Submissive Beauty (11 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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She turned her head to see him standing in the entryway looking freshly showered and dressed impeccably. With his gaze on her, and David in the corner of her eye, she reluctantly lowered her arms to her side.

“Good girl.” He moved into the room, grabbing a mug from the shelf and poured himself a cup of coffee. She stood stock still while he took a few sips and waited for what would come next.

“Why are you trying to hide? Did I not make myself clear last night?”

“Yes, Sir you did.” Even in a mild state of irritation, Thomas’s voice made her shiver in delight.

“Then move around and stand in front of David. He shouldn’t have to ask you twice. Unless you have a problem. Do you have a problem we need to discuss, Gabrielle?”

Yes. No. Fuck!
She shook her head.

“Good, then do as I asked. We’re going to start with a basic lesson now and see if we can get you past wanting to hide from either of us.”

Gabby followed Thomas’ instruction and walked around the counter, stopping a couple of feet in front of the other man.

“I think we’re going to need some rules. The first rule I want you to understand is this. Whenever I’m not around, you will obey David and any request he makes of you as if it were me making the request. Do you understand and agree with this?”

“Yes, Sir.” Gabby’s stomach clenched at the thought of two men commanding her at their will. She’d never dreamed things would go this far, but more than a little part of her was excited. That excitement warred with her fear of the unknown as she stood and waited to see what Thomas had in mind for her this morning.

“First thing we’ll do is inspect you Gabrielle. It’s a little more formal than I had intended to start off with, but you seem to still have an issue with showing your naked body. So we’ll work on that since it’s the perfect opportunity for David to join in. Do you know what a full inspection entails?”

She shook her head, fear paralyzing her voice. She could only imagine what all he had in mind. He’d already taken a close look at her the other day when he’d spanked her. What more did he want? For the first time in a long time, her research felt inadequate, leaving her unbalanced and vulnerable. Without the comfort of knowledge, she would have no control of the situation.

“No…Not really.” She tried to control the shaking of her voice but miserably failed.

“Try to relax, Gabrielle. We’re going to take this nice and slow.”

A light touch at the small of her back soothed her as he spoke. Her mind took the show of strength he gave her and used it to calm her nerves one slow breath at a time.

“First, I want you to put your hands behind your head and spread your legs shoulder width apart.”

Gabby moved her arms and legs as instructed, opening her body to both David in front of her and Thomas behind her. In this position, her breasts were pushed up and outward, giving either man access to her pussy and ass. Her automatic response screamed at her to run for cover now before it was too late, but the hunger in David’s gaze as he swept from her head to her hips brought a rush of heat to her sex that kept her rooted to the spot.

“Don’t think about it, Gabrielle. Don’t wonder whether anything is right or wrong. Don’t try to control the situation even in your mind. Give yourself to us and trust that we will do what is best for us all.” Thomas had moved in closer, his breath caressing her neck and ear while he spoke. “Spread your legs wider.” His foot touched the inside of her leg nudging her to where he wanted it to go.

“David will examine your breasts first, so hold very still and don’t move unless either one of us instructs you to.”

“Yes, Sir.” She watched David take a sure step forward and reach for her without hesitation or reserve. Gabby held her breath.

His long fingers traced the outside curve from the top to the bottom of each one before lifting and pushing them slightly together. The gentle caresses were steady and comforting until his thumbs flicked across her nipples. A small gasp slipped from her mouth, and David smiled at her.

“Sensitive nipples I see.”

She nodded.

“Does nipple play get you wet? Can you come from it?” He pulled and twisted the hardened tips until her breath panted from between her lips.

“I-I’ve never come from just someone touching my nipples before.”

With a tight squeeze and pull on both tips, pain and pleasure streaked through her like a blazing fire straight to her clit. Gabby’s mouth opened on a shriek of shock as a fresh wave of moisture pooled between her legs. When his fingers released her as suddenly as they had grabbed her, she whimpered from relief and loss.

“You’d like to have more now, wouldn’t you?” Thomas whispered. “I don’t think it will take much training to have her coming on demand without either of us ever touching her little clit. But to be sure, you need to examine just how aroused that got her.”

David’s hands gave her breasts one last squeeze before he traced a path down her torso and into the small patch of curls that hid her pussy from full view. “Don’t most submissives keep their pussy shaved bare?” David looked over her shoulder as he asked his question so she knew he was talking to Thomas not her. She hadn’t actually thought of that before now although it should have dawned on her. She’d heard the very same thing.

“Yes, they do, especially if their Doms are the kind into exhibitionism like myself who like to show off their girls.”

A fresh jolt of fear sliced through her at the thought of being engaged in exhibitionist play.

“I think you scared her on that one, Thomas.”

“I’ll bet I did.” His hands tightened at her waist.

Before she could voice her questions about what he meant, David’s fingers slid through her slick folds to find her more turned on than she’d thought possible.

“Fuck. She is soaked.” His fingers swirled and stroked, even glancing across her clit a few times. When her legs began to tremble with the need he’d created, Thomas told him to stop.

“I don’t want her coming yet.”

Regret lanced through her as she fought for the control not to ruin the whole thing. A few slow breaths in and out, and she felt the crazy urge to orgasm begin to recede. Thank God.

“Now, you want to check with your fingers to see if her tightness is to your liking.”

Oh no.

