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Authors: Jayna King

Tags: #Romance

Step Brother (12 page)

BOOK: Step Brother
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I ran my hands over her legs, starting at her ankles and stopping to trace the edges of her underwear. I could hear her breathing speed up as I pushed her thong aside to look at her—all pink, glistening perfection.

“You’re wet,” I observed, sliding one finger inside her, watching her face as she closed her eyes and enjoyed my touch. I removed my finger. “Take off your bra,” I said, settling on the bed next to her, watching my own private show.

She sat up, reached behind her, and unhooked it, slipping out of the lingerie and tossing it aside. She covered her breasts with her hands, as if she were shy—something I definitely knew wasn’t the case.

I leaned down and kissed her until she wound her arms around my neck and pulled me down closer. I bent and moved my mouth to her tits, licking, sucking, and biting until she writhed on the bed.

“Reed, goddamn, I want you. I want you inside me.”

I couldn’t wait much longer. I pulled her underwear off and slid two fingers inside her soaking wet pussy. Sucking on her nipples, fingering her, I could feel my hard-on pressing into her thigh. I stood up, grabbing a condom from the nightstand and rolling it on. While I stood at the edge of the bed, she spread her legs even wider, giving me a full view while she rubbed her clit with one finger, her other hand squeezing one nipple.

“Tatum, I’m going to make love to you later, but right now, I need to fuck you.”

She smiled and nodded and lifted her hips off the bed, putting her pussy practically in my face. “Fuck me, Reed. Fuck me hard and make me come.”

I reached down for her hand. “Come here.” I pulled her to her feet. “Turn around and bend over.”

She leaned forward and kissed me before she did what I told her, taking hold of my cock and rubbing it, careful to leave the condom where it was. I filled both hands with her tits while she stroked me until I couldn’t take it any more.

I turned her by her hips, put my hand on her shoulder, and pushed her down, pulling her ass toward me. She spread her legs wide, showing me all of her ass and pussy from behind. As she looked back at me over her shoulder, I was sure the little wiggle of her ass against my cock was no accident, and it took the last ounce of self-control I had.

I put the head of my cock at her opening, grabbed her hips, and buried myself deep inside her, one hard thrust that made us both cry out. I started to move, her tight, wet pussy just the right fit for my cock. I reached down and squeezed her nipple while I pounded her, deep, long, hard thrusts. I could feel her reach down to fondle her clit, and I could tell that her climax was going to come as quickly as my own.

“Tatum, I can’t last long. You feel so good.”

She was a little out of breath. “Reed, your cock is so hard, and you’re gonna make me come all over it.” I could feel her fingers moving faster on her clit, and I used both hands to hold her hips, as I pushed even harder, feeling the head of my cock ramming deep inside her.

“Come for me, Tatum. Come for me now.”

I could hear her start to moan, and her hips started to shake as her orgasm started.

“I’m coming. I’m coming right now.”

The intensity of her orgasm sent me over the edge. She arched her back and her hips bucked, as I held on to blow my load, head thrown back in complete abandon.

“Oh my God,” she said as she collapsed onto the bed. She stretched out without bothering to cover herself.

“Tatum, do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?” I asked, glad she wasn’t one of those timid women who hid their bodies and were self-conscious about how they looked naked.

“Oh, don’t even think about starting a conversation, Reed. I’m not finished with you yet. You need to get your ass in bed right away.”

Her smile was magnetic, and I did just that.


I waited until I heard the woman with the New York accent call for first-class passengers to board the flight for London, and then I texted Tatum.

In La Guardia. About to board. I’ll miss you. Can’t wait to see you when I get back.

I knew I was putting my cards on the table pretty early in the game, but—to use a Vegas term—I was all in. I stood up, grabbed my backpack, and got in the roped off line designated for first class. The upgrade had nearly doubled the price of the ticket, but the flight was going to be the most sleep I’d gotten since Tatum and I’d had dinner. My cock stiffened just thinking about her, even though I was pretty sure there was no way I could actually have sex again—at least not for a few hours. We had completely worn one another out.

