Stone Kiss (2 page)

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Authors: Faye Kellerman

BOOK: Stone Kiss
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“What kind of problems?”

“Relationship problems—married and divorced.”




“And?” Decker prompted.

“Drug problems,” Jonathan admitted. “Addiction and rehab.”

“That probably had a lot to do with his relationship problems.”

“No doubt. Ephraim has been divorced for ten years. His ex is out of the picture. She remarried and now lives in Israel. As
for Ephraim, he’s straightened himself out. He’s been sober for the last two years. About that time, he also joined the family
business with his older brother.”

“How’s that working out?”

“Fine, as far as I know. He was always the favorite uncle of all the nieces and nephews. He especially got along well with
his niece Shaynda, who is the oldest in Chaim’s family.”

“The missing niece.”

“Yes, the missing niece. Shaynda, like Ephraim, has a rebellious streak. She has been typecast as the problem child in the
family since grade school. She’s a beautiful girl, Akiva, with incredible spirit, and
maybe that’s part of the problem. She has not walked the walk or talked the talk.”


“Skipping school, hanging out at the mall with public-school kids. A couple of times, she had sneaked out of the house at
night. My brother and sister-in-law came down on her with an iron fist. Unfortunately, the tougher they got, the more Shayndie
fought. She and the mother have a miserable relationship. But the shining light had been Uncle Ephraim. He and Shayndie seemed
to have had this rapport. More and more, she began to confide in him. They began spending time together—”


“I know what you’re thinking. I would have sworn up and down that it wasn’t that at all.”

“Wasn’t what?”

“That he wasn’t molesting her. When they first started spending time, I thought it was odd—the amount of time they spent together.
So did Raisie. We had a long talk with Shaynda because we figured no one else would. We asked her point-blank. When she said
no— she seemed genuinely shocked—we gave a step by step of what to be aware of. After the conversation, both Raisie and I
were satisfied that Ephraim really had the girl’s interest at heart. We had no reason to suspect that Ephraim was anything
more than just a loving uncle trying to reach out to his troubled niece.”

“But now you think differently.”

A long sigh. “Maybe. The two of them were supposed to be going on an outing this morning… to the Met. To see the new Dutch/
Vermeer exhibit.”

“This morning?” Decker paused. “It’s Thursday. She doesn’t have school?”

“I don’t know, Akiva. Maybe her mother gave her the day off. Maybe her allergies were acting up. I didn’t think it appropriate
to question my sister-in-law.”

“Of course. Go on.”

Jonathan stuttered a few times, trying to get the words out. “Ephraim was found dead in a hotel room. Did Rina tell you that?”


“He’d been shot, Akiva. He was also… naked.”

“Good Lord!”

“I know. It’s awful!”

“Any sign of the girl? Clothes left behind? Personal effects… like a purse, maybe?”

“Nothing that I’ve heard.”

“Any sign of a struggle? Torn sheets? Things in disarray?” Decker licked his lips. “Blood other than from…” He wanted to say
the kill spot. “Blood other than where Ephraim was shot?”

“I wouldn’t know. The police aren’t saying much. They claim that they’re just gathering information at this point, but we
all know what they’re thinking.”

Defensiveness in his voice, but it was seasoned with anguish. Decker said, “And what are the police thinking?”

“That somehow we’re guilty. Of course, they have to ask the family lots of questions. But they’ve made all of us feel more
like criminals than like victims. Believe me, Akiva, I didn’t want to call you. I know it’s unfair of me to call you. But
no one here is able to handle this. Is there anything—anything at all—that you can say to advise us?”

Decker’s head was awhirl.

Jonathan added in a gush of words, “And if it’s not too difficult, perhaps you could make a couple of calls? As one detective
to another.”

The words hung in the air.

Jonathan said, “I shouldn’t be asking you this—”

“It’s all right, Jon. I just have to think for a moment.”

“Take all the time…”

Decker closed his eyes and felt a headache coming on. “Can I call you back in a few minutes?”

“Of course—”

Decker clicked off the line before his brother could add another obligation. He went to the bathroom, took two Advils, then
treated himself to a needle-hot shower. Ten minutes later, he slipped on soft worn denims and a work shirt. With trepidation,
he punched the phone’s redial button.


