Starbright (51 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Richland

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Starbright
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The smack of the clapperboard echoed throughout the soundstage.

“And… action!”

Joe stopped pacing the living room. “If you think I should take a shot in the ring again, I’ll do it. For you.”

Mary studied the apprehension in his eyes. “Don’t do it for me, Joe. Do it for yourself—because you love the sport and know you deserve a second chance.”

“But what if I return to boxing and hurt someone again?”

Mary closed her eyes briefly and said a short prayer for his pain. “Like I’ve always said, what happened during that bout five years ago was an accident. You must recognize that by now.”

Joe looked away rather than answer.

Mary’s heart lurched. “I want you back in the ring because I know you love it so, but only if you feel comfortable.”

A subtle positive shift in Joe’s expression accompanied his contemplation of her words. Finally, he met her gaze with conviction. “I’ll do it, Mary. I’m going to do it for myself, and to show you I’m not a bum who’s only good enough for a measly factory man’s pay. I’m going to give you all you desire and make you proud to be my wife.”

Mary took his hand. “I’m already proud to be your wife. I always have been and always will be, no matter what.”

Joe pulled her into his arms. “You mean everything to me. Mary. Everything.”

He held her face in his hands and his mouth claimed hers.

“And… cut!” Kazan said, ending the scene.

Beth and Aidan broke their kiss.

Kazan climbed the step to the living room set. “That was fabulous, you two. We finished that one ahead of schedule, so how about we discuss the next scene—”

“Son of a bitch.” Aidan glowered across the soundstage.

When Beth followed his line of sight, she tensed, too—not out of anger but fear. A studio messenger headed right for them.

Aidan jumped down from the set and made a beeline toward the young man, who dropped the telegram he was carrying to the floor. Tensions escalated throughout the soundstage.

“Here we go again.” Kazan shook his head and strutted after his mercurial star.

The messenger struggled to retrieve the telegram off the floor. Aidan got to it first. Although Beth was concerned over what was in the note, she pushed her anxiety aside and joined her beau.

The messenger clutched his satchel to his hip. “Mr. Evans, sir, I was instructed to give that directly to Miss Sutton.”

Aidan glared at the young man as he ripped the seal on the telegram. “Get outta here, kid.”

The color emptied from the messenger’s face.

Beth placed her hand on Aidan’s arm. “Please don’t be cross with him. He’s simply doing as he was told.”

Seconds stretched into infinity. Beth held her breath, waiting for Aidan to yell at the messenger again. Instead, he exhaled deeply, and the tension in his body waned.

“May I see the note?” Beth ensured her voice didn’t give away her trepidation.

Aidan eyed the telegram hesitantly but handed it over without a fuss. She unfolded it with trembling hands.




Can you meet me in my office at noon today?

— Nathan



Beth giggled and refolded the telegram. The fury on Aidan’s face surrendered to confusion.

“It’s from Nathan,” she said. “He wants me to stop by his office when we break for lunch.”

“Nate sent the telegram?” Aidan scratched behind his ear, his head tilted inquisitively. “Why didn’t he mention a meeting this morning when we saw him?”

With help from their friends, Beth was planning a surprise twenty-fourth birthday celebration for Aidan at the end of April. She was doing all she could to keep her preparations a secret. By Nathan requesting a meeting at the studio, she could slip away from Aidan and discuss her ideas in private without drawing suspicion.

“I’m not sure.” Beth shrugged to emphasize indifference but felt her face heat up under Aidan’s stare. She hated lying to him, even though her intentions were honorable.

Thankfully, he nodded in acceptance of her reply.

“Mr. Evans, sir.” The messenger wiped the sweat from his brow using the sleeve of his uniform jacket. “Um, may I leave now? I have other telegrams to deliver and if I’m late, I’ll surely be fired. You see, sir, I need this job badly and—” He swallowed his words with a large gulp as Aidan’s apathetic gaze settled on his face.

“So, uh… I guess an apology is in order, kid,” Aidan said, shooting Beth a sideways glance.

The messenger cleared his throat sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Mr. Evans.”

Aidan looked at him as though he was insane. “For Christ’s sake, kid, I meant
should say sorry. Not you.”

The young man let out a nervous chuckle. “Gee, sir. Uh, thank you.”

