Summer Solace (16 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Summer Solace
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That thought steeled his resolve. He didn’t care what his brother thought might have happened between Tanya and Gabe. He had found the one woman that made him feel alive and nothing short of death was going to keep him from claiming her for his own. He shut the door of the truck and was soon pushing his way through the woods back towards the camp where his family waited.

Dana and Karen had just finished prepping the last ear of corn and their husbands were helping them clean up the discarded silk when they heard voices coming up the trail. They all looked towards the trailhead in anticipation of seeing the last of their group arrive. The first person to step into view was Susan, Brian’s bride of six months. The women smiled and were ready to call out a welcome when another woman entered the clearing.

“Oh, fuck,” Dana and Karen said in perfect harmony. Jake and Scott scowled at their wives and spoke at the same time.


The women didn’t immediately react to the warning. They were too busy staring at the small woman standing beside Susan.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Dana growled as she stood.

Scott took her arm and addressed her firmly, “Calm down right now!  If you can’t behave, you may go to the tent with Jessica. I will not have you cussing like a sailor.” 

Dana turned her face up to his, appearing shocked that he wasn’t as pissed off as she was.

“That’s not fair!  Shit -” She stopped speaking when she saw the look of warning on her husband’s face. “I’m sorry, Scott. I didn’t mean to cuss like that,” Dana apologized quickly.

Scott nodded but warned her again, “You’ve earned yourself a spanking. One more bad word, young lady, and your butt is going to hurt so much that a barrel of M&Ms won’t even help.”

Dana gasped, “Yes, Sir. I am sorry.” 

Scott smiled, knowing she would be even sorrier in a bit.

Unlike Dana, Karen took her husband’s warning seriously. She continued to glare at Tanya, but managed to keep her mouth shut. She simply couldn’t believe the woman was standing in the middle of their campsite.

Brian finally staggered into the clearing behind the two women. Jake hurried to help him with the tent and carried it over to the space they had designated for him and Susan. Eric went to the swimming hole to tell Shelley and Amber to bring the kids up as it would be time for dinner soon. The sounds of children’s voices were soon floating up the path from the beach.

Tanya and Susan stood at the table by Karen. Karen was about to tell Tanya exactly what she was thinking, but didn’t get the chance. The children burst into the clearing followed by the three adults at the same exact moment that Gabe stepped out of the woods on the opposite side.
His training allowed him to place everyone exactly and he immediately ordered Amber to take the kids to the beach. The kids might not have understood what was going on, but they certainly understood they had just received permission to go back to the river. Whopping and yelling, they turned like a herd of young buffalo and pushed and shoved their way back down the path. Amber gave her eldest brother a look and saw he was furious. Not wishing to experience his wrath, she immediately turned and followed her nieces and nephews. More beach time sounded like a great idea to her. Gabe waited until all the kids had disappeared before turning back to the adults.





Chapter 12


“Just what in the hell do you think you are doing here, Tanya?”  Gabe’s question answered anyone’s doubts that he might have actually invited her. Dana immediately relaxed, her anger disappearing and her curiosity growing. This promised to be quite interesting. Susan had the grace to look uncomfortable even as she stepped closer to her best friend.

“Now, Gabe, that isn’t the way to greet my guest. Tanya just wanted,” she began but was immediately interrupted.

“I don’t give a flying fuck what Tanya wants,” Gabe said, his voice like steel. “And, you, Susan, you know better. We’ve discussed this a dozen times. If your husband is too weak to take you over his knees and blister your bottom for such disobedience and blatant disrespect, rest assured I have no such qualms!” 

Susan’s mouth dropped open and she found her gaze darting towards her husband. Brian looked to see his brother fuming, his eyes flashing and his hands clenched tightly. Brian looked at Tanya and his wife and understood both looked very guilty.

His own suspicions seemed valid and he asked, “What does Gabe mean, Susie?” 

His wife shook her head, her hands twisting together in front of her. Brian recognized it as a confession of guilt as she only did it unconsciously when she felt naughty.

Brian gave her a warning. “Susan, if you lie to me, I promise you won’t sit for a week. I’m done with your games. What is Gabe talking about?” 

