Sweet Seduction (35 page)

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Authors: Jennifer St George

BOOK: Sweet Seduction
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To all my friends at Romance Writers of Australia who gave me so much support, guidance and generosity – thank you.

Thanks also to all my friends and family who read my drafts in particular Kerstin Robertson, Marijke van Klinken, Lee Purdie and Emma Hoole and to my critique partner, Joanne Dannon.

A big shout out to my lovely editors, Carol George and Sarah Fairhall. I’m so incredibly grateful to you for making my writing dreams come true.

To Mum and David, who read every word of every draft, I appreciate so much all you do for me and in return I provide lots amusement with my hilarious typos. And Toby, your admin support is vital.

And as always, to Rose, you are and always will be my writing inspiration.


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The Convenient Bride first published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2012

Seducing the Secret Heiress first published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2013

This edition published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2013

Text copyright © Jennifer St George 2013

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ISBN: 978-0-85797-634-5


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