SomeLikeitHot (11 page)

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Authors: Stephanie

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Her mouth soon got involved, too, as she proceeded to torment his nipples with her tongue and teeth. She continued her lazy inspection, caressing his body. Most likely, she was giving him time to recuperate for the round two she so clearly had in mind.

He felt like telling her he was all recouped, thanks all the same. He was achingly ready and as randy as a teenager. Still, her exploring hands and mouth felt good. More than good. He relaxed, as much as a man with a throbbing boner could relax, and let her have her way.

Her hair tickled his sides, where he'd always been ticklish, but her exploring tongue was so sexy he didn't care. He just lay back and gave into her, wondering where he'd feel her touch next.

Still, she managed to shock him when he her lips nuzzling his testicles, then her tongue stroking them. When she took one gently into her mouth, he couldn't stop the moan of pleasure as she swirled her tongue around his flesh, her mouth hot and wet. He waited for her to take his cock in her mouth, already half-crazy with anticipation.

But first she insisted on treating his other testicle to the same treatment, and damn, she took her time with it.

That silken tongue on his cock didn't materialize. Instead she put her firm little hands on him, stroking and rubbing. He’d never be able to watch her hands again without reliving this moment.

He felt her soft hair brushing his inner thighs as she worked her tongue on his balls while her hands stroked and toyed with him. He sensed she needed to take control this round, and, after making her give it up so spectacularly a few minutes ago, he was happy to take his turn.

Until she played dirty.

She worked him up to a fine head of steam and he was getting ready to explode. But he wanted to be inside her when it happened. "Naja, I'm going to—"

She squeezed him deftly and a low moan cut off his words.

"Put the condom on," he managed.

"No, you're not going to come," she said with a voice so softly and teasing he knew he was in trouble. "Not anytime soon."

He felt her body shift positions so she knelt over him, a hand replacing her mouth on his scrotum, not rubbing so much as gauging how close he was. She could’ve just asked him. He was so damn close. Explosion was imminent.

Of their own volition, his hips started to thrust. He tried to hold back, wanting to be inside her, but it was too—

Her hand clamped him like a vise just below the head of his penis. She held him like that, calmly and firmly, until the surging tide inside him ebbed. "Damn it," he cried out in shocked frustration.

He was tempted to call her names, as well as use his strength to flip her on her back and show her who was boss. The worst part was, there was a superior grin on her face, just as there'd been on his face earlier.

It was payback time.

Well, she could have her fun, and her revenge, but there was one thing he sure as hell wouldn't do:
wouldn't beg.

Those wicked fingers of hers started moving again, softly caressing, now firmly stoking him up.
Oh, yes, baby, yes
. She clamped him again causing his hips to buck at the torment. "Yes!

Don’t…oh, s—"

"Be nice. I want to tell you a little story of my own," she whispered, her firm grip cutting off his pleasure. "There was once a man who thought to torment his woman. Fortunately, she discovered her own power was no less than his."

She leaned down and he felt the acute torment of her lips brushing the aching tip of his cock, just above where her fingers held him captive. "Every time he chastised her, she disciplined him right back."

If he wasn't in so damn much distress, he would’ve smiled at her zest.

He breathed deeply when she removed her hands and then the ache in his loins intensified at the rip of a condom packet.

"What do you suppose happened?" she asked him, as she swiftly sheathed him.

"He tied her down and spanked her until she couldn’t sit for a week?" he managed to croak.

She laughed softly, and he could feel the brush of her knee against his abdomen as she straddled him.

"No. He learned to be littler nicer to her."

He groaned she balanced above him.

"He learned to give into her every whim." She brushed her wetness across his tip and he was lost.

"Please," he muttered, knowing he'd give her anything. Beg all night, anything to thrust inside her glorious body and find his release.

She kissed his lips. "Once he learned she was in control, they lived happily…"

She impaled herself on him, taking him deep into her hot, lush body. She gasped in delight even as his own moan shook him.

