Still Into You (20 page)

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Authors: Ryleigh Andrews

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BOOK: Still Into You
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“Really? It’s been that long?”

“Yes,” he said, pretending to be sad. Curiosity got the better of her. So did the fact that she’d be with Todd and not alone. He could always make her laugh, and laughter was the cure for everything, right?

“Okay. Let’s go,” she insisted.

“It’s not the cleanest, mind you. I’m a guy and I had some friends over last night . . .”

“You had a party and didn’t invite me?”

“Yeah . . . well, I was trying to get a certain lady to pay attention to me,” he sheepishly told her.

“Ahh, I see,” she said with a knowing wink. “So did you?”

“I did,” he said, smiling smugly.

“High five!” she exclaimed. She put up her hand and he smacked it. He then motioned for the check. She looked at the carnage. Four drinks and she felt it. Putting her head in her hands, she tried to steady the feeling of being pulled underwater.

“You okay?” he asked, putting down a few bills.

“Yeah. I feel good. Just a little dizzy.”

He rose from his chair and went to her, then grasped her hand and helped her from her seat. “Come on, you lush.”

“You had the same amount as me, you lush!” she grumbled.

“Well, I am bigger and I hold my liquor much better.”

“Pfft. I’m holding my liquor just fine,” she protested and proceeded to wobble as she tried to walk down the sidewalk. He chuckled softly and held her elbow as he guided her to his loft. As she went into the elevator, she felt a flicker of worry. A nagging pull that she shouldn’t be here, but she pushed it away. Todd had made her feel tons better today and she’d needed that. He always made her feel good.

Mia walked into the living area and froze when she saw the tray covered in cocaine over on the coffee table. It hypnotized her. She’d never had it before and her curiosity was high. Could it make the pain go away?

“You want some?” Todd asked, heading over to the sofa.

“Usually people offer appetizers or a drink, not cocaine.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not usual people.”

How true was that? “No, you are not.”

She kicked off her black ballet flats and sat down on the sofa. Staring at the cocaine, she watched him snort one line then another. Sniffing, he handed her the rolled-up twenty. “You gonna try?”

Mia bit at her thumb, staring at Todd’s hand holding the makeshift straw. She didn’t want to feel any more. Everything hurt. She grabbed it from him, holding the rolled bill between her thumb and index finger.

Here I go,
she thought.

Plugging the other side of her nose, she placed the rolled-up money to her nose and sniffed up the line of white powder in one quick motion. Then did a line on the other side. She put her head back, surprised that she felt no burn. It felt smooth going up her nose, and almost instantly, she felt her nose go numb.

I can’t believe I just did that.

Not long after that, she felt a sudden burst of extreme happiness and smiled widely at Todd.

“You like that, huh?”

“That was fast!”

“It doesn’t last that long and you probably won’t like the come down.”

“But you can help with that too?” she asked expectantly.

He smiled devilishly at her. “I can. You will enjoy yourself tonight.”

She felt a tingling between her legs which surprised her. No. Fuck. She didn’t want to be turned on. She had no way to remedy that at the moment. Or did she, she wondered as she regarded Todd and his mouth. Those lips that kissed her in Minnesota. Her eyes followed his hands as they reached for something on the table and all she could think of was what his hands could do to her.

He turned to her and opened his palm, showing her what was there. Two little white pills.

“Is that E?”

He nodded and popped one in his mouth.

“Whoa! Really?”

“Yeah. It’s not as intense, but it still feels good,” he answered, holding out the pill for her.

“But I like how I’m feeling right now.”

“And how’s that?”

She laughed. “Pretty turned on,” she admitted before putting her hand to her mouth. “I can’t believe I said that.”

Todd smiled knowingly at her. “And how do you feel on E?”

“I love being touched,” she said, then thought about it and took the pill from his hand. He chuckled as she knocked back the pill without water. She then sat back on the sofa, Todd following, sitting right by her side, his leg touching hers. Her bare thigh was very happy.

“You know . . . you are the only band member to have ever kissed me.”

He turned to look at her and gave her a look of utter disbelief. “That’s surprising because you are very beautiful.”

“But I’m also a pain in the ass, so that might explain it.”

“There is that,” he agreed with a chuckle.

