Stalin's Genocides (19 page)

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Authors: Norman M. Naimark

Tags: #Europe, #Modern, #20th Century, #9780691147840, #General, #Other, #Military, #Russia & the Former Soviet Union, #History

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succession struggle, 45–47;

Katyn, massacre of Polish of-

the Great October Revolu-

ficers at, 20, 91–92

tion, Stalin’s support during,

Kazakhstan, famine as genocide

42–43; impact on Stalin,

in, 75–77

33, 35, 40–41; nationalities,

Kazbegi, A., 38

policies on, 80; the Russian

index 159

Civil War, Stalin’s support

early Bolshevik policies re-

during, 43; Russian peasantry,

garding, 80–81; foreign com-

revolutionary qualities of and

munists in the Soviet Union,

policies towards, 51–53

actions against, 86; Great

Levene, Mark, 24

Russian people, campaign to

Baltic countries

extol, 94; the Great Terror

Litvinov, Maxim, 74

and, 84–87, 118–19; initial

Ludwig, Emil, 37

actions against Germans and

Poles, 84–86; the Kazakhs,

Malia, Martin, 35

destruction of, 75–77; Muslim

Marxism: the peasantry and, 51;

peoples, actions against,

Stalin’s first exposure to, 39

93–97, 135; Stalin’s transfor-

Medvedev, Dmitri, 27

mation of policies regarding,

Meri, Arnold, 27

81, 97–98; threats of war and

Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 112–14

infiltration as stated reasons

Mikoyan, Anastas, 47, 103

for campaign against, 82–84;

Milos˘evic´, Slobodan, 77

Ukrainian nationalism, 72

Molotov, Vyacheslav: fear of for-

see also
Ukrainian famine

eign invasion, political use of,

[the Holodomor]); World War

54; on Lenin, 144n.14; Po-

II–era attacks against, 88–93

land, enthusiasm for German

Nazi-Soviet Pact, 18, 20, 88–89,

and Soviet efforts against,


91–92; preparations for show

Nekrich, Alexander, 93

trials, participation in, 103;

New Economic Policy (NEP),

purges and mass killings,

45, 53, 55

reasons for, 6–7; Stalin’s pres-

Nikitichenko, I., 18

sure, unflinching response to,

NKVD (People’s Commis-

31; as subordinate of Stalin,

sariat for Internal Affairs):

47–48; the Ukrainian famine,

the Baltic states, actions in,

actions regarding, 72, 74, 79

25, 27; Beria’s purging of, 88,

Moscow show trials, 18–19,

119; Chechens, battles with,


94; Chechens and Ingush,

Muslim peoples, genocidal ac-

forced deportation of, 95–96;

tions against, 93–97

data reports from, veracity of,

11–12; forced deportation of

nationalities: attacks on, geno-

large numbers of people, les-

cidal characteristics of, 135;

sons learned regarding, 88;




People’s Commissariat for Inter-

the Great Terror carried out

nal Affairs.

by, 111, 117–20; Katyn mas-

Piatakov, Georgy, 101, 103

sacre by, 20, 90–91; the Poles,

Pipes, Richard, 144n.14

campaign against, 85–86;

Poland: Katyn massacre,

social cleansing campaigns by,

20, 91–92; Nazi operation

66–68; torture by, 112–15;

against, 91

Yagoda, replacement and

Poles: anti-Polonism, 92; at-

purging of, 104, 107

tacks against during World

Nuremberg trials, 17–20, 91–92

War II, 89–93 (
see also

massacre of Polish officers

October (Russian) Revolution,

at); Stalin’s ambivalence

42–43, 51–52

regarding, 149n.6; as target

OGPU (United State Political

of Soviet campaign against

Administration): arrests of

nationalities, 81–82, 84–87,

Ukrainian peasants during


the famine, 73; data reports

Polish-Soviet War of 1920–21,

from, veracity of, 11–12; the


kulak problem, reports and

Pol Pot, 109

actions regarding, 56–61,

purges of 1937-38.


Terror, the

“On the National Question”

(Stalin), 80

Radek, Karl, 101, 103, 105

Operation Tannenberg, 91

railway administration, purging

Order 00447, 67–68, 110,

of, 83–84, 119–20


Rayfield, Donald, 9

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano,

Passov, Z. I., 139–40n.3


passportization campaign, 65

Russian Civil War (1918–1921),

peasants: during the Civil War

43–44, 52

and the New Economic Policy,

Russian Revolution (Great

52–53; the problem of, 51;

October Revolution), 42–43,

during the revolution, 51–52;


solidarity among
image of

Rustaveli, Shota, 38

the “kulak,” 55–56; Stalin’s

Rykov, Alexey: in the post-Lenin

actions against (

struggle for power, 47–48;


Stalin’s break with, 55; Sta-

index 161

lin’s pre-trial attacks on, 105;

