SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (43 page)

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Note the principle of interior and exterior
, with the central coil, as in the Bell, being stimulated by a radioactive material. The coils also imply that rotation was involved in Brown’s thinking from the outset.

Moray King notes that

General Electric, in their due diligence for partnership to manufacture the battery, sent their nuclear physicist to investigate it. Paul Brown said the physicist lost sleep for a week because he could not explain the excessive energy. It was after this investigation that the suppression problems really began for Paul Brown, for it appears he successfully created
self-running, zero-point energy device.

If this can be said for Brown’s device, it is a small step to state the same of the Bell itself, since it operated on principles that, while certainly not identical, were similar.

4. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Self-Organization

In my books on the Weapon Hypothesis as an explanation of the machine-like properties of the Great Pyramid,
I touched upon an aspect of the emerging new physics called “non-equilibrium thermodynamics.” The physics emerged from the pioneering work of Ilya Prigogine, who noticed the tendency of systems, driven into extreme states of non-equilibrium, to self-organize. Three requirements had to be present for any system to self-organize:

1) It must be

2) far from equilibrium, and

3) have an energy flux passing through it.

The theoretical models describing the zero-point energy fulfill these requirements.
Merging the theories of the zero-point energy with the theories of system self-organization open the scientific possibility of activating a coherent ZPE interaction, which could become a basis for new technology.

As King observes, these requirements “point the way for inventing a system that could tap the zero-point energy:”

1) Work with a highly nonlinear system like a plasma,

2) drive it far from equilibrium
by an abrupt discharge,

3) work with the appropriate elementary particles which
maximize their influence when interacting with the zero-point energy

Note what is involved here: plasmas which are driven to a far-from-equilibrium state by an abrupt discharge or
, which, on the view of Wheeler and others – as will be seen below – are but
vorticular structures
in the aether. Two of the elements of the Bell are involved in this – plasmas and rotation – and, if one recalls the “beehive-like” buzzing sound associated with the Bell, a sound characteristic of the rapid opening and closing of high voltage DC switches characteristic of Tesla’s experiments, one may safely conjecture that a third element may have been involved as well, an element that Witkowski, as has been seen, discounts:
abrupt and rapidly repeated high voltage DC pulsing.
If this additional element was involved in the Bell – which in my opinion is likely – then this would mean that it was not only a sophisticated “plasma trap” but something more: it was a zero-point energy device involving the use of
different types of electrical potential, continuous (AC) and discontinuous (DC).
As King observes, any “abrupt motion of matter is a vacuum energy activator,”
since, in effect, one is pulsing a vortex in that vacuum.

5. Oscillation of Plasma and ZPE Coherence

Thus one arrives at one possible reason behind the Bell itself:

If the abrupt motion of a single nucleus can activate the vacuum energy, what if we move a large number together? This is exactly what happens during ion-acoustic resonance of plasma.

That is to say, if the Germans had managed to discover the low-energy transmutation phenomenon – and the Farm Hall Transcripts suggest that they did – and if they coupled this idea to spin-cohered or charge-polarized plasma, as the research of Gerlach would consistently suggest, then it is a very short step to the idea that the way to maximize the phenomenon would be via a large aggregate of matter – in a plasma – and to
further stimulate that activity through pulsing of a radioactive substance, as the previous accounts of the Mossbauer effect demonstrate.

All these factors suggest that the Germans were experimenting with the very structure and fabric of matter, energy, gravity and spacetime with the Bell, and for various purposes: propulsion, weaponry, and so on.

6. Gray’s Scalar Compression Tube

Yet another device examined in King’s book that bears strong conceptual parallels with the Bell is E. V. Gray’s “Scalar Compression Tube.”

The conceptual resemblance to the Bell may be gleaned from a comparison of King’s comments with the diagram above:

In 1986 (and again in 1987) Gray patented a circuit and a tube. The tube is the critical element and it exhibits characteristics similar to hollow cathode switches and the tubes of Correa and Moray. The thin anode, down the central axis of the tube, contains a spark gap. The anode is surrounded by a cylindrical, double grid cathode with the two grids electrically shorted together. The double grid behaves like a hollow cathode and contains glow plasma. This is the key component….The cold current pulses originate from the glow plasma within this cathode.

The principle of Gray’s “Scalar Compression Tube” then becomes evident in the following diagram:

King states that the surrounding cylindrical double cathode grid

Supports a radial, inward ion surge. This could manifest a “scalar compression” pulse where a positive polarization wave is symmetrically directed inwardly to surround the anode. The phrase “scalar” means scalar potential, which results when opposite electric field vectors cancel. Because of symmetry, the radial electric field vectors from the ions are in perfect opposition, which creates a spiking, scalar potential transient when they surge inwardly.

