SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (55 page)

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11. Finally and most significantly, it must be noted that this memorandum is addressed to Brigadier General C. P. (Charles Peare) Cabell, who later became Deputy Director of Central Intelligence under Allen Dulles, and who was fired by President Kennedy ostensibly for his part in the Bay of Pigs fiasco. It is also to be noted, as some JFK assassination researchers have pointed out, that Cabell’s brother was mayor of Dallas during the assassination, and was instrumental in the last minute change of the motorcade route to divert towards the Texas School Book Depository. We have then, with this document, a clear link from the UFO problem with all its “Nazi implications” as exhibited in the documents thus far examined, via Cabell, to the Kennedy assassination. Given that the origin of the craft in no wise is considered to be extraterrestrial by the document, but rather to have originated with “some nation,” we may safely speculate that there is a “Nazi” aspect not only lurking in the background of the 1947 UFO flap, but in that of the JFK assassination as well.

This UFO-JFK assassination connection is “corroborated” in a letter from Timothy Cooper’s anonymous source almost immediately.

3. Document 3: Letter of Source 1 to Timothy Cooper:


Timothy J Cooper


June 23, 1999

Mr. Timothy Cooper

P. O. Box 1206

Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Mr. Cooper:

I am a retired CIA counterintelligence officer who worked for Jim Angleton from
???????????????????? secret files ????????????????????
sensitive files that would connect MJ-12 to JFK’s murder.
This document did not exist officially and has never been disclosed within the agency. AWD was very fearful of disclosure to unauthorized channels and leaks in the White House. I literally snatched the “Directives” from the fire and have kept them safe from review. To allow a review would compromise future directors and put the agency in a difficult position.

I feel the time is fast approaching when the files of the Majestic/Jehovah project will be pried loose and the public’s right to know should begin. We in CI
have monitored civilian UFO research for a long time and have played a major role in keeping the UFO community busy. ?????????????????? that the MJ-12

Directives be sent to you and hopefully, be disseminated in a responsible manner.

I think your decision to work with Dr. Wood was a good one. He has credibility and good science skills. I hope you have read the BLUE BOOK/M
report with an open mind and a critical eye for detail. This, you might say, is the missing BLUE BOOK files (don’t confuse these with Project BLUE BOOK). You need proof and here it is. I don’t think you realize it but you and Dr. Wood have started a shit storm. Nixon’s SCEO ordered all MJ-12 documentation purged and destroyed. This one was not. This carbon copy is the only link to MJ-12 and don’t expect any more in the future. Everything is now on computers and there is no existing paper trail to my knowledge. If you play your cards right, you should make progress with what you have. I caution you to be careful about who you talk to and trust with this information.


P.S, Not everyone has good intentions watch your ass




What concerns us here is the brief statement toward the beginning of the document: “secret files ???????????????????? sensitive files that would connect MJ-12 to JFK’s murder.” We have seen in the analysis of the previous document that a clear connection exists between the UFO recovery program and the JFK assassination, via the memo to Brigadier General C. A. Cabell. This is corroborated by Cooper’s anonymous source, who goes a step further by implying the existence of files connecting MJ-12 itself to the assassination. The implication is that, at its highest level, the M
– 12 operation is
its ultimate motivation, behind and higher than, but not in contradiction with, the other lesser motives advanced in JFK assassination literature, e.g., Mafia revenge, CIA revenge, and so on.
This is further corroborated and expanded upon by Cooper’s “source” in a second letter a few days later:

4. Document 4: Letter of Anonymous Source to Timothy Cooper
Concerning Privatization of MJ-12:

Received 7/9/99
July 7,


Timothy J Cooper

Please read everything I am about to tell you as the truth. I am not a prankster or a wacko. My reason for typing this letter is to give you the facts as I know them. I am what is called in spy jargon a “walk in.” I became such in 1982 when I learned about Bill Moore and his “aviary” sources who were really OSI agents. Unlike yourself and others,
Moore was taken in by the deception about Majestic Twelve and EBE’s.
He was promised “inside” information regarding the Roswell case. From what I know about Moore and his desire to be on the “inside” led him to hoax some documents based on material supplied to him by OSI. I think he was so taken in by the material that he believed it himself and went off the deep end. You seemed by what I have been told and what I have read about you on the internet to be a level-headed guy with some real backing and good information on the UFO issue.
You may not know now, but you have some really important stuff that is creating a lot of tension in the UFO community. If you don’t, you have better appreciate it. You have been given information that no one has. To make my point a little more clearer, remember a few years back when you got the JFK memo William Colby got fingered in it and someone decided to shut him up before he was questioned about it.

Coincidence? No way! He was not the first to be eliminated and won’t be the last I assure you.
You have been left alone for the most part I think because you are a nobody in the UFO community and have no credibility with them and that is good. I think “they” wanted it this way. Being a high profile personality is not always a good thing. Look how STF
got put on the “watch list” by the OSI.

Too high of a profile and too vocal with national identity. Linda Howe is another example.

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When high profile individuals begin making waves with allegations and hard proof they put themselves in very difficult situations in which they have to defend constantly. The demise of several key personalities in just the last five years should tell you something.

Now, I want to fill you in on some things regarding the specific studies and conclusions by the defunct MJ-12 group.

a. MJ-12 does not exist as a government intelligence entity. It ceased to exist in 1969 and became a private concern financed by big money and big science.

b. The group has been called by many names. The most recent one was used in 1992 and was identified by the name JEHOVAH. At one time it was called ZODIAC and may have changed in 1995.

c. The UFO/EBE Working Group is an international consortium financed and supported by some of the biggest money institutions and private industrialists in the world.

d. MJ-12 was a consolidation of two Pentagon projects MAJESTIC and JEHOVAH overseen by a group of twelve high level military, intelligence, and scientific institutions within the defense establishment hence MJ-12. Each code name had classification above TOP SECRET and fell into a classification called MOST SECRET.

e. JEHOVAH was a DoD project to back engineer the hardware research the physics. Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer was appointed by Dr. Bush to head this project. The project name was coined by Albert Einstein in 1949. Oppenheimer held this job until 1953 until the AEC no longer considered him reliable and had his security clearance taken away and lost his government job in 1954.

f. Einstein became unreliable in 1955 and died of “cancer”.

g. Oppenheimer continued as a MJ-12 player until his death from

h. In 1960 MJ-12 concluded that UFOs were a possible threat to U.S. defenses and could instigate mass paranoia. They also concluded that the EBEs could gain control of U.S. defenses during a nuclear crisis by interfering with the guidance and targeting computers of the Atlas ICBMs based in Turkey.

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