Spirit Journey: Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 3) (19 page)

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Authors: Linda Bridey

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #20th Century, #Western, #Inspirational, #Westerns

BOOK: Spirit Journey: Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 3)
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              “Will you stop that?” Joey admonished Skip.

              “I can’t stay still.”

              Skip bounced up and down as they stood in the office of the new Dawson Community Church.  The beautiful white structure had been built after being destroyed by the horrendous storm that had ripped through Dawson back in June. 

              Joey said, “There ain’t nothing to be nervous about.  You’re messin’ up your tie.”

              Skip halted his jumping.  “Nervous?  Who’s nervous?  I’m excited as all get out.  I can’t wait to watch Peanut walk down that aisle.  I can’t wait for the reception, honeymoon, and the rest of our lives!”  He resumed his jumping as excitement hummed through his body.

              Sawyer put his hands on Skip’s shoulders and forced him to stop.  “You’re making me dizzy watching you go up and down like that.  Settle down, Skippy.”

              “I can’t help it.  Peanut’s the most beautiful woman God ever made and I love Annie so much.  And I love feeling our boy move.  Just wait until you guys start having kids.  You’ll understand,” Skip said.  “Thanks for coming back for the wedding, Joey.”

              Joey and Snow Song had started college a couple of weeks ago, but they weren’t about to miss his wedding.

              “No thanks needed,” Joey said.  “Nothing would’ve kept us away, especially since I’m the best man.”

              Skip smiled.  “That’s because you helped me get engaged.  I owed you.”

              “Nah,” Joey said.  “I was happy to do it.”

              Sawyer had released Skip, who had started rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.  This time Skip’s older brother, Jethro, forced him to stand still.

              “You’re making me sea sick,” he complained.

              Skip smiled.  “I should have had Renee sneak me in some whiskey.  A shot of that would’ve settled me down.”

              Jethro grinned.  “Yeah.  You can always count on little sis to get around rules.”

              Matt Mackenzie, the pastor, entered the room. 

              “It’s time!” Skip almost shouted.  “It’s time for me to marry the woman of my dreams!”

              Matt put a hand to his chest.  “Skippy, don’t give me a heart attack before I perform the ceremony.”

              Runner pressed his hands down on Skip’s shoulders.  “Don’t bounce or I’ll knock out another one of your teeth!”

              Skip laughed and Matt couldn’t ever remember seeing a groom so wound up before.  “We better go out there before you go completely around the bend,” Matt said, grinning.

              “Yeah,” Skip agreed.  “Let’s get to it!”

              They all laughed at him and began leaving the room.  Matt noticed that Runner avoided looking at him and he knew that the young man was worried about what Matt thought of him.  Matt made a mental note to talk to Runner privately sometime that week. 

              Skip had to work hard to keep from running and he had to work equally as hard not to bounce as they stood waiting by the altar.  He closed his eyes and willed himself still, again lifting a prayer of thanks up to the heavens.




              “I can’t thank you enough for giving me away, Raven,” Peanut said.

              Raven smiled down at her.  “It’s my pleasure.”

              “And I’m so grateful to you for rescuing us and taking us along on your spirit journey.  If you hadn’t we’d be dead and I wouldn’t have met Skip,” she said.

              “And if it weren’t for all of you, we wouldn’t have found Runner so soon.  We were all destined to meet,” Raven said.

              “I believe that, too,” Peanut responded.

              Jaylyn echoed Peanuts sentiments.  “You’re all such special people and coming here with you was the best decision we ever made.”

              “It’s good to see you both happy,” Raven said.  “There’s more happiness ahead, too.”  Looking at Jaylyn, he said, “Perhaps with a cousin of mine.”

              Jaylyn blushed a little.  “I don’t know about that.”  Much more had occurred between her and Eric than she wanted to tell anyone, even her sister.

              “Don’t rule it out and don’t give up.  His heart is still bitter, but be patient,” Raven said.

              Peanut giggled.  “If I can get past Skip’s shyness, you can get past some bitterness.”

              “Your sister is a wise woman, Jaylyn,” Raven said.

              Peanut’s bridesmaids, Renee, Devon, and Snow Song, agreed.

              Renee said, “I’ll give you some tips on how to lure him in.  You’ll have him eating out of your palm in no time.”

              Snow Song laughed.  “Listen to her.  She knows what she’s talking about.”

              Raven chuckled.  “Yes, you know how to get people to do what you want them to.”

              “Well, I do have a way with people,” Renee said.  “Which will come in handy for helping Timmy get elected.”

              Snow Song said, “You’re really determined about that.”

              Renee nodded.  “Mainly because I believe in him and I know how much good he’ll do for people.  He wants that so much and I love him so much that I’ll do everything I can to help him.”

              Peanut said, “That’s the way I feel about Skip.”

              The wedding march began playing and Raven said, “We better go.”

              They left the dressing room that had been built especially for weddings so the women had a place to get ready.  They were met by Jasmine and Hunter Night Sky.

              “We’re ready,” Jasmine said with a nod.  “We’ll do a good job.  We’re experienced now.”

              Hunter said, “Yep.  I won’t lose the rings.”

              “Thank you so much,” Peanut said.  “I’m so glad you’re helping us out today.”

              “It’s our pleasure,” Hunter said gallantly.

              He and his sister paused at the entrance of the sanctuary and then started down the aisle.  They were so stately about it that it drew chuckles from the guests.  Bobby and Emily bit back laughter over the manly way Hunter gave the rings to Joey and shook his hand.

