Surviving Doctor Vincent: The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 2 (4 page)

Read Surviving Doctor Vincent: The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 2 Online

Authors: Renea Mason

Tags: #Psychological, #Medical, #Doctor, #Mystery, #Bdsm, #nage, #Bondage, #polyamorous, #erotic, #bisexual, #Mé, #Sex, #Suspense, #Menage, #Erotica

BOOK: Surviving Doctor Vincent: The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 2
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“The Society...” he whispered in my ear. “It’s more than Charles and Lydia. The succession goes back centuries. I contacted them that night after I left you in the office. They are watching me. My every move. Since then, strange things have happened. Sebastian’s house was broken into. He’s OK, but his study was ransacked. They stole items that belonged to Miriam. Remember Patrice from the gallery?”

I rolled my eyes. How could I forget? Perfect body, his hands all over her curves. “Yes, I remember. She’s the curator, right?”

“Correct. She was mugged, held at gunpoint, and then forced to empty out the gallery safe. Thankfully, the one they emptied only contained art and none of Lydia’s journals. I’ve moved them to a secure location.” He kissed the base of my throat, causing me to shiver.

“The night after I left you, I visited Ellington House. I thought the Society was connected to the university, but it’s not so. Many of the members are employed there, but only because of the convenience. Their home base sits between New York and Boston, on a huge estate billed as nothing more than a private club.” He removed his face from my neck and leaned back to look in my eyes, resting his hands on my hips. “I went there and told them that Lydia had told me everything. I figured I had enough information to improvise through any gaps. They accepted me far too easily. They told me that I had already earned my place among their ranks, meaning I’d met my potential, but they wondered why I took so long.”

“Great, you’re becoming one of them.” I looked away from him.

He grabbed me by the chin and turned my face, forcing my gaze to meet his. “Beating them at their own game is the only way, Elaine. The only way I can break them is to become them. I can’t get close enough any other way. To find out what motivates them.”

I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to hear anymore.

“God, I wish you’d...” he grumbled under his breath and then paused, settling on a new thought. “That’s when things started to escalate. People following me. Strange phone calls. Sebastian suggested I keep you at a distance. He’s worried for your safety.”

“So you couldn’t bother to tell me this? There was no way to return at least one of those phone messages I left?”

“I tossed my phone that first night I visited Ellington House. Sebastian thought discarding the device was best. Said they may have bugged the circuitry and the contraption posed a security risk, since the phone had been in my jacket, out of my control. I never heard your messages.”

“Of course. And let me guess, the great Xavier Vincent lost my number and had no way to contact me.” I let out a frustrated sigh. “Don’t. Just don’t.” My eyes stung. Tears fell as I shook my head, dismissing his explanations.

He grasped his hair in frustration, pulling, with a growl in his throat. “They execute people, Elaine. That isn’t something I can take lightly. I’d rather have you hate me and be alive, than love me and be dead. A man in a silver Lincoln has been following me. My mail went missing after the doorman verified the letters and packages had been delivered. Hell, they probably followed me here. Sebastian suggested I break all contact for your safety. We hoped that our investigation would only be a few more weeks before we took action. I didn’t think a few weeks apart was enough to make you hate me.”

“Sebastian’s sure full of advice. I guess his advice didn’t include calling me, clueing me in on what was happening.” I clenched my fists, pulling on the cuffs.

“It did occur to him. In fact, he suggested just that,” he answered in a low voice, looking down at the floor. “You know me, Elaine, it’s all or nothing. I couldn’t hear your voice and then stay away. My plan was to finalize everything fast and get back to you.”

“If you had been alone today, I might have only disliked you. But my opinion shouldn’t bother you, since you have plenty of other options.”

“None that I want.”

“Sometimes it’s not about want, Doctor. Sometimes it’s about what’s best.”

“Is that what you were doing before I got here? What you thought was best? Denying my existence?”

“Yes. It’s the only choice.”

