Submissive Beauty (9 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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“The proper response to that would be ‘yes, Sir’.”

“Yes, Sir,” she managed on a shaky breath.

“Good, then do as I say—right now.” He waited as precious seconds ticked by before she finally moved from her chair. He dared not take his gaze from her for a second. Even though David sat at the table watching, he wanted her to know that she was his total and complete focus.

Her hands shook as she worked the buttons of her shirt, one at a time. Without even realizing it, her slow and nervous movements made this strip down all the more erotic. At this rate, she’d be lucky if they made it through dinner without a thorough fucking. When the last button was finally undone she slipped the fabric from her shoulders to reveal plump breasts with nipples so hard they stood at attention practically begging to be plucked. No doubt he’d be having a bite of those before the night was over.

He returned his focus to her beautiful face where the lush lips and hooded eyes bespoke an inordinate amount of desire from one glance. With a small squeeze to her hand to reassure her, he nodded to her skirt. She unfastened her waistband, shimmied the fabric from her rounded hips and allowed the skirt to slide down her shapely legs. With her totally nude, he let her stand there and be observed because he wasn’t quite ready for her to hide her spectacular pussy underneath the table when she sat. She had the kind of body he loved from the flushed full breasts topped with dark protruding nipples to the rounded belly and wide hips he ached to touch again. He easily imagined his own harder body wrapped around her lush softness as it cushioned him in sleep. He wanted to see her like this all of the time, and if he had his way, she would never be covered.

“What do you think, David?” He spoke the words while watching Gabrielle. He didn’t want to miss a single reaction, especially since they told him more than her words ever could. That and the moisture between her legs.

“Absolutely beautiful.”

Thomas smiled. “Yes, she is and aroused as well.”

“I see that. She must be a natural at this.”

A sudden urge to have her lie on the table and spread her legs for them while they ate overwhelmed him. Having her pink pussy exposed to them both for the rest of the evening would be divine and probably more than he could bear. Besides she wasn’t quite ready for something like that. He’d pushed her about as far as he dared tonight. His goal was to draw out her desires for both their pleasures, not scare her away for good.

“Have a seat, Gabrielle, but from now on, whenever you enter this house you will immediately remove your clothing no matter what. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” She spoke quickly as she moved into her chair at lightening speed. Thomas stifled a smile. His poor modest baby had a lot to learn, and he was going to love every minute of it.

Thomas picked up the dinner bell, and the caterer he had hired for the night walked in with their salads on a tray. Renewed alarm flashed across Gabrielle’s face at the woman seeing her sitting there without a stitch of clothing. He grasped her hand and spoke softly. “Nothing to worry about, sweetheart. Becky here is a caterer from Sanctuary and well used to seeing people in various states of undress at all of our public or private get-togethers.”

The tension didn’t fully leave Gabrielle’s body but her shoulders did relax a fraction. Good enough. He wanted her to be comfortable with what he asked of her but not too comfortable. Keeping her slightly off balance and aware that anything could happen next would feed both their needs. She seemed eager to submit, but her lack of actual experience meant there were natural barriers he had to break down. It annoyed him that society put pressure on people to act and conform to certain standards even if it went against a person’s basic nature. A pity really.

She reached for her salad fork, freezing in midair when she realized what she’d done. For someone who’d had no formal training, she had more knowledge than he’d expected. They’d barely begun to discuss any rules or expectations for any situation, so he didn’t expect her to know she should ask for permission, but her soft questioning gaze automatically turned to him and waited.

His cock jerked forcefully against his pants with renewed interest.

He nodded giving her the permission she sought and watched her spear a cherry tomato with her fork and bring it to her mouth. When her pretty red lips closed around the tines of the utensil, he had to bite back a moan at the picture she presented. It was time to get some conversation going about something—anything—that could take his mind from burying himself inside her.

Thomas glanced at David to see him watching with a smile perking at the corners of his mouth. It wouldn’t do for him to lose control the first night of his friend’s training.

“So Gabrielle, what kind of work do you do?” David broke the sexual tension with a benign question that Thomas mentally thanked him for.

“Please feel free to call me Gabby.” She glanced at Thomas. “Although I know you prefer Gabrielle.”

“I rather agree with Thomas. Gabrielle suits you better.”

Both men began to eat as Gabrielle explained her job as a contract accountant. From her description, it sounded as if she had vast experience with a variety of clients.

“That reminds me about the job I wanted to discuss with you.”

“Yes, I’m anxious to hear about it.” She put down her fork and turned her full attention to him while Becky served their dinner of Chicken Marsala, Gabrielle’s favorite he’d been told.

“It might not be as exciting as your thinking,” Thomas laughed. “We’ve had a sudden influx of activities going on out at Sanctuary, and our resident accountant has been having a rough time of it. In fact, he’s several months behind on balancing our books, and I’m a little concerned.”

“So you need a temp to help him get caught up?”

“There’s a little bit more to it than that.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’d like for everything to get back on schedule, but I’d also like to get an audit on all the records for the past year.”

Gabrielle’s eyebrows drew together. He could practically see her mind calculating and contemplating the job. He was confident that with her references and obviously sharp mind, he’d made the right decision in choosing her. In more ways than one.

“Do you suspect something fishy?”

Yep, smart girl

“I have no real reason to; I just think the being behind makes me uncomfortable.” He wasn’t prepared to get into the details of this with her. He’d rather she go in and double check without any preconceived notions.