“Okay, Jon, listen up. First thing you need to do is hire a lawyer.”

“Hire a lawyer?” Surprise in his voice. “Why?”

“Because you don’t like the way the police are questioning you. You need protection.”

“But won’t that make us look bad?”

“It will raise a couple of eyebrows, sure. But weighing the pros and the cons, it’s no debate. Go out and find the best criminal
defense attorney in town, and see if you can get an appointment with him ASAP. See if he’ll take you on if things get… complicated.
You’ve got to entertain the real possibility that someone in your family knows more about this than he or she is letting on.”

“I can’t accept that.”

“Fine. Don’t accept that. Just listen to me, okay? And don’t talk to the police without an attorney present. Just as a precaution.”

No response.

Decker tried to hide his irritation. “Are you there?”

“Yes, I’m here. Sorry. I’m writing this down. Go on.”

Decker slowed it down. “Jon, I don’t mean to snap at you. I’m used to barking orders.”

“It’s fine, Akiva. Believe me, it’s wonderful to talk to you… to someone who knows what he’s doing.”

“That remains to be seen. After you’ve talked to a lawyer, have him call me. I’ll talk to him directly.”

“That’s it?”

“For the time being.”

“What about the police, Akiva?”

“Let me talk to the lawyer first. New York law is different than L.A. law, and it would help all of you if I didn’t act precipitously.”

There was a long silence. Decker knew what was coming.

Jonathan said, “I know this is dreadfully wrong to ask, Akiva. But it would really help us out if you could maybe…”

“Come out for the weekend?” Decker completed the sentence.

“I’ll understand if you say no.”

Decker said, “Let me call you back in five, all right?”

“Akiva, thank you so much—”

“Wait until you get my answer before you thank me.” Decker hung up. Rina was standing at the doorway. “You’ve been listening?”

“Just for a minute. I think you gave him good advice—about the lawyer.”

“I’m glad you approve. He wants me to come out there. What do you think?”

“I can’t make that decision for you, Peter.”

“I know that. But I still want to know what you think.”

“How do you feel about flying?”

Decker shrugged. “It’s a big hassle now, but I’m not nervous if that’s what you’re asking.”

“If you don’t go,” Rina said, “you’ll feel guilty.”

He cursed under his breath, soft enough that it wasn’t offensive, but loud enough so Rina could hear. “It isn’t fair to get
me involved.”

“No, it isn’t.”

“It’s a family member. If I uncover muck or deliver bad news, I’m going to get blamed.”


“Definitely.” Decker smoothed his mustache, chewing on the ends. It was the one part of his body where his hair was still
predominantly red as opposed to gray. “On the other hand, it’s not just a murder. There’s a missing girl.” Decker filled in
some of the blanks to the story, watching his wife grow paler by the moment. “The girl might have been a hidden witness to
the murder. Or maybe she escaped before the whole thing happened. That would be the most favorable outcome.”

No one spoke. Decker rubbed his forehead.

“Dinner’s ready,” Rina said softly. “Can you eat?”

“Not a problem. What do I tell Jonathan?”

“It’s up to you, sweetheart.” She sat down next to him. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.” He looked at the ceiling. “I suppose I could hunt around for a few days. By then maybe she’ll turn up… one
way or the other.” He faced his wife and kissed her cheek. “How many miles do we have?”

“Actually, I have enough for you to fly free. Interestingly enough, I also have a companion ticket for Hannah and me if we
do a
Saturday-night stayover.” She patted his hand. “And we do have two sons back East—”

“Just hold on!” Decker interrupted. “My flying is one thing. You and Hannah are quite another thing.”

“I haven’t seen the boys in a while,” Rina told him. “I’d much rather fly with you than by myself.” She patted his cheek.
“You’re a tough guy.”

“Real tough.” It
been a while since they had seen the boys. “You’d like to come with me?”

“Yes, I would love to come with you.”

Decker thought a moment. “I have a condition. Promise me you won’t get involved.”

“Good heavens, why would I do that! I wouldn’t dare take any chances as long as Hannah’s with me.” She gave him a swat on
his backside. “Go call back Jonathan. I’ll make the reservations on the other line.”

