Sweet Seduction (33 page)

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Authors: Jennifer St George

BOOK: Sweet Seduction
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The anticipation accelerated her breathing so she was almost panting. Blood pounded loudly in her ears.

Moments later he nudged her legs apart and positioned himself. He met her gaze, almost questioning. ‘Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you. You’ve only been out of hospital a couple—’

She grasped his muscled buttocks and pulled him close.

He needed no more invitation.

He plunged deep inside her, driving every molecule of air from her lungs in a low moan. A rainbow of colour enveloped her world.

And in that one instant, Charlie knew she couldn’t live without him. Gabe was her life, her world, her reason for being. He’d been prepared to give up his dreams for her. She knew she’d give him everything she possessed.

He sank into her again and again. The sounds escaping her lips didn’t even seem to be hers. Cries of pleasure. Demands for more. Sobs of pure ecstasy.

She wrapped her legs around his back, craving everything he could give.

He reached between their slick bodies and slid his finger between her folds. She arched up to meet him.

As soon as he touched her, she tipped over the edge, crying his name over and over.

He shuddered. ‘Charlie. Oh, Charlie.’

His body crumpled over her.

She closed her eyes, smothered with the delicious weight of the man who’d captured her – heart and soul.

Charlie basked in the afterglow of the best sex she’d ever had. She lay with her head on Gabe’s chest, listening as his heartbeat slowed from frantic to merely racing. She didn’t know it could be this way – every cell in her body ached to be possessed. In fact, she’d always wondered what all the fuss was about. Paul had been her only lover. Sex with him had been . . . well, pleasant. Not the scream-the-house down, wild romp she and Gabe had just indulged in.

Her cheeks burned. She hoped the neighbours were at work.

And that orgasm . . .

With Gabe, the pulses of pleasure had just kept coming and coming until she thought she’d explode from sensual bliss.

Gabe stroked her hair. ‘Wow,’ he said, his voice barely audible.

‘I feel faint,’ she said.

‘What?’ he asked, lifting her body onto his hot, bare chest and placing the back of his hand on her forehead. ‘Do you feel sick?’

She laughed. ‘No, I feel wonderful.’ She reached up and kissed him.

His mobile buzzed from the pocket of his pants somewhere on the floor.

‘Bet that’s Abigail,’ he said. ‘She’ll be wondering where I am.’

‘I suppose I’d better let you go then.’

He slid his hands down her back. Cupping her bottom, he pulled her up further so her soft mound rested against his hardening manhood.

‘Yes, I suppose so.’ His words clearly at odds with his body.

She sat astride him.

‘Well, don’t you think you should be going?’ she said provocatively, rocking so her clitoris stroked his growing hardness.

He hitched in a quick breath. ‘If you keep this up, I might never let you go.’ He reached over and slipped another condom from the open box.

‘Don’t make threats you don’t plan to keep,’ she said, leaning down and kissing his chest. ‘You really should . . .’ But the words died in her throat as he deftly lifted her to thrust inside her.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned into his ear. ‘I want you hard and fast.’

He needed no further invitation. He gripped her waist and pumped into her. Every movement, every thrust – ecstasy. She came, blinded by pleasure. Nothing mattered except the man beneath her.

As she lay satiated, basking in the slowly ebbing pleasure, guilt crept slowly over her. Gabe had no idea he’d just made love to a woman masquerading under a false identity.

Not once but twice.

Chapter Fourteen

After spending an hour in hair and make-up, Charlie returned to her dressing room. She leaned on the counter and stared at herself in the mirror.

What a difference.

A few months ago, she’d been in a loveless relationship with a soulless life stretching out before her. Now she was a national television star with a real talent for food and in love with a gorgeous, talented director.

Guilt still tugged at her heart, but she wouldn’t let it in. Not tonight.

Charlotte Wentworth would just have to wait. She was Charlie Brown and she was about to compete in the live final of
First-Class Chef

Win or lose, tonight she would finally prove to herself and the nation she was not nothing. She’d succeeded without her family and their millions. Three of Britain’s elite food critics thought she could cook and Gabe thought her worthy of his love.

