Station Hope (Book 1): Humanities Last Stand (4 page)

Read Station Hope (Book 1): Humanities Last Stand Online

Authors: Thomas Bach

Tags: #Horror | Vampires

BOOK: Station Hope (Book 1): Humanities Last Stand
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   I woke to the sound of the usual morning activities that take place in Cell Block E. My mother was making breakfast, using her nervous energy for something constructive. I could smell the coffee and what must be eggs, a rare treat. My father was having his morning cup with Uncle Phil. I couldn't make out what they were saying but their periodic laughter told me they were nervous. I also heard the familiar voice of Aunt Jane as she read a book to my niece, Crystal. Above me James was sawing logs yet. I got up and whipped the sleep from my eyes. Stretching my arms above my head I was surprised how well I slept, only a few nightmares. Shaking James gently by the shoulder I said, “time to get up Squirt.”

   James was unaffected by the effort. I reached down and grabbed my pillow, a few blows on the head should do it.

   “OK, OK, I'm up, stop it you son-of-a-bitch.”

   “You know when you say that you're calling your own mother a bitch.”

   “Shut up and let me get down.”

   “Hurry up, we are the last ones up.”

   “I'll be right down.”

   “I'm sure Mom has coffee for us, along with a good breakfast.”

   We both got dressed, grabbed our gear and headed down to the common area of cell block E. As we descended the stairs everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up. I looked at my mother and could see the fear in her eyes, my heart sank. A moment of awkward silence was broken by the sweet innocent voice of Crystal.

   “Uncle Billy, are you going to bring me some coloring stuff?”

    Everyone let out a tension relieving laugh. Aunt Jane Picked up Crystal and gave her a big hug.

   “I will try my best little one.”

   “Sit down boys,” Father directed us both to our normal spots, “your Mother has coffee and she made you a nice breakfast.” I noticed my father's voice had a hint of fear in it. I had never really seen my father afraid of anything, or maybe I had just been too young to realize it.

   James piped up, “sounds good, I'm starving.”

   We both sat down, soon we were enjoying hot coffee, eggs, and toast. The eggs were a special treat and smelled great. Little was said as we inhaled our food. Uncle Phil was unusually quiet; he was normally quick with an offbeat comment or two. He stepped into his cell when he emerged he was caring two wooden boxes, each one was about 12 inches long by 12 inches wide and 5 inches deep. The wood was a rich, deep stained oak. He placed the boxes on the table in front of James and me.

   “I've had these for a long time, I found them before you two were born. I want you each to have one.”

   James and I looked at each other, we had never seen such beautiful wood before. James reached out first and took the top box. I picked up the second, it was heavy for its size. We opened the lids at the same time. Resting on a deep plush velvet bed was a Smith&Wesson Model SW1911 100
Anniversary Special .45 ACP Pistol, 8 round capacity with 1 in the chamber.

   “Those are like new boys; I've been keeping them for just such an occasion. I have holsters, extra magazines, and about 100 rounds of ammo for you.”

   “I don't know what to say, Uncle Phil.” I couldn't stop staring at the mesmerizing metal finish.

   “Ya Uncle Phil, it's awesome, thank you,” James said.

   “Yes, thank you, Uncle Phil, I'm sure they will come in handy.”

   “You boys be careful out there, these should easily blow the heads off those bastards.”

   “Phil! Don't talk like that in front of your daughter.” Aunt Jane was attempting to preserve Crystals innocence for as long as possible.

   James and I took out the pistols, it felt good in my hand, balanced, exceptional quality. Uncle Phil then handed us each a holster, two extra magazines and a double magazine holder that attached to the front of our belts. We squared away our new weapon and finished breakfast.

