Starting Over (6 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #New Adult

BOOK: Starting Over
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would pick it up later. She waved to the girls behind the bar, and they smiled and gave

her absentminded waves. The place was filled with so many people that River left her

perch and began making her way to the door hoping she was headed in the right

direction. Too bad Mambo had been dragged off to shoot darts with some of his

brothers. He would have been a good crowd blocker for her to follow to the door.

Within minutes, she’d almost run into couples engaging in varying forms of sexual

acts, and she knew her face had to be red. Seeing three men standing around with

their cocks hanging out of their jeans while a woman was on her knees with one cock in

her mouth and her hands wrapped around the other two was a shock. The woman that

was sitting straddled on one man’s lap wasn’t as shocking as seeing a man come up

behind her and spit in his hand, rub it on his dick, and then he bent at the knees and

shoved his hard cock into the woman’s asshole. River vaguely remembered the

woman’s name was Trey, and from the way she shoved back on the cocks filling her

holes, the name wasn’t much of a mystery, especially when a third man was pushing his

cock into her mouth. She stopped moving after the second time she almost tripped on

the legs of women kneeling on the wooden floor sucking men’s cocks.

She slowly turned in a circle hoping to see someone she knew who wasn’t busy

having their cocks sucked to ask for directions. On her second rotation, she saw the

two men that made her draw in her breath. Race and War stood side by side waiting for

her to notice them. She smiled and held her hands up and dropped them down.

“I’m vertical y chal enged. I don’t know what you bikers eat when you aren’t at the

Double D, but even the shorter guys are giants when you’re five foot four. I’m trying to

find the door, but as you can see, I can’t see.” She grinned at her own expense. “I

don’t suppose you could point me in the right direction?”

Race shook his head with a smile. He bent down and the next thing she knew, she

was straddling his waist with her knees and they were heading in the direction of the

door. She looked at War, who was pacing their progress alongside of Race. He wasn’t

scowling exactly, but he didn’t look happy either.

She didn’t understand why he was looking so grumpy, but she apologized anyway.

“I’m sorry to be such a bother, I thought I’d better leave before it got dark, and the real

partying started. I only planned to stay for a few minutes to begin with, but I like to talk

too much I guess, and Mambo is hilarious when he starts telling jokes. I lost track of


She wanted to lean into Race’s embrace and lick his neck. It was obvious that he’d

shaved earlier because of the tiny nick she saw just under his jawbone. War had been

trimming his beard lately, and she knew she needed to get out of this place before she

did something stupid.

She felt them climbing steps, and looked down. “Uh, I was leaving, and I don’t

remember climbing stairs when I came in here.” Race didn’t answer her, and War was

behind them, she couldn’t see his face, and he was as silent as his friend.

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

At the top of the steps, Race kept his hold on the cheeks of her ass, and walked

down the long wide catwalk until they stood outside a set of old iron-clad doors. War

pulled the door open and Race walked into the room still holding onto her. She could

feel his hard cock pushing against her crotch, and knew she was wet between her legs

if not from her nearness to him, then from the friction of his cock plastered against her


The door closed behind War, and Race sat her down on a tabletop, before making

no effort to hide that he was adjusting his hard cock in his jeans.

She watched him reach down into the waistband of his jeans, and saw his hand

move the thick bulge of his cock. His hand moved up and out of his jeans, and she

looked up into his eyes that were half closed. His nostrils were flared, and he was

breathing a bit heavier than he had been before he picked her up.

“I’m heavier than I look, I hope your back isn’t hurt from carrying me around like


The man actually rolled his eyes, and War snickered.

They reached for chairs, and she would have sworn they had practiced moving the

same in sync, if they hadn’t looked at each other as they flipped the chairs around so

they could straddle the seats to rest their arms across the backs and shrugged.

“Are you two sure that you aren’t related or long lost twins or something? I’ve read

about twins that mirror each other just like you two seem to do. It’s kinda hard to miss.”

War grinned, and Race smiled, but there was no answer to her question, so she sat

back on her hands and waited for them to say something. War finally began talking,

and she was the one to remain silent.

“We have a problem, and you are the only one that can fix the problem, so here it is.

Race and I seem to have this mirror personality as you cal ed it, and we find that we’re

both attracted to you.” Race nodded but said nothing.

“We want to know which one of us you are attracted to, and once you choose, the

other of us wil bow out.”

She couldn’t have heard him correctly. They brought her up here to give her a

choice between the two of them? It had to be the single most crazy thing she’d ever

heard. How would a woman with experience choose between handsome, sexy, and

well, handsome and sexy? To ask her to pick between them was nuts. She had zero

experience with sex or men at more than an arm’s length before, and she had no

intention of choosing one of them over the other. There was no choice to make, she

wouldn’t be here much longer, and she didn’t want to get involved with a biker anyway.

They were staring at her, waiting for her to say something, so she shook her head,

“I don’t know what to say here. I can’t do that. You’re both very handsome men, I’m

sure you know that you’re attractive, but I’m not what you need.” She didn’t expect

Race to growl at her answer.

He was brief in his question, “Why not?” War nodded at Race’s inquiry.

She shook her head at them. “I won’t be here much longer, I’ll be leaving as soon

as Darnell is back on his feet. Not to mention, I would never get between friends like

the two of you seem to be. I think you both are equal in my eyes. How would I choose?