Susan’s heart stuttered as she heard her husband’s tone. As newlyweds, they had just begun to work out the true dynamics of their relationship. She had known he believed in the Head of Household lifestyle and had agreed with the romantic concept of it all. However, she hadn’t truly considered the physical part. The first time he had taken her over his lap and given her a spanking, she had been truly shocked. She had begged and pleaded and cried so much that her husband had given in. The spanking had been stopped instantly and only a few more had given when she had pushed him way beyond his limit. She stepped towards him, her hand raised as if to touch him. Brian was conscious of her ploy and nipped it in the bud.

“I asked you a question, Susan. Answer me immediately or I’ll spank you first and then you can attempt to explain,” Brian said in a tone she had never heard before.

Susan gasped when she looked around and realized that the entire family – minus the children or her in–laws – were all waiting for her response. She knew that not a single one of them would come to her defense. She was about to look to Tanya, certain she’d find support there, when her gasp turned into a yelp. Brian’s patience had ended. He took hold of her upper arm and pulled her towards the picnic table. When his destination was clear to everyone, Scott reached down to help his wife up from her seat.

“Not a chance,” Dana whispered. He knew he should pull her up but grinned. If he were honest, it was about time they all witnessed Brian taking a stand. Instead of insisting she move away, Scott folded his tall frame and sat between her and Karen. Dana grinned and chanced missing the action for the moment it took her to lean over and kiss her husband’s cheek. The sound of Susan wailing moved her attention back to the table. Brian had his wife bent over the end of the picnic table, one hand in the small of her back holding her down while the other was tugging her shorts down off her bottom.

“Please!  Please, no!  Stop! I’ll answer, Brian, but don’t do this!” 

Brian totally ignored her pleas. Her shorts were soon at her ankles and his hand was resting on her panty-clad bottom. Susan stiffened when he moved it to take hold of the waistband of her last remaining barrier. Her voice broke into sobs as she poured out the story.

“I - Gabe told me that he - he had no interest in Tanya. I tried to change his mind even though he kept asking me to stop. I - I just wanted Tanya to be a part of our family. She loves Gabe and - and I thought if she came, I could get him to love her too!  Please, please let me up, Brian. I won’t interfere again, I swear!  You don’t have to spank me, honey, I just want Gabe to be as happy and as in love as we are.” 

Feeling his palm return to simply lay open and flat on her bottom, she relaxed slightly. Her tears were still falling, her shame at being bent and almost completely exposed before everyone was horrifying. She prayed that her confession would be enough to pacify her husband; it had always worked before. Brian was softly stroking his wife’s bottom when he heard his sister snort. He looked up to see Dana rolling her eyes and saw that Scott was also looking at him as if wondering if he was stupid enough to fall for Susan’s pathetic attempt at manipulating him.

Looking around the clearing, he was aware that he had center stage. Gabe was standing, arms crossed as he simply waited to see what Brian’s next move would be. Brian adored his oldest brother and had always looked to him for guidance. He wished he could take a few moments to ask for advice, but knew that time was forever gone. Susan was his wife and his responsibility. He looked to see Tanya looking a bit unsure of herself, but saw her smile as she met his eyes.

“Come on, Brian,” Tanya said. “Don’t blame Susie. I talked her into it. She asked if I wanted to come and I did. I just want to talk to Gabe. There is no need for anyone to get spanked. That’s a ridiculous idea anyway. Women just don’t bend over and let their partners spank them anymore. Come on, let her up and we can all sit down and discuss this like adults.” 

Tanya thought her plan was the perfect one, after all, did people really expect to bare their butts to their ridiculously dominate men simply when told? 

Gabe finally moved. He took hold of Tanya’s arm and pulled her towards him. She was about to protest when she realized this was what she wanted. She was positive he would soon see what he was missing. No one else moved as Gabe moved Tanya to the end of the table where her best friend was still bent over. For a heartbeat, Tanya froze.

“No fucking way,” she snarled, thinking that she was about to be put down beside Susan. She was shocked when she heard Gabe laugh.

