Starting Over (9 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #New Adult

BOOK: Starting Over
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we needed to demonstrate that you don’t want to fuck with us. You’l get your

retribution, one way or the other, you have my word.”

Mambo stared at him for a few seconds and nodded. “As long as I get a shot at

them, I got no problems. What kind of bikes are we talking here?”

Over the next hour they drank draft beers and discussed the possible uses for two

extra scoots, and what kind of cash the bikes might be worth. That led to talking about

upgrades and springer front ends versus stock, and their conversation drew several

other brothers’ attentions and comments.

Race stood and headed for his room above the bar. He was tired as hell, and still

horny. Seeing Goody standing behind the bar was a stroke of luck. He was surprised

that she wasn’t occupied with someone else tonight. When he cut over to see if she

might be interested in spending a few hours in his bed, he didn’t see War making his

way toward the bar too. They met standing right in front of her.

As they stared at each other, Goody laughed. “Can I interest you boys in something

good?” She licked her lips eyeing the two of them. “I think I can make it worth your

while, if you have the time.”

Race made his decision. Fuck it, if War didn’t want a piece of her tonight, that was

on him. The other women were busy tonight, and he needed to bury his cock into

something warm and feminine. He nodded, and Goody reached out her arms for him to

help her over the bar.

He didn’t bother putting her down on her own feet. He handed her over to War, who

dropped her over his shoulder, and started walking toward the stairs. She grabbed onto

Race’s cut as War carried her past him.

“Come on, I’l give you a peek into Goody’s box.”

Race grinned, and followed them up the steps. Watching the way she patted War

on the ass, and reach her hand down the back of his pants to squeeze the man’s ass

cheeks was entertaining. War stumbled, especially when she straightened up, away

from his back while reaching for Race.

He reached around and turned the door handle to let them all enter the room.

Goody was as good as her reputation. War dropped her on the bed, and she

started working on his pants to get them open. Once she’d gotten her hands onto his

thick cock, she lost no time in giving it a kiss, and that led to stretching her mouth over

the head and down as far as she could go.

Race dropped his cut on the hook behind the door and began stripping his clothes

off. She might be happy sucking War’s cock, but he wanted her pussy clamping over

his. He reached for the box of condoms on the nightstand and tossed one to War, just

in case the need arose. This wasn’t the first time they’d shared a woman, and Goody

was the kind of woman that liked her sex hot and filling.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

War pulled his hips away from her reach, and watched her lips pout as he took one

of her favorite toys out of her grasping fingers and mouth. “”Strip,” was al he had to say

to get her motivated into pulling the cut-off tank shirt she was wearing over her head.

She shimmied out of the thin material covering half of the cheeks of her ass, leaving her

heeled shoes on her feet.

Race laid back on the bed, and pulled her hair to redirect her head toward his cock,

and she made a humming sound as she opened her mouth to receive his dick. “That’s

right, just for a minute, ‘cause I’m gonna tear that pussy up tonight, no fuckin’ mercy.”

War wasted no time in rummaging in the crap that Race had scattered in the

bedside drawer looking for lube. He found a small pillow pack of lube after moving a

small handgun and a checkbook. Thinking that Race was an unorganized slob crossed

his mind, but hearing Goody whine when Race pulled her head off his cock got his

attention back where it belonged.

Her ass was at the edge of the mattress, and his lubed fingers began sliding into the

slit toward her back hole. He saw Race putting a condom on his dick, and scissored his

fingers while two were deep in her heated tunnel.

“Damn, Goody, you feel tight as fuck tonight, slow down a little or I won’t get you

wide enough and you know how that feels when it happens. Mine isn’t one of them

pencil dicks you’re used to dealing with remember?”

She twitched trying to stop her hips from demanding more from his fingers, but he

refused to give her more until she settled down. He lifted her over Race’s hips, and put

his fingers back into use widening her asshole. She immediately sat back on her heels

and lowered her cunt onto Race’s cock. War added a third finger and she grabbed

fistfuls of Race’s chest hair while she worked her hips up and down trying to seat herself

completely onto his length.

He pulled his fingers from her hole and wiped them on the sheet as he tore the

wrapper open with his teeth. He waited for her to get a good few strokes on Race

before he caught her on the upstroke and let her slide down with his cock finding the

warmth of her asshole. It took a bit to get his dick inside of her body, and he rested for

a minute before pulling back, so Race could slam his cock deep.

War grabbed her tits and gave the nipples a few hard squeezes, before he let them

go and pulled her hips down when he felt her body start to clench deep inside.

Race reached down and began rubbing her clit with his fingers, and she screamed,

grabbing her tits and squeezing them as she came. It took one more up and down

stroke for the men before they followed her with her body still twitching and jerking as

they filled her completely, each coming and shouting as they spurted cum into the latex

tips of the condoms.