“So do you accept it or not?”

Beth hid her smile. She was used to her beau’s mood rising and falling like the Pacific tide but could understand how others felt intimidated by him.

“Oh, yes, Mr. Evans.” The messenger’s lips relaxed into a smile. “Yes, I do. Thank you.”

Aidan shook his head incredulously. “Anyway, get outta here. We’ve got a film to make.”

The young man scrambled to the exit as if he received a death row pardon.

As Beth met Aidan’s gaze, she suppressed a gasp. He looked distraught, beaten down, so different from the man he was moments ago.

“Beth, I’m sorry.” He spoke in a heartbreaking whisper. “I thought Mertz sent the telegram.”

Beth smiled to ease his worry. “It’s all right. I know you were only trying to protect me.”

Kazan stepped toward them. “Is everything okay?”

Aidan kept his eyes on Beth, as though he was asking her the same question. She widened her smile for additional assurance.

“Yes, Mr. Kazan,” she replied. “Everything is fine.”

Kazan gave a firm nod and checked his watch. “We can discuss the next scene after we return from break.” He faced the others. “Okay, everyone, you’ve got sixty minutes for lunch and then we’re back here, starting with scene thirty-eight.”

The crew gathered their belongings and left the soundstage.

“Do you want me to drive you to Nate’s office?” Aidan asked.

Beth pretended to contemplate his offer when she already knew it was a bad idea. She didn’t want to risk him deciding to join them at the last minute.

“No, that’s all right. After driving my Cadillac to work this morning, I’m excited for another ride.”

Aidan flashed a knee-buckling grin. “That car is great for you, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s wonderful.” She batted her eyelashes. “Perhaps if I get back early, we can have a few minutes alone in my dressing room before the next scene.”

With a seductive growl, Aidan scooped her off the floor and tossed her over his shoulder.

“Aidan, put me down!” She giggled and kicked her legs in playful protest as he took off running across the soundstage. When they reached the exit, he placed her back on her feet.

Beth tried to catch her breath through her laughter. “You’re lucky the soundstage is vacant or else our actions would look pretty suspicious.”

Bracing his hand on the door, Aidan leaned in and brushed his lips to her ear. Suddenly, Beth didn’t care who was around.

“I’m just trying to speed up your departure so you can return sooner rather than later.” The sexy insinuation behind his words was unmistakable.

Aidan ushered her out the door and handed over her car keys, which she’d given to him earlier for safekeeping, along with her angel pendent, since her costume didn’t have pockets.

The trip to Nathan’s office took longer than Beth anticipated because the backlot was crowded with employees on their lunch breaks.

As she entered the reception room on the top floor of Nathan’s office building, Ethel and Caroline greeted her with smiles from behind their typewriters.

“Why, Miss Sutton, to what do we owe this visit?” Caroline asked.

“Mr. Taggart requested a meeting with me.” Beth held up her telegram as she walked toward his secretary.

Caroline frowned. “I’m afraid Mr. Taggart isn’t here at the moment. He was called away to another location on the lot to take care of a very important matter. I’m not sure when he’ll return.”

“I suppose he got the call after he sent his message and was unable to notify me.” Beth thought about Aidan waiting for her back at the soundstage. “Oh, well, we can meet some other time.”

“I apologize, Miss Sutton.” Caroline resumed her typing. “Once Mr. Taggart returns, I’ll tell him you stopped by and he can reschedule your meeting.”

“Thank you.”

Ethel’s telephone rang as Beth walked toward the elevator.

“Miss Sutton,” Ethel called. “Mr. Mertz would like a word with you.”

Beth’s heart dropped to her feet. She faced the secretary. “Mr. Mertz? How did he know I was here?”

“I suggest you don’t keep him waiting.” Ethel gestured to his office.

Beth tightened her grip on her telegram and car keys and shakily made her way to the double doors guarding her boss’s office. She squared her shoulders as she stepped inside. After what occurred during her last meeting with him, she could count on him to try to intimidate her into submission, especially in Aidan’s absence.

To her utter surprise, Mr. Mertz rose from his desk upon her entry, something he’d never done with her before. Most perplexing was that he was
. Not in a menacing manner, but in what seemed like a true welcome.

“Why, good afternoon, Miss Sutton!”

