Something Wicked (43 page)

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Authors: Michelle Rowen

BOOK: Something Wicked
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She laughed weakly. “You don’t mean that.”

“I do.” His jaw set. “We’ll wait for Maksim to get back from wherever he is. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

“No, I’m okay now. This is your chance to get your curse removed. And I don’t get the pain very often. That, hopefully, was my only dose today.”

He didn’t look convinced. “Fine. But when the curse is broken, I want you to leave immediately and don’t look back.”


“When I change . . . I can’t guarantee how I’ll act then. Toward you. I don’t know.”

Right. He felt that when the curse was broken, he’d revert back to his old demonic self—no humanity need apply, right?

“So you’ll become dark, dangerous, and not a fabulous conversationalist?” she asked.

“The first two. I could always hold my own at a cocktail party.”

“You really think that’ll happen? Losing the humanity you’ve gained after all these years?”

He nodded solemnly, then stroked a strand of dark red hair off her face and tucked it behind her ear. “I do. I just wish . . .”


He kissed her then. Just a quick brush of his lips against hers before he pulled away.

“Come on,” he said. “Theo will be waiting for us.”

Eden pressed her lips together and tried to ignore the lump in her throat.

Was it true? Would he change the moment the curse was broken? He believed it completely, so why wouldn’t she? Probably because it made her sad that this Darrak she’d grown very fond of was only a façade. He seemed to embrace this chance to return to his former self, not doubting it for a moment. Not wanting to be anything else.

This unfortunate experience was just a blip in the video game of his existence.

And it was true, he didn’t feel remorse for anything he’d done in the past—not even being the cause of death for all of his former hosts. He was a demon who did demonic things. Period. After all, a lion didn’t apologize for eating a gazelle, did it?

Depended on the lion
, she thought.
And the gazelle.

They had no choice but to go forward with this. The last thing she wanted was for Darrak to continue to possess her. This really was their only answer.

However, it relied on a great deal of trust. For Theo and for this Asmo demon.

Eden would let Darrak handle the trust. She’d focus on getting the angelheart.

As they rounded the next corner toward the inner entrance, Theo stood there with his arms crossed as if waiting for them.

“Darrak,” he greeted his friend. His black-eyed gaze moved toward her. “Lovely to see you again, Eden.”

Her face felt tense. She bit her tongue so she wouldn’t immediately tell him to go to hell. A demon would probably take that more as a suggestion than an insult, anyhow.

She couldn’t help but sense something different in the club today. The lust and desperation that always hung in the air there had risen to palpable levels. There was an audible hum in the building, and electricity seemed to lightly charge the room. It felt like the air outside just before a thunderstorm—a restrained energy about to be unleashed.

A demon lord was preparing to take form.

That didn’t help relax her very much.

“Is Asmo ready?” Darrak asked.

Theo nodded. “More than ready. He’s been waiting for this for centuries.”

Eden stayed silent, trying her best to look at ease. She watched Theo very carefully and wondered if he had the angelheart on him right now.

“You can talk to him?” Darrak asked.

“He’s been able to communicate with me despite his incorporeal state. However, until today it’s taken a great deal of concentration.”

Darrak moved away from Eden’s side. “Lucifer knows about our plan.”

Theo waited, as if for a punch line, but when one didn’t come, his eyes narrowed and he shot a fierce look at Eden. “Is that so?”

“It’s not Eden’s fault. He already knew. However, he’s been sniffing around and trying to find more about that weapon of yours.”

“That’s so not fair.” Theo stomped his foot. A frustrated, pissed-off demon was not a pretty sight. But it was a bit amusing.

“Better we know now, than later,” Darrak pointed out.

“You’re right, of course.” He swore under his breath, and then patted his pocket. “I’ll have to put this somewhere safe until there’s a better time to use it. Honestly. How annoying is that?”

“The best laid plans,” Darrak said.

“Yeah.” Theo’s sullen expression brightened a little. “Speaking of getting laid, how’d you enjoy your orange juice this morning, Eden?”

She wondered if she had enough black magic in her to decimate an archdemon where he stood, leaving only a black smudge behind. It would jeopardize more of her soul, but it might be worth it to wipe that smug, amused look off his stupid pretty face.

“It was refreshing, thanks.”

His smug look grew. “Did it quench that little thirst you’ve got? I bet it did. Lip-smacking good.”

She’d like to smack his lips. And then grind them into a paste.

“Theo.” Darrak’s voice held an edge of warning. “Enough.”

Theo mock pouted. “Oh, you’re no fun anymore.”

She wouldn’t destroy him, but she couldn’t let this go completely unaddressed, though. “Darrak tells me you fell for a human woman a long time ago.”

Smug look officially decimated. “I did.”

“Were you in love with her?”

This earned her a smile, but it looked forced. “Oh, Eden, I knew you were a romantic. You’d like me to admit that I was, wouldn’t you? Do you think that would help you find my weakness?”

“Just making conversation.”

