Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (113 page)

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Authors: Harvey Klehr;John Earl Haynes;Alexander Vassiliev

BOOK: Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America
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127. KGB New York to Moscow Center, "Beck's" report on Theodore Hall, 7
December 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1, pp. 287-89, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 19-22.

128. KGB New York to Moscow Center, "Beck's" report on Theodore Hall, 7
December 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1, pp. 287-89, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 19-22.

129. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 11 November 1944, KGB file 82702,
v.1, p. 237; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 7 December 1944, KGB file 82702,
v.1, pp. 290-91, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 16, 22-23.

130. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 11 November 1944; Moscow Center to
KGB New York, 16 November 1944; KGB New York to Moscow Center, "Beck's"
report on Theodore Hall, 7 December 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1, pp. 237, 287-89,
Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 15-16,19-22. Venona 1585 KGB New York to Moscow, 12 November 1944.

131. Venona 1699 KGB New York to Moscow, 2 December 1944; KGB New
York to Moscow Center, 7 December 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1, pp. 290-91; memo,
KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 262; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 23 January 1945,
KGB file 82702, v. 1, p. 272, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 17, 22; Verona 94 KGB New York
to Moscow, 23 January 1945; Agent network, i February 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7,
pp. 29-30, Vassiliev, Black, 121. While it seems less likely, it is possible that the KGB
British sources provided information on plutonium.

132. Moscow Center ("Victor") to KGB New York ("Anton"), 23 February 1945,
KGB file 40159, v3, PP. 475-76, Vassiliev, Black, 133. KGB New York to Moscow
Center, 21 March 1945; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 24 March 1945, KGB
file 82702, v.1, pp. 298-99, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 23.

133. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 11 May 1945, KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 309, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 23-24; Venona 799 KGB New York to Moscow, 26 May
1945; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 26 June 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7,
pp. 130-31, Vassiliev, Black, 136. Albright and Kunstel suggest that Sax traveled to
meet Hall in New Mexico in the late fall of 1944 and that Lona Cohen made the
spring 1945 trip. Alexander Vassiliev's notebooks establish that Sax, not Cohen, traveled to Albuquerque in April 1945 and suggest there was no earlier trip. Albright
and Kunstel, Bombshell, 112, 135.

134. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 30 June 1945, KGB file 82702, v.1,
p. 342, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 25-26.

135. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 4 July 1945, KGB file 82702, V.1, p. 343,
Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 26.

136. Venona 709 Moscow to New York, 5 July 1945; Albright and Kunstel,
Bombshell, 143.

137. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 12 September 1945, KGB file 40594,
v.7, pp. 212-14, Vassiliev, Black, 137. "Anton was asked," 7 August 1945, KGB file
82702, V.1, p. 349; "Intelligence only learned," KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 351; "Anton
was asked," 18 August 1945, KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 362; KGB New York to Moscow
Center, 25 August 1945, KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 367; KGB New York to Moscow
Center, 12 September 1945, KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 386, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 26-28.
Background sheet from Anton and Arseny re work on "Enormous," addressed to
Merkulov, 12 September 1945, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 458, Vassiliev, White #1,

138. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 28 August 1945, KGB file. 82702, v.1,
pp. 369-70, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 28.

139. "Petrov" to KGB New York, 27 October 1945, KGB file 82702, V.1, p. 430,
Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 34.

140. Moscow Center to "Anton," 28 August 1945, KGB file 40159, V.3, PP. 54851, Vassiliev, Black, 115.

141. Report and memo from Fitin to Merkulov, August 1945, KGB file 82702,
V.1, p. 375, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 28.

142. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 29 January 1947, KGB file 40159, v5;
Moscow Center to KGB New York, 12 April 1948, KGB file 40159, V.5, P. 86;
Moscow Center to Uglov, 8 June 1948, KGB file 40159, v5, PP. 146-47; Moscow
Center to "Vladimir," 18 October 1948, KGB file 40159, v.5, pp. 247, 249, Vassiliev,
Black, 127-28, 130.

143. Moscow Center to Uglov, 8 June 1948; "Larry conducted," KGB file 40159,
V•5, PP. 148, 249, Vassiliev, Black, 128, 130.

144. Moscow Center to Uglov, 8 June 1948, KGB file 40159, v.5, p. 147, Vassiliev, Black, 128.

145. Moscow Center to "Bob," 28 October 1948, KGB file 40159, v5, pp. 23839, Vassiliev, Black, 130.

146. U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, Report on Atomic Espionage: (Nelson-Weinberg and Hiskey-Adams Cases). Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
(New York: A. A. Knopf, 2005), 454-61.

147. U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, Report on Atomic Espionage: (Nelson-Weinberg and Hiskey-Adams Cases); San Francisco FBI report of
i July 1945 through 15 March 1947, serial 5421, FBI Comintern Apparatus file ioo-
203581; F. David Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm (Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1997).

148. "Charon" report, 20 September 1944, KGB file 25748, v.2, p. 135, Vassiliev,
White #1, 137.

149. Marshak to Lawrence, 28 March 1952, folder 36, Alfred Marshak file,
Ernest O. Lawrence papers, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.
We thank Gregg Herken for providing background on Marshak and the quoted material from the 1952 letter.

