Tablet of Destinies (10 page)

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Authors: Traci Harding

BOOK: Tablet of Destinies
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Sacha flew around in front of Tory to hold her back.
You would never return.

‘Of course I would,' Tory assured sincerely, entranced by the sight of her children at play.

But the Deva shook his head.
The allure of Devachan is too strong. Even your most blissful moment on this earth,
a thousand times intensified, could not compare to the joy and repose of the Heavenworld.

‘I want to hold them, just once,' Tory pleaded.

There is nothing to hold.
Sacha forestalled her advance once more.
We have possession of Avery and Lirathea's physical forms whilst on the physical plane. Meantime, your children's souls are cocooned in Devachan enjoying their repose. You are glimpsing the reality that they and we have created for them.

Tory looked to Sacha and then back to his sister, who was still exposing the spectral passageway to the mental plane of existence in the space in her body where her entrails should have been. ‘You're mobile doorways to the fourth dimension!' Tory began to consider what higher purpose they might have been designed to serve as the young Deva male nodded.

Your children traded places with us, so that we might aid you to realise your soul quest.

‘You've come for the Nefilim,' Tory stated as though nothing was ever surer. ‘To guide them back to the higher fold of their Solar Logos, Anu. For only then can all the human tribes be liberated.' Tory deduced this outcome from the vision she'd seen in the Tablet.

We hope to rescue our fallen kindred, yes,
he confirmed,
but we cannot force them to return to Devachan.

‘Kindred, you say?' Tory's suspicions regarding the Devas physical similarities to the Nefilim were confirmed. ‘You're Nefilim?'

All the inhabitants of the invisible worlds that interpenetrate the physical world, which are not part of mineral, vegetable, animal or human consciousness, are of a
devanic consciousness,
Sasha replied.
The Nefilim were a devanic race, experienced on the mental level of awareness, who skipped their astral evolution and entered the physical world prematurely in order to aid with the creation of the Logoi's next big project.

‘Humankind and human consciousness,' Tory guessed. ‘So Devas are like angels and fairies.'

Sasha nodded.
So, in answer to the question, was I one of the Nefilim? … part of the essence that is my soul-source ascended into the physical so that the Nefilim could have a soul-mind and thus a consciousness. But in our present state of evolution we have spiritually progressed beyond our Nefilim existence. We are only aware of a karmic promise that must be fulfilled,
he explained.
So as to fully understand emotion in the sense that humans do, we required human vehicles to inhabit. Intelligence without love is a dangerous commodity in the physical realm, as the Nefilim have proven. But just as treacherous, is love without intelligence as many a human has come to realise. Humans have a strong astral body and, although human mental bodies are not as developed as the Nefilim's, our Devachanic consciousness makes up for that. Thus, we are a new breed of being in the physical world.

‘And have you struck this arrangement with my children for life?' Tory was almost too afraid of the answer to ask.

We have use of these bodies only as long as it takes to complete our mission here,
Sacha advised.

‘But the Nefilim are bound to refuse to leave. Am I to miss my babies' entire childhood?'

Indeed, any of the fallen that reject the path of the righteous must be left behind. For Anu, although he emits
little light that the human senses are aware of, the Logos still emits a divine light and energy out into the galaxy that is essential for every Nefilm's survival. Starved of this divine substance the atoms of their being will slow to the lowest rate of vibration and their souls held in a suspended state until some future chain of planetary evolution can accommodate their grade of mentality.

‘Density,' Tory mumbled. This was the name given to the plane below the physical; the place better known as hell, where souls were said to exist in a state of perpetual darkness, starved of the divine light.

It is time for humankind to bring a little heart into the rulership of this galaxy. It was always meant to be your dominion,
concluded Sacha.

Tory's attention had again become focused on the Devachanic vision showing where her children were living, for she saw herself in the image.

