SomeLikeitHot (8 page)

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Authors: Stephanie

BOOK: SomeLikeitHot
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“Mmm,” she purred, her eyes drifting shut to savor the sensations. She’d probably been this turned on before. She simply couldn’t remember when.

He placed a row of kisses in entirely the wrong direction from where she so desperately needed him.

“Mmm-mmm.” This time the sound she emitted was more a groan than a purr.

There was a time for teasing, a time for long gradual buildup. Now was not one of those occasions. He didn’t seem to have picked up on her obvious clues; the way her muscles were so tense, her hips strained to remain still, her breath starting to hitch.

Little kisses traveled up to the front of her thigh, and then she felt his tongue. The shock of it lapping in such an odd place had her jerking her gaze to see what in the world he was doing. He lapped at small birthmark on her skin, then raised his head, as though aware of her perturbed gaze and shot her a killer grin. “I couldn’t resist. There’s so much of your body that I want to explore,”

he said and continued to lap.

“I’ll let you take time to sightsee every part of my body,” she promised weakly. “Later.”

“But, there’s so much I want to discover now,” he mumbled against her thigh, and she could feel the warm moist puff of air shivering against her skin as he spoke. He licked slowly up her thigh toward her hip while her mingled tension, frustration and desire mounted.

It was undeniably erotic, but there was a much more needy spot crying out for his attention.

She wished he’d travel toward her crotch and check out the sights there.

As though he’d read her mind, he raised his head once more. “I think I’ll move on to another destination now.”

With his gaze holding hers, he took his index finger and traced an imaginary line from her upper thigh, down the crease where her thigh met her pelvis. Closer and closer to her yearning, hungry core.

She did her best to hold still, but she couldn’t. What those searing blue eyes promised, and the single tracking finger hinted at, had her pumping her hips helplessly in the grip of desire. She wanted to tell him to hurry, but words seemed to have deserted her. Her only available communication seemed to be a kind of animalistic grunting.

His finger touched her throbbing hot spot and she added moaning to the grunting.

Her head fell back and she shut her eyes, focusing all her energies inward, on the rising tide of excitement.

His finger, after that one brief touch, left her and his tongue tracked the course his finger had taken, from her hip, down the incredibly sensitive crease of flesh at the top of her thighs, to land, finally at her entrance, so hot and wet there could be no mistaking her need. His tongue traced her opening and her body open wider in an unconscious plea for him to fill her.

But he didn’t.

“Not yet,” he whispered so softly she barely heard him over her own escalating moans. In the closet she’d had to control herself. Here she didn’t, and knew she couldn’t if she tried.

His tongue trailed slowly up to the frantically throbbing bud. As the roughness of his tongue slid over the slickly smooth surface, she could feel the warm wave build behind her eyelids.

She cried out.

He licked her again, not much more than a flick of the tongue. He seemed to gauge how close she was and was determined to drag out his sensual assault.

But need was greater than finesse, and she thrust her hips forward against his mouth.

“Please,” she gasped. “Please!”

And he, accepting she needed the release now, grabbed her hips and feasted on her.

Usually she tried to contain her embarrassingly boisterous orgasms, but there was too much free-floating adrenaline, too much coiled tension in search of release, too much desire kindled by this particular man.

Her body trembled so hard she felt she would tumble to the kitchen floor without his big, strong hands holding her in place. His tongue drove her up mercilessly, exactly the way she needed it and her moans became cries, her cries, sobs, her sobs ululating cries. Finally, as the building wave crested and then it was as if her body had been thrown against the current like a tossed surfer, and she screamed.

He held her through the mind-blowing intensity of the first explosion and eased her down through the aftershocks as her wail subsided to a final long drawn-out sigh of release.

But still, there was an unfulfilled ache deep inside her body, and Sterling was still wearing his shorts. They hung at his hips, so he was half-exposed, but half-unclothed was not nearly naked enough. She slid her boneless body to the floor and this time she was the one to drop to her knees and strip him naked.

The corners of her mouth twitched as she allowed her gaze to dwell on him. He was as magnificent in the proudly upstanding flesh as her questing fingers had guessed.

