Read Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4) Online

Authors: Hayley Faiman

Tags: #novella, #Men of Baseball

Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4) (3 page)

BOOK: Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4)
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I moan when his finger dips inside of my drenched pussy. If I thought something would come of it, I would push my ass into his finger, silently beg for more. However, it would get me nothing but a few more slaps to my already red ass. I stay stalk still, just the way my man likes me, until it is my turn to take over.

“You’re being quite the good girl tonight,
To what do I owe the pleasure?”

I want to tell him that it’s because the asshole knocked me up again and, for whatever reason, I am horny as shit and need his cock. I don’t say a word, though. Instead, I close my eyes and clench my jaw, praying that I can keep my mouth shut and my hips still. He slides his finger out of my pussy and moves away from me. I can’t see him, but I can feel the heat from his body is now gone.

“Answer me,” he grinds out as his cock slams deep inside of me. I gasp in surprised pleasure.

“I was bitchy. I’m sorry, Los,” I murmur, my eyes screwed closed tightly as I wait for the next hard thrust I am sure he will deliver.

“Yeah, babe, you were,” he chuckles, slowly sliding out of me and then slamming back inside with so much force it causes the breath to escape my body.

“Gonna fuck the bitch out of you tonight. Make you sweet for at least a minute or two.” He groans, sliding out and then pounding back inside. I moan when his balls slap my aching clit from behind.

,” I shamelessly beg.

I need him to touch my clit, I need it like I need to breathe at this point. I am throbbing and aching.

“Wait,” he growls.

Carlos wraps one hand around my wrists, which still rest on my lower back, and the other around my shoulder. He pounds into my pussy, using my body for leverage, and my mind goes blank. I feel like I’m floating, I am so high from this brutal fucking.

We aren’t into serious kink like Maggie and Jackson, but what woman doesn’t want to be dominated? When Carlos goes full on caveman, I relish in the feeling.

He’s my fucking drug.

“Fuck, baby,” I cry out, feeling as though I am on the verge of exploding.

Carlos releases my wrists and slides his warm hand around my hip. His fingers press against my clit and I scream my release. My pussy pulses around his cock, sucking him in and sucking him dry, his own release on the heels of mine. I feel him empty inside of me with a grunt.

,” he murmurs against my neck. I purr at the nickname for brown woman, an endearment, as he pushes my hips into the bed, his body lying against mine.

Mi amor
,” I exhale softly as his lips caress the back of my neck.

I want to stay like this always.



The love of my life deep inside of me.

I can’t shake the exhaustion. It has been one week since I found out I am carrying Carlos’ baby,
, and I am so tired that it is a struggle every single day to just get out of bed. I spend my days lying on the couch, watching the
channel while the kids tear my house up.

I only get off of the sofa to make their meals. Every evening around five o’clock, I give myself a pep-talk, pick up the house in a rush, and start dinner, so that Carlos doesn’t notice that I am so off. He’ll start asking questions and I won’t have any choice but to answer him; I’m just not ready for that yet.

I have to suffer through one more week, until my ultrasound, and then another week until I can let the bun out of the oven and finally tell him. I’m not as worried about telling him as I am telling his mother. She already criticizes everything I do. Once she finds out we’re having another baby, she’ll be over at my house every single day trying to do everything for me, including my laundry and raising my children.

I know her heart is in the right place, but I don’t want her hovering over me constantly,
. I almost strangled her the last time. I was about to end it —
no survivors
. Carlos had to talk me down off of the ledge more than once. The man adores his mother and no way would he tell her to back off. No, it was him telling me I needed to be acceptant of her help, patient with her, and fucking

“Earth to Vic,” Carlos calls, breaking me out of my thoughts.

It’s Sunday and we’re enjoying a family breakfast, a tradition we began before we even had our children. Every Sunday we make breakfast together, a big spread, and we enjoy each other. We talk about the week before and the week ahead of us. It has always been my favorite day of the week, but today I am dreading it. My pregnancy is on the tip of my tongue and I want to share it with him so damn badly.

“Sorry, baby,” I say, pushing a big bite of pancake into my mouth. He just shakes his head with a smile.

“You enjoying those cakes?” he asks, his eyes dancing as I continue to shovel the sweet carbs into my mouth.

my ass is going to get so big.

I close my eyes and try to exhale, try to slow down.

“They’re good.
I’m hungry
. What’s the problem?” I challenge.

He smirks at me while taking a bite of his own pancake. Rocio and Carlos Junior are completely oblivious to our conversation as they hurriedly eat their sweet treat—Mickey pancakes, made especially for them.

“Nothing at all,
” He winks and I roll my eyes. The man is insufferable.

“Jarrod and Amalie invited us over, something about a trip in two weeks?” He arches a brow and I chew on my bottom lip. I haven’t even mentioned the trip to him.

“I uh… I booked a romantic weekend getaway with everyone for the weekend before Valentine’s day,” I confess. He shakes his head at me before he lifts his eyes to lock with mine.

I feel my belly flip and my pussy clench at the sight. He’s still so fucking hot, even as many times as I’ve had him, he still makes me weak.

“Should there be punishment involved? You planned a trip without even asking me about it?”