The similarities to Witkowski’s own reconstruction of the Bell’s operating principles is quite obvious, as is the conceptual similarity to Witkowski’s own drawing of the Bell, which has a small lead or cable coming from the top of the device, as if it were a very large version of Gray’s tube.

7. CounterRotating Electromagnetic Fields, ZPE Coherence, and

The physicist Wheeler thought that fluctuations in the zero point energy – or if one prefers the terminology, “oscillations in the aether” – was the “foundation for all matter and energy in our universe.”
When this “fluctuation in the aether” is
spin cohered
– that is, when a “vortex in the nothingness appears” – then it is detected in normal space as an elementary particle.

In this respect, King offers his own summary on the engineering principles involved not only in cohering the Zero Point Energy, but also in the crucial key area of stimulating a glow plasma, the necessary “ingredient” in the alchemy of aether physics:

(a) Abrupt motion of glow plasma nuclei is needed; this glow plasma needs to be in the maximum possible state of charge polarization (spin coherence);

(b) The glow plasma needs to be appropriately
symmetrically compressed

(c) The glow plasma should be caught between
bucking electromagnetic fields
, that is to say, vector-zeroed fields; this is best accomplished by,

and “
vortical forms.


Of these elements, three in particular are crucial to the stimulation of the glow plasma. First there is the abrupt electrical pulse (which one must assume is
rapidly repeated, if the plasma is to be maintained in the necessary state
; hence, one has another explanation of the “beehive” buzzing sound Witkowski reports was associated with the Bell, since the sound is typical of rapidly opening and closing DC switches). The second crucial element is the “bucking electromagnetic fields”, and the third is the counterrotating electromagnetic fields, achieving symmetric compression through rotation.

If one considers this list very carefully, it will be readily apparent that the Bell’s design and operation, as described by Witkowski, contains all of these elements
that of abrupt and repeated pulsing. Even on Witkowski’s description and speculative reconstruction of its operation and design parameters, one is in the presence of
an intentionally designed quantum coherence device.
If one adds in my own speculation of abrupt and repeated shocks to the vortices – delivered by rapid and repeated DC pulses
- then the picture of the device and its operation is very nearly complete.

C. The Vorticular Mechanics of the Aether: The Theories of O.C.
Hilgenberg and Carl F. Krafft

There are three laws of any adequate theory of the mechanics of the aether, or of any genuine “hyperdimensional” physics based upon it. These are:

1. Rotation;

2. Rotation; and,

3. Rotation.

Perhaps this humorous point is overstated, but nonetheless, if there is any single concept that has run as a consistent theme in the previous chapters, from Witkowski’s reconstruction of the Bell in chapter four, to Bearden’s weaponized scalar physics and our simple schematic explanation of the non-translational, internal stresses of “scalars” versus “vectors” in chapter five, it is
, or, if one prefer the more accurate term:

But is there any corroboration of any German wartime
on such a physics, beyond the work and interests of the great Gerlach himself?

There is indeed, and, as we shall see, this vortex model of nuclear physics is a
fully developed theory
, though not, certainly, the mainstream theory. And not surprisingly, the Germans are in the thick and center of it. Two scientists – names carefully expunged from physics textbooks along with that of Nikola Tesla – in particular are involved: O.C. Hilgenberg, and Carl Friedrich (or Frederick) Krafft.

The theory may be called “the vortex aether theory”.

In essence, a full theory of a vorticular aether was worked out by Dr. Hilgenberg before the war, complete with alternative explanations of phenomena often adduced as support for relativity. Hilgenberg worked these ideas out in a series of booklets published in Berlin:
Über Strömungsversuche mit Senken und Quellen, die das Wesen der Schwerkraft grundlegend erklären
(1939, “Essay Concerning Flux with Sinks and Sources, clarifying the fundamental substance of the Force of Gravity”),
Über Gravitation, Tromben, und Wellen in bewegten Medien
(1931, “Concerning Gravity, Pulses, and Waves in Moving Media”),
Über den Magnus-Effekt und seine Umkehrung
(1933, “Concerning the Magnus Effect and its Reversal”). These were followed by a thorough exposition of the vortex aether model of atomic structure in an important postwar booklet called
Quantenzahlen, Wirbelring-Atommodelle und Helium-Sechserring-Aufbauprinzip des Periodensystems der chemischen Elemente
(1959, “A Quantum Number Vortex Atom Model and Helium-Hexagonal Construction Principle of the Periodic System of the Chemical Elements”).

Here we shall rely principally on the less technical presentation of Krafft, since in his book
Ether and Matter
Hilgenberg’s ideas are presented in their main substance.

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