She reached for him, but he stopped her. “Condoms,” he all but sputtered, and she

understood he wanted to be inside her, and fast.

She wasn’t about to get in the way of such a truly excellent idea. “Where are they?” she asked.

“In the bedroom,” he muttered, already moving away from her.

She giggled at the sight of his firm rear end hustling from the kitchen. When he returned, her laughter died in her throat. He’d already donned the condom and was more than ready. Before she could draw her next breath, he hoisted her up against the purring fridge.

Her hips were in his big, capable, hot hands and her legs were wrapped around his waist. He kissed her, deep and hard and she tasted her own pleasure and a hint of coffee.

She felt his hardness probing and the shiver of appreciation as he drove high up into her body. The fridge was cold and hard against her back and Sterling was hot and hard against her front, but it was the thrusting heat inside her body that had her going out of her mind.

Her hands, clinging round his neck, clawed at his shoulders as their bodies thrust together, as primal and satisfying as a jungle drum.

He groaned, but it was more a groan of pain than pleasure and her eyes flew open.

“Sterling. I’m too heavy! Put me down.”

“You’re not heavy. I have a bad knee. But don’t worry, I’m not leaving your body until we both come,” he said through gritted teeth.

She couldn’t argue with his logic, but neither could she let him continue hurting himself.

“Bedroom,” she gasped.

“Floor,” he responded in turn.

He eased them down until he lay on the floor and she straddled him. It had taken some maneuvering from them both, but he was still imbedded inside her.

She grinned into his face, then leaned forward and kissed him deeply. Her thigh muscles protested when she tried to push up on them, so she lay flat atop him, put her legs between his and pushed her toes against the kitchen tile, rocking against him.

And she never stopped kissing him.

He thrust his tongue deep in her mouth as she climaxed, swallowing the loudest of her cries.

Then he groaned into her mouth as the deepest, jerking thrusts and the gorgeous rush of liquid heat filled the latex protecting them.

She lay sprawled atop him, her head against his chest, and started to laugh.


“Nothing. I think it’s just the adrenaline wearing off.”

“Hopefully not too much. I had a lot of fun. Give me a few minutes then we can go at it for another round.”

“Me, too.” She lifted her head to smile down into his face. “I thought somebody might call the cops the way I was yelling.”

His deep chuckle rumbled beneath her. “Anyone with a little bit of common sense would have known those were screams of pleasure.”

“I should have warned you,” she said, dropping her gaze to his chest and plucking softly at the light spatter hair there. “I’m kind of noisy.”

“I like it.”

“You do?” She raised her head in suspicion. Was he teasing?

“Sure. A lady out in public, and totally unrestrained in the bedroom. My kind of woman.”

She chuckled to herself, feeling extremely reassured. “You could go deaf. So don’t say I never warned you.”

Sterling grinned. “Next time I’ll use earplugs.”

Chapter Eight

Sterling reached out, almost lazily, and scooped a shiny, wet ice cube into his fingers.

“This was a great idea.” He stretched forward and slid the cold wetness over the slope of her breast, where the skin was bare, and rubbed it onto the swimsuit cover up fabric and right over her bulging nipple.

The skin where he’d touched her was wet and textured with goose bumps, her nipple the mother of all goose bumps.

She didn’t answer, unless a faint sigh counted. The ice was cold against his fingers, the surrounding feeling of her skin bordering on hot. He liked the combination. He got the distinct feeling she did, too. He didn’t stay in one place long enough for the cold to get uncomfortable. He kept the ice in motion until droplets of water glistened across her upper chest and slid down to disappear between her breasts. He dried his hand by running it down over the cover up. He felt her heart pounding and heard the short breaths she took. She sounded incredibly aroused for so little action. He loved how quick and responsive her body was. To think he’d almost denied himself this pleasure was frightening.

After the explosive moment they’d shared earlier in the kitchen, he’d scratched their plans to get out and spend time exploring. Instead he’d suggested they stay at the house and relax. It’d been a good idea. After a short nap, he and Naja had returned to the kitchen for a late breakfast slash early lunch. Once the food had been consumed and the kitchen cleaned, he’d enticed her to go for a relaxing stroll on the beach. Afterwards he lured her back to the beach house with the promise of a treat she wouldn’t forget, one she really appeared to enjoy as they lay in the bed together.

