Starting Over (25 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #New Adult

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her, then maybe they had their shit together. If not, their club would be the next to be

sent packing. He knew Creed and Fork, they would use this as a test, hell, they might

even seriously want Rain out, but either way, he was going to do his best to make sure

that didn’t happen.

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Excerpt from Her Wild Riders

By Rayne O’Gara

“What’s going on here, Onyx?” Steel asks from next to me.

Her eyes go wide at our new player standing side by side with me. A new flush has

me glance at Steel for his reaction of her. We could have her tonight if he’s interested.

His own slow glide over her body has his hands clench slightly into balled fists. I

chuckle silently. Yeah. That’s what I thought. Looks like the bunny will be getting lucky

tonight. Doubly.

We like the same body type and hers is a prime example. Plus her attitude is just

fuel to the fire and I’m ready to take her down. Hell, in private or right out here in front

of everyone makes no matter to me, but Steel is a little more private than that. Either

one on one or me and Steel together, but we are both fucking her tonight. I know that

look in my friend’s eyes.

“I’m thinkin’ this pretty little bunny didn’t like what Jackal was offering her, Boss,” I

say finally, answering his question.

“Is that right, little bunny? Didn’t like his goods?” Steel asks with a smirk on his lips.

Her eyes dart between the both of us before I see the steel flow through her again.

“No. I didn’t like his
anything else
that was coming from him. Neither did my

friends,” she answers and adds a little chin uppity move.

“Careful, man. From what I overheard, she has claws,” I say to Steel. His smirk

grows and his arms mimic mine across his chest.

“Yeah, I do have claws. And I bite too,” she snarks out, showing some of her

temper has returned.

I uncross my arms, slide one hand down over my crotch and wink at her when I

grab a handful of my junk. “Not a deterrent there, baby cakes. Just made me harder.

You use teeth and I wil too.” I laugh at her mixed expression of horror and arousal.

Her hands drop to her hips in an aggressive pose that has me instantly think of hot,

hard, and rough balls-to-the-wall dirty sex.

I guess she figures this isn’t going in her direction because her hand slips off her

hips and steel slips from her backbone. She brings a hand up in between us and

makes a stop gesture.

“Look, I’m sorry about the drama. All we wanted to do was have a girls’ night out,

not get into a bar fight with somewhat scary bikers. Can we cal a truce? If we can’t

come to an agreement…well then it might get nasty in here. I can’t run very fast and

the girls are wearing kil me stilettos, but when pushed into a corner I’m a scrapper and I

fight dirty and they know how to turn the kil me shoes into a reality…just saying,” she

says, gesturing to the wide-eyed but somewhat scowling women behind her. Her lips

twitch a fraction and I think she is trying to hide a smile at al of this. She’s got some

brass balls, that’s for sure.

“Somewhat scary?” I ask. I don’t know if I should be happy or upset at that little

comment. Somewhat? Seriously?

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

A light blush blooms in her light skinned cheeks and she rol s her eyes. “Yeah.

You’re scary but also hot as hel so you go to somewhat scary instead of scary as fuck.”

She smirks and I full blown smile at her answer.

Hel fuckin’ yeah.

Steel’s eyes narrow at her again and his face goes frozen. He’s working something

out so I stay quiet and wait for him to say something. He doesn’t take too long and

takes a step forward slowly, as to not alarm the sexy chick. He leans down closer to her

and his shaggy cut dark brown hair falls over his eyes.

“With you being here, do you know what kind of predicament you are in exactly,

cupcake?” he asks in a soft almost mocking tone.

“Yeah pretty much. You all wear the same jacket so I’m pretty sure you do the

whole biker club thing and I just got into a fight with a member and insulted him. But in

al honesty, if he can’t take a little tiff with someone like me then he might not have the

bal s necessary to ride with you. Plus, he started it.”


I can’t help the laughter at her words. Damn, she’s a brazen one. You have the

fucking president of a biker gang and his vice president in your face pretty much in a bar

that they fucking own and you still throw down insults? Oh I like her.

“Almost, but not quite,” says Steel as he shakes his head at her. “You came to a

bar to have a good time. Did you know it was owned by the biker gang you have just

insulted?” he asks her.

She quickly shakes her head at his words. “No we didn’t know that, just thought it

was a plain ole bar. And I didn’t insult the bar owning club. Just
one member
of the bar

owning club, and he so fucking deserved it. In face of scary death and imagination

running wild, I still won’t apologize for what happened with that douche. He’s a part of

your group…maybe you should have a sit down with him about manners and how to

approach a lady.”

“A lady?” I ask her after her little tirade. “Women who come to this bar are here for

one thing. And we don’t cal them ladies, that’s for sure,” I finish and take in her

surprised look.

“What do you call them? And what are they here for?”

Curiosity. A good thing.