“Then you should understand my motivations perfectly. I stayed away because avoiding you was for the best—for your safety.” He brushed his lips against mine and breathed, “But I need all my strength for my concentration, and after today in the restaurant, none of that would be possible. You’re my weakness, Elaine. I tried to deny my feelings, to run, to fool myself, but avoiding you isn’t the answer. Being here is selfish of me, but I won’t lose you.” His lips closed over my full lower one and caressed, until his mouth enveloped mine. His movements were slow and tender while his fingers gripped my hips.

Not fair. He felt so good; his touch drowned me in the storm that was Xavier Vincent. No matter how angry I grew, the chemistry, or whatever drew me to him, threatened to break me.

He kissed me harder then pulled back and whispered, “Please, forgive me.” He nuzzled my neck and his hands moved to the button on my dress pants. A quick tug and he lowered the zipper.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m hoping to bring back old memories.”

I should have protested. I should have said, no, but I couldn’t.

His fingers hooked in the waistband. “Lift your hips for me.”

I hesitated.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can keep up this pretense, but you and I both know how this is going to end.”

I wanted to hate him. He knew so little about me yet had so much control, even when I actively resisted. “I can’t do this. You’re right, if I knew you, I would have known the risk of you disappearing on your little adventure. Maybe that’s what makes this harder. I shouldn’t have fallen in love with someone I know so little about.”

“Love isn’t an exchange of information. Love is a connection between two people that defies explanation. Nothing stands in its way—not distance, time, or circumstance. Love doesn’t care how well you know me; it still exists. And no matter how hard you try to will it away, you will lose.”

Damn him. I lifted my hips, and he slid my pants down my legs. The uncomfortable pull on my arm from the cuffs reminded me of just how little say in everything I had.

“Don’t fight me. Please.” He tugged my panties, forcing my bare bottom to rest on the hardwood surface of the chair. After removing the undergarment and my shoes and socks, leaving me naked from the waist down, he eased back against his chair. He stared for a moment and then stood. His quiet focus was unnerving. He crossed his arms, grabbed the glass from the table, and then strode to the kitchen.

He dumped the water into the sink and then pressed the button on the fridge dispenser. Ice clinked against the glass.

He’s thirsty? Strips me naked and decides he needs a drink? “What are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing?”

“God only knows.” With a puff, I blew the stray strands of hair from my eyes.

“Do you want the technical explanation?”

“Cut the bullshit.”

“I’m killing your stubborn streak.”

“Not possible. You’ll still leave when this is done.” I hardened my expression.

He dipped his fingers into the glass and grasped a piece of ice. He sucked the droplets from the pointed edge of the cube. “I learned a lot in my short time at Ellington House. Did you know that in almost all cases, when the subject is willing, the relationship between keeper and subject is sexual? I was the subject and Lydia, the keeper. She was a kind of fucked-up fairy godmother.” He dropped the cube into the glass and rested his hip against the counter at least ten feet away.

“I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. Lydia harbored me by not having sex with me. She perpetuated the lie about my condition for my protection. Abstinence was her way of not violating me. They all thought I’d agreed to be her subject when we married, but she never gave me a clue.” He laughed, but the pain still bled through.

“Xavier...” The overwhelming mixture of sympathy and anger made my head spin. I still had love for him. My rage killed my affection, but compassion stood like a sacrifice in the way, promising a life of guilt and sorrow should my anger succeed.

“Since I’ve reached my potential, I’m free to become a keeper and I was shown...the perks...of membership.”

“What? A free memory scrub with every execution?”

He grinned. “No, my love, sex. They offered me sex.”

Fury raced through me. My cheeks flooded with heat and my heart pounded in my chest. I growled through gritted teeth, “Good for you.”

Standing straight, he walked toward me, and stopped a few feet away. He collected an ice cube in his fingers, but this time he held the cold block above me and allowed droplets of water to drip onto my knee.

I let out a small gasp, jerking my knee in reaction to the chill on my overheated skin.

“Once a month the council hosts a gathering for a little R&R. Some keepers with willing subjects attend. Charles and Lydia had quite a reputation for delivering a standup performance. I was surprised when my contact invited me to join.”

I glared at him, my legs closed tight.

“Elaine, there was sex everywhere, in every position and every variety. And there were very few rules. Subjects were always submissive to their keeper.” He reached his hand out farther, and hovered the ice over my legs, allowing another water drop to pool between my thighs.