How would any woman with blood running through her veins choose. The only big

difference I see at all is blue eyes or brown. And, I don’t know, but I, no just no.”

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

War clipped out his questions and she wasn’t prepared for it. “Where do you have

to go that’s so important? Either one of us could keep you happy in bed, and you

wouldn’t have to work if you didn’t want to, so tel us. Why are you leaving the area?”

She shook her head, not knowing what to tell them. The truth would get her dead,

or jail, or worse. She wasn’t real y worried about going to jail. Bikers took care of their

own business, didn’t they? She might wish for death before they were finished with her,

and she wasn’t about to take that chance. It was time to pul her head out of her ass,

they weren’t for her, neither one of them were.

“Where I go and what I do when I get there isn’t your business or concern. I might

be going back to a husband or kids, did that ever occur to you?” She didn’t like the ugly

look that came over War’s face, nor the scowl that she saw on Race’s. “Look, I have

plans, and they don’t include a man, so as flattered and tempted as I am, I respectfully

decline the offer.” She hopped down from her perch on the table and started for the


She got maybe five feet away from the men when she was grabbed around the

waist and hauled up against a hard muscular body. War’s breath wafted over her neck,

and his words sent a shiver down her spine.

“Not so fast, Shorty, you haven’t given us a chance to make our case. What’s the

harm in letting us try to persuade you into changing your mind? You can give each of

us a chance, and pick who you want, if looks aren’t a factor. Hel , just watching you

walk away made my dick stand up, and if it had hands the fucker would have clapped in

appreciation. Look over there at poor Race, he’s been hard since we saw you walk in

the doors earlier tonight. I wanted to rip Mambo’s head off his shoulders and stuff it up

his ass because he made you laugh. This feeling isn’t going away, so what do you

have to lose?”

His lips nibbled their way up her jawline, and she let a small moan escape. What

would it hurt to enjoy having a man instead of fighting the attraction? She could always

leave when she was ready. When his hands cupped her breasts and pinched at the

nipples hidden under her bra and shirt, her head laid back on his chest as his lips

continued to explore her neck. She opened her eyes and was startled to see Race

staring at her. His brown eyes seemed to blaze as he watched War seducing her. She

closed her eyes and took two deep breaths before pulling out of War’s embrace.

“This isn’t fair to either of you, and I, I have obligations elsewhere. You guys are

potent, but again, I need to leave before this goes further.”

Race was shaking his head, and she stopped backing away when he stood and

said, “Stop. I’ve been nice and all here, War has been giving you a little taste of

pleasure cause your nipples are stil hard enough to poke out like they are. What’s

wrong, Shorty, are you afraid that you might like what one of us would do to you? I bet

that pussy is creaming your panties, and if I stuck my hand down your pants right now,

your clit would be standing at attention. Should I check? You know, just to prove to all

of us that I’m right?”

He would have won the bet, but she couldn’t get tangled up with them, neither one

of them. No matter how tempting, no matter how she could feel her stomach clench

whenever they were near. It was time to bring out the show stopping conversation. “So

let me tell you what this is like from my point of view.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

“You want me to choose between the two of you, and are willing for me to give you

both a whirl in bed. The one that I pick will marry me and have a few kids, and act like a

real grown up, is this what I’m hearing here?” She almost smiled at the twin narrow

eyed stares and tightened lips. “Or is this a case of lust until you lose interest, and the

other man might take sloppy seconds, if he hasn’t found another slut to take his

interest? Either way I get to be passed from one man to another, possibly someone not

in this room. Is that what you’re offering?”

They didn’t know that she was only half serious, and she wasn’t going to let them

know that if she had met them elsewhere, or circumstances had been different, she

might have given in to the lust she felt for them. She shook her head. “Sorry, guys, I’m

not one of your passarounds, and I’m not interested in becoming one. Thanks, but no

thanks. If I wanted to end up like some of the housecats I see here, I could have done

that years ago. I’m not better than them, I just have different ideas about sex and how I

value myself.”

She didn’t wait around to hear the bitching about her gauntlet. The part about

marrying really pissed them off from the looks they gave her, and as much as she might

regret leaving the two of them alone without trying them out, well, it was necessary.

She almost ran to the door, pulled it open, and was halfway down the hallway by the

time she heard the door open again. She sped up going down the stairs, and wished

she had the time to admire the renovations the group had done to the old building. She

paused at the last landing and looked out into the room, deciding to follow the wall to

the door and make her escape. Her plan worked, even when she dodged couples, and

men three deep watching an arm wrestling challenge going on. As long as she kept

sight of the wall, she was headed in the right direction. When she reached the door,

she looked up toward the balcony and saw the men that had been playing on her mind.

They were watching her, and for some reason, seeing them so far away made her sad

to be leaving. It was for the best, but knowing that didn’t lessen the regret she was


It was a long drive back to the town, but she turned the upbeat music station on,

and shouldn’t have been surprised that she quickly turned the channel. She needed

blues tonight. Happy, dance-in-your-seat music wouldn’t cut it in the mood she was in.

It was early evening, and she made the decision to stop off at Darnell and Dena’s

house. Luckily they were sitting on the front porch when she pulled into the driveway.

She would see for herself what kind of progress Darnell was making. The old couple

waved at her once she got out of the van and they could see who was visiting.

She saw the former robust bar owner, and her heart sank. He was half the size that

he’d been just weeks ago when she last saw him. She had to say something, he was

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