SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (31 page)

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• The occurrence of “vortex compression”.

• The fact that the device generated very powerful magnetic fields.

• The spinning of masses / bulky elements as a means to achieve the above effects (directly or indirectly)

• As a result: the generation of powerful radiation.

The continuous character of “the bell’s” operation – i.e., non-pulse

The reference about transforming mercury into gold.

This list is interesting, especially as regards the second to last point, the hypothesized “non-pulsed” nature of the Bell’s operation. This is, of all the material in Wikowski’s research, the one item that lacks any corroboration. While Witkowski is correct that this was its most likely mode of operation, there is one clue that the Bell may also have been a
device, and the clue comes from Witkowski himself: the description of its sound like a hive of bees. Such a sound is characteristic of a rapidly opening and closing high voltage direct current switch, such as the type Tesla used in his Impulse Magnifying Transmitter experiments with direct current. The “buzz” sound is characteristic of such devices.

The last point brings up yet another oddity in the long list of oddities associated with the Bell, and that is transmutation of elements. It will be seen in the next chapter that there was a curious reference in the Farm Hall transcripts on two separate occasions to a “photochemical process” of isotope separation. I speculated that it might be some analogue or derivative to cold fusion. But here one encounters the reference in the context of a project having little to due with “photochemistry” except in the loosest of senses.

As for the reference to transmutation, this is a partly solved problem, for there exists in the
Frankfurter Zeitung und Handelsblatt
, for the evening edition of Friday, June 18, 1924, an article on precisely the transmutation of mercury into gold – long before the discovery of nuclear fission – by none other than Prof. Dr. Walther Gerlach!
Gerlach speaks of such transmutation being possible through the bombardment of a target with “rays” of an unspecified nature, and then goes on to speak of the scientific feasibility of alchemy!

Seeking to piece all of these pieces together, Witkowski contacted Polish physicist Marek Demiański, a specialist in gravitational physics. Outlining the Bell’s peculiar properties, Demiański concluded that vortex motion might be a key to generating gravitation, and then added that mercury would “best suit this purpose” as being “a substance of high density and simultaneously as a liquid.”
Indeed, if the Germans “had succeeded in aligning the axes of nuclei rotation in one direction,with the aid of a strong magnetic field” then perhaps they had achieved some sort of gravitational breakthrough.

Witkowski next tackled the problem of the apparent high voltages used in the Bell. “It must have led to a discharge, and consequently it must have been a question of plasma physics.” If indeed it was the case as Demiański suggested that the active substance in such a device be characterized by low viscosity, then gas would be of a lower viscosity than liquid, and plasma lower than gas.
Plasmas created through an electric current create vortices known as plasmoids, in which “
the lines of magnetic field force are almost completely closed.”
Under these conditions a plasma vortex is almost completely isolated from its surrounding environment. This in turn creates a kind of
“space time continuum” or localized space curvature.

During the period he was formulating these observations, Witkowski visited the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion in Warsaw, where he was met with an incredible site, a plasma trap, having all the characteristic appearance of the Bell!

The Plasma Trap and Focus Device from the Institute of Plasma
Physics and Laser Microfusion in Warsaw
(From Igor Witkowski’s
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe)

Incredibly, the same ceramic and rubber-mat shielding was also necessitated by the device, just as they were with the Bell.

Compelled by the evidence, Witkowski concluded that the Bell represented some sort of “trap for a plasma vortex.”
But the Bell was different from the modern device Witkowski saw in one important respect. “It became evident that it was simply the spinning that was missing.”

Yes, plasma sometimes creates a kind of vortex, but this is usually a side effect. Nobody yet, nobody after the war – has built a “plasma focus” device
for the fast spinning of heavy ions…the internal construction of every plasma is purely static. The conception of rotating or counterrotating cylinders remains unknown. Nobody has struck upon the idea of doing this!

Thus, Witkowski was led to his final reconstruction of the Bell, and the principle of its operation and the reasons the Germans chose this peculiar method of designing a “plasma focus”:

I imagined a large, metal drum, in which a small amount of mercury was present. The drum would then be accelerated to a speed of say tens of thousands of revolutions per minute. Under the influence of the centrifugal force the mercury, as a liquid, would cover the walls of the drum creating a thin layer. After achieving the target speed a high voltage electrical discharge would be created between the circumference of the drum (the mercury layer) – and its axis - the core. Theoretically this would accelerate the ions of mercury towards the core, with a speed of many kilometers per second. But since the mercury would already possess a certain torque, in due measure of approaching the core its angular velocity would increase … thus developing an increase in rotational speed. In the case of the drum with mercury this would lead to an overlapping of the two speeds – created by a preservation of the torque and a result of the flow of electric current. From my approximate calculations it followed that by this means it would be possible to achieve a speed of the ultimate “compressed” vortex of the order of even hundreds of thousands of revolutions per second.

And with these tremendous speeds of rotation with a plasma whose
of rotation were all polarized (lined up in the same direction), it followed that enormous kontrabaryc (antigravitational) effects might result, since the recent physics literature indicates precisely such a connection between mass and rotation.

