Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3 (18 page)

BOOK: Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3
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Taking a deep breath, I nod, continuing to run my hands all over her. I can’t stop touching her, her skin is like a magnet to me. “You really are incredible, you know that?”

She smirks. “Yeah, I know! But, I’m only like this with you, I wouldn’t do it for anyone else.”

Shaking my head at just how lucky I am, I run my hand into the back of her hair and drag her back down to kiss me again. I plan on kissing her all night long, and making good on the pack of twenty-three condoms I still have in my bedside drawer.


Chapter Fifteen


Everyone is healed well enough from our last encounter with the Ingratos, José, and his Cartel lackeys from just over two weeks ago. Since then Mad Dog has been plotting his revenge. No one is onboard with this plan, but what the Prez says, goes, and so we will follow him into the dragon’s den as it were. Crash had a mild concussion after his attack, and Mad Dog’s arm and leg are functioning better. His sling is off and he’s walking without the limp now, so he must be on the mend. My arm is better too. It only hurts when I stretch it the wrong way.

But I need to focus on the now. It’s the middle of the night, well more like early morning. It’s just gone two a.m. and Mad Dog has his revenge in sight for tonight. Techie did his research and said that all the Ingratos are at their hangout, and they’re all in bed sleeping right at this precise moment. The plan is to go in while they sleep, all guns-a-blazing, and take them out in their slumber. Hit the cartel right in the nuts. Taking out their hit-man squad, and the lackeys that basically act as their bodyguards, is going to hurt them. So who knows what kind of shitstorm this will bring down on us? I just hope Mad Dog knows what the fuck he’s doing!

“Right boys, let’s move out,” Mad Dog calls out waving his hands in the air.

Taking a deep breath, I turn looking at Skye, who’s chewing manically on her bottom lip with unshed tears in her eyes. The heavy footsteps of my brothers walking out of the clubroom resound through the room, but I step over to Skye and grab her hands as she gazes up at me.

“It’s going to be okay.”

She sniffs and shakes her head. “I have a bad feeling, Stealth.”

Slumping my body, I know exactly how she feels. I don’t think there’s a man in here that doesn’t share her fears except, of course, Mad Dog. “I’m coming back,” I say moving a stray hair behind her ear.

Her bottom lip trembles and she nods. “You better, and in one piece too, please.”

Chuckling slightly, I nod. “Don’t worry, we’re going in unannounced. They won’t even hear us pulling up. We have the upper hand. We’re gonna be okay.”

She huffs and jumps up, wrapping her arms around my neck tightly. Smothering myself in her, I hold on as solidly as possible without hurting her. Nuzzling into her jasmine smelling hair, just taking in her essence, I breathe in deep memorising her—just in case.

“You mean too much to me, for me to lose you now.”

Pulling back, I look at her and furrow my brows. “I’m coming back to you, Skye. I’ll always come back to you.” Leaning in, I press my lips to hers and kiss her like it might just be the last time. Going to a gang’s hangout with the intentions of wiping them all out can have fall out. If they’re waiting for us maybe none of us will be coming back, that’s a real possibility, but I’m not telling Skye that.

No way.

Kissing her makes me forget momentarily what I’m supposed to be doing. I force my body into hers and kiss her so passionately that my cock begins to grow hard.

“Stealth, c’mon man,” Techie calls out breaking me from my moment.

Pulling back from Skye, I look at her watering eyes and fake a smile. “I’ll be back gorgeous, and when I am we’re going to pick this right back up where we’re leaving it. You got me?”

She smiles and nods as I step back letting go of her. “Be safe.”

I simply nod, smile, and turn walking away from her. My chest tightens at the thought that it might be the last time I see her. But I take a deep breath and continue to walk out of the clubroom toward the cages that are set up for our attack. We’re taking four black vans into the hangout, as riding in on our bikes would wake them up. Hogs are amazing to ride, they give you a sense of freedom like nothing else, but their noisy fuckers and we need—for lack of a better word—to be stealthy.