“Why did you kiss me that night?” she asked because that was the night when she saw him in a different light.

“Because you’re beautiful.”

“But we’ve been bandmates for almost eight years. Why that night and not before?”

“Well, when you kissed my cheek and gave me that smile of yours, something was different about it and for whatever reason had me wondering what it would feel like to have your lips on mine.”

“Really?” Mia asked.

“Yeah, well, I’m a guy.”

“I’m a girl.”

He laughed richly. “That you are.”

“Guys and girls can have a lot of fun together . . .” she said, hoping he would take the hint because her nerves wouldn’t allow her to make the first move. She wanted more than the kissing. She wanted to continue where they’d left off in St. Paul.

“Yes, they can.”

Her smile grew when he leaned over and placed his lips upon hers, slowly moving them to meld with hers. He pulled her onto him, falling back onto the sofa, her denim mini skirt rising towards her hips. She cradled him between her legs, feeling the roughness of his jeans between her thighs. With one hand on her waist, his other hand journeyed over her back and up to her neck. He threaded his fingers through her hair and deepened the kiss, his tongue waiting against her lips. She parted for him, opening for his invasion. Damn, he’s a good kisser, she thought while his tongue played with hers.

“Since that night in St. Paul, I’ve kept wondering what you would feel like, Mia. How your breasts would feel in my hands,” he said, his breath hot against her cheek as his hands snaked under her white tube top, touching her breasts. She hadn’t worn a bra with the tube top and she was thankful for that now. His fingers knew what to do and they were lighting her on fire, especially when he rubbed his thumb over her sensitive nipple.

“So soft,” he murmured, focusing on the other breast.

She felt so wonderfully high, so incredibly on fire with his hands on her, his mouth on her skin. Todd left her breasts and before she knew it, had pushed off her plaid shirt, leaving her in her white, baby doll tube top. He kissed her engorged nipple through the fabric before getting frustrated and pushing that shirt down as well. She moaned loudly when his mouth touched her bare breast, and they only increased when he sucked on her hard nipple.

Her hips moved rhythmically against him, his erection hard and strong between her legs.

“Oh, Mia,” he gasped, his hands leaving her breasts and finding a home under her short jean skirt where he grabbed her bare ass and moved her against his cock, faster and faster. She was so thankful she decided on the pink thong today instead of something with more coverage, otherwise this would feel so completely different, the pending orgasm wouldn’t be coming as fast as it was. She didn’t stop it, couldn’t even if she wanted to. Her sole purpose tonight was to feel good and, right now, Todd was doing a masterful job at that.

Consequences be damned.

Mia fell into him as he kept moving her hips, his very large cock rubbing over and over her engorged clit, the moans kept coming.

She kissed his ear, her teeth lingering on the lobe. “I feel like a smoke now. What about you?” she joked with a throaty laugh. What she really wanted was to touch him and see what he had going on beneath the zipper of his jeans.

“Don’t worry about me. Now let me find that smoke.”

“I wasn’t serious,” she mumbled as he put his hands on her waist to lift her off him. He put his finger to her lips to silence her and smiled before replacing his finger with his mouth.

Standing up, he left her on the sofa. She wasn’t a cigarette smoker and she didn’t think Todd was either, and when he returned to the living area with a joint in his hand and a lighter in the other, Mia smiled. She hadn’t felt this good in a long while. She was enjoying this feeling and wanted to enjoy it even further.

He sat back down and brought her to his lap, his erection still very prominent. He lit the joint and took a quick hit before handing it to her. During her turn, he toyed with her breasts, and after she gave the joint back, she yanked his shirt from his jeans and slid her hands underneath, marveling at the soft skin over his hard abs.

“Want it off?” he asked. With her nod, he quickly complied, revealing his chiseled chest. This wasn’t the first time she’d seen him without a shirt. Far from it. Mia had known him for many years and had seen him shirtless countless number of times, but it was the last two times that had her seeing him in a different light. Todd was gorgeous with his mostly hairless chest. Starting below his pecs, he had a small line of hair that led her eyes downward towards his waist, his blond hair almost invisible. She didn’t want the joint anymore. She wanted to explore him.

“No more of this,” she ordered, gesturing towards the joint. He removed her from his lap and stood to put the joint in the ashtray. Her eyes were level with the bulge in his pants.