“There was a woman once. And yes, I allowed myself to feel emotion for her. But I was always the one in control. And when the time came for me to choose whether I wanted to save myself or save her, I made the only decision I could.”

“You killed her.”

That earned a flicker of something in his eyes as he looked down at the floor. It was either fire or pain, she wasn’t sure. “No. But the result was the same. She died. Her soul perished. And it didn’t really matter to me. It’s not as if I pined for her for years, doubting the decisions that led to her demise. Demons can’t fall in love the same way humans do. We don’t do the unselfish thing.” Whatever had been in his expression disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place, and he raised his gaze to hers again. “But we’re great in bed.”

“Do you still pine for her?” Eden asked.

His expression shuttered to one that was completely blank. Darrak wasn’t the only one who could wear masks. “I told you I didn’t. The affair was so short it made no difference in my existence other than teaching me a valuable lesson.”

“Which was?”

“Humans are forgettable. Now, why don’t we get this show on the road so Darrak can be on his way to forgetting you as well?”

She glared at him. No romantic tale of lost love—whether or not he’d admit it was true—would ever help her get past the disdain she had for the demon.

Weird, though. She’d felt just a bit of pity for him. He was fooling himself if he thought that lost love
gotten to him.

But it didn’t matter anymore.

“This is so great,” Darrak said dryly. “I thought you two would get along famously with each other. Glad to see I was completely and utterly wrong about that.”

“Your girlfriend asks too many questions,” Theo growled.

“She’s naturally curious. It’s one of her many charms.”

“Follow me.” He turned and walked away from them. Eden had to hurry to keep up.

They entered the main club, with the bar along one side and the dance floor in the middle. Without the flickering lights or the loud music it seemed a bit tired and drab.

They weren’t alone.

“Who are they?” Eden asked. A dozen men and women were seated in the lounge area with their backs to them. All stared forward at the wall and didn’t move.

“Human sacrifices,” Theo said conversationally. “Asmo has a great deal of power at the moment, but he might need to recharge. Plus, he’ll be very hungry when he takes form. But don’t get upset. They’re practically drained to start with. They’ll just disappear. No mess to worry about.”

Eden’s eyes widened. Human sacrifices?

“The women who disappeared. It
Asmodeus who did it, wasn’t it?” She looked at Darrak. “You lied to me.”

“Ooh, point for Darrak.” Theo grinned. “Maybe you’re not as whipped as I thought. If he didn’t tell you that, I guess he didn’t tell you about the dude I strangled out back, either.”

Eden felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. Theo killed Graham. She

She looked at Darrak. Why didn’t he tell her? Why would he keep this from her?

“Don’t make a big deal about this,” Darrak told her. “Not now. Please.”

Don’t make a big deal about murder? About a demon who sucked the life energy out of anyone he wanted and who was about to do the same to a dozen more? About Theo snuffing out Graham’s life like he meant nothing?

If she made a big deal, if she freaked out right now and ruined this, they wouldn’t get the chance to break Darrak’s curse. It pained her to bite her tongue, to restrain her power, even though she was shaking inside with anger and disgust, but that’s exactly what she did.

For now.

“Later, then,” she said quietly, her throat tight with trying to keep herself under control. “But these people have to leave here so they can have a chance to recover.”

Darrak glanced at the backs of the zombies’ heads. “Is there another way for Asmo to feed today, Theo?”

“Sure.” Theo sat down on a leather armchair near the dance floor and put his feet up on a glass table. “One fully energized human—or
human—will be better than twelve nearly drained ones any day.”

Darrak’s eyes narrowed. “Eden is not on the menu.”

Theo sighed wearily. “Well, I guess that will be up to him, won’t it?” He looked up at the ceiling. “Asmodeus? We’re ready. Let’s do this.”

If Theo thought he could serve her up on a platter, then he had another think coming to him. Theo knew she was a black witch. She’d sworn not to use her power again—and she really didn’t want to if she could help it. But she would if she had no other choice.

The air began to crackle with more electricity—but it wasn’t because of her. It raised the fine hair on Eden’s arms.

“It’s over,” she said. “I’m leaving. And I’m taking those people with me. This needs to stop right now.”

Theo looked at her. “Oh, Red, it’s way too late for that.”

The lights in the club flickered. The ground trembled. The buzz that had been low frequency before grew louder and louder.

Darrak and Eden exchanged a glance before she forced herself to look away.

He’d lied to her again. He’d brought her here where a demon lay in wait ready to drain anyone who came into his path.

“I don’t care what you say,” she snapped. “I’ll stop this. I’ll—”

She suddenly realized she couldn’t speak or move. She was frozen in place.

And a demon lord with a big appetite was about to arrive.


“This is perfect,” Theo said. “I was concerned about Lucifer figuring things out, but it doesn’t really matter. Asmo will protect us until we can figure out a new plan.”

Darrak couldn’t stop looking at Eden. It was Asmo who had frozen her in place. A glance at the other humans showed that they were unmoving as well. The best way to deal with potential prey was to paralyze them and ensure they couldn’t fight back.

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