Handing my ticket to the attendant to scan, I had what was probably a ridiculous grin on my face. Tatum and I were the perfect fit. I’d never been with someone whose appetites and preferences in the bedroom were so ideally suited to mine. Neither of us had slept much or had regular meals since Monday night, and when I’d left her naked in her bed, I’d promised to stay in touch by text and to get home as quickly as I could.

Things with Tatum were better than I’d ever imagined they could be. Not only was she hot, sexy, and smart, but I genuinely liked her. She was a good person, and when she talked about the legal work she wanted to do, it was like a light turned on inside her, and she somehow made me believe that the world could someday be a better place. For a guy who grew up in shitty circumstances, that’s a big deal.

I put my backpack under the seat in front of me and looked back into the steerage compartment, having trouble imagining how uncomfortable a transatlantic flight would be for a tall guy in the cheap seats. I’d come a long way from eating ramen noodles—when Mom remembered to shop, of course—to sitting in first class on my way to meet my rich and famous father.

Things were good. Really good. With one exception. I hadn’t told Tatum who my father was. We’d talked a lot since Monday night, having pretty much spent the day in bed on Tuesday, and while I’d discussed my thoughts about meeting my father in general, I hadn’t given her any details. I was afraid she’d freak out if she knew my father was famous, imagining that it would somehow impact her life. Her publicity paranoia was a little out of control.

I buckled up, accepted a pre-takeoff cocktail, and settled in, hoping the Xanax I’d taken an hour before would kick in shortly after takeoff, and I’d wake up in England. Resolving to worry about Tatum and telling her the truth later, I focused on my game plan for getting in touch with my father.

I knew he was in London, at his in-laws’ estate, but what I hadn’t exactly figured out was how I’d approach him. The paparazzi in the UK was at least as bad as in the US, so I’d scoured ridiculous tabloids and pop culture websites to find out information about his habits and routines. I’d seen pictures of him taking his son to preschool, going for a run next to a river, and having dinner with his wife—who, incidentally, didn’t look that much older than me—at fancy restaurants. So he was out and about a lot. I just had to find out where.

I figured my best bet was to wait until he dropped his kid off at school, and just knock on the door. I had his address, and though it was an estate, it was within the city limits, and it wasn’t like it was walled off from the common folk. The plan was to just march up to the door, unless security guys came out of the woodwork and turned me away. In that event, my plan B was to email his agent and ask him to arrange a meeting. I knew there were plenty of ways my plans could fail, but I was a pretty determined guy, and in my experience, there wasn’t much I couldn’t do if I set my mind to it.

As soon as we got up to cruising altitude, I reclined my seat, and I didn’t wake up until the flight attendant was serving us breakfast, roughly an hour and a half out of London. A cup of coffee helped me wake up, and it occurred to me that the trip would be much more fun if Tatum were with me.

I really had it bad for her.

In the cab headed for the hotel, I realized I hadn’t bothered to tell my mom I was leaving the country. She hadn’t asked me if I’d tried to get hold of my father, and I’d decided not to bring it up. If Tatum was right, Mom might be concerned about what effect her affair from more than two decades before might have on Donald’s campaign, and I just didn’t want to get into it with her. This was my deal, and I was going to handle it on my own.

At the hotel, I had to ask the guy at the front desk to repeat himself three times before I finally figured out that he was telling me where the “lift” was. I knew he was speaking English, but it really was like trying to learn a foreign language. In my room, I tossed my overnight bag onto a chair near the TV and checked my phone to see if Tatum had answered the text I’d sent when I arrived.

Send me a pic of Big Ben. XO

I didn’t have such a grand view from my room, of course, having spent more than I should have on the first-class upgrade, but I decided I should probably at least take a bus or cab ride around town. No sense in missing all of the sights.

I’ll see what I can do.

I took a much needed shower, put on clean clothes, and checked the time. “No time like the present,” I said, slipping on my worn leather jacket and heading out. I was going to meet my father.