   Spencer had lined the vehicles up in front of the sally port, obviously he had not gotten much sleep last night. The two Dodge 4x4 were followed by two cargo trucks, next were the armored bank trucks with a Ford 4x4 bringing up the rear. I would drive the first Dodge along with Ivy. James would drive the second Dodge with a member of the WDT riding shotgun. Spencer would drive the rear truck. Eddie had managed to equip all three trucks with a CB radios, they had limited range but along with the hand held units it gave us fairly good communications. Eddie would be tucked away safely riding shotgun in one of the armored trucks. Selected members of the WDT, 6 men and 4, woman would drive or ride the other trucks. Several people had begun to gather around, waiting to send off the brave young men and woman. I was busy checking the equipment yet one more time when my Father walked up.

   “Almost time to head out don't you think.”

   I glanced over his shoulder, the sun was about to bust over the horizon. It was a cool, crisp spring morning without a cloud in the sky.

   “I guess so, just going to make sure everyone is here and then head out.”

   “OK Billy boy, your Mother should be here in a moment, she's packing you and James a lunch.”

   They looked at each other, a short pause before both men bust out laughing.

   “She worries too much,” I said.

   “That's for sure but you're all she has, so make sure you both get back safe.”

   “ I will Sir, you can count on me.”

   Before we could continue some sort of commotion by the trucks caught my attention, it was Eddie yelling at one of the WDT drivers. I rushed over to play interference like a good leader.

   “What the hell's the problem already Eddie?” I yelled from 20 yards away.

   “This shit for brains just dropped some of my equipment, the moron.”

  “Eddie, you might want to remember this shit for brains is here to protect you,” I gave a smile to the WDT member, a young girl just 20 years old, a slight nudge of my head to one side sent her to the driver’s side. “It's going to be a long trip, try not to piss everyone off right away.”

   “You never said I'd be surrounded by Neanderthals.”

   “You'll be kissing those Neanderthals asses when the shit hits the fan, I thought I told you to pack light! You have three boxes here, were going to get supplies you know.”

   “Most of these are tools I might need, along with other important equipment.”

   “OK Eddie, load it up and get in the truck, we will be taking off soon.”

   I walked back towards my Father, Mother was there now along with Ivy. I looked around, it seemed as if everyone had come to see us off. I looked down the line of vehicles and wondered how many would return, how many vehicles, how many people. No time for that kind of thought, it was time to go.

   Looking at my Mother but speaking to no one particular I said, “well it looks like its time, we are as ready as we'll ever be.”

   Mother couldn't help herself, she broke down crying. She grabbed me pulling me in close.

   “You be careful out there Billy, you and James look out for each other. And make sure nothing happens to Ivy, she's like a daughter to me.”

   “I will Mom, I promise.” I forced back a tear and yelled over to James. “Let's get going James, get everyone into the trucks.”

   “You got it, Bro.”

   With little effort James got everyone into the trucks, ran over and said his good byes to mother and father, then climbed into the driver seat of the second 4x4. One by one the trucks sprang to life. I looked at Ivy with a smile and eased the Dodge towards the open gates. I could see the fear and trepidation in my Mother and Fathers faces as we drove past, I was sure they could see the same in mine. The large green steel gates passed by. We were out now, no turning back. I always appreciated the security the wall provided, even more so when I was on the other side. Looking into the rear view mirror I could see the people waving as the convoy headed out. Was that the last time I would see any of them? What awaits us out there? Will I be a good leader? Will we find what they need? Too many questions were filling my head, I reached over and turned on the truck radio. There were no radio stations of course but we had accumulated a nice collection of CD's that still worked. My favorite was one I found a few trips ago, 'The best of the 80's'. I had no idea what the 80's were like but I liked their music. We slowly made our way south, heading down the old road that led to the city. I, along with every member of the WDT had been to the city before. I hated it there, burnt out, decaying buildings. The streets were like a grave yard for vehicles, most in such a state of decay there was nothing useful to scavenge. It felt empty but I always thought someone or something was watching me. There was no other way to cross the Fox river so I wanted to get in and out of there fast.

