

He chuckled. “You’re very observant and correct. I’ve only had it for a few weeks. I keep it trimmed, but I’ll probably cut it off before I leave Myrtle Beach.”

“Such a shame. I think it suits you.”

“Thank you. We’ll see how difficult it is to keep up and I’ll make my decision after that.”

Sterling opened his bottle of water as he stared out toward the shoreline, allowing a comfortable silence to settle between the two of them.

“Do you have any plans tomorrow night?”

That was the last thing he expected for her to ask, he’d go with it for now. “No. I was just going to sit out here and enjoy a firework show or two. Do you have any?”

“Yes, and I’m hoping you’ll join me.”

He glanced over at Naja and saw one corner of her mouth titled upward. The smile could only be described as wicked. He wasn’t quite certain he wanted to know what she had on her agenda, but he’d ask anyway. “Depends on what you have going on.”

Naja leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. “My sister and her boyfriend, Carson, are having a Fourth of July party at his place tomorrow night. Imani is dying to meet you so I thought the two of you could become acquainted there.”

Sterling was grateful he’d held off on taking a sip of water. No way would he have gotten it down without practically choking to death. He had to be dreaming. His imagination was running wild and he would wake up any moment.


He blinked slowly. “Yes?”

“Do you want to go?”

His hand trembled slightly as he sat the bottle down before turning his attention to the breathtaking woman sitting across from him. “Do you remind repeating yourself?”

Naja laughed. “I know you’re not hard of hearing.”

“You’re right. But I’m pretty positive I’m still in my bed asleep so I’m just trying to draw it out a little longer.”

Her head tilted to the side as her grin widened. “Dreaming, huh? Well, I definitely want you to have the experience of waking up with a smile on your face, so let me make sure it’s worth your while.”

Before he could say anything else, she stood and stepped closer to him. She cupped his face between her soft palms. “Now,” she whispered, lowering her head toward his. “Let’s make this real good.”

She brushed her lips over his in a soft kiss that sent shivers racing down his spine. In the next instant, she captured his mouth in a nerve tingling kiss that seemed to steal the very breath from him. He let his arms drift upward to wrap around her lower back as he drew her between the vee of his legs.

The kiss was pure bliss. It was passion thrumming, then coiling, low and hot, deep within him.

The kiss tasted of sugar and strawberries. Her thighs were crushed with an enticing, sensual pain to his solid erection as she returned the angry kiss in total abandon.

This kiss should never end. He definitely didn’t want it to. Neither did Naja for she raised her head a fraction of an inch to draw in a quick breath, then slanted her mouth over his again in the opposite direction, sweeping him under the spell of another passionate kiss.

His mind ceased to function. This kiss was spectacular, surreal, so sincere and real. She constantly surprised and delighted him in a way that somewhat frightened him. She was a unique individual, special, rare, like no woman he had met before. And he wanted her with an intensity that had him on the verge of combustion. Along with the insistent need was another emotion he couldn’t name.

Even as her kiss consumed him, he felt revived.

Finally, Naja ended the kiss unhurriedly. Her heavily lidded eyes told him she was just as affected by the kiss as he was. Unhurriedly she retook her seat. “Are you still hoping this is a dream you will wake up from?”

He shook his head. “No, now I’m wondering if things could get any hotter between us.”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I definitely want to take a chance to find out.”

He interlaced his finger and leaned forward. “Are you sure about that?”

“One hundred percent positive.”

“What changed your mind?”

“I’m not saying I have,” she murmured. “I’m simply stating I find you intriguing. I want to hang out with you, just as casual acquaintances. If it leads to more, great. If not we’ve still had an enjoyable time and can return home with those memories.”

“That easy?”

“Yes. Thanks to my sister I realize I’m making this more complicated than it has to be.”

“So, you no longer have any desire to get me into bed.”

The expression on her face became downright sultry. “Oh no, I still have every aspiration to get you into my bed, in the shower, on the couch, kitchen table and possibly even on the beach at night, but for now I’m going to play by your rules and see what comes of it.”

Sterling reached for his water and took a huge gulp before he burst into flames. Wicked images of the words she’d just whispered raced through his mind. It was everything he could do keep from taking her hand and dragging her onto the wood of the porch beachgoers be damned.

The woman across from him tested his self-restraint and frankly, he didn’t have much more left.

Closing his eyes, he took a few settling breaths. He had to get himself under control or he would crash and burn. When he felt that he had, he reopened his eyes and found Naja watching him intently. He should say no, but he just couldn’t get his mouth to form the words. Yep, he was in deep trouble.

“What time does the party start?”

Chapter Five

Sterling couldn’t believe how relaxed he felt considering the fact he was walking up the driveway to a party his date’s sister and her boyfriend were throwing. This was the last thing he’d expected to be doing on Fourth of July, but he was looking forward to it. He wondered if Imani was as spunky as Naja. If so, he planned to ask Carson for some pointers on how to proceed. Because honestly, he was at a loss. Naja kept him on his toes and he wasn’t quite sure what to expect from her.

When he’d gone over and knocked on her door a little while ago, he’d honestly expected a ploy of some sort to get him to stay in with her. Instead, she’d only invited him in long enough for her to grab a small clutch purse then ushered him outside while she locked up.

Now as they neared the house, he heard a party in full swing. The front door was open, but the screen door closed. When Naja reached out to open the door he gently brushed her had aside and grabbed the handle himself.

“Such a gentleman,” she murmured with a smile.