15o. Moscow Center to "Claude," 1g April 1948; Moscow Center to "Claude,"
27 April 1948, KGB file 40159, v.5, pp. 107, 118, Vassiliev, Black, 127. Albright and
Kunstel, Bombshell, 174.

151. Moscow Center to "Bob," 5 October 1948, KGB file 40159, v.5, pp. 208ii, Vassiliev, Black, 129.

152. Albright and Kunstel base their story of Hall's recruiting two sources at
Hanford on a book by retired KGB officer Vladimir Chikov and on confidential
Moscow sources. Chikov, however, was not always reliable, and Albright and Kunstel elsewhere demonstrate his mythmaking in the "Perseus" legend. Albright and
Kunstel, Bombshell, 193-94; Chikov, Comment Staline, 200, 205.

153. Hall's 1997 statement is reproduced in Albright and Kunstel, Bombshell,

154. August 1946 note on lack of knowledge of Fuchs's location; "Erofey's" report on Hans Siebert's report, 30 September 1946, KGB file 84490, v.1, pp. 114,
130-32, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 77. KGB New York to Moscow Center, cables of 11, 12,
and 18 December 1946; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 27 December 1946;
"Aleksey's" addenda to the Center's questions; "Who knew whom by what name"
chart; "CY's failure," KGB file 86194, v.2, pp. 103-5, io8, 113-14, 142, 169, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 104-6. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 27 December 1946,
KGB file 84490, v.1, p. 174, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 8o.

155. "Igor" of KGB London to Moscow Center, 26 September 1946; "Erofey's"
report on Hans Siebert's report, 30 September 1946; Moscow Center to KGB London, 30 September 1946, KGB file 84490, v.i, pp. 126, 128, 130-32, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 77. "Report on Jurgen Kuczynski `Karo,"' undated, KGB file 84490, v.1,
pp. 138-42, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 78-79.

156. "We decided," KGB file 84490, v.1, pp. 154; "`Marta' met with," KGB file
84490, v.1, p. 227; "Martha's" report, KGB file 84490, v.1, 235; "We instructed Callistratus," KGB file 84490, v.1, p. 244, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 79-80.

157. "We instructed Callistratus," KGB file 84490, v.i, p. 244; "On the meeting
with Ch.," KGB file 84490, v.1, pp. 264-71, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 8o-8i. An "operational car" was kept inside embassy grounds to prevent it from being "bugged" or having other tracking devices attached by counterintelligence.

158. Report on "Charles," 1g April 1948; P. Fedotov and M. Vorontsov to Molotov and Beria, June 1948; "Addendum to a letter to London dated 5.4.48 (handwrit ten by Arseny)," KGB file 84490, v.1, p. 316, 332-33, 336-37, 383-84, Vassiliev, Yellow; #1, 81-82. Feklisov and Kostin, Man Behind, 219. "Arseny's" [Raina's] note uses
a masculine ending in reference to Fuchs's recruiter, but this is likely a matter of
linguistic style. Alexander Vassiliev's annotation indicated that the recruiter was Ursula Kuczynski, and she wrote of the incident in her autobiography. Werner [Ursula
Kuczynski], Sonya s Report, 278-79. See also "Memorandum on K. F. from the
GRU," KGB file 84490, v.2, pp. 127-29, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 86-87.

159. "Cb. arrived," io July 1948; Meeting, 2,5 October 1948; Report on meeting, 12
February 1949; Moscow Center to KGB London, 12 March 1949; Report on meeting,
10 July 1948; Report on meeting, 1 April 1949; next meetings note, KGB file 84490, V.1,
PP. 343, 345, 356, 393, 408-9, 424-26, 468, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 82-84.

16o. A. Raina report on "Charles," 6 February 1950, KGB file 84490, V.2,
pp. 119-25, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 85-86. "Vladimir reported"; notes regarding "Arno,"
18 and 27 July 1949; "Photon" report on meetings with "Arno" on 1o and 29 September 1949; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 1g October 1949, KGB file 86194,
v.2, pp. 166, 169, 185, 188, 190, 219-22, 224-28, 236-38, 241, Vassiliev, Yellow #i,

161. A. Raina report on "Charles," 6 February 1950, KGB file 84490, V.2,
pp. 119-25, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 85-86. Station's notes; Report on meeting of 24
October 1949; "Bob" report, 4 February 1950; "Bob" order_ 5 February 1950; KGB
New York to Moscow Center, 6 February 1950; Moscow Center to KGB New York,
23 February 1950, KGB file 86194, v.2, pp. 232, 241, 246, 257, 260, 263-64, Vassiliev,
Yellow #1, 107-9.

162. Zorin to Stalin, 5 February 1950; memo on "Charles's" case, KGB file
84490, v.3, PP. 27-30, 32-33, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 91.