A smile crept across her face as she savoured the many times they’d been between the sheets over the past couple of days. Just thinking about it made her feel sexy and alive.

‘On set in five.’ Abigail’s voice floated through the door.

‘Coming,’ she called back, shaking her head, trying to dislodge Gabe from her mind so she could focus on the exact steps of her recipes.

Regarding herself in the mirror, Charlie straightened her spine.

‘Ready?’ she asked her reflection.

‘You bet,’ she told herself.

There was a knock at the door.


Gabe opened the door. His dazzling smile sent her heart rate flying.

‘Good to go?’ he asked.

‘As I’ll ever be,’ she said softly to the man who’d changed her life forever.

‘You’re going to be great,’ he said. ‘Come, on, I’ll walk you over.’

They moved together down the corridor to the huge studio door. Famous faces stared out at her from portraits on the walls. Perhaps she might now count herself among them.

Applause crashed over them as Gabe swung the heavy studio door open. Cast, crew and audience gave her a standing ovation. She took a step back.

‘No,’ Gabe said, pulling her towards the front of the set. ‘You deserve it all. Enjoy it.’

The audience called her name. Her cheeks glowed and elation filled her heart. Finally she’d found a place in the world where people admired her, liked her for herself.

When the applause died, Gabe led Charlie into the dim light at the side of the set. He found a quiet, isolated spot behind the cameras. Applause rang out again, and Charlie could see Abigail leading out Tim out onto the set.

Gabe drew her to him. She looked around quickly.

‘Gabe, people will see,’ she protested.

‘When you’re in love, you don’t care who knows it.’

And there it was.


Gabe loved her.

‘You love me?’

‘Oh Charlie, how could you doubt it? In hospital . . . I thought I’d lost you.’


But his kiss cut her short. She forgot about the show, forgot about the audience and the millions who would be watching, and poured her whole soul into that moment. The moment she knew would define the rest of her life.

A life with Gabe.

‘Get your hands off my fiancée.’ The familiar ugly voice roared through her brain like a tsunami. Her body froze like a block. She turned slowly, stumbled back.

Gabe pulled her close.

‘I said, get your filthy hands off my fiancée.’ Paul’s normally handsome face twisted in fury as he walked forward.

Gabe pushed her behind him. ‘Call security,’ he called to the closest cameraman. ‘You.’ He pointed to Paul. ‘Take another step and I’ll have you for trespass.’

‘Oh, I don’t think so.’ Paul’s voice dipped with sarcasm. He stood just a few metres from them now. ‘There is no law against a man collecting his lying, cheating fiancée.’

Gabe dropped into a boxer’s pose. ‘Get back,’ he said to Charlie over his shoulder. ‘I’ll hold him. You run.’

Gabe crouched, his fists at the ready. In seconds, the two men would be within striking distance.

She had to act. If Gabe hit Paul, he’d be the one slammed up for assault. She knew Paul well enough to know he’d go to the ends of the earth to wreak revenge on anyone who came even close to hurting him, or worse, humiliating him.

Charlie leaped in front of Gabe. ‘Stop. I know him.’

Gabe simply heaved her aside. ‘Charlie, go. It’s another lunatic.’

She hauled down his fists with all her strength. ‘No, I know him.’

Gabe stilled. His eyes clouded with confusion. ‘You know this guy?’

‘You bet she does.’ Paul moved in close. ‘Charlotte Wentworth knows me very well, if you know what I mean.’ He sniggered, his mouth ugly in its vulgarity.

Gabe lunged.

‘No, Gabe.’ Her desperation checked him.

Gabe’s eyes bore into hers like drills. ‘Wentworth?’ Paul’s words must have sunk in.

A sweat broke out across Charlie’s body. ‘I’ve something . . .’ But her voice shattered before she could finish.

Paul dropped a heavy arm across her shoulders. ‘It appears, my friend, that your star cook has been passing herself off as someone she’s not.’

Gabe’s teeth clenched. His hands twitched at his side. Charlie could tell he was only just managing to hold himself in control.

Charlie slipped from Paul’s grasp. She needed to handle the situation and fast.