Beth kept a strong lock on her jaw to prevent from gaping at him. After bridling her shock, she gave a wary smile. “Good afternoon, Mr. Mertz.”

“Please, have a seat.” He motioned to one of the vacant chairs in front of his desk. The expansive grin remained plastered on his face.

“Thank you,” she replied, reeling over the fact he actually said
. It gave her hope that the meeting would progress in her favor.

She placed her telegram and car keys on the desk and sat down.

Mr. Mertz took his seat, too. “I’m aware you’re on your lunch break, so I will make this brief.”

Beth linked her hands in her lap. “Thank you, sir.”

“I know you and Aidan Evans were at Romanoff’s on Valentine’s Day, and my sources tell me you two looked quite romantic on the dance floor.”

Beth opened her mouth to protest but could not find the proper words.

“And don’t say you were out together because you’re costars and have mutual friends.” Mr. Mertz gave her a pointed look, yet somehow his smile remained intact. “You used that excuse at Mr. Evans’ race in Santa Barbara, and I found out recently, in Las Vegas, too. It will no longer work with me.”

“Yes, we were at Romanoff’s on Valentine’s Day.” Beth’s voice squeaked like a window being cleaned. “But it’s not what you think. You see, Aidan and I were rehearsing a scene beforehand and—”

“Come now, Miss Sutton.” Mr. Mertz let out a hearty chuckle. “Do you really expect me to believe you two are costars and nothing more?”

Beth responded with the only excuse she could muster. “We are just costars, sir. Like we told you before, we want to perfect our performances by working on our scenes together as often as possible.”

Mr. Mertz leaned back in his chair, his bulging belly pushing against the fastened buttons of his suit jacket. “I’m not angry, Miss Sutton. I just don’t appreciate being lied to. Now, please come clean about the true nature of your relationship with Mr. Evans. Your contract is safe, you have my word.”

Beth’s conscience hollered at her to tell the truth like she had longed to do for several months. On the other hand, she wasn’t sure if this was a trick. Her boss had proven in the past he had a nasty side to him, and she didn’t know if she could trust him. Then there was the fact that she had no idea why he was now willing to accept her relationship with Aidan when before he ordered her to keep her distance.

“Your role in
Golden Gloves
is safe, too, as is Mr. Evans’ role,” Mr. Mertz added.

As Beth surveyed her boss’s amicable expression, she actually believed him. “I don’t understand, sir. You said if I associated with Aidan outside of the studio, I’d be punished. And now you’re changing your mind?”

“I’ve watched the
Golden Gloves
rushes, and although there is still a long way to go until the film is finalized, I like what I’ve seen so far. If a real life romance enhances your onscreen chemistry, then I’m all for it. It means more favorable notices and higher ticket sales when the picture is released.”

Beth chose her next words carefully. “So if Aidan and I were romantically involved, you would publicly support our relationship?”

Mr. Mertz’s grin vanished. “I will only allow you to continue seeing each other if you keep your relationship out of the papers. On Valentine’s Day, you blended in with other studio employees, so no harm was done. It’s the movie-going public I want to hide the truth from.”

“If the film is a success, why would you want us to hide our relationship?” Beth blushed. “I mean,
we were in a relationship.”

“I’m still not completely convinced that the public would be pleased with a real life romance, even if they approve of your onscreen pairing,” he said curtly. “That is why, as part of our agreement today, I insist you keep it hidden for now. Perhaps, one day, I can work it out so you two can publicly announce your relationship, but currently, it’s not an option.”

“But, sir, if you publicly support our relationship now, there’s a chance it might increase ticket sales for
Golden Gloves
even more.”

Mr. Mertz scowled. “Miss Sutton, I will not gamble with your career or
Golden Gloves
’ success after all the time and money I have invested into both. After the film’s release,
it is well received, I will plant test items regarding a possible real life romance between you and Mr. Evans in magazines and see what happens. If the reactions are favorable, I will
publicly supporting you, but certainly not before.”

Beth regarded him apprehensively.

His face softened. “Miss Sutton, I am simply protecting my investments. Besides, you wouldn’t want any missteps brought on by your persistence to out your relationship prematurely to sink
Golden Gloves
before it has a chance to thrive, would you?”

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