Tablet of Destinies (5 page)

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Authors: Traci Harding

BOOK: Tablet of Destinies
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‘So were they a religion or a science, an occult or theologically-based organisation?' Tory queried, most curious to learn.

‘All of the above, and none.' Noah confused the issue. ‘The Theosophical Society compiled the secrets of the cosmic universe: the nature, structure, origin and destiny of it and the multitudes of beings that exist within it. Their doctrine is more … an archaic wisdom, which was reputedly passed down from the first thinking
human beings on Gaia, and then by innumerable guardians through the ages to our time.'

‘Guardians like Taliesin, and my father,' Tory noted for the argument.

Noah nodded to agree. ‘And now you.'

Tory smiled meekly, feeling herself a rather inadequate replacement for two of the greatest Merlins Gaia had ever known. And as she could think of nothing positive to say on that front, she said nothing at all.

‘Still,' Noah broke the uncomfortable silence, ‘as we seem to have been disbarred from accessing the memories of our earliest incarnations, who can say if the claim is true? The founder of the society was the author of the book you hold in your hand, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. She claimed her doctrine was the basis of all world religions, and from my own investigations this claim would seem quite true. Her work is really something quite extraordinary, for she was the first person to translate the teachings of the wise men of the East into a doctrine that the Western world of her time could begin to comprehend.'

‘A woman after my own heart.' Tory grinned, well impressed by the woman's feats.

‘She knew things about this universe that we have only recently discovered ourselves!' Noah shook his head, thinking it truly amazing. ‘Unfortunately, much of her cosmology was perceived psychically and thus her work was easily discredited by both the sciences and religions of that age.'

‘Typical!' Tory rolled her eyes in disgust and looked
back to the library spread out on the floor. ‘At least we know better now. Is all this text theosophical?'

‘I wish it was. Most of these books are ancient religious texts that I brought with me from Gaia, which are not anywhere near as coherent.' Noah gazed over the piles of books he'd pulled from his shelves, many of which were lying open for cross-reference. ‘Most of these references were employed when we first began delving into the origins of the Chosen Ones and the Nefilim. I've got a whole stack of additional material on CD-ROM if only I could find an old PC to play them on.' Noah scratched his head, bemused. ‘I spoke to Floyd, and he thinks there's a remote possibility that he might be able to resurrect one for me.'

‘So is this quest for information leading somewhere?' Tory teased, thoroughly suspecting that Noah had already begun delving into the subject she was here to discuss.

‘It's hopefully leading …' Noah paused as he considered that Tory might be disturbed by his interest in her celestial encounter. On the other hand, he wasn't going to lie to the Governess of the planet about what he was doing. ‘I was hoping to identify the species of the entity you encountered this afternoon.'

‘It was a Deva, I suspect,' Tory informed, plainly.

Noah was stunned by her words. ‘Yes it was.' The scholar returned to his position amid his references. ‘From Candace's description of it, it couldn't have been anything else.' Then the thought struck him and Noah looked back to Tory. ‘This is what you've come to see me about?'

‘It is,' Tory granted, to assure Noah that he'd done the right thing. ‘Have you managed to discover much about them yet?'

Noah grinned confidently. ‘Loads.'

Tory raised her brow in excited expectation. ‘Just like old times … I knew you'd be on the case.'

‘Always,' he winked to confirm. ‘But wait!' He held high a finger, as he looked about him. ‘There's definitely something missing here.'

Tory looked about her and immediately figured what was lacking from the once familiar scene.

‘Tea!' they resolved, nodding to confirm that it was a must.

Noah instructed his novice to bring them some refreshments and as they awaited their brew, the scholar began sorting through the information he'd unearthed in search of a place to begin his tutorial.

‘All these texts confirm that Devas vary infinitely in their degree of consciousness and intelligence, and they are to be found on nearly every plane of existence. These celestial beings have become our own innermost selves, and thus are the link between the spiritual and the divine for all matter-bound intelligences. Devas embody thought and empower will with energy if the subject's intent is adequate to set his designs into motion.'

‘Thus, we do create our own reality.' Tory was pleased that at least one doctrine supported her proven theory.