‘Gabe, I need to explain—’

Paul grabbed her around her waist. ‘Well,’ he said. ‘I don’t know about you, darling, but I’ve had just about enough of this miserable country. Come on, Charlotte, we’re going home.’ He took her arm and pulled her towards the exit.

‘Stop right there,’ Gabe growled.

Charlotte noticed two security guards enter the studio.

‘Tell me this isn’t true,’ he implored.

‘I’m so sorry,’ she begged, reaching for his hands.

‘But—’ Gabe shook his head as if trying to awaken from a dream. ‘Wentworth—’ He looked at her as if it were for the first time.

‘Enough.’ Paul’s voice was authoritative and bullying. ‘Come on, Charlotte. Now.’

A few months ago, his demands would have made her jump. Now she whirled on him in fury.

‘Don’t you dare talk to me like that. I want you to leave.’

Paul sneered. ‘Is that right? Fine. I’ll leave, but you’re coming with me.’

Her arm burned as he gripped her roughly and began dragging her across the floor.

‘Security,’ Charlie cried. ‘This man is assaulting me.’

The two burly guards made short work of Paul, pinning his hands behind his back.

Incensed, he began shouting obscenities and threats of legal action. Then he turned his attention to Charlie. ‘If you don’t come now, you’ll be cut off without a cent. Do you understand?’ he shouted. ‘You’ll be left with nothing.’

It took security less than a minute to remove a furious Paul Forsyth from the premises but Charlie barely noticed as she ran back to Gabe. What she saw broke her heart.

‘Who are you?’ he asked through clenched teeth.

‘Gabe, please—’

‘Damn it, Charlie. Answer the question.’

It was over. She took a deep breath. ‘I’m Charlotte Wentworth. That was my cheating ex.’

‘He didn’t seem to be aware he was an ex. Is that a lie, just like your name is a lie?’

. Gabe—’

‘You met me and decided you’d prefer to be a celebrity. After all, it’s not like you needed his money.’

Fear crept into her heart. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Oh come on.’ He raised his eyes to the ceiling. ‘Don’t insult my intelligence. Wentworth. Went worth mining? Diamonds. You’re just another spoilt princess looking for headlines.’

‘No. Gabe. You’ve got it all wrong.’

‘Oh, yes? Which bit?’ He brought his face close to hers. ‘The part about you being worth millions? The part where you’re still engaged? Or the part where you lied about who you are to get on television?

As the wave of accusations slammed into her, Charlie realised she had no defence.

Guilty as charged.

Gabe spun away from the woman he thought he’d loved. Was anything about her real?

Idiot. Taken for a ride by another rich princess. But this time hadn’t just been lust – he’d fallen for Charlie. His mind worked fast. Damn, it must have begun . . .

He whirled back to face her. ‘What did you do? Stalk me all the way to Italy?’


‘I’ve got to hand it to you, Charlotte, you really had me.’

Abigail rushed up. ‘Come on, you two, we’re live in five minutes.’ She looked from Charlie’s face to his. ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked.

‘She,’ Gabe stabbed his finger at Charlie, ‘can’t go on.’

‘What?’ Abigail’s eyes bulged with astonishment. ‘Gabe, she has to go on. We’re live for goodness’ sake.’

‘Forget it,’ he said harshly.

‘What if I tell the truth?’ Charlie asked softly.

‘Will someone please tell me what’s going on?’ Abigail wailed.

‘Trust me,’ Charlie implored, grabbing his arm.

‘Trust?’ He pulled free. ‘Damn it, Charlie, for all I know you’ve got four kids and a dog in Australia.’

The theme music blared across the set and the audience clapped on cue.

Abigail danced with agitation. ‘Come on.’

‘I’ll confess everything,’ Charlie implored.

‘No,’ Gabe said. Charlie would be derided across the country. But then, what did he care? She was nothing now. Why not let her self-destruct on national television? ‘Fine. But after tonight, don’t come near me again.’

He turned away from the woman with whom, just a few moments ago, he’d thought he could spend the rest of his life.

Charlie knew she’d lost Gabe but she would not stand by and let the show – and his career –  be ruined.