“What would you think if I wanted to tie you up?” he asked. He picked up a scarf and her eyes widened. He gripped it, flexing it between his hands. “I found this in one of the drawers when I first arrived. I believe it belongs to Kate, Elton’s wife. However, I don’t think she’ll mind if we use it.”

He reached out and ran the yellow scarf down her arm, curling it around her wrist.

He’d never been a big fan of bondage. He liked the feel of his lover’s hands roaming and touching whatever they felt like touching, especially when it was Naja’s hands. He hated to put them out of commission. Then again, the idea of having her helpless, of taking total control, would add spice to their encounter.

Having her helpless beneath him while he pleasured her seemed like a pretty good plan.

“You didn’t plan to tie me up, did you?”

“N-no,” she said, her body sending off waves of heat that belied her stuttered negative.

“Well then,” he said, leaning in to kiss her, “what do you think?”

“I’m not big on the, um, the bondage thing,” she said haltingly.

“Uh-huh. Can you lift your arms for me, honey?”

She did, and as he slid the cover up over her head she said from inside the cotton material,

“I’m not used to giving up control, you see.”

He was glad her eyes were covered so she couldn’t see his smile. “Sometimes trying new things is good for you.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m helping you out of your swimsuit.”

“Shouldn’t you finish taking my cover up off?”

He let the bikini bottoms slide straight to the floor then stood back. “No. I think I got the order right.”

Her arms were over her head, the cover up shielding her from the neck up. Beneath that, her breasts almost tumbled out of the bikini top, her nipples like hard pebbles.

Her belly was long and lean, and she had nice long legs. There was a small scar right above her knee. How had he not noticed that before now?

“Where did you get this scar?” he asked, touching it. As though she couldn’t stop herself, she eased her legs open a little wider. “I was scaling a tall fence and I fell.”

“Athletic, huh?”

“I was sixteen and sneaking out the house to meet the guy I had a crush on at the time.”

He scooped another wet ice cube into his hand.

She didn’t ask him his intentions so he didn’t tell her. It was funny, he wasn’t into bondage, and he hadn’t intended to use the scarf to tie her up, then here she was with her swimsuit cover up nearly blindfolding her and binding her arms. He liked it. From the lack of complaints or struggles, he had to figure Naja liked it, too.

He tugged at the strings securing the top around her neck, undoing them before pulling the bikini down so her breasts sat perkily over top. Nice. He warmed a nipple up with his mouth then rubbed it with the ice.

“Oh,” she gasped, arching against the hot and cold. “Oh.”

He warmed the cold, jutting nipple with his mouth one more time, unable to resist putting the ice to her other breast, warm and cold, back and forth. She squirmed and so turned on he could feel her arousal. Some little drops of water, cool, then rapidly warmer, slid down her belly. He followed one with his tongue to the point where it fell into her navel. He tasted the salt on her skin from her dip into the ocean on her skin, smelled the saltiness from the water.

His gaze dipped lower as he dug around for more ice, scooping three cubes. He pressed one against the soft skin of her stomach and while she was busy gasping, he rubbed the coldness over her flesh. He popped the other cubes into his mouth then pressed his mouth against her intimate curls and blew cold, moist air against her.

“Oh, sh-jeez!”

He felt the flesh on her curvaceous bottom ripple with the chill he’d inflicted, and could feel the heat of her so close to his mouth. Hot and cold. Cold and hot. He licked her. Starting from the hot, wet opening of her body, which was salt-sweet and slick, trailing up to her clit, which was swollen hard. Like she was about to burst. Oh, he knew how that felt.

With the tip of his tongue he swirled and licked until her hips started to buck against him, then he withdrew and held his tongue against the ice for a moment. When he touched her clit again with the tip of his tongue, she sucked in a breath.

“That’s cold, so cold, ahh-woo.” She didn’t sound as if she was complaining, and with his cheeks full of ice, he wasn’t in a position to ask.

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