11 -- Tatum

God, I missed Reed. It was probably a good idea to take a little break, given that it was a bit painful to walk after our day and two nights in bed. He’d been sweet at some moments, and almost frighteningly powerful and intense in others. He was absolutely the sexiest man I’d ever been with, and I wanted more. Much more. It was a little scary how much I cared about him.

And he was in London without me, which would have seriously bummed me out if I weren’t starting my new job in—I checked my phone—two hours. The meeting the day before had gone great, and they’d offered me exactly what I wanted in terms of starting salary, vacation, and benefits, and—bonus—taking off to go to Tahoe was approved! I was going to get to spend an entire week with Reed, and even the fact that my dad and Tina were going to be there couldn’t dim my excitement about roaring fires, snow-covered mountains, and sneaking into my stepbrother’s room at night.

“Ready for the big day?” Garrett asked as I came back out to the kitchen to refill my coffee.

“Yup. I’m surprised they had me start so quickly, but I’m not going to complain.”

“No making excuses about being too busy or tired to work out later, okay? You’ve really changed your body, and you don’t want to lose that.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it. I think Reed likes the way I look naked, and I want to keep it that way.”

“Over. Share. I don’t want to hear about you and Inkboy getting it on.”

“I know. I’m just so excited. I was really starting to question whether moving back to Vegas was a good idea, but things are looking up. I have a great new job, and I’m seeing Reed Randolph. My dad’s even been less of a dick, although I doubt that’ll last very long.”

Garrett hugged me as he headed out the door. “With all the shit you’ve been through, you deserve it, honey. See you in class tonight.”

“Don’t I even get one night off for my first day?”

“Absolutely not. Fat doesn’t take the day off, and neither do you.”

I got ready for work, putting on a suit for the first time since I’d moved back—except for my interviews, of course. I looked put together, professional, and poised. I was getting back into my alliteration habit, I noticed, as I looked in the mirror, pleased with what I saw.

I sent Reed a text before I drove to the office.

Starting my first day. Can’t wait to see you and hear all about your dad

He hadn’t given me much in the way of details, but from the sounds of it, his first meeting with his father had gone great. He was supposed to have dinner with him and his wife this evening—which, doing the math in my head, would be in just a few hours. We hadn’t actually talked by phone, but I hoped he had cheap text messaging rates from England. It had been wonderful to look at my phone when a text arrived and know that Reed was thinking of me, all the way across an ocean.

But I needed to focus. I expected my job to be challenging, and I knew that my immediate supervisor was not only one of the smartest people I’d ever met, but extremely demanding. He was going to be tough, but I was looking forward to soaking up everything he had to teach me.

I parked my Jetta in the lot outside the office, making a mental note to go car shopping right away. Based on what I saw, even the secretaries drove nicer cars than I did. I slung my briefcase over my shoulder, stood up straight, and headed inside. I’d been hoping that starting work on a Friday meant the atmosphere would be a little less formal—more relaxed—but I was wrong. Between sitting in on a last-minute deposition of the human resources manager for one of the largest casinos in town, the absence of an administrative assistant, which resulted in my having spent four hours collating copies of discovery questions for a trial scheduled to begin in January, and having had no time to eat lunch, by the time five o’clock rolled around, I was absolutely exhausted, starving, and exhilarated.

It wasn’t until I finally climbed back into my car, having turned down an invitation to join a couple of guys in our division for drinks, that I finally looked at my phone. Surprised that I didn’t have any texts from Reed, I turned it off and back on again, but still nothing. I’d expected at the very least to get a good night text and a quick recap of the evening with his father.

“He must’ve been tired,” I said, turning the car key and heading in the direction of Garrett’s gym.

A protein shake at the gym ended up being my dinner for the next couple of weeks, as I got adjusted at work and tried to keep myself busy in the evenings—too busy to worry about why Reed had decided to spend so long visiting his father. The visit that should have lasted just a few days had turned into quite the holiday for the man I was becoming increasingly irritated with, even though I knew I didn’t really have reason to be. But while I was slaving away, trying to make the world a better place, he was currently frolicking on an island off the coast of Spain with his dad. And every time I thought about it, I pictured elegant, cosmopolitan, and topless European women.

BOOK: Step Brother
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