   As we approached the first familiar decaying buildings on the outskirts of Green Bay the hair on the back of my neck stood up, that familiar feeling of dread filled me. Everything seemed quiet as the convoy snaked it's way through the long abandoned streets. I turned right onto Mason St. and headed towards the bridge. No sign of anything, that made me even more nervous. The sudden squelch of the CB made me jump and grab Ivy's leg just above her knee.

   “Looks clear up there Billy?” James' voice was slightly garbled.

   I took a deep breath, let go of Ivy's leg and picked up the mic. “Ya, it looks all clear across the bridge.”

   “Are you listening to that 80's shit again?”

   “Never mind what I'm listening to, keep an eye on the trucks and I'll keep an eye on the road.”

   “You got it big brother, man I'm glad I'm not up there with you listening to that crap. I'd be tempted to use my new gun, either on you or on myself.”

   “Very funny Squirt, now keep your eyes open and your mouth shut! I want to hit old 41 in less than half an hour.”

   “Let's gitty up and go Bro.”

   We eased our way to the east side of the bridge, without warning I slammed on the breaks, each truck in turn did the same. I turned off the radio then reached for my rifle, it was resting in the rack just behind my head. Ivy didn't know why but she followed suit grabbing her rifle that was just below mine. James and his WDT rider could see both rifles being pulled from their racks, they did the same. James exited the driver side and began to walk towards the lead truck.

   “Did you see that Ivy?”

   “No, I didn't see anything Billy, what was it?”

   “I thought I saw one of those things duck down behind the bridge wall on the far side.”

   “Should we be stopped here? They may be setting up an ambush.”

   “Ya, your right, we should keep moving. Keep your eyes open I saw him on your side.”

Ivy rolled down her window half way and pointed her mussel out. I saw James in my rear view mirror and stepped out as he reached the tailgate.

   “Why did you stop, what did you see?” his voice slightly elevated in pitch

   “I thought I saw one of those things on the far side of the bridge. Pass it down the line, make sure everyone is ready. We are not going to stay here, so load up and let's go.”

   “Sounds good to me.”

   The buildings on either side felt like they were closing in on me, my vision narrowed. Were my eyes playing tricks? Were the creatures setting us up? I had to snap out of it and get going. James ran to his truck and passed the word on, a series of hand singles alerted everyone of the danger ahead. I once again started moving the convoy forward. The far side of the bridge neared, Ivy tightened her grip, she was ready for anything, I thought.

   We both were half expecting it, but the surprise was still heart stopping. Without warning the creature leaped over the bridge wall jumping onto the running board of the Dodge. One hand hanging onto the side view mirror, the other frantically clawing at Ivy. Everything for me went into slow motion, I could see the creatures gray skinned, bony appendage as clear as my own hand. It's fingernails yellow and cracked reaching for my Ivy. The smell was offensive, causing me to gag slightly. It's horrifying face just inches from Ivy. Its face was sunken in around the eyes and cheeks, it's black eyes were full of fury. Its yellow teeth protruded out as if they were too big for its mouth. It was constantly biting at the air, two front fangs desperately trying to sink into Ivy's flesh. The savagery of this creature was shocking, it took my mind a few seconds to comprehend what was occurring. Simultaneously Ivy's half rolled up window shattered as her rifle exploded a round into the creature’s head. The creatures fist had hit the window attempting to get to Ivy. Blood spattered, bits and pieces of gray, putrid skin and brain matter speckled her side of the cab. The creatures body fell to the side of the road and rolled into the ditch. I floored it, the rest of the convoy followed. Looking over at Ivy, she was staring back at me, her face was speckled with blood and bits.

   “Are you alright!” I yelled.

   She didn't answer right away; she was visibly shaken.

   “I think so,” her voice shaky

   “Did the creature bit or scratch you?”

   “I don't think so, I'm not sure,” she was yelling back at me now as she began to panic.

   “Are you cut anywhere? Did you get any blood in your mouth!”

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