“That’s the truth. No fucking way I care enough about you to take you in hand. We’ve never been together Tanya,” Gabe barked. “No matter what you cooked up in your twisted little mind, I have never given you reason to believe we could have a relationship. Brian, give me your keys.” 

No one spoke as Brian released his wife only to dig in his pocket for his key ring. He tossed the keys to his brother. Gabe caught them and then looked up. He saw Jake and tossed him the keys. Jake easily caught them and grinned. He moved to where Gabe was pulling Tanya. They stopped by the dropped luggage and Gabe grabbed the bag. “Jake is taking you home, Tanya Do not ever approach me again. I can’t control your friendship with Susan, though that might even be changed after she asks Brian to spank her for her disobedience.” 

“She won’t do that!  She isn’t stupid. She isn’t ever going to beg to be spanked,” Tanya said not believing her friend could ever do such a thing.

“Don’t bet on that, Tanya,” Gabe said, his voice softening. “The women in our family know that they are loved and treasured and protected. They submit to their husbands because they love them just as much. Susan understands she had been disobedient and disrespectful not only to me but to her husband as well. Susan understands that asking for a spanking will allow her to submit to her husband. Having a spanked bottom hurts for a time, but having a hurt heart hurts far, far longer. Maybe Susan will share what happens with you at some later date. For now, this is good night and goodbye. I don’t ever want to see you again.” 

Tanya’s mouth was open, her eyes showing her disbelief and shock. She was an incredibly beautiful woman and knew it. She had plenty of men drooling all over her, begging for her attention. However, after meeting Gabe at Susan’s birthday party, all she had wanted was for him to want her as well. Despite her and Susan’s plans to constantly have them thrown together, Gabe never once showed interest and that drove Tanya wild. No man had ever so totally ignored her before. She had persuaded Susan that she could change Gabe’s mind. All she needed was some time alone with him. She convinced Susan that the family reunion would give her the perfect opportunity to convince Gabe that she was the woman he desired. Susan had fallen for the plan because she was desperate for her friend to become part of her extended family.

As Tanya took in Gabe’s words, she was shocked to hear her friend crying louder. She looked back, thinking that Brian must have swatted her. Instead, she saw Brian standing two feet away from his wife, both hands now at his sides. Susan was still bent over the table, her tears falling fast. Susan had heard every word Gabe had spoken and felt incredibly guilty. For the first time in her marriage, she finally understood the dynamics of the domestic discipline lifestyle.

She had known that the women of the family submitted to their husbands, and had seen how satisfied and content every couple was together. She had wanted to feel that sort of deep, abiding love with Brian. She knew they did love each other, but she finally understood she had not ever truly submitted to him. She felt abandoned when Brian’s palm left her bottom and then felt him step away from her.

Though she was embarrassed, she pushed herself up off the table and turned to her husband. She didn’t bother to bend and pull her shorts back up. Instead, she wiped her cheek with one hand. “I’m so sorry, Brian. I was wrong and - please forgive me? I promise I will stop matchmaking. Please - will you please sp - spank me?” 

Her tone rose at the end as if asking if it would be okay to actually ask for a spanking. Brian saw her flushed face and the tears shimmering in her eyes. For the first time he felt like she was truly going to submit to him as the head of their family. His heart swelled and his throat tightened. Sure, he’d spanked her a few times as he never would have married anyone not open to his chosen lifestyle. However, those few times had not satisfied either of them. Seeing his wife, shorts at her ankles, her tear stained face turned up to his, he nodded at her request.

She didn’t hesitate; her mouth turned up into a smile. “Thank you, Sir. I promise to obey you from now on.” 

Brian turned to see Gabe smile and nod. Gabe didn’t wait to witness the event. He knew Brian would make sure his wife got her request fulfilled. Instead, he went to his tent, grabbed his own keys and then motioned for Jake and Tanya to follow him.

Tanya had been shocked into silence when she heard Susan’s request. For some reason, she felt very sad and alone. These people – this family had something she had never experienced. Seeing Gabe following her and Jake towards the cars, she knew she’d never be a part of this group. As Jake opened the door and then tossed her bag into the backseat, she turned to Gabe.

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