Read Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4) Online

Authors: Hayley Faiman

Tags: #novella, #Men of Baseball

Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4)
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I am giddy at his order. I love it when he takes me on my back. I feel even more connected to him than I usually do. Our eyes focused on each other, our bodies facing each other, his hands all over me—I shiver as I do as he bids.

I lie on my back and spread my thighs for him. I watch with rapt anticipation as he slides a condom over his fat cock, and it is fat. I wonder how he fits into every part of me, but he does. I moan when he drips cool lube down my ass and massages it around my dark entrance. I am slick—my pussy is wet with want, my ass slippery from my man’s hand applying his favorite lube.

Carlos wraps his hands around my ankles and slides them up to the backs of my knees. He then gently places my legs on his shoulders, tipping my body for the perfect angle as his cock nudges my waiting entrance.

I gasp when his thumb presses against my clit, firmly rubbing circles against me as he slips the fat head of his cock against the tight ring of my ass. I moan, relaxing my body to accept all of him. Once he is completely inside of me, his thumb leaves my clit as he slowly pulls out and then thrusts back inside of my ass.

“Los,” I cry out, my legs shaking against his shoulders.

“Pinch those nipples for me,
,” he mutters.

Los’ eyes are focused on my ass and the way his cock is glistening from the lube as he slides in and out of me. I squeeze my breasts before both of my hands go to my nipples and I pinch them,
, moaning loudly at how fucking good it feels.

“Don’t come yet. Not until I tell you,” he murmurs as I feel something nudge the lips of my pussy.

It’s one of my vibrators, a toy my cousin sent me years ago. It is long, purple, and
. It is too much right now and panic sweeps over me as Carlos glides it deep inside of me just as he pulls his cock out of me.

I arch my back as he slides in deep, simultaneously pulling the toy out of my pussy. He’s working me up, stretching me. I’m waiting for him to fuck me, fill me, all at the same time with his cock and the toy. The man knows how to work me up in sheer minutes.

“Look at how pretty you are, sweat dripping off of your body, your pussy taking this toy while your ass takes my cock
— fuck, Victoria
,” he grinds out as I pinch my nipples so hard I think I might actually twist the fuckers off.

, fuck, baby
. Please fuck me hard,” I scream, unable to take his slow fucking.

. You take what I give you. Your ass takes what I give it and your pussy takes what I give it. Wait it out,
,” he instructs.

I whimper.

Then, I gasp when he is suddenly filling my ass at the same time the toy is filling my pussy — exactly what I had been waiting for. I am so full, stretched almost to the point of pain, but that pain feels so damn good.

Carlos’ lips brush over mine before his forehead presses against mine.

Te adoro
,” he murmurs before he starts to fuck my ass with short, firm, strokes. “Fuck your own pussy, baby, I need to watch you come and I want you to get yourself off.”

I shiver and gladly take the toy in my hand. Carlos’ thumb presses against my clit and I begin to raise my hips as I plunge the toy into my pussy hard and fast. He takes that as his sign to fuck my ass the exact same way.

Fuck, this man’s rhythm rivals nobody else’s on this earth.

My body starts to shake as my orgasm begins to take hold of me. My mind is blank and all I can do is chase my climax.
It is primal, it is urgent, and it is instinctual.
I fuck myself harder than I ever have in my life as I begin to come around the toy, my ass also clamping down on Los’ cock.

I scream my release, unable to stop myself from pushing the toy in and out as he continues to thrust deep and hard inside of me. Then suddenly, he stops as he spills himself inside of me.

Carlos’ hips lazily continue to fuck me with his cock as he takes the toy from my pussy, throwing it down on the floor. I am completely spent and groan when he pulls out of my ass. I gasp when he starts to lick my pussy.

“Carlos,” I say, grasping his hair.

“I need to lick all this perfection from you Vic, I
it,” he whispers against my swollen, hot, core. I let him lick the evidence of my climax from my body.

Minutes later, we fall asleep in each other’s arms.


Something is wrong.

I suspected at the beginning of the week that something was off with Vic, but now I know one hundred percent. Something is wrong with my wife. My mind is racing as we drive through the crowded city streets to pick up the kids at my parents. I thought if my parents took Rocio and Junior that Victoria would tell me exactly what was up.

I fucked her to exhaustion and instead of telling me what was on her mind, like she would normally do, she passed out. She thinks she’s been hiding her exhaustion from me, but she’s shit at it. I can tell by the way the house looks and the dark circles under her eyes—which she tries to hide with thick makeup—that something is definitely up.

I am so worried about my wife, I find it hard to eat or drink anymore. I need to just come right out and ask her, but I know Vic—she’ll deny and hide until she’s absolutely ready for me to know what is wrong.

Fuckin’ shit.

She’s sick, I just know it.

I know for sure that this weekend getaway with our friends is nothing but a ruse.

She plans on telling all of us together what’s wrong with her and the thought pisses me right the fuck off.

I’m her husband

I should know before any other motherfucker.

I can’t help the millions of things that run through my mind that could be wrong with my gorgeous young wife.
is the first thing that I can think of. It makes my stomach roil in fear. I can’t do it without her.

I can’t live this life of ours without her by my side. She has been at my side since I was sixteen years old. I wouldn’t even know how to breathe without her next to me. I grab her hand as we edge closer to my parent’s apartment and squeeze her delicate fingers, sending a prayer up to God for protection.

“We’re late. I’ll go up and get the kids,” I murmur, kissing her slim fingers. She rolls her head over to face me with a small smile and a nod. She looks fuckin’ beat to shit.