Abigail dragged her to the edge of the brightly lit set and miked her up. ‘Good luck,’ she said, before propelling Charlie into the light.

Charlotte Wentworth walked onto the set, blinking back tears. As she took up her position, she pressed her teeth hard into her lips. She needed the pain to make her focus. She couldn’t think about herself now; she must ensure Gabe’s reputation remained intact. She took a deep breath and checked her ingredients and equipment. The theme music ended and the audience applause died away as Jasper walked onto the set.

‘Welcome to the grand final of
First-Class Chef
,’ Jasper said. Tonight . . .’

But Charlie didn’t hear another word as a shock of blonde hair caught her attention. There, sitting in the front row of the audience, was Sophie Eddington-Smythe. Her immaculately made-up face beamed with malicious triumph.

All Charlie’s fears left her in that instant. Sophie was behind Paul’s sudden appearance. Of course. Her revenge for not winning Gabe. Sophie wanted to destroy Gabe and take Charlie down with him.

Charlie forced a dazzling smile onto her face and saw Sophie’s grin lose a little of its gloss. Charlie knew exactly what to do.

Jasper arrived at her station. ‘So, Charlie, talk us through your entrée.’

Charlie’s mind worked faster than it had ever done in her life. The silence stretched just a little too long. Jasper’s eyes widened.

‘Jasper, tonight I’m going to start with Accidental Liar’s Terrine.’

The judge blinked at her. ‘Sorry?’ He frowned. ‘Run that past me again.’

‘Accidental Liar’s Terrine. This is how you make it.’

Jasper looked at her as if she were quite mad.

‘First you take a lump of Ignorant Little Rich Girl Minced Chicken and add a handful of Billionaire Mixed Herbs and stir in engagement.’

She glanced up into the control room. Her recipe had already caused a commotion. Abigail shouted into a mike and production staff raced down from the control area. But Gabe sat still, staring at her through the glass.

‘Then, add a touch of Cheating Fiancé Vinegar, to give everything a kick.’

‘A kick . . .’ Jasper added unnecessarily.

‘Yes, then the Ignorant Little Rich Girl Mince is a little lost without a touch of Runaway Billionaire Pepper. So you season with that next.’ She noticed Emma in the front row with Rupert and Amelia sitting quietly next to her. Rupert held the Snoopy toy on his lap. She looked away quickly. Emma’s shocked expression nearly de-railed her train of thought.

‘You pack the mixture into the mould and cover with some “I didn’t plan on meeting you foil” and pop it into the oven to cook.’ She turned and placed the tin in the oven.

‘You weigh the mixture down a little with “I can’t come clean” weights and cook until the mixture is set.’

Jasper gave a little cough. ‘How did you come up with that recipe?’

‘From experience. I lied a few months ago. I didn’t think it would hurt anyone, but I was wrong.’

‘What was the lie?’

Charlie took a deep breath and faced directly into the camera. ‘I’m not Charlie Brown, the catering assistant from Brisbane. My name is Charlotte Wentworth. I’m the heiress to the Wentworth diamond fortune. Well, I was – I’m not sure I am now.’

The audience took a collective gasp.

Abigail dropped her clipboard, the sound echoing across the studio. Chaos obviously erupted in the control room as people jumped from their seats.

All except Gabe, who remained in his chair, unmoved.

Charlie looked away quickly as her voice threatened to break. ‘I met a man in Italy and I lied about my identity. For once in my life, I wanted to be liked for who I was, not for what I was worth.’

Abigail indicated wildly for the audience to remain quiet. The hushed whispers ceased.

‘I ran away from Australia, like a child, when I found my fiancée cheating on me with his secretary. Then I met a wonderful man on a beach in Italy.’

She began chopping parsley.

‘I lied to him. It seemed so harmless at the time, but things snowballed out of control.’

Charlie looked out across the gaping faces of the audience. One or two women looked away when she met their eyes, but several gave her encouraging smiles. It was enough to risk a look up to the control box.

Gabe hadn’t stirred, but his gaze locked on her face.

Her breath caught in her throat.

‘So you justified the lie then?’ Jasper brought her back to the job at hand.

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