              Joey had to press his foot down on Skip’s to keep the groom from bouncing up and down.  Skip began sweating from the effort of remaining still as he watched Devon, Snow Song, and Renee take their places at the altar.  When Jaylyn came down the aisle, she glanced at Eric before joining the other two women.

              Skip saw Peanut and Joey felt his foot vibrate under his.  She looked enchanting in her cream-colored, off-the-shoulder dress.  The waistline had been raised so that the skirt covered her growing midsection fairly well.  In Skip’s eyes, she was perfect and made even more so by the little life she carried inside her.

              “Easy, Skip,” Joey whispered as Skip grew even antsier.

              Peanut’s gaze met Skip’s and she held it the whole time she walked beside Raven.  Skip held himself in check as Matt began the service.

              “Who gives this woman to be married?” he asked.

              Raven replied, “This Red Wind is given by myself and Wakan Tanka.”

              Matt hadn’t been expecting that response, but he smiled as Raven handed Peanut over to Skip.  Peanut felt his hands tremble, but the excited light in his eyes told her that Skip wasn’t nervous in the least.  She bit the inside of her lip to keep from giggling. 

              When he said her full name, Skip couldn’t help smiling.

              “Stop that!” Peanut protested.  “I hate my name and you’re laughing about it.”

              “I was just smiling.”

              Peanut giggled.  “Yeah, because you know I hate it.”

              “Maybe a little.”

              Matt stepped in, a big smile on his face.  “Ok, you two.  How about we finish the service and then you can argue about it?”

              The bride and groom grinned but fell silent, allowing Matt to continue.  As he placed Peanut’s ring on her finger, Skip remembered doing the same thing by a pond on a hot summer night when he’d asked Peanut to marry him.  And now they were getting married, making his dreams come true.

              Peanut slid his ring on and felt the magic of the occasion rise in her heart.  Skip had become everything to her: best friend, protector, provider, and a father to her children.  Despite his anger issues, she felt safe in his hands and she had faith in him.  Looking in his eyes, she knew that she’d found her soulmate.

              Matt said, “I now pronounce you man and wife.  You may kiss your bride.”

              Skip took Peanut in his arms and even though he blushed, he kissed her soundly.  As they did, Reckless felt a familiar shiver run through him and he heard Brown Stag speak into his ear.

It is good,
the spirit guide said.

              Reckless looked over at Runner and from the wink that Runner gave him, he knew that his cousin had also heard Brown Stag. 

As the wedding guests cheered for the happy couple and pictures were taken, Skip and Peanut could hardly take their eyes off one another.  Sawyer finished up their pictures and they left for the reception. 

Switch and Will had decorated the Keller’s Model T and the newlyweds waved as they drove away from the church, grinning and laughing as everyone teased them. 

Switch and Hope watched wistfully.

“How did they grow up so fast?” Hope asked.

“I have no idea.  One to go,” Switch said, looking over at Jethro.  “I’m so proud of Jethro, but I wish he didn’t live so far away.”

“Me, too, but he’ll be back for Christmas,” Hope said.  “In the meantime, we have a granddaughter to spoil and in January we’ll have a grandson, according to Brown Stag.”

Switch frowned.  Skip had told him what Brown Stag had said about their heritage.  Skip wanted to go see Jay, but Switch was against the idea.  However, there wasn’t anything he could do about it since Skip was an adult. 

Even though he didn’t want to see his father, Switch couldn’t help but be curious about what information Jay might give them.  Was there Lakota somewhere along their lineage?  He didn’t know, but it didn’t matter right then.  Putting that out of his mind, he and Hope left for the reception.




              The Kellers fell into a happy routine as fall came on.  Hope and Switch were thrilled that Skip and Peanut had decided to live with them indefinitely.  They adored Annie and awaited the birth of their next grandchild with great anticipation.  Annie loved them, too, and flourished under all of the love and attention that was showered on her. 

              Skip saw Mike twice a week, working hard on controlling his anger.  One tool he used when he found his temper rising was to tongue the empty place where his molar used to be.  It was a reminder of what losing control had almost cost him. 

He worked hard at his job, taking on more responsibility by doing some editing and breaking into writing advertisements.  They gave him a raise and he insisted on paying his parents rent and contributing to buying food.  Hope and Switch reluctantly agreed, but kept the rent low.

There were some days when Peanut thought she was dreaming because she’d found such a wonderful man and family.  She realized that she would’ve never been this happy with Claude and was grateful for the way things had worked out.  Skip might be different in some ways, but Peanut wouldn’t change anything about him.

They grew closer every day, their hearts and spirits twining together tightly.  Gone was her shy guy, and Skip’s toe-curling lovemaking was addicting.  He made her feel cherished every day and never left the house for work without kissing her and Annie and telling them that he loved them.  The couple had been brought together by outside forces and rejoiced in the intense joy those events had brought about.  They would be eternally grateful to a certain spirit guide who enjoyed matchmaking.




              Fall was a busy time for the inhabitants of Dawson.  Art continued to chip away at Hailey’s defenses, determined to completely capture her heart and secure their future.  With Joe’s help, he worked on a creative way to skirt around the problem of the miscegenation laws that hindered him and Hailey from marrying. 

              Although Runner’s situation wasn’t blatantly talked about, it wasn’t avoided, either.  It would be hard, but he was done running.  He faced the opposition with courage and he relied on his loved ones for support.  He was an avid student and followed all of Reckless’ and Mike’s instructions to the letter, wanting to excel as a medicine man.

Reckless completely reconciled in his heart the shift in his relationship with Owl.  They had always been close, but they were even more so now.  Wolf and Clover had started calling Owl Grandfather, but Bear was still resistant to the idea.

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