With great reluctance, Decker called back his half brother. After working out a few more details, he walked into the kitchen,
where Rina had just hung up on the land phone.

“Jonathan wants to know when we think we’ll be arriving.”

“I’ve booked us on the red-eye.”




“It’s Thursday, Peter. If we don’t take the red-eye, we won’t be able to leave until Saturday night, because I won’t fly on
Friday in case of delays. Too close to
. Besides, I figured you’d want maximum time out there.”

“Well, then, I’m going to have to start making phone calls.”

Rina could overhear Jonathan telling him to forget it if it was too hard. Decker interrupted him. “We’ll be there around six
in the morning.”

“Give me the flight number,” Jonathan said. “I’ll be there. Even though it’s been eight years, you won’t have any trouble
recognizing me. I’ll be the one with the sheepish look on my face.”

Decker pushed his seat tray up in the locked position. “Why do I have to use up my vacation time doing this?”

“Because you’re a caring person?” Rina tried out.

“No, it’s because I’m an idiot,” he snarled as he moved about in his seat, trying to get his long legs comfortable. Flying
under the best of circumstances was now an ordeal. And this certainly wasn’t the best of circumstances. “I despise molestation

“Can you keep your voice down?”

Decker glanced around. People were staring at him.

Rina whispered, “You don’t
it’s that.”

“Yes, I do know. The uncle was a sleazeball—”

“Peter, please!” Rina pointed to Hannah.

“She’s sleeping.”

“She still hears things.”

“I’m resentful.”

“I know that. I am, too.”

Decker looked at her. “You are?”

“Yes, I am. People take advantage of me because I’m such a softy. I’d like to say no, but then I’d feel bad about it. What
can I do? It’s the way I am. I was born with a ‘sucker’ gene.”

“You and me both, darling.” Decker made a face. “We’ll give it a few days. In the meantime, we’ll see the boys. That’s not
so bad.”

“No, that’s the good part. Sammy’s no problem because he’s in the city. Yonkie has a bit more arranging to do, but he swears
he’ll be with us for the weekend.”

“You’re excited.”

“Of course. So are their grandparents. They’re beside themselves with joy.”

Rina’s late husband’s parents. Not his family. What the heck? They were nice people who had endured a horrible loss. “At least
I’m making someone happy.”

Rina patted his hand. “Being with you, Peter. That’s the good part, too.”

“You have this way of dissipating my anger.”

“Then why do you look so sour?”

“But sometimes I like being angry. You’re robbing me of one of my few pleasures.”

“Don’t worry,” Rina told him. “After dealing with New York City traffic, Jonathan’s family, my family, and Jews in general,
I’m sure you’ll have plenty to be angry about.”


hey arrived at JFK on time,
and ghastly tired, trudging out of a terminal now armed with men and women in camouflage, holding M16 rifles—standard army
issue. Not only was Decker bug-eyed from lack of sleep, but also he had gone back to the station house to finish up paperwork
before he left for the airport. After rearranging schedules and appointments, he had managed to take off four days from work,
coming back late Wednesday night. The most pressing business—a recent string of convenience-store robberies—was now under
control with two perps in custody. Mike Masters and Elwin Boyd were handling that one. Dunn and Oliver could take care of
the scheduled meeting with the D.A. in the Harrigan carjacking. As they were the lead detectives, they knew more about the
case than Decker did. The Beltran arraignment for the GTAs wasn’t scheduled until he got back. While Decker was gone, his
pickup could be handled by Bert Martinez—now Detective
Bert Martinez—who had been promoted just three months ago.

Rina had planned the trip’s itinerary. The trio would leave New York Monday night, then spend two days with Decker’s aging
parents in Florida. Visiting them was something he should have done a while ago. Perhaps this unplanned trek was a wake-up
call in disguise.

Jonathan was waiting for them at the baggage counter. He was thinner than Decker had remembered, his brother’s beard now equal
portions of brown and gray. Bleary red-rimmed eyes tried to focus
under small wire-rimmed glasses. But his dress was sharp—a blue tone-on-tone, windowpane suit, white shirt, and a bright gold
tie woven in a chevron pattern. After a round of genuine hugs and kisses—the appropriate cooing at Hannah, who was grumpy
and groggy—Decker commented on his sartorial splendor.

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