“No, no punishments, Carlos. Libby and I were talking and we just thought it would be nice for everybody to get together before spring training—relax and have some fun before the rivalries and grueling schedules begin.” I gulp before adding a little sweetness to my speech, something I know will soften him up, “I want to spend some time with my lover and my friends.”

“You’re a pain,
, but you’re my sweet spot so I’m not upset. We go, I get to chance seeing Amalie in something sexy, maybe even a bikini or something.” He grins and I roll my eyes.

” I mumble, standing to take the plates into the kitchen. He barks out a laugh, wrapping his hand around my middle before pulling me down into his lap.

Te adoro
,” he murmurs against my neck.
I adore
his obnoxious ass too, but I’m not about to let him get away with the Amalie talk, at least not immediately.

pissing me off,” I announce. He chuckles from beneath me.

I gasp when his hand cups my center, my eyes flying to our children. They are still obliviously watching television, paying no attention to what is happening beneath the table.

“I like it when my
Chile Pepper
gets hot and when you throw that attitude my way. Don’t ever think I’ll stop trying to earn that fire, Vic,” he mutters, his hot breath sliding over my skin. My body breaks out in goosebumps as his finger gently caresses my clit from the outside of my sleep shorts.

,” I hiss as my body begins to hum, my hormones already spinning out of control with every single touch and caress.

“My parents will take the babies this afternoon. I’m going to fuck my gorgeous wife for hours,” he murmurs.

I open my mouth to protest but promptly close it when his hand slaps my pussy.
, I wish his parents could come right now instead of later.

“Then we’ll pick them up on the way to the Harrison’s,” he chuckles behind me.

me off.

I piss

This man can turn me on with a simple look. That shit is just not fucking fair.

I spend the rest of the day yawning and putting on a good front for Carlos while he plays with the kids until his parents show up. Five minutes before they’re supposed to be at our home, I inform Carlos that I am going to take a quick shower.

I can’t see his mother, she’ll know. She’ll know immediately that I’m pregnant. She has known before I even knew — both times. She tells me it’s all in the face.
, my face gets fat when I am knocked up, which offends me, slightly. My face doesn’t get fat.
Now my ass, that’s a whole other ballgame

I wash my hair and am soaping up my body when two warm hands encircle my belly. I pray that he can’t feel the slight hardening of my stomach. Though I am only seven weeks along, I have noticed slight changes in my body already. Predominantly, my stomach and my breasts.

“You’re always so soft,
me vuelves loco
,” he murmurs as one of his hands dips to my center. The other wraps around my breast, squeezing gently.

“You drive me crazy too,
,” I confess, pushing my hips into the hardening length of his cock, nestled between my ass.

I need him to touch me and, fortunately, he knows me well enough to know exactly what I need.

“Hold onto the wall,
I’m about to make that pussy ache,” he grunts.

I quickly do as he asks, placing my palms on the warm shower wall. I stick my ass back after I spread my legs.

“So fuckin’ sexy,” he says, running his palms down my back then to my ass. He grabs handfuls of my thick flesh, and spreads my cheeks apart. I groan as the humid air hits my ass and my damp pussy.

I suck in a breath when his tongue slides through my ass cheeks before it swirls around my tight bud and he nips me. I moan, dropping my head and watching as he slides beneath my legs. His eyes connect with mine as his lips find purchase on my clit, sucking it deep.

“Los,” I cry out, burying one of my hands into his short thick hair.

His fingers dig harder into the flesh of my ass and I moan when one finger slides inside of the tight ring of my ass, his tongue stabbing inside of my pussy.
This man is filthy
. As much as I complain to my girls, I fucking love it. Every disgustingly filthy part of him —
he is my perfection

“More,” I cry out as his finger pumps into my ass a bit harder —
His tongue flicks my clit with perfect rhythm. I moan when a second finger suddenly fills my back entrance. It feels deliciously wicked.

“I need this ass, Vic; are you gonna let me fuck this gorgeous fat ass of yours?” Carlos asks between tongue fucking my pussy, his voice muffled as I try and ride his face. He knows the answer is yes, it is always yes—but when he works me up like this, it’s a
fuck yes.

Fuck, yes
. Please,” I cry out when he gently bites my clit.

“In our bed,
. Hurry now,” he grumbles pulling his hands and face from my body. I shiver slightly before I turn the water off and grab my towel.

I dry my body off on the way to the bed, unable to stop from shivering and shaking with pure, lustful anticipation of his cock inside of my ass, his fingers in my pussy, and his soft grunts in my ear. I am so gone for this man. He could ask me anything and I would do it with a smile —
after I bitched him out first.

I crawl into the middle of the bed and keep my back to the bathroom door, on my knees, waiting for my Los to tell me exactly how he wants me. I hear him in the closet, gathering his supplies I am sure, before I feel his presence behind me.

“I love you so much, Victoria. No woman can compare to you,
mi amor
,” he murmurs softly as I feel the bed dip behind me. Then his hands wrap tightly around my hips.

“I love you too, Los,” I whisper, sliding my hand around the back of his head and pressing my face into the other side of his warm neck.

“I’m going to take your ass today,
, but I feel like being gentle with you. It’s going to be a long fuck—
slow and long
,” he promises. I shiver in his arms. “On your back, spread those thick thighs for me.”

BOOK: Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4)
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