I rush upstairs and grab the kids. Luckily, both have eaten. Leave it to my
to fill their bellies. I don’t waste a second as I gather them and my mom informs me that she will indeed watch them in two weeks for our mini-vacation. I thank her and hurriedly go down to the car. I load the kids up and Rocio bounces in her seat, in anticipation of seeing Axel, Jarrod and Amalie’s boy.

“I’m sure Axel is excited to see you, too,” Victoria says with a smile as my family and I head toward The Harrison’s lavish apartment.

“You doin’ okay, Vic?” I ask, deciding to prompt her. Maybe she’ll tell me something if I prod her a little.

“Yeah, I’m just extra tired, Los. I’ll be okay,” she admits with a shrug. Her eyes are staring out of the window and she looks as if she’s thinking. I wish I knew what about.

Once we are inside of Jarrod and Amalie’s apartment, I don’t get another second alone with my wife. She’s busy with her girls and they begin to gab nonstop.

I watch her from across the room as I hang out with Jarrod, Jackson, and Niklas – Amalie’s twin brother. She’s so beautiful, my Victoria. Every year she becomes even more gorgeous to me. I can’t believe I am so lucky, that God blessed me with a smokin’ hot wife, a sweet wife, and the best mother to my children I could imagine.

“Something’s wrong with Vic,” I confess as I tip my beer back and take a pull.

“What?” Jarrod booms. I shake my head.

“I don’t know what it is, but she ain’t right. Ain’t been right for over a week.” It pains me to admit it, but I’ve been watching her and I don’t like what I see, not at all.

“Any ideas?” Jackson asks, his brows furrowed in what I can only assume is concern. These are my brothers and they love their wives just as fiercely as I love my Vic.

“None I want to think about,” I say, looking out the window of the high rise.

“You sure it’s not something simple like being pregnant?” Jarrod asks.

Originally, the thought crossed my mind; but no way would Vic hide that from me. She’d be pissed as hell I knocked her up again and she wouldn’t hold back. She’d let her fury fly.

“No way. She’d tell me that. She’s been on my ass for a vasectomy,” I admit with a shrug.

“She’ll tell you when the timings right, man. Victoria doesn’t strike me as a woman who would hide anything for long,” Niklas pipes up.

A week ago, I would have agreed one hundred percent; but right now, in this moment, I can’t agree. There is something seriously wrong and my wife isn’t sharing. She’s possibly hurting and she’s carrying the burden alone, which fuckin’ kills me.

I watch her as she laughs and then stifles a yawn as the kids run around their feet, one silly antic after another. She’s completely exhausted. I tell the guys goodbye and make my way over to my beautiful bride.

, it’s time we call it a night,” I murmur in her ear as I slide my hand up the outside of her jean clad thigh.

“It’s still so early,” she whines before she yawns a second time.

“You’re beat, babe. Time to tell your girls bye. You need some decent sleep,
,” I mutter, placing a kiss below her earlobe.

She groans in what I can assume is annoyance, but when I lift my head, I see her exhaustion mixed with appreciation. She’s going to bitch that I’m making her go home, but I can tell she welcomes it.

“I gotta go, girls, the warden is forcing me home,” she grumbles, making Amalie and Maggie laugh.

“I’m so excited for our trip in two weeks,” Amalie squeals, standing up to help Victoria gather the children and all their shit.

“Me too. Do you both have people to watch all the kids?” Victoria asks, stuffing some of Junior’s toys in her bag.

“Jarrod’s parents are coming from Kentucky to spend the weekend with the kids. They decided to take on baby Quinn as well,” Amalie explains.

Baby Quinn is Jackson and Maggie’s daughter. She’s sweet and quiet, just like her mama, but I can see the darkness Jackson harbors, break through every so often. I can see all of our friends’ personalities in their children, just like I can see my wife and I in our own children’s personalities and actions.


Carlos knows something is up. I can feel it in his stare. He’s been looking at me more often, his penetrating gaze making me feel unsettled. I go through the motions of getting the kids ready for bed and tucking them in, all the while feeling Carlos’ stare. I feel the questions in his eyes, questions I’m afraid to answer at this time.

Once I have had the ultrasound, it will be real and I’ll tell him.

I’ll feel more prepared.

“We need to talk,” he says as I change out of my jeans and tank and into some pajamas.

“About?” I ask, playing dumb.

“Tell me, Vic. Tell me what’s wrong,” he exhales.

The look on his face kills me. He looks so fucking worried and sad all at the same time.

“Nothing is necessarily wrong, Los,” I evade his question, trying to dance around in hopes that he’ll drop it.

“Don’t fuck with me,
,” he orders.

My belly dips when he calls me
. I love the term of endearment slipping casually from his lips. I will never tire of him calling me beautiful, ever — even when he’s irritated with me.

“I’m not. I’ll be all right,
mi amor
,” I say; and he is
my love
. He has and will always be the love of my life.

I have been with Carlos for sixteen years, never touched or kissed by another man in my entire life, and I don’t regret it for a single moment. I am not a lovey, gushy woman, but with Carlos I am. Behind closed doors, he’s
mi amor
and I am his
. He allows me to be crazy, sensitive, emotional, and neurotic without apology.

This man knows all of my dreams, joys and fears. Without him, I wouldn’t be the confident woman that I am. Still, I am nervous as hell to tell him about this future baby of ours. I know Carlos will be fine with it but I’m still not sure that I am.

BOOK: Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4)
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