But what of the transmutation part of it? Sensing that such vorticular structures are an inevitable template of matter itself, Witkowski “recalled the work of the Russian scientist Genadiy Shipov and works of the German physicist, Professor Burkhard Heim (working during the war at the Goettingen University). In all their works there was reference to changes being created in the structure of materials by artificially generated gravitational waves.”
As will be seen subsequently, this is a signal clue that much more was involved in the Bell than a mere plasma focus trap, even one incorporating the insightful concept of
the active substance to achieve maximum spin polarization, a concept well in keeping with Gerlach’s interests. Except for one further observation, which we shall get to in a moment, further than this Witkowski does not go.

6. A Story from the Neo-Nazi Fringe

Amazingly, there is a story from the Neo-Nazi fringe element in North America that oddly corroborates many details of Witkowski’s reconstruction. The story is made the more remarkable for the fact that it appeared prior to the publication either of Nick Cook’s
Hunt for Zero Point
or of the research on which its revelations on the Bell were based: Witkowski’s
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe.
The story emanated from notorious “holocaust revisionist” Eric Zündel’s Samizdat Press in Canada. The story allegedly came from a “Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kuhfuss, who died in Barcelona, Spain, in exile, having never been captured by the Allies.”

Deep among the near-primeval, dark and foreboding forests, somewhere in one of the many hilly areas of Germany, there was a secret base simply called X. To the outside world it looked like an ancient hunting lodge, perched atop a small hill. Only two meandering winding roads led up to the “Jadgschloss” as German woodsmen and small farmers of the nearby village (about 8 km distant) would simply call it…. (Their) forest area had been declared a restricted area. They were told that for the duration of the war the entire area was under the direct control of the S.S. All villagers were issued with special passes, with photographs; no outsiders were allowed to visit them and they were sworn to secrecy…. They observed… bus loads of people driving through their village, usually sombre looking men, very few women, but many of them uniformed and an exceptional number of higher rank officers.

Since there was only one Inn in the village, The Gasthaus zum Goldenen Ochsen (The Golden Oxen) occasionally some of the heavy Mercedes and Opel automobiles would stop and their occupants lunch or partake of snacks. The men behaved in a most peculiar manner.

They all took their briefcases with them to lunch, many of these cases being of a size larger than the usual German briefcase….

There was relative quiet for a number of weeks and then one day S.S. men asked the local burgermaster to call together the local inhabitants. An officer was introduced, he announced that close to the Jagdschloss an auxiliary to a concentration camp was to be set up and that the inmates were war plant workers engaged in extremely important work. Nobody was to fraternize with these people and all strangers or strange happenings were to be immediately reported to the S.S. Ortskommandatur….A few days later, truck after truck loaded with construction equipment of every conceivable description rolled through the village….

Soon loud and frightening blasts could be heard day in and day out, reverberating through the valleys. After a few months they ceased. Then huge, slow-moving, flatbed trucks began to arrive carrying loads, covered with tarpaulins all chained to the platforms and guarded by soldiers. This went on for many, many weeks. By now the whole village was rife with the most unbelievable rumours.

One night, the entire village was awakened and terribly frightened by sound of such high pitch and frequency that had commenced only as a hardly audible humming, that it was soon realized that something very unusual was happening. They rushed outside and to their utter amazement and bewilderment they saw a brilliantly illuminated “thing” hovering in the air in the general direction of the Jagdschloss. Then, just as violently as it had announced its arrival the sound died down, the light faded and the strange “thing” settled behind the treetops, out of the sight of the relieved, yet still shaken local people….Soon several of these strange vehicles, each a little different from the other, were flying about, at first slowly but later at such fantastic speeds that it was difficult to follow them with the naked eye….Sometimes, when flying so fast, they made frightful noises, big bangs, that reverberated around the valleys rather like heavy thunderclaps.

…..So, the months became years, then one day long columns of trucks clogged the roads. Since there were two roads into and out of the Jagdschloss it was difficult to know what was transpiring, but soon they knew. Less and less flying “things” were seen and soon the camp was only a shadow of its former self. One day all work ceased, tremendous explosions ripped, once again, through the valley, smoke rose from the area of the Jagdschloss and a few weeks later the Russians rode into town, unopposed, raping and looting everything in sight….Little did (the Russians) realize that in those caved-in caverns, with electrical cables and wires dangling from now damp ceilings, on the debris-littered floors, in seemingly endless halls, with strange burn marks on the concrete floors, walls and ceilings, had taken place one of the wonders of the world…only worthless bits of pieces of metal, nuts, bolts, steel rods, rubber tires, some leather and some strange-looking and feeling “slacklike,” grayish substance was to be found amongst all the rubble.

There are a number of things that would tend to indicate that this story is pure fantasy.

First, and most importantly, the idea of SS officers openly carrying briefcases of secret research in the local
is utter nonsense. For the loyalty-and-security obsessed SS such breaches would have been unthinkable; but, if committed by any member, swiftly and ruthlessly dealt with. Secondly, as Witkowski stated in a personal letter to this author, neither the more modern
or the mediaeval castle at Fürstenstein were ever used as hunting lodges.

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