Sugar Skulls (6 page)

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Authors: Lisa Mantchev,Glenn Dallas

BOOK: Sugar Skulls
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Young love. Always so eloquent.

I nudge her with my foot under the table, give her knee a reassuring squeeze, then slide out of the booth to afford them some privacy.

“Have fun, you two,” I admonish with a tiny finger-wag. Sasha looks from me to Pretty Goth Boy, pops the green and the white, and waves me off.

I down a second shot and head toward the dais. The thrum-collectors at the Palace are newer than most, but the lasers are violet instead of next-gen green. They stroll across my skin, absorbing heat and the first wisps of arousal.

Give me a few minutes . . . I’ll be feeding a lot more into the grid.

I’m halfway across the floor when Adonis sees me headed for him. The first of the pink pills kicks in as the next song cues up. Suddenly, I’m listening to my words seducing the entire room. “Screams and Whispers.” The one I made up on the fly at Hellcat Maggie’s. The one I composed on the spot for him.

For Micah.

The second pink pill drops into my system as Adonis’s hands find my waist. “Evening, gorgeous. Killer song, isn’t it?”

“You have no idea,” I shout over my own voice.

“Ever seen them live?” His mouth is against my ear after he pulls me to his chest. “I could take you. They’re playing the Dome on Friday.”

The third pill hits its stride, and I forget to be annoyed with him. Forget he’s talking about me. The Sugar Skulls? Just a band. Their music? Just noise. “Fuck them. What else are you offering?”

“You want something special?” With a slow grin, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a packet of tabs. Peeling one off, he offers it to me.

“Applejack?” I hesitate. Illicit shit, the kind Damon suspects Micah of running. That stuff isn’t Corporate-engineered or approved; it’s over-the-Wall contraband, and there’s no way to tell from one batch to the next how strong it’s going to be.

Damon will crap himself if he finds out.

Maybe I’ll tell him, and maybe I won’t.

I smile up at Adonis, ducking my head and licking the tab off his thumb. For a split second, it feels like a square inch of flypaper is stuck to my tongue, then it melts into green apple and acid and chemicals.

When he kisses me, he tastes like it, too, and everything is sticky and sweet and perfect.


Wow, the Palace is packed to the rafters and then some.
There’s no slipping past the front-door bouncer or the delivery-side security on a night like this. Instead I take the scenic route, scaling the neighboring hardware supply outlet and blue-skying across the alley to the Palace’s rain-slicked roof.

I land on both feet, but such leaps of faith come with a tax, so I tumble forward and shed that excess momentum, rolling back onto my feet and dusting myself off.

The roof pulses with pounding bass lines. I listen for the revealing rattle of a loose hatch and strike gold on the far corner of the building. Prying up the skylight, I gaze down into the writhing sea of flesh, the heady scent of sex and artificial pheromones already hitting critical mass.

Slipping through the window and onto the rafters, I pull the skylight shut behind me and spidermonkey my way to the nearest catwalk, dropping in on a couple in the midst of petting so heavy, I’d call it pawing. They don’t even spare me a glance.
Works for me.

It takes a few minutes to weave a path to a spiral staircase and down to the dance floor. Easier to crowd-surf across the room than push my way there. Unfortunately, that’s not an option. The crowd is so thunderously addled with chemical comforts that they’d fold like pamphlets under my weight.

I shove, elbow, and fight for every inch of territory, and finally make it to the neon-trimmed bar. When I manage to flag down Rete, he slams both palms on the countertop, the universal symbol for “get your ass over here and help me out.”
Already giving orders.

It would take forever and a week to crawl my way to the swinging gate that separates the drunken rabble from their beloved booze, so I take two steps back—just barely, considering the crush of the crowd—and charge forward, planting my hands on the counter and leaping upward, almost doing a handstand before dropping feetfirst onto the raised plastic mats behind the bar. The few patrons that actually notice look impressed. Then thirsty.