"Ever…" She pulled up torturously slowly, until only his tip remained inside her.

He felt her tight and quivering.

"After." She thrust down even as he arched up, striving to drive deeper still. She clung there for a moment, unmoving, and the way her muscles tightened around him reminded him of her hand clamping on him, preventing his ejaculation. But these muscles didn't stop him. They spurred him on, massaging him until he exploded.

She cried out, her body bucking helplessly, each erotic contraction leading him to spurt after spurt of ecstasy.

She collapsed, damp and spent, against his chest, their bodies still joined, tucking her head under his chin. He wrapped his arms around her and held on tight, feeling her, so fragile and yet so strong.

A little sigh lifted his chest hair, then another. Her body seemed to soften and grow heavier.

He continued to hold her against him while she slept.

Their conflicting stories told him one thing. They were both bewitched. But what were the chances this thing could end in happily ever after?

* * * *

“Okay, that’s everything. I’m ready.”

Naja zipped her suitcase then lifted it off the bed. She was doing her best to pretend as though she wasn’t anxious about heading home. Fortunately, Sterling hadn’t made any mention of continuing their arrangement after they left Myrtle Beach. Yet, a small part of her wanted him to.

“Have you said your goodbyes to Sterling?” Imani asked.

“No. We went to dinner last night, but he should be over in a little while.”

Imani stood and walked over to Naja, pulling her into an embrace. “Thank you for coming down. I’ve really had a good time. Carson and I will try to get down to Raleigh in the next few months.”

Naja pulled back and stared at her older sister. “So you are really going to do this?”

Imani nodded. “I’m falling in love with him, Naja. I’m going to take my time. I won’t make any permanent moves until the end of the summer, but I think it’s safe to say I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m happy for you. Just let me know when the two of you plan to come down and I’ll have a few things planned.”

“I will. Now let’s get a move on. I don’t want you on the road too late. I’ll worry, plus I’m sure you have a busy work day ahead of you tomorrow.”

“I do. There’s a gala coming up. I also have three appointments. Two are possible weddings and one is a fiftieth wedding anniversary. Not to mention I’m going down to Columbia next weekend to spend some time with Mom and Dad. They sound twenty years younger since coming back from their three week cruise.”

Imani laughed. “Our parents have sounded twenty years younger since we moved out for college.”

“True. But I’m looking forward to seeing them.”

“Give them a hug for me and tell them I’ll be up to see them soon.”

“I will.”

Naja picked up one of her suitcases and Imani grabbed the other. They were halfway down the stairs when the doorbell rang. She knew instantly who stood on the other side of the door. Once she made it down the stairs, she sat the suitcase down next to the couch and walked over to the door. The minute it swung open, her breath caught in her throat. He was too freaking good-looking.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

She smiled as she stepped aside to allow him inside. “Hey, yourself.”

Imani stepped forward and hugged Sterling. “Good to see you again. I’m going to get going.

Make sure you call me when you make it home, Naja. You have a safe trip as well, Sterling.”

“Thank you. I hope to see you again sometime.”

“Most definitely. Whenever you are in Myrtle Beach, don’t hesitate to stop by Baxter’s.”

“I’ll be sure to do that.”

Naja embraced Imani one last time before her sister left. She turned her full attention to Sterling, bracing herself for what he had to say.

“I’m not going to keep you long. I just wanted to stop by and wish you a safe trip home.”

She was at a loss for words momentarily. Then she gathered herself and smiled. “Wonderful.

I’m actually all set.”

“Do you need help with your bags?”

“If you don’t mind.”

“I don’t.” He grabbed the handle of the large bag and she reached for the small one, then swung the strap of her purse over her shoulders. After she locked the door, she followed him down to her car. He placed the bags in the trunk while she did her best not to fidget. Saying goodbye to him was more nerve wrecking than she’d thought it’d be.

She startled at the sound of the trunk closing. Boy, she needed to get with it. She opened her mouth to speak, but he beat her to it.