David didn’t waste any time as he quickly pushed two fingers inside of her. He fucked them methodically in and out with an occasional pause to stretch his fingers or curl them against her G-spot. Her hard fought control dissipated to nothingness as an impending orgasm had her bucking her hips against his hand, hoping he would rub her clit and give her the sweet relief so desperately needed. Later, when she could think straight again, she’d contemplate how they got to her so fast.

A hard swat landed on her ass. “Did I tell you it was okay to move?”

“No, Sir,” she breathed heavily.

“Did anyone give you permission to come?”

“No, Sir.”

“Then I suggest you hold still as instructed.” Thomas wrapped his fingers gently around her neck and held her still. “You need a collar and leash for what all I have planned for you, but for now, at the very least, a collar.”

Gabby whined. The image that popped in her head was too much to bear. The pressure behind her clit bordered on the edge of pain.

“David are you satisfied with her pussy?”

“Very much so.”

“Good then remove your fingers, and let’s move on.” David pulled from her body and Gabby fought not to let the tears fall that sprang into her eyes. Thomas withdrew his touch as well, leaving her cold without their combined heat warming her.

“Gabrielle, turn and face me please.”

She swiveled, looking up at Thomas to await further instruction.

His fingers cupped her chin. “You’re doing very well, sweetheart. I’m quite proud of you. Do you believe yet that I will take care of you?”

Gabby hesitated unsure of what he wanted to hear.

A frown crossed his face, and he shook his head. “That’s okay, it takes time. Let’s continue. Spread your legs wide and bend down, touching your fingers to the floor.” Gabby stared at him, not even bothering to disguise her disbelief. The position he’d asked her to take would open both her ass and pussy to David in such an intimate way…

A shiver worked down her spine. She should be humiliated. Any normal woman would be. Instead, her skin heated for an entirely different reason.

“Do you want to stop?”

She shook her head.

Thomas raised an eyebrow.

“I mean no, Sir.” She couldn’t stop now. They’d come so far, and the need clawing at her insides had priority over a twinge of discomfort. Gabby moved her legs a little wider and bent at the waist, placing her palms flat on the floor. When Thomas began explaining to David the need to check every inch of a submissive’s body, she tuned out their voices. She didn’t want to hear them discussing her asshole and vagina in clinical terms. She wanted someone to fuck her, and at the moment she didn’t really care which one did.

How had that happened? And what did it mean that she no longer worried about two men she didn’t know all that well touching and fondling her in any manner they chose. With both men standing behind her she had no idea which man owned the hand that rubbed the smooth skin of her bottom or which one traced the seam all the way to her heated sex. Her pussy squeezed.

“Gabrielle. Are you listening?” Thomas’s voice broke through her arousal-fogged brain, although she had no idea what he’d been saying.

“Um…yes, Sir.”

The hand resting on the crack of her ass trailed along the seam, through the slick folds and gave her labia a quick hard pinch. She gasped.

“You should be listening, considering the importance of what’s being done here. Would a spanking get your attention?”

“I’m…I’m sorry, Sir.”
Please don’t pinch me there again.
She knew better than to say that out loud but still…

“Then reach your hands back here and pull apart your cheeks like I asked the first time. David wants to get a closer look.”

Her body jolted at his words. She pressed her hands to her knees to regain her balance, giving herself a chance to dig deep for the resolve to get this done.


She sensed his displeasure at her hesitation.

You can do this Gabby

Maybe once this was over they would allow her to come. It was a little disconcerting how easily she succumbed in the face of her need. Despite that, she grasped her cheeks and pulled them apart, exposing herself like she’d never before, reminding herself that pleasing them pleased her and would likely lead to the reward her body screamed for.

Both men complimented her on her obedience as well as her beautiful body. Not that she totally believed them on the second part. Most men did not find women her size especially attractive. Passable maybe, nice even, but beautiful? Hardly. Although a few men who had a thing for big asses had given her many a compliment. That always made her smile. She did have an hourglass shape with a round bubble butt.

A finger tapped against the tight hole of her bottom and roused Gabby from her runaway thoughts as sensation roiled through her, leaving her clit to pulse and ache even more than before.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

Gabby frequently fantasized about anal play, despite her one bad experience with her ex, and had used her vibrator there several times. It wasn’t easy to admit that she wanted to be taken there as much as she feared it.

“Only once, but I experimented a little on my own.” Her voice shook as the tapping increased to a steady rhythm that kept a constant stream of tremors racing across her skin. Goose bumps exploded.

“You will be and likely often. Are you okay with that?”

Muscles clenched at the unknown while more moisture coated her sex. Did he really expect her to answer that?

“Gabrielle, relax. You’re safe here. No desire is too dark or too deep. The only bad in all of this is if you aren’t honest.” He paused long enough to move closer and lowered his voice. “Will you let us take what we want and in return give you everything you need?”

The steady tone of his voice calmed through her. He soothed her with his reassurances.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered.

Immediately, fingers dipped into her pussy and spread ample moisture to her behind, lubricating her just enough for a finger to push inside and past the tight ring of muscle. Her body stiffened at the invasion.

“Relax, babe. We’re just getting a feel for it,” David said.

She did her best to follow David’s instructions while he pushed his finger all the way inside.

“So very tight. I certainly hope Thomas will share this with me some day.”

She moaned at his words. She longed to experience so much, even some things she didn’t comprehend. David continued to work, rubbing his fingers against sensitive tissues. Fresh heat clawed at her insides, demanding more. She pushed back hoping to show him her eagerness to serve that desire right now.

“Such an eager little girl, aren’t you?” David teased her with words as well as his finger until she wanted to cry with frustration.

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