She was seated beneath one of the large willow trees reading aloud from a book, and Maelgwn had his head rested in her lap. At least, she assumed it was Maelgwn — the man had a hat resting over his face. Avery and Lirathea came charging over to give their mother a hug, whereupon their father stirred from his repose and flung aside the hat. Tory was horrified to discover it was Noah to whom she had been reading.

‘Hold on,' Tory panicked, startling both Devas. The vision departed as Psyche withdrew. ‘Noah is not their father.'

But we wish him to be,
Sacha ventured to explain.

‘Oh, Goddess!' Tory gasped, figuring that this explained her sudden attraction to the scholar. The
Devas were reworking reality and if something wasn't done about their negative impression of Maelgwn, he would cease to exist to the two souls he had so lovingly delivered into this world.


In his private chambers at the Institute of Immortal History, Noah was seated in front of his personal computer. He was cross-referencing data with the information in the textbooks that were spread all over his desk and floor, whilst submitting mental notes to a PKA orb in the palm of his hand.

So, although there are an infinite number of types of Devas inhabiting the etheric realms they can be divided into three main groupings: Kamadevas, Rupadevas, and ah …?

Noah sat and dwelt on the answer. Then, placing the orb aside, he collapsed back into his seat and ran his hands over the short spiky hair on his head before deciding, ‘This is useless! I can't think with my gut in a knot.' He stood and stepped over his research texts to a bare patch of floor where he could move about more freely.

The memory of that magical moment this morning just wouldn't be pushed from his thoughts. The desire he'd seen in Tory's eyes was slowly destroying his peace of mind as the feeling had been mutual.

‘I've been a friend to Tory for over seventy years,
is this happening now? I love my wife!' he insisted with his fists clenched in conviction. ‘I also treasure Maelgwn's trust and friendship, and have no desire to jeopardise that.'

Then the image of Tory staring deep into his eyes returned to bewitch him, and existence as he knew it
rushed away from him along with all the cares and responsibilities attached to it.

I literally get high on our conversations.

The lingering echo of Tory's confession sent a thunderbolt through Noah's heart, just as it had when first she'd uttered it. His heart and soul filled with delight. Although Noah knew it was wrong to wallow in her compliment in this fashion, it seemed his ego had run away with him.

Noah buried his face in his hands, trying to massage this morning's instance from his head. ‘If there is a divine Logos looking out for me from on high, then I beg that these adverse thoughts be dispelled from my being.'


Tory called timidly for his attention. Noah looked up to find her near and wished to die where he stood.

‘It's alright, I am in complete sympathy with your woes,' she confessed openly, so that he might relax. ‘And I believe I know how to reverse this involuntary attraction that has befallen us.'

‘Involuntary attraction?' He became suddenly hopeful. ‘Are you implying a spell has been cast on us?'

‘The Devas have come to love and see you as a father figure, and their perception of this realm constructs the perfect reality of my babes, who are currently residing in Devachan.' She paused, nodding to Noah … he'd been right in his deduction on that count. ‘Avery and Lirathea are currently perceiving you to be their father and in their perfect world, you and I must be in love.'

‘Are you saying that Sacha and Psyche want me to be their father so much that they're reworking our higher realities to bring it about?'

‘In a nutshell.'

‘I've never been a father figure before,' he mumbled, with a tinge of pride to his statement. ‘You must have got them communicating.' Noah's panic transformed into excitement.

‘Oh, they are communicating alright! And I'll tell you all about it as soon as we solve our other little problem.'

‘The sooner the better.' Noah seconded the plan. ‘It's an eternity since I felt this kind of guilt … and I have to tell you, I don't like it.'

Tory nodded in empathy and gave a reassuring smile.

‘So what is the plan?'

Tory, who'd been maintaining her distance, neared to explain. In her hand she held a PKA orb.

She needed Noah's aid to create an account of Maelgwn's life for the Devas to view. Then they might see him for the wonderful and loving man he was and thus weave him back into the reality of his children.

‘That just might work.' Noah was impressed, until Tory frowned to indicate a problem. ‘Okay … what's the hitch?'