163. A. Raina report on "Charles," 6 February 1950; "Memorandum on K. F.
from the GRU"; "Possible reasons for failure," February 1950; "S. Savchenko ordered," 28 February 1950; Kvasnikov report to Savchenko, 15 March 1950; "`Sonya'
flew"; "Anatoly met," 18 March 1950, KGB file 84490, v.2, pp. 119-25, 127-29, 15153, 168-75, 205, 278-79, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 85-89. Moscow Center to KGB New
York, 23 February 1950, KGB file 86194, v.2, pp. 263-64, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, log.
On Field, see chapter 4.

164. "Refutation of TASS," 8 March 1950, KGB file 84490, V.2, P. 245; Kvasnikov report to Savchenko, 1,5 March 1950, KGB file 84490, V.2, PP. 274-75; Moscow
Center to KGB London, 6 April 1950, KGB file 84490, v.2, p. 292; A. Raina, "Addendum to the plan of oiler. measures with regard to Ch-s's case," 21 February 1950,
KGB file 84490, V.2, 47-50; Moscow Center to Ross, "On improving the polit. and
oper. education of agents," 6 April 1950, KGB file 84490, v.2, pp. 288-90; Zorin to
Savchenko, 25 February 1950, KGB file 84490, v.2, p. 46; Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 87-

165. Zorin to Stalin, 29 May 1950, KGB file 84490, v.3, pp. 129-30, Vassiliev,
Yellow #1, 94.

166. Draft from Panyushkin to Kruglov, December 1953, KGB file 84490, v.5,
PP. 329-33; Kvasnikov decision, 18 December 1953, KGB file 84490, v5, P. 329,
Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 56-57. Feklisov and Kostin, Man Behind, 240.

167. Kvasnikov comment on KGB London to Moscow Center, 22 December
1950, KGB file 84490, v3, PP. 153-54, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 95.

168. Kvasnikov, "Report on a meeting with "Bras," 28 May 196o; Slielepin to
N. S. Khrushchev, 25 June ig6o, KGB file 84490, v.6, pp. 43-48, Vassiliev, Yellow
#1, 63-66.

169. Feklisov to Sakharovsky, 1g April 1965; Shebarshin note of 16 June 1989,
KGB file 84490, v.6, pp. 71-72, 77, 79-80, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 66-67.

170. Moscow Center to "August," i March 1948; KGB New York to Moscow
Center, 2 August 1948; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 21 September 1948; note
on U-238, KGB file 86192, v.1, p. 50-51, 55, 56, 58, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 41-42.
When David Greenglass later confessed and cooperated with the FBI, be never mentioned providing the KGB with a U-238 sample.

171. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 18 December 1948; KGB New York to
Moscow Center, 30 June 1949; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 1 September
1949, KGB file 86192, v.1, pp. 59-6o, 70-71, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 42-44.

172. Report on a meeting between "August" and "Liberal," 11 October 1949;
KGB New York to Moscow Center (with Moscow Center annotation), 13 January
1950, KGB file 86192, v.1, pp. 77-78, 82-83, 85-87, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 44-45.

173. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 17 September 1949; Excerpt from a
KGB New York to Moscow Center report, 13 February 1950, KGB file 86192, V.1,
pp. 75, 92, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 44-45.

174. Excerpt from a KGB New York to Moscow Center report, 13 February
1950; "Line of conduct for C. and W.," KGB file 86192, V.1, pp. 92, 94, Vassiliev,
Yellow #1, 45. In fact, the FBI interview with Greenglass had been routine, a limit
for some missing uranium hemispheres. Later, after his arrest on espionage charges,
Greenglass stated that he had had one of the hemispheres, that they were of low-radioactivity uranium, and that many of the workers, including Greenglass, had kept
them as souvenirs. After the FBI inquiry in January, 1950, he said he had thrown it
in the river. Radosh and Milton, Rosenberg File (1983), 75-76. It is unclear if this is
a confusion on Greenglass's part with the plutonium noted as having been thrown in
the East River in a 1948 KGB document.

175. Venona 1340 KGB New York to Moscow, 21 September 1944; Venona 1657
KGB New York to Moscow, 27 November 1944; Venona 628 KGB New York to
Moscow, 5 May 1944; Venona 736 KGB New York to Moscow, 22 May 1944; Venona
845 KGB New York to Moscow, 14 June 1944; Venona 911 KGB New York to
Moscow, 27 June 1944; Venona 976 KGB New York to Moscow, 11 Judy 1944;
Venona 1053 KGB New York to Moscow, z6 July 1944; Venona 1251 KGB New
York to Moscow, 2 September 1944; Venona 1314 KGB New York to Moscow, 14
September 1944; Venona 1327 KGB New York to Moscow, 1,5 September 1944;
Venona 491 KGB New York to Moscow, 22 October 1944; Venona 16oo KGB New
York to Moscow, 14 November 1944; Venona 16og KGB New York to Moscow, 17
November 1944; Venona 1715 KGB New York to Moscow, 5 December 1944;
Venona 1749-175o KGB New York to Moscow, 13 December 1944; Venona 1773
KGB New York to Moscow, 16 December 1944; Venona 1797 KGB New York to
Moscow, 20 December 1944; Venona 28 KGB New York to Moscow, 8 January 1945; Venona 20o KGB Moscow to New York 6 March 1945; Venona 325 Moscow to New
York 5 April 1945.

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