“Right, we all know what to do?” Mad Dog asks as we all stand at the back of the cages ready to get in, covered in our black clothing and balaclavas.

We all nod and Mad Dog huffs and smiles. “We do this quick and we do it right. When we get there, Techie you work your magic on the gate. And fellas, you don’t hesitate to fire. There’s only one man we want alive, and that’s the head honcho. He goes by the name of Marco. And I repeat, we want him alive. You understand?”

“Yes, Prez,” we all reply.

“Good, let’s light this fire,” he says jumping into the passenger seat of the closest cage.

Taking a deep breath, I slide in the passenger seat of another as Techie glides in the driver’s side. Crash, Behemoth, and Jigsaw all hop in the back of the cage and the door slides shut and my heart jumps at the sound.

“We ready to do this?” Crash asks and I turn back as Techie starts the engine.

“I don’t think we have a choice,” I reply.

“To go into the eye of the storm is merely a façade of the beast,” Jigsaw says and Techie turns around looking at him while shaking his head.

“You’re a fucking fruitcake, you know that?” Techie teases making Behemoth, Crash, and me chuckle as Jigsaw purses his lips and nods.

“The fruit in cake is only a filling, not the basis for the dessert,” Jigsaw retorts.

Smirking, I turn to Techie, who’s shaking his head as he pulls out and starts driving. “Yep, it’s not the basis, but if you don’t have fruit in the cake, it’s nuts, either way, the cake is fucking crazy if you ask me.”

“Opinions seek no validation,” Jigsaw says blasé.

“Yeah, fuck you too, arsehole,” Techie throws back and everyone starts laughing including Jigsaw. I raise my eyebrows wondering how on earth Techie knows Jigsaw is joking when he sounds so serious. It’s interesting how these guys can have a conversation—in basically another language—and understand each other. It must come with being around one another for so long. That’s why I love this brotherhood. Being with these guys, there’s just something about the nature of the mateship that’s like nothing I’ve ever been witness to before.

Sure in the academy you grow close to your fellow recruits, but it’s nothing like this. I fucking love this club. I would die for this club, for these men, and that’s why I didn’t report this little visit into Hudson. Because if I’m going to go out tonight, I want it to be as a brother, not as an undercover cop who brought Hudson’s unit in, to bring my brothers down.

I want to be a part of this team. And I think I am. This not only excites and electrifies me, but scares the crap out of me. Leaving my old life behind is a big step and trying to do it with Sentinel and Hudson on my back is hard. I have a lot of choices to make. But I can’t make them now. Right now, I need my head in the game, break into the Ingratos, capture Marco, and kill anything else that moves. That’s my mission, and I accept, wholeheartedly.



Techie pulls up the cage about thirty metres down from the Ingratos home base. The other three cages pull up behind us and we all file out quietly, quickly, and with our guns pulled. The street is a quiet industrial area and the next block over is housing, so we have to do this smart and fast. Even though we have silencers on our guns, I’m sure there will still be racket coming from the gang hangout.

Mad Dog walks up to us all as we gather around. My heart is racing and I have no idea if we’re all—or if any of us—are going to get through this alive. But I have to go in with the assumption of I’m better than them, or I’m coming out in a body bag. And I’m not ready for that yet. The element of surprise is most definitely with us, and even though the looks on everyone’s faces depicts how terrified we all are, we’re in this.


United as brothers.

“We go in quietly, room by room, sweeping. You shoot first and shoot to kill. Techie, you find out where Marco is and nab him by any means. You’re all soldiers of the Savages. We ride hard, we fear none,” Mad Dog whispers.