“What do you want now, Mia?” he asked.

“I want to see this,” she answered, leaning forward and unfastening his jeans. At his hushed intake of breath, she looked up at him. Surprisingly, her insecurity cracked through her high. Maybe he didn’t want her. “That’s okay, isn’t it?”

“It’s very okay,” he croaked as she pushed his jeans open and pulled him out of his briefs.

With her index finger, she traced the smooth skin over his hard length. He looked much different than Ethan, thicker but not as long.
Why are you even comparing him to Ethan?

Shaking her head, she looked up at Todd. His half-closed eyes were smiling down at her. “What now, Mia?” he wondered softly.

Yes, Mia. What now?

She couldn’t get her thoughts in any kind of order. The only thing that stood out was his hard cock in front of her. She wanted him, and without a doubt, she knew he’d make her feel good. He would make her forget.

He had to.

Staring at the cock in front of her, Mia slowly moved in and lightly kissed the tip, her tongue teasing before she took more of him into her mouth. His fingers gripped her hair as she moved her mouth on him. When he began to pump his hips into her mouth, she slid her hands up the back of his thighs to his ass, encouraging him.

“Fuck, Mia,” he groaned, stopping her, his unsure eyes lit up with desire.

“I want you, Todd,” she confessed and pushed herself off her knees, her head a little dizzy. Grasping his shoulder to steady herself, she looked up at him, the fierce hunger still present in his eyes. He swooped down and claimed her lips. If she didn’t feel dizzy before, she definitely did now. She kissed him back wildly, hoping to convey how much she wanted him in that kiss.

A couple minutes later Mia broke for air. His hands explored her body, his lips following his hands. “What do you want?” she finally asked back.

“You,” he said, pushing her to the sofa. She reclined back, Todd joining her, resting between her spread legs. Her skirt bunched up high on her thighs, exposing her to him. She pulled him down for another kiss and he pressed his strong body into hers, his hard cock pulsing against her, ready for her.

Stripping her of her underwear, his fingers found her core and she knew he’d find her drenched for him. Her hips rose at his magnetic touch, her body desperate for more, desperate for this oblivion. He slipped a finger inside of her, pulling out a cry of pleasure. His lips found a home on her breasts as his fingers continued their magic. She felt blissfully out of control. When he slid the second finger inside of her, her body rose up while her inner muscles clamped down on his fingers as she unexpectedly came for a second time that night. She grabbed for his cock, wanting the orgasm that having him inside of her would bring. “Todd, please!” she begged.

He smiled and kissed her. “Let me get a condom,” he replied, removing his fingers from her before unwrapping her fingers from his cock.

Before leaving, he stopped to snort another line of coke and then handed her the makeshift tube. “I’ll be right back. The condoms are in my bathroom.”

Mia nodded and stared at the rolled money and then the cocaine, hesitating, feeling a little weird. She had kept pace with Todd all day and he had made her feel really good so far. Great. Fantastic. She didn’t want that to end.

Leaning forward, she snorted the white powder. Almost immediately she knew that it was a mistake. The money fell from her hand as her body began to shake, convulse. Her heart raced, pounded inside of her chest. Mia searched around and found her purse. Fumbling through the bag, she pulled out her phone. With vision that came in and out of focus, she tried to text Marty but her hands shook too badly.

Fuck. This was not good at all.

Finally she got the words out and sent the message to him.



May 23, 2008, 726 PM

At todd’s in trouble. Help

Falling back against the sofa, her heart hammered wildly inside of her chest. She stared at the coke on the table and things started to distort—blurring, darkening. Fuck, this should not be happening. Panic took over, making her heart pound harder, faster than ever. She worried that her heart was about to explode. It was beating so fast. Her breathing was just as crazed as her heart.

Todd returned. Damn, she could barely make out the different shapes. Mia thought he called her name, but she could barely hear him. “Todd . . . can’t move,” she mumbled, surprised she could get her mouth to work. He moved closer and dropped to his knees. Mia knew he was talking to her, but she couldn’t make out anything that he said. The sounds all jumbled together. She could see the worried look on his face and that scared her even more. With heavy puffs of air, the tears leaked from her eyes.

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