Just when I didn’t think I could be more enraged... He liked to watch—for years, voyeurism was his only way of finding satisfaction. That sick sense of betrayal cut deeper, knotting my gut. “Why the fuck should I care? Go! Go be with them.” I bowed my head, fighting more tears.

Another drip, cold on my overheated skin.

“If you’d settle down, you might realize why I’m sharing this story.” He moved closer and drizzled another cool drop into the pool that collected near my sex.

“What? That you got off at an orgy while I wondered if you were alive?”

“I didn’t betray you, Elaine. My time there was spent gathering intelligence. Nothing more.”

“How convenient. You know what?” I raised my head slowly until I met his gaze. “Take these cuffs off and get out.”

Drip. My thighs trembled.

He sighed. “No.” He sucked the cube into his mouth, wrapping his full lips around the very end. With a pop he released it. “You don’t understand. The only way I can keep you close and still protect you is if they think you’re my subject. Interfering with a subject is against the rules.”

Another droplet caused a ripple on the surface of the small puddle forming between my closed legs and mound.

“I could keep you locked away, where they will never find you. I won’t do that to you. So the only choice is for you to play along. But your performance needs to be convincing.” Another drip. “Spread your legs.”


He raised an eyebrow. His jaw tightened. “It wasn’t a request.”

I didn’t budge.

“Fine.” He dropped to his knees, gathered another ice cube from the glass, and held the frozen water between his teeth. With both hands free, he forced my legs apart and scooted between so that closing them was no longer an option. He removed the ice cube from between his lips and spoke. “You need to trust me. Trust that I know what’s best for you. If you’re going to be mine, there is no other way. If your love is conditional on my presence, you don’t have a choice. If you can’t convince them that I’ve mastered you, they will kill you. If you want me Elaine, if you want us, you’ll need to become mine to play their game.” His one hand urged my hips forward, so my sex was on display. With the other, he held out the piece of ice to eye level, so I could watch the droplet form, dangle and then drip onto my already wet core.

“Like this ice, I’ll sometimes need to be cold. My demands subtle like the drips of water...and other times...” Quickly, his hand lowered, and he placed the ice against my swollen flesh.

I gasped and jerked, causing the cuffs to cut into my wrists while I gritted my teeth.

He slid the ice back and forth, dancing over the slippery surface. “Other times... I’ll make demands you might not be prepared for.” He removed the ice from between my legs, wrapped his lips around the frozen cube and sucked, tasting me on the surface. His hand cupped my pussy and his mouth collided with mine.

I resisted, but he ignored my reluctance, fisting his hand in my hair and holding my mouth to his. As his lips continued to demand entrance, his fingers slid through my wetness until he entered me with two of them.

On my gasp, he slid the ice into my mouth and increased the rhythm between my legs. He buried his face in my neck.

I spat the ice at him. The melting cube hit his dark blue shirt, leaving a small, darkened spot, and then dropped to the floor.

He yanked my hair, forcing my head back. “That wasn’t very nice. You should be punished for that.” He licked from the nape of my neck to my ear and then whispered, “I can’t think of a more fitting punishment than making your body give me what your anger refuses.” He buried his fingers deep. “You’re going to come for me. Let go of your anger and surrender.”

Fighting him was pointless; I didn’t have the strength to resist anymore. I’d save the battle for later when my need no longer waged war with my anger.

He captured my mouth, and I embraced his kiss, sliding my lips over his full ones.

Sensing the moment I surrendered, he breathed against my mouth, “Oh Elaine, yes...that’s it. Succumb to me.”

I did. Even though his seduction would make things harder should he disappear again, I no longer had the will to refuse. I’d end up hating him, but even more so, I’d hate myself.

His fingers plunged and retreated over and over again, while his thumb circled my clit. My climax was imminent.

“I love you, Elaine. No matter what happens, no matter what you feel for me, and regardless of what we’ll have to endure, my love will never change.”

“Shut up, and don’t stop.” I wished I could believe him. But my frustration with his meaningless declarations had left me raw. He needed to stop setting expectations he couldn’t meet.

His thrusts grew frantic and the pressure more acute on the place I needed him most. I arched against his hand.

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