He looks to Chops and nods his head, and we all start to slowly push forward toward the hangout. Our guns are already drawn, locked and loaded. Techie pulls out some sort of gadget and starts pushing some buttons on its face. Furrowing my brows, I wonder what it is. But when we get to the tall wrought iron fence, Techie holds the gadget up to the sensors. The lights flash in sequence for a few seconds then they all turn green. A click sounds through the crisp, quiet night air and Penetrator pushes open the gate peering through to make sure no one is around. He quickly glances to the left and pulls up his gun, a faint sound of a muted gun discharge goes off as two bullets are fired off. We all tense up watching as he shoots someone who’s obviously the night watchman. His body falls to the ground with two single bullet holes to his chest. Everyone remains quiet but on guard.

Mad Dog signals for us to enter, and we all storm through the gates and past the makeshift medium sized Cristo Rey statue they have overlooking their yard. It’s kind of scary in a way to have a statue of Christ looking down on us with his arms wide open, as we’re preparing to go in and slaughter the men in his house behind him. It sends a chill down my spine, and I tense my shoulders swallowing hard as we storm up to the front door.

Mad Dog signals with a closed fist and then puts one finger in the air, then two, and on the rise of the third my heart leaps into my chest as we all storm through the doors guns raised and straight into the mouth of hell.

The place stinks, like stale dope and booze. Beer bottles are scattered all over the floor of the main clubroom, and it’s more like a teenager’s bedroom than anything. There are porno mags everywhere, clothing strewn all over the floors and chairs. The sofas are covered in disgusting
‘I don’t even want to think about’
stains, and the air is so hot in here it’s almost humid. I’m fairly certain there’s a lab of some sort somewhere within these walls.

Techie takes off staring at his tablet down the hall as we all remain utterly silent. The roar of men snoring, echoes through the walls as we all walk down the hallways. There’s three passage ways in total and we split up into teams of four heading down each one. Mad Dog, Behemoth, Crash and I, head down the one Techie went down. He stops at a door as tilts his head toward it.


“Polo,” Crash whispers with a smirk and Mad Dog backhands him over the head.

Smirking at Crash as he grins at me, Mad Dog nods to Techie, who opens the door, his gun drawn. He walks in while we wait. The faint echo of muted gunfire drifts through the quiet nighttime air in the background, and then suddenly there’s a bang and we all stiffen and watch as Techie walks out with Marco already gagged and hands tied behind his back.

Mad Dog smiles and nods as Techie drags Marco down to the Prez. He stands in front of him and his eyes are wide with fear. “You Ingratos bastards think you can come in and take from us. Now find out what it feels like to have everything taken from you.” Mad Dog spits in his face, the line of saliva rolls down Marco’s cheek as he nods to Techie, who pulls Marco by his hair out toward the cages.

“Right, let’s finish this,” Mad Dog demands turning toward the nearest bedroom door.

My chest squeezes tight at the fact I’m about to kill someone. But if I try to put a spin on it this man is a bad person, he works for the Mexican Cartel and is more than likely a murdering rapist scum sucking arse scraper who deserves everything he’s about to get.

Taking a deep breath and straightening my shoulders, I open the door. Peering into the room, I see the man sleeping soundly in his bed. Walking slowly up to him, I notice the full grown Mexican man is fucking sucking on his thumb. This guy’s a disgrace. Shaking my head with no remorse at all, which sends a shiver down my spine, I bring up my gun and aim right at his chest. The gun reflects back in my hand as I fire off twice, the low groan of the silencer sending a small whoosh through the air. His eyes open wide as he clings to his chest. A slight gurgling sound resonates through the room as blood trickles out of his mouth and the sheets he’s lying on turn red. I watch as his eyes lose focus and soon close, as his body relaxes and his hand falls off the edge of the bed.

Taking a deep breath, I nod knowing I’ve done my duty. I don’t know this man, he may have been an innocent in Mad Dog’s war against the Cartel, but if I want to be a brother and keep up this façade then I need to play my part. Even though I don’t think any part of me is playing right now. Deep down, I was made for this shit. The thrill of the kill, the scent of the metallic twang of blood—it excites me and it scares the hell out of me all at the same time.

BOOK: Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3
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