I turn toward Rete and immediately wish I hadn’t. Maggie’s second-in-command is a fingerpoke to the visual cortex. Jeans with flared legs, more fashionable than utilitarian, so not at all my style. Long sports jersey over an electric blue undershirt, and the just-audible buzz of freshly applied magtats, though I can’t see them. Underneath his broad-brimmed cap are a mountain range of cheekbones and chin, with two brown valleys for eyes.

He puts me to work mixing drinks: two Desevros on the rocks; several party cocktails that are more drug than drink; a small bathtub’s worth of some whiskey variant called minksack; three Blasters; and a shot of Sex on a Park Bench. Nothing I haven’t served before.

After the rush, we steal a quiet moment and duck in the back, ostensibly to restock. It’s the perfect opportunity to do a little fishing.

I pull the parcel from my back pocket and hand it over. “Any word from Maggie? I went by the club and her place, and nothing.”

Rete tucks the packet into a case full of something orange and viscous before straddling a neighboring crate, obviously glad to be off his feet.
A runner gone to seed.
“Not a word, not a peep. Like she evaporated and fluttered away to the clouds, man.”

“And you’re more than happy to step in.” Rete and Maggie share each other’s distribution networks, though I’ve never gotten a look at what he’s moving. This might be my chance.

“Hey, Mr. Quick, it’s all for the greater good. You just let me handle the supply side, and everything will be golden. Dig?”

. “Sure, I guess.”

Rete ignores my lack of enthusiasm. “That’s the spirit. Do you need any Rivitocin to keep the greyfaces away?”

He doesn’t know I’m off-grid, so I don’t need it. But the less he knows, the better.
“No, I’m good for a while yet.”

“Cool, man, cool. Keep in touch. I might have a few additions to your itinerary.” He offers his hand before I can press for details. “This awkward bit of small talk was a delight. See you around.”

I nod, ignoring the handshake, pissed I couldn’t get more out of him. After I carry two cases out to the bar for him, I launch back into the mob scene in search of an exit. Even the chaos of the Palace is preferable to shadow games with Rete.

I begin scanning for the right cover. The skylight trick only works as a way in, so I need a decent-sized group looking for some fresh air, and I can slip out with them.

Before someone spots me first.


It practically takes a crowbar to extract myself from Adonis’s grip. Every time I move one hand away, another materializes, holding on to my waist, running down my back, sliding a finger along the edge of my skirt.

Fabric ripping. Fingers wrapped around my neck—

My throat starts to close with panic until I realize that I’m imagining it.

Remembering it?

The applejack is fucking with me, that’s for sure.

“What’s the matter?” Adonis murmurs into my mouth.

“Nothing, I guess.” I expect the words to slur a bit, but they run together like water into a drainage ditch. “I need—”
Shit. What do I need?
A minute ago, I wanted to climb on top of him. Then the drugs had me imagining the overture to a fucking assault.
Three seconds to catch my breath ought to even this out.
“I need to visit the ladies’ room.”

“Don’t go yet,” he complains, dark eyes trying to memorize my face.

Fair enough. With all the new faces, he could lose me in the crowd in a hot second.

“I’ll be right back, I promise.” I kiss the golden god one more time to seal the deal, but before he’s quite done, I pull away and duck into the crowd.

The music transforms the dance floor into a mosh pit, elbows and arms jostling me from all sides. I ride the tide toward the bar and smack into the only guy in the room not dancing.

“Sorry about that,” I purr into his chest, then look up.

The guy’s face comes into focus, and it’s him.
Him. What’s his name? Shit.
The guy . . . from Hellcat Maggie’s.
The drugs in my system ate his name for breakfast, but I’d recognize him anywhere. Just like before, he’s trying to fade into the shadows. Unlike every other writhing, grinding, sweating body on the dance floor, he doesn’t want to be noticed. He isn’t part of the scene. He isn’t moving to the music. He isn’t high on anything.

He isn’t on the grid.

Before he can bolt, I grab his wrist. My other hand locks on to one of his belt loops. “Where are you headed, love?”

His eyes jump from my hand on his waist to my eyes, but except for a raised eyebrow, he’s still stone-faced. He mumbles something about “important” or “urgent” or whatever, but all I hear is “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date.”