“I try to be, but believe me, you make it hard.”

“I can’t say I ever recall a time when that’s been a bad thing,” she whispered in his ear, then straightened as she stepped inside the beach home.

He didn’t have much time to get himself together because the instant they entered the house a woman called out to Naja. The similarities in their appearance and the grin appearing on his date’s face told him it had to be her sister.

“Imani,” Naja responded, confirming his guess.

He stood aside patiently as the siblings embraced. While there were definitely similarities between them, there were quite a few differences. Naja was taller, her hair much shorter and her body a lot curvier.

“And you must be Sterling.”

He pulled himself out of his inner musings, smiling as he made eye contact with the woman in front of him. “Yes, I am. You must be Imani.”

“Got it right on the first try. I’m glad you could make it. I wasn’t sure Naja was going to extend the invite.”

“Wow, Imani. Subtle today, aren’t we?”

He chuckled. Yeah, Carson could definitely give him some advice.

“Please ignore her. She doesn’t like being in situations where she doesn’t have complete control.”

“Ha! You’re one to speak.”

“Are the two of you at it again?”

Sterling glanced at the man who walked up to join him. When he placed his arm around Imani’s waist, it wasn’t hard to figure out he was Imani’s boyfriend.

“It seems they are. I take it they are like this all the time?”

“Even over the phone,” he replied as he extended his hand. “I’m Carson Baxter. Welcome to the party.”

“Sterling Henson,” he responded in kind, accepting the firm grip. “Glad I was able to make it.” He turned his attention to Imani. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, especially since I hear you’re the reason I secured an invite.”

One corner of Imani’s mouth twitched. “I’m sure it wasn’t the hardship my sister would have you to believe. Now, are you ready for your interrogation?”

“Imani,” Naja protested.

“Oh, don’t even try it. After the grilling you gave Carson, I deserve the right to return the favor.”

Sterling watched in amusement as Naja’s mouth opened and closed several times with no sound coming out. Evidently realizing she was fighting a losing battle, she sighed heavily.

“Fine. Knock yourself out. Carson, I guess we’re on our own. Show me to the food. I’m starved.”

Sterling studied Naja as she walked away with Carson. She was so beautiful it was a crime.

“Don’t worry. Her bark is worse than her bite.”

He turned his attention to Imani. “You think so?”

“I grew up with her and lived with her. I’m positive. Would you like something to drink?”

“A beer if you have it.”

“Right this way.”

As Imani led him to the kitchen, he took in the décor of the beach house. It was very homey feeling.

A few moments later a beer was pressed into his hand. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Let’s go out back. Even though this is supposed to be a beach party most of the partygoers are inside.”

He followed her out back and held her chair out as she went to sit.

Imani chuckled in response. “I see why you make Naja nervous.”

“What do you mean?” he asked as he sat down.

“Let’s just say you aren’t her type.”

“I’m not sure if I should be offended or not.”

Imani took a sip of her drink. “It’s a compliment. She usually goes for men who don’t present a challenge. They’re okay with having a casual acquaintance. Typically they don’t ask her for more than she’s willing to give.”

Sterling leaned back in his chair, absorbing the valuable information. “What a shame.”

All playfulness left Imani’s expression. “I won’t go into detail, because it’s not my place to do so. But as I’m sure you’re wise enough to know everyone has a past. Naja’s is the reason why she has a preference for men who don’t want complications. The fact she’s willing to step out of her comfort zone shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

He sat his bottle down and leaned forward. “You’re correct. Everyone does have a history of some sort. While your sister hasn’t shared hers with me, I’ve told her mine. What I can assure you is I’m too old to play games and I have no interest or intent to hurt Naja. I just want to get to know her better because I truly believe there could be something between us.”

Imani studied him silently for several moments before the corners of her mouth curved upward. “I believe you. I just hope you’re up for the challenge.”

“I am. But the final decision belongs to Naja.”

“Good thing she’s an astute woman. However, she can be stubborn, but with an ally such as myself on your side, she doesn’t stand a chance.”

Sterling chuckled. “As grateful as I am, I have to wonder why you would want to help me.”

A dreamy expression fell over Imani’s face. “Because if it hadn’t been for Naja, I wouldn’t have taken a chance on Carson. How can I not want my sister to experience such joy for herself?”

“And you’re positive I can give that to her?”

“Are you?”

* * * *

Naja silent wandered down the hallway of Carson’s beach home. She’d just come back from freshening up in the bathroom.

Okay. She hadn’t needed tidy up. She’d needed to collect herself. Being in such close proximity of Sterling for the past hour had her in a state of sexual agitation. She wanted him badly, in a way she felt like he wouldn’t agree to at the moment. But truth be told, if she had her way, she would drag him into one of the spare rooms and do things to him until neither of them could remember their name.

However, there was something else simmering under the surface. Something a little hotter and it scared the crap out of her. She wanted more than a quick roll on the bed. She craved the opportunity to experience the intimacy he offered.

Shaking her head to clear it, she resolved to return to the party and to her date and do her best to get through the rest of the evening sane. Then after she returned to the beach house she’d give herself the release her body screamed for.

A small shriek escaped her as a hand covered her mouth. She was pulled into a room where the door had been left slightly ajar.

“Shh, it’s me,” Sterling whispered.

Her body relaxed before her brain fully comprehended the words. When he uncovered her mouth she laid into him. “I have you to know you just took twenty years off my life.”

He had the nerve to wink. “Sorry, but I wanted to get you alone.”

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