War got up and pulled the condom from his softening dick. He tossed it into the

trash bag by the wall, and grabbed his clothes on the way to the door. The pressure

was off his balls, but his mind was elsewhere, and he didn’t like it one bit. He walked

into the hallway and to his own room with no one around, not that he gave a shit.

Anybody within hearing distance would know what had gone on in Race’s room. Hell it

went on in the main room downstairs everyday with some people.
So why do you feel

like you did something that you need to hide?

He’d come in from his ride and decided what he needed was to get a piece of ass

and relieve some of the pressure from his sexual need. Race just happened to have

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

the same need and fuck, he was confused. All the time he was buried in Goody’s tight

ass, he was wishing she was a smart-mouthed little woman with the bluest eyes he’d

ever seen instead.
Face it, dumbass, the little witch has your mind on her, but you

proved tonight that she wasn’t leading you around by your dick, right?

It took a while, but he finally fell asleep.

Goody offered to stay the rest of the night and give Race a, “Good morning to

brighten his day,” but he declined with a swat on her ass.

“I know that you’re ready for round two, but I’m so fuckin’ tired I won’t be worth it for

you to waste your time. Go find a couple of brothers that have the energy to enjoy your

assets, and thank you for sharing.” He grinned from the bed, that he hadn’t left, as she

put her clothes on and let herself out of the door.

Well that was what you needed, right?
He rolled over and sat up while he removed

the latex from his dormant dick.
You horny fuck
. Son-of-a-bitch. Fucking Goody had

taken the edge off, but not enough to make his brain feel good about it. Once she was

seated on top of his cock, he’d closed his eyes and imagined that it was River bouncing

her ass over him, while War filled her asshole. Taking her tits in his hands had been a

mistake. Where Goody’s tits were pert and proud, River’s tits would be an

overabundant handful. He imagined her nipples beading up and ready to be sucked,

hell no
, he didn’t need another hard-on, he needed to sleep.

He ended up rising and taking a shower, where he jacked off, finishing his fantasy

of River begging for their cocks to fill her. By the time he stumbled back to his bed, he

could finally sleep, and it took no time for his body to shut down. Picturing his arms

filled with River sleeping beside him gave him comfort as he cradled his pillow and


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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Chapter Eight

River backed the van from the alley and drove it to her place. She now had a small

trailer in an RV park that she rented by the week, and after a dinner of thick beef

burgers and fries, they shared the double bed for the night.

River woke up just as dawn began, and she watched the darkness being replaced

by light grey and pink storm clouds from the window next to the tiny table that seated

two people. She was on her second cup of coffee, and she was signing the letter that

she’d just finished, when Maisey walked into the area from the tiny hallway.

She smiled and offered a cup of coffee to the sleepy eyed woman, before rereading

the letter, and putting it into the addressed envelope next to her on the table.

Maisey was in a talkative mood, and wanted to rehash over what had happened last

night. There was no shutting her up, so River let her talk while she got ready for the


“Those men last night, I should have told War what they were saying, but when he

beat on you, I figured they deserved what happens to them today at the meeting. He

really shocked me, sister, I never saw him hit a woman before. He was always kind to


River frowned at her own reflection in the mirror while she listened and pulled her

hair into a high ponytail. The silence must be Maisey waiting for her to say something,

but she real y didn’t know what to say, so she gave the generic, “Oh?” for her

contribution to the conversation.

It seemed to satisfy Maisey, since she continued the subject. “Oh yes, I mean, I

don’t want anything bad to happen to the club. Now that Wolfy and his dogs are gone I

mean, but if being one of the leaders has gone to his head enough to make him beat on

a woman, especial y one that isn’t in the club, I guess they get what’s coming to them.”

River hung her head over the sink, she was having a hard enough time admitting to

herself the spanking hadn’t hurt nearly as much as it had been intended to. In fact,

when she’d tried to gain her freedom and put one of her legs down to find the pavement

for a foothold to escape, and that big hand had landed on the space between her legs…

She shook her head. No way would she admit that she found pleasure in having her

ass spanked like that. Not even to Maisey.

“It didn’t hurt nearly as bad as I made it out to be. I thought you could tell that I was

screaming so he’d think he was being effective. I must be a better actress than I

thought.” She grinned at the other woman, and leaned over to whisper, “He hits like a

girl.” She sobered and made the decision to repeat her offer to Maisey of a new life,

away from here.

“Last night I told you that I have a business and a place to live. I meant what I said,

you’ll be more than welcome to leave with me when I go. With your help my reason for

being here is over with, and I won’t leave you unless you tell me that’s what you want

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