“You . . . don’t remember me?” I peer at him, the sharp pain in my chest shifting from disappointment to relief.

Not a spy, then. Or the worst one in history, if he can’t recognize Clark Kent without his glasses.

Which makes him just a guy. And I’m not that girl with the voice, I’m just a body. A warm body. Shit, a really hot fucking body, liquid gold running through my veins. I can feel the sweat gather in the small of my bare back as I lean into him. “Really?”

He steps back and bumps right into the wall. His hands are rough and callused, trying to pry mine from his belt loop, but he’s going at it gently. The next time he speaks, I get every word.


“I’m sorry, believe me, I wish I did remember you.” A pause. “I have a hard time believing I wouldn’t remember you.”

Okay, there are distractions, there are
, and then there’s this girl, glistening with sweat and radiating pure, unadulterated sex. Her barely-there shirt offers tantalizing glimpses, her untamed ringlets of hair bouncing with every movement, begging to be grabbed and pulled and caressed.

She presses her body close to mine and flicks her tongue across my lip before I can protest. Not that I do protest, because while part of me wants to, plenty other parts of me are more than thrilled with the recent turn of events.

As her knee slips between mine, she smiles, triumphant, in control. Her hand moves from my wrist to stroke my neck possessively, trusting that I won’t push her away.

I don’t. I won’t. Because, truth be told, it’s nice just to be touched again. To be
. My hand drifts along her arm, fingertips tracing the soft skin until I bury my fingers in her hair, pulling her mouth close to mine.

With our lips almost brushing, I mutter, “I still don’t remember you.”

Her answering smile is downright wicked. “You will tomorrow.”


I’m plastered against him like one of the sixty billion posters that Corporate’s hung all over town. The music’s getting louder, more distorted, the high end a shriek and the low a steady, throbbing bass line that reverberates in my chest. It’s been years since I was just another girl at the club. Just another set of lips to kiss and just another riot of fucked-up tangled hair he’s more than welcome to twist his fingers through. Just another set of wants and needs and aches.

He doesn’t need to know my name to touch me.

Better, really, if he never knows. That way, when the Facilitators pick him up at the Dome, he won’t connect The Girl in the Club to The Girl with the Voice.

Maybe she’s the girl he really wants, but I’m the girl he gets tonight.

I take a step back, bringing him with me like it’s a tango and I’m leading. There’s a bank of velvet-curtained alcoves not ten feet from where we’re standing, and a little privacy would be nice right about now. I tow him to the one on the end, push him inside when he hesitates at the entrance, follow him in. There’s a tiny bench and a mirror. The sconce on the wall burns bright and blue, painting my skin with frost.

It’s only an illusion, a less flashy version of the thrum-collectors. I can feel myself burning up. By now I must be sparking enough energy to power the entire club on my own.

One good yank, and I manage to rip his shirt open to the waist. Buttons fly in every direction and disappear into the darkness. He starts to object, but I’m already kissing his chest, mouth roaming over pale muscles and scars and ink. I bury my nose in the scents of clean sweat and soap and an unexpected metallic tang.

New pennies. He smells like new pennies.

I haven’t seen or held a coin like that in years, but I’m already past that revelation. The moment my lips touch his in earnest, everything inside me implodes.


My shirt’s open in a flash, and her lips are on me, her tongue tracing hot little swirls along my skin. My arms close around her, one hand still buried in her hair, the other stroking along her spine, fingertips trailing along the exposed skin, and she shivers despite the warmth radiating from her.

She’s a whirlwind, a hungry, passionate, desperately fuckable whirlwind, and I’m swept up in her wake.

The only furniture in the room is a little bench against the wall, since you need the space for couples, trios, and other gatherings of willing bodies. I sit down quickly, pull her closer, my hands on her ass as she climbs onto my lap, straddling me. Her afterthought of a shirt brushed aside, her chest against mine, I can feel her heart pounding like a speaker about to blow out.

Grabbing two fistfuls of my hair, she yanks my head back, exposing my neck. She chuckles as she kisses along my jawline, then bites . . . not too hard, but not gently, either, like she’s marking me as hers.

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