‘Well …' She felt a bit awkward about explaining and looked anywhere but at Noah as she did. ‘The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you.'

There was that thunderbolt through his being again and Noah felt his desire increase twofold in a heartbeat. ‘Please Tory, you're the advanced being here … I have no
hope of maintaining a rational state of mind on this matter if you can't.'

‘I'm not trying to seduce you, Noah,' she explained, refraining from becoming flustered. ‘I'm outlining why I require your help. I need you to monitor my thoughts as I lay down the material for the Devas and prevent me getting off the track.'

‘You want me to prevent you thinking affectionate thoughts about me?' Noah thought this task would be near impossible in his present state of mind.

‘Who else can I get to do it?' she appealed. ‘And you're the best with this PKA technology, bar Floyd and his kin.'

‘In all honesty, Tory,' Noah battled his instinct, which was to help her, but he feared this stemmed from wanting to be close to her, not from wanting to aid their situation, ‘I think, in fact,
I know
, that it would be really dangerous for me to have such intimate insight into your thoughts at present.'

‘Do you think this is easy for me?' Tory defended, not realising she was losing the plot. ‘Here I am suggesting this to you, when all I want to do is just submit to the hand I'm being dealt.'

‘Don't tell me that,' Noah whined, wanting to kiss her and put them both out of this misery. ‘Although I must confess I know what you mean. But think of our loved ones,' he urged. ‘We can't do it to them.' He found himself standing very close to Tory, on the verge of throwing caution to the wind.

‘I am thinking of our loved ones right now.' She held the orb up between them. ‘Help me to help us, Noah.'

Noah took a step away from Tory and, taking the orb from her, he nodded to agree.


The back room of Noah's personal library at the Institute was a PKA data-editing suite.

Tory's orb had been placed onto the recording plate; the final edit would be submitted to the orb for storage when complete. Noah had a headset that linked to an invisible vertical soft-light screen, which would allow him to view the memories that Tory was conjuring for the recording session.

Soft-light was the shortened term for a vertical, data projection system screen that conveyed data via lightbeams confined to a flat square field, the size of which varied from user to user. From side-on the screen simply appeared like a vertical beam of green-white light. From front-on a soft-light screen appeared much as any screen did, without any casing, and soft-light was only slightly more transparent than the old-fashioned solid screens of the last century.

‘I'm set. So, whenever you're ready, maestro.' Noah swivelled on his hover-seat and looked over to Tory who was on the lounge next to the PKA edit console. She was still seated upright and was fiddling with the PKA transmitter band that she held in her hands.

‘Is something wrong?' Noah queried.

‘I just want to apologise in advance.' Tory glanced up at Noah briefly and then looked down at the floor. ‘In case what we are about to do is in any way hurtful to you.'

‘Why should it be hurtful?' Noah said optimistically.

Tory braved another look into the face of the soul who was driving her to distraction. ‘If I had to sit there and watch you recording wonderful memories of your wife, in my current state I would feel …' Tory decided it would be detrimental to their cause to continue that thought. ‘Oh, do shut up and get on with it!' she scolded herself, setting both ends of the PKA transmitter band in place on each of her temples, so that it sat across her third eye area.

‘The way I figure it, the more painful this experience, the better the material is for the Devas,' Noah stated, to let Tory know he knew what she'd been trying to say. ‘I can take it,' he challenged in jest as Tory looked back at him. ‘In fact, I entreat you to break my heart … so that I might regain some control.'

‘Right on, brother.' Tory attempted to be cheery before lying down to try and focus on her husband.

‘I have dug up a little something that might get you started.' Noah placed an orb in Tory's hand. ‘It's a PKA recording you made of your four-day wedding in ancient Gwynedd.' He smiled in encouragement.

Tory greatly appreciated his consideration, and was conscious of allowing the moment to become sentimental. ‘Let us set the cosmos straight then, shall we?' She settled back into her chair to absorb the fond memories of the day she'd wed Maelgwn.

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