“Sometimes, the first gut reaction is the most telling.” Gabrielle twirled her wineglass, sliding it back and forth between her fingers. “I have a couple assignments that are ending in the next couple days so after that I could clear my schedule for you. It sounds like I’m going to need some time. Of course, I won’t know how much until I see the status of the bookkeeping for myself.”

“Of course.” He had a hard time taking his eyes from the woman who watched him intently but with such caution. But the thing he did notice was the way she seemed to have forgotten the state of her undress. Talking about her work had animated her as well as distracted her, and now, she appeared comfortable.

“David, why don’t you tell our beautiful guest how we met? I think she’ll be interested in that story.”

Gabrielle’s head turned almost reluctantly back to David, not taking her gaze from his until the last possible second. A sense of attachment was beginning to form, which he took as a very positive sign.

“Well, about six months ago, I ended a long relationship with a sweet but very vanilla woman. I’d been having thoughts and desires for a more intense relationship, if you know what I mean, and when I finally confessed, she freaked. I left the next morning.” Thomas knew his story well, but he wanted Gabrielle to hear it, to understand what they would be undertaking if she agreed to the co-training. “Once I got settled into a temporary apartment, I started to explore everything I’d learned through BDSM research.”

Gabrielle shook her head and set her chin onto her hands, absorbed by what David had to say. “I know exactly what you mean; my experience was all too similar.” Startled, Thomas schooled his face to not show his surprise as he settled in to watch them both.

“After a few visits with some local groups, I decided I needed a mentor. Someone with a lot of experience who could train me not to go to far, to learn to read the subtle signs a submissive gives when she needs something, that kind of thing. Long story short, through a few well-placed referrals, I landed on Sanctuary’s doorsteps looking for Master Thomas.”

Gabrielle’s head swung sharply in Thomas’ direction, her eyes wide and her mouth in the form of a small O. “You’re his trainer?”

“As of last week.” Thomas stroked the smooth skin of her cheek and glanced his fingers across her lips. “Gabrielle.” His hand gripped her chin and tilted it up until she stared into his eyes with no option to look away. “I want to train you together.”





Chapter Eight



Gabby’s head jerked in his hand, but he held fast, not letting her get away. What did this mean? Did he not want her for himself?

“Please, Sir, let me go.” Her voice trembled as she spoke.

“No running or hiding here, Gabrielle. Tell me what you’re thinking.” His hand tightened on her face and tears sprang to her eyes. She didn’t think she could do this right now. Sitting here naked, with David watching every move they made, was now beyond humiliating.

“If you didn’t want me for yourself, you shouldn’t have brought me here…toyed with me like this.”

His free hand gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Why would you think I don’t want you?”

She saw the change in his expression the moment realization dawned.

“You think I brought you here just for David?” His voice seemed filled with disbelief, but she couldn’t let that sway her. He had cleverly lured her into a sense of safety and compliance to hand her over to someone else.

“Please let go of me so I can cover myself and leave.” She didn’t know what else to do but salvage what was left of her pride, and the only way she could do that was to get the hell out of here—fast.

“You’re in no condition to go home, Gabrielle. You’re upset, and we need to clear the air.”

“Please listen to what Thomas has to say. I think you’ve misunderstood his intentions.”

Thomas shot David a quelling look, and he threw up his hands in mock surrender. After a few seconds of tension fueled silence, David and the caterer retreated from the room.

“I’m leaving.” She despised the disrespect that now filled her voice, but anger fueled by humiliation had taken over.

“No, you’re not. At least, not until I’ve said what needs to be said. Then we shall see.” He let go of her face, and while she rubbed at her jaw, he hauled her from the chair and up against his body, her breasts squished against his chest.

“This was a bad idea. I knew I shouldn’t have come.” Tears burned behind her eyes. Whether he liked it or not, she was going home before she embarrassed herself further by crying.

“There is something you need to understand about me. I’m fervent in my commitment to training. If I tell you something, I mean it. There won’t be hidden meanings or misdirection. So when I said that I wanted you, I meant it, probably more than you knew at the time.” He jerked her hand between them and placed it over his hard erection.

Holy hell, he was big.

“That’s what seeing you like this does to me. Your perfectly lush body is just to my liking, and I’ve thought of little else tonight except about when I could reasonably get inside you. I want to feel the heat and wetness of your pussy tightening around me, hear the breathless pants from your mouth. I want to fuck you mindless.”

Gabby felt a fresh wave of desire unfurl inside her at his words. The picture he painted in her mind became crystal clear. His words made her wet. The betrayal of her body pushed at her mind to give him whatever the hell he wanted.

She whimpered.


Thomas cut off her protest with a kiss she felt clear to her knees, weakening her stance. She buckled against him. His arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her in his direction until the table was directly behind her. He pushed her backward until her naked bottom hit the edge. Gabby struggled to breathe while Thomas consumed her. Her breasts ached for his touch. A fierce grip of need clenched in her belly and clit. He’d barely touched her, and already, the need to come consumed her.

With ease, he lifted her and plopped her on top of the dining table, away from the place settings. She desperately wanted to let go and give him control. Wasn’t that exactly what she’d come for? Gabby wrenched her mouth free and gulped for much-needed air to clear her head. His kisses were so seductive, burning her from the inside out, she felt like an addict over them already.

“What are you—”

“What I should have done earlier. Taking what I want, and giving you what you need.”

Mesmerized by every move he made, she watched him reach into his pocket and pull out a small foil packet. A condom. Her stomach jolted, and her clit pulsed as she realized what his intentions were. She tried to clench her thighs against the hot moisture building in her sex to no avail. It only made her yearn more.

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