38, 41; Lenin and, 33, 35,

trial of, 101, 103

40–43, 80; motivations for

mass killings, 5–8; personality

Sebag Montefiore, Simon, 9

of a mass murderer, making

second civil war, 57–58

of and factors accounting for,

Second Revolution, 53–54,

33–35, 132–33; Polish-Soviet

See also

War, activities in, 45; radi-


cal activities prior to 1917,

Sedov, Lev, 106

39–42; Russian Civil War,

Service, Robert, 9, 45

activities in, 43–44; Soso

Shearer, David, 119

as childhood nickname of,

Sholokhov, Mikhail, 74

37–39; successor to Lenin,


the struggle for power over,

social “others,” campaign

45–49; Trotsky and, 43–45;

against, 65–68, 134

xenophobic and paranoid

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 59

personality of, 32, 49–50, 54,

Soso (Stalin’s childhood nick-

83–84, 106, 120

name), 37–39

Stalinism, birth of in the Civil

special settlements, 59–63

War, 44

Srebrenica, massacre in, 9, 26,

Suny, Ronald G., 9, 109


Svanidze, Ekaterina “Kato,” 34

Stalin, Josef: as an editor, 41;

birth of, 35–36; as the crucial

Tatars, Crimean, 93, 97, 135

figure in mass killings during

“Testament” (Lenin), 46

his regime, 14, 132, 137;

Tomsky, Mikhail: in the post-

cruel and brutal personal-

Lenin struggle for power,

ity of, 30–32; education of,

47–48; Stalin’s break with,

37–39; family and cultural

55; Stalin’s pre-trial attacks

background, 35–38; genocidal

on, 105; trial of, 101, 103

actions by (

torture, 112–16

tion; Great Terror, the; na-

Trainin, Aron, 19

tionalities; Ukrainian famine

Trotsky, Lev: conflict between

[the Holodomor]); Great

Stalin and, 43–45; in the

October Revolution, activities

post-Lenin struggle for power,

in, 42–43; Katyn massacre

46–48; Stalin’s paranoid

ordered by, 20; Koba as first

delusions about, 106; trial in

underground pseudonym of,

absentia of, 101



Tucker, Robert, 106

regime, numerical totals for,

Tukhachevskii, Mikhail, 115–16

131–32; at the Nuremberg

trials, 17–20; official numbers

Ukrainian famine (the Holodo-

from security police organi-

mor): collectivization and

zations, veracity of, 11–12;

the battle with the peasantry,

population of in 1938, 31.

71–73; economic and political

Stalin, Josef

background of, 70–73; as

United Nations: convention on

genocide, question of, 26,

genocide (
U.N. Conven-

70, 74–75, 77–79, 134–35;

tion on the Prevention and

Holodomor, derivation of the

Punishment of the Crime of

word, 70; mass deportation

Genocide); General Assem-

impossible following, 93;

bly resolution 96 (I), 20–21;

national groups, as part of as-

plans for creating, 17

sault on, 81; Stalin’s actions,

United State Political Adminis-

72–74; Stalin’s reaction to the


agonies of, 32, 74; target of,

United States, opposition to

argument regarding, 29

Soviet proposal for expand-

Ukrainians, 87

ing the scope of the genocide

U.N. Convention on the Preven-

convention, 23

tion and Punishment of the

Crime of Genocide: adoption

Vaksberg, Arkady, 18

of final version of, 23; lan-

van Ree, Eric, 149n.6

guage of, Stalin’s crimes and,

Viola, Lynne, 60

15, 124–25; origins of, 15–23;

Volkogonov, Dmitri, 9, 30

political and social groups

Voroshilov, Klement, 43, 47, 103

included in potential victims

Vyshinsky, Andrey, 18, 101–2,

of genocide, issue of, 3–4,


16–17, 21–24, 29, 132; Soviet

interest in, initial lack of, 19

war, need to prepare for.

Union of Soviet Socialist Re-

foreign threats

publics: anti-Hitler alliance,

Werth, Nicolas, 62–63

impact of participation in,

Wheatcroft, Steven G., 147n.2

16–17; genocide conven-

“working toward the Führer,”

tion, positions regarding, 19,


21–24, 132; Jews in, 32–33;

World War II: attacks against

loss of life under the Stalin

Poles during, 89–93 (
see also

index 163

Katyn, massacre of Polish

genocidal character and ac-

officers at); purges and mass

tions of, 107–9; Order 00447,

killings were preparation for,

introduction of, 67; the Poles,

belief that, 6–7; release of

campaign against, 85; prepa-

kulaks from special settle-

rations for show trials, par-

ments to fight in, 68; Stalin’s

ticipation in, 103; replace-

leadership during, 32

ment of, 88, 119; replacement

of Yagoda as chief of the

Yagoda, Genrikh, dekulakiza-

NKVD, 104, 107; torture by,

tion campaigns entrusted to,


58; as chief of OGPU, Stalin’s

objections to, 106–7; purging

Zhdanov, Andrei, 68

of, 107; show trials, participa-

Zhemchuzhina, Polina, 6

tion in preparations for and as

Zinoviev, Grigory: confession

a target of, 103–4

of, 105; in the post-Lenin

Yakovlev, Alexander, 12

struggle for power, 46–47; in

Yezhov, Nikolai: administration

the Revolution, 43; trial of,

of the Great Terror, 110, 114;

100, 103

Document Outline

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