“I’m not the best at goodbyes so I won’t drag this out.” He pulled her into his arms and lowered his mouth hers.

She lost all train of thought as he thoroughly kissed her.

Several heartbeats later he pulled back. “I’m going to miss you, Naja. I know you said you were only seeking something casual while you were here, but if you change your mind, here’s my cell number. Call me any time.”

Naja looked at the slip of paper he had in his hand for a moment, then she took it. “Sterling, I—”

He put a finger to her lips. “No pressure, Naja. Just if you ever change your mind, you have a way to reach me.”

“But you don’t even know where I live.”

“I don’t need to know. You call me and I’ll be there. No pressure.”

She stared up at him at a loss for words. Finally, she cupped his face between her palms and went up on tip-toe. She pressed her lips to his briefly, then pulled back with a gentle smile.

“Thank you for two of the best weeks of my life, Sterling. Have a safe trip home.”

He caressed her cheek softly with his hand. “You drive safely as well.”

When he opened the car door, she slid inside. He stood there as she started the ignition. As she backed out of the driveway, he stayed in the same spot. There was ache in her chest that grew the further she drove away from the beach house. It wasn’t until she was halfway home that she figured out what it was. Somewhere along the way, she’d gone and done exactly what she said she wouldn’t.

She’d fallen for Sterling.

More importantly, she didn’t know what the hell she was supposed to do about it.

Chapter Eleven

“Sweet mercy, I need another vacation,” Naja grumbled to herself as she shifted through her paperwork.

It probably wouldn’t do her any good. Her concentration had been shot to hell for the past week. So much so, her assistants had noticed and were working hard to cover for her. It wasn’t her fault. Sterling had gotten under her skin. More than she’d wanted to admit to in the beginning, but now there was no hiding it. Even her sleep pattern had been affected. She needed to call him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

What would she say to him? How could she explain she’d broken her own rule and let

emotions get involved? If she could kick herself in the butt, she would. Of all the idiotic things for her to do, she had to open herself up to the one man who had the ability to hurt her all over again.

It was something else keeping her from picking up the phone. If she didn’t take things any further with him, she had nothing to worry about. Even as she told herself that was what she should do, she pulled out the slip of paper that had his number on it as she’d done several times today.

This time she actually picked up the telephone receiver and dialed the number. The phone rang and just when she thought it’d go to voicemail he answered.


It took her several swallows to get her voice to work. “Hi, Sterling.”


“Yes, it’s me. How are you?”

“I’m good. You?”

“I’m well. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“Not at all. I just finished up a meeting.”

Several moments of silence passed between them.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Naja?”

“I’m not one who usually participates in small talk, so I’ll just come right out and say it. I would like to see you.”

She heard the smile in his voice when he responded. “I’d like that as well. When would you like to get together?”

“Well, I know you’re in Memphis and I have plans to see my parents this weekend. So

perhaps next weekend I can drive up or you can drive down.”

“What makes you think I’m in Memphis?” he asked.

“The area code to your phone number and you mentioned being from there.”

“Ah. I forget that on occasion. Actually, I live in Raleigh and have for about seven years now. I’ve just never bothered to change my number out of convenience.”

Naja almost dropped her phone. Sterling was in Raleigh? This had to be a cruel joke.

“Naja, did I lose you?”

“No. I’m just…I’m in Raleigh as well.”

He chuckled. “Isn’t that ironic?”

“I believe this would certainly fall into that category.”

“Well, I definitely want to see you. Are you free tonight?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Great. Want to meet at Shimizu? They have great Japanese food.”

Naja looked down at her desk aid to check her schedule. On occasion she booked

appointments in the evening to accommodate people who couldn’t get free during the day. “Sound’s great. How about 6:30?”

“Works for me. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Okay.” Naja hung up and pressed her hand to her mouth to conceal her squeal. What in the heck had just happened? She reached for her cellphone again and dialed Imani’s number. Her sister answered on the second ring.

“What’s wrong, Naja?”

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