“Biker bunnies. Or just Bunnies. And that one thing is our mutual sexual

gratification,” I answer her and smile at the shocked expression crossing her and her

two friends’ faces. Yeah, it’s good to be me.

“Shit,” she mumbles and turns to the pretty Asian looking one of her friends. “Yeah,

under new management bar. Should be fun you said. Girls’ night out! Yay! So mad at

you right now, you have no idea.”

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Excerpt from Razor's Mark

Marked Book One

By Gracie Meadows

“Kitten, you’re treading on thin ice. This is
shit. You don’t come into a man’s

home and start doing whatever the hell you want. That is just asking to be spanked.

I’m going to take a shower. Be ready to leave when I get out,” he snapped and turned.

He couldn’t deal with her. She started to show a backbone and snapped at him. And

he liked it. He didn’t mind a submissive type of woman, but only in bed. Any other time

he liked someone who pissed him off and challenged him. Wait, what the hell was he

thinking? He wasn’t into her. Pissed, he grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt from his

now clean and folded shirts in his drawers. Once inside the bathroom, he showered,

dressed, and was ready to go. She too had changed into jeans, the same boring kind,

and another ill-fitted shirt. He had to go into work and talk to the girls. Sparkle would

help him.


“Sure, do you think…”

“No, come on.” He walked out the door holding it open so she could step out. She

went without a word, down the stairs and to his bike as he locked up.

“Put it on.” Handing her the helmet, he swung his leg on and waited for her to climb

behind him. Her heavy sigh made him smile. She was learning. Climbing behind him,

he waited for her to wrap her arms around him again. She seemed hesitant. Once she

touched him, he took them and pulled tight so she squeaked and smashed against his

back. That did make him chuckle. “Hold on tight.” Turning the key, his baby purred to

life. It was a nice day out, and a drive might be just what he needed to clean his mind.

Hitting the throttle, he took off letting the warm wind hit his face. It felt great and

Faith seemed to mold into his back the more he rode. The vibration from his bike had a

soothing effect on just about everyone. He didn’t head right to the shop, as he needed

to figure out what to tell Sparkle. She understood shit with the red tape and cover-ups.

She might be a smokin' hot woman but she loved conspiracy theories, and this one was

a whopper. The truth, but without names, would work, and they could find a way to

keep her in the back until he gets this solved. He didn’t want to have to babysit a

woman, especial y one who annoyed the crap out of him. He didn’t even know if the

threat was real, and if it was, what would they actually do to her? He knew thugs and

shit like that, but government crap and military undercover OPs were not his thing.

Now determined to get this done and get her out of his life was his motivation to turn

around and head to the shop. Pulling in the back, he parked in the spots for the artists.

He waited for Faith the climb off before he did. Taking both helmets, he locked them

away, making sure she could stand on her own they headed inside. Opening the

backdoor, he smiled when Tex was there.

“Oh look, fresh meat. Please tel me she’s a virgin and I can mark her first.” Tex,

with his crazy ass southern drawl made Faith jump and hide behind him.

“Shit, I didn’t think about that. Not sure about the virgin part, but marking her, not

while she is here. Sparkle in?”

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

“Yeah, in the front, want me to bring her in the office?”

“Could you?”

“Yup, oh and, Razor, if you don’t want her, I’ll take her. She looks sweeter than a

Georgia peach and I bet I can make her cry.” He winked at Faith before leaving.

“What was that about?” she asked. Faith hated people talking about her and she

really hated when people assumed she was a virgin. Sure, she was lacking in the

sexual department, but the men she worked with thought coitus was only needed to

reproduce and not enjoyment.

“Nothing,” he said before pul ing her once again into the office she had been before.

“That wasn’t nothing. I don’t like people talking about me, especial y when I am

standing right there.”

“What about that bothered you?”

“Just parts,” she answered. She didn’t need to tel him specifics.

“Ah, the virgin part. Let me reassure you, kitten, it is not what you think. He didn’t

want to know if you had had sex before. He was talking about your skin. A virgin to

tattoos and piercings. They are the best to work on. Fresh, clean skin untainted by

color and marks. It’s a great honor to have someone do a virgin tat that’s not some

stupid butterfly shit.” She blinked a few times, not sure what to say. That was the most

he had ever said to her and with his few words she was drawn in. His voice was

soothing and hypnotic. She enjoyed his voice when he talked.

“Oh okay.” She lowered her head, unsure of what to say next. She sat down on the

chair waiting for, well something.

you a virgin, kitten?” His voice took a husky tone, and suddenly there were

parts of her body that sparked to life, parts that that never had happened to before. He

looked up then down her body, as if weighing something.

“In the manner of which you are referring to with a tattoo or anything else, then yes.

I have nothing on me.”

“And the other.” He practical y growled it, she was going to tel him it was none of

his business, but the door suddenly opened cutting her off.

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

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