‘And Devas create the necessary circumstances to bring our desires into being without questioning the
right or wrong of the souls in their charge. For indeed, they have no concept of negative or positive outcomes, only cause and effect … which is, after all, the whole reason why our three-dimensional plane, bound by time, space and matter, was created. Devas are part of what is known as the Dhyani-Chahanic host, who are the great architects of life on all levels of existence and the divine servants of the Logos. They supervise our evolution, being agents of karmic and cosmic law. But in the fullest sense, the Dhyan-Chohans are actually ourselves, we are merely emanations sent forth from them.'

‘What you are saying is that they are, in effect, the higher self that we will become once we have evolved back towards the Logos.'

‘Indeed,' Noah granted. ‘Or another way of looking at it is that we were part of the Dhyani-Chahanic host before our involution down through the planes of awareness into the physical realm of existence.'

‘And we are, therefore, still one with that divine entity that is ever existent within our highest subtle bodies,' Tory added to round off the theory. ‘So is human contact with a Deva commonplace then?'

‘Practically unheard of …' Noah was both delighted and frustrated to announce: delighted because his Governess had been honoured by the universe and frustrated, as he could not gauge the repercussions or reasons for the rare union. ‘… except for a few hazy biblical references, which described Devas as fiery, winged beings which served to identify the entity we were dealing with. The reason for the lack of communication is that, up until this point in human
evolution, the kingdoms of humankind and devakind converge at a point higher than mankind's most adept being. For they belong to an evolution distinct from that of humanity, an evolution that could be regarded as the one above ours.'

‘Hold on, hold on, hold on!' Tory held up both palms to beg him to pause. ‘You've lost me … how can my higher self belong to an evolution distinct from my own?'

‘Okay.' Noah stood and then paused for a moment to formulate his explanation. ‘The way I understand this is that we are at present a part of human consciousness, which is a physical plane evolution. But as our souls progress we will take part in an astral evolution on the astral plane, a mental evolution, a causal evolution, a spiritual evolution, a monadic evolution and then finally we reach perfection in our reunion with the Logos from which the whole system came.'

Tory nodded to confirm she followed.

‘But as time does not exist beyond the physical plane of existence, then all our evolutions are already taking place.'

‘Granted.' Tory grasped the concept fully. ‘So, in theory, I have a higher self on every level of awareness that correlates the information from the evolutions experienced on the planes below it. Each of these higher selves in turn protects the more advanced soul above it, or within it, from experiencing the worst of that which is beneath or beyond it.'

‘Aye. Your ultimate Dhyan-Chohanic host entity is shielded from your damaging human emotions by all its lower devanic evolutions.'

‘So why disregard this divinely conceived system on my account?' Tory was most perplexed by the conundrum.

‘Perhaps you are the first of the Chosen to transcend the ring-pass-not that divides us from making contact with our soul's higher incarnations?' Noah put forward.

‘But I don't remember anything.' Tory rubbed her swollen belly, even more concerned by the scholar's premise. ‘If this being was here to see me, you'd think it would have left me with some memory of the event, some instruction or something?'

Noah frowned, suddenly rather perturbed himself. ‘Are you implying the Deva was here to make contact with your babes?'

Tory shrugged, unsure of what to think. ‘Perhaps they are the ones who will bridge the gap between evolutions, not I?'

‘Well, even if that is the case, surely there is no reason for concern,' he posed.

‘Of course there isn't.' Tory outwardly smiled, so that Noah would feel she had complete confidence in this theory. ‘Which is why I'd rather we didn't bother Maelgwn with any of this.'

‘Nin?' Noah felt most uncomfortable with the situation suddenly.

‘Everyone who needs to be aware, I have made aware … Maelgwn's enlightenment would only serve to create a problem where there is none.'

‘Nin?' Noah repeated, sounding more disappointed in her. ‘Have we not progressed beyond keeping secrets from our soul-mates?'

‘I have no intention of keeping this secret from him,' Tory defended in a playful fashion. ‘I just don't plan to inform him of my celestial event until I have all my facts straight.'

Personally speaking, Noah was more disposed towards Tory than Maelgwn, having known her longer, and was hence inclined towards her will. ‘If that is what you believe is best, I shall not act contrary to thy wish, Nin. Still, such information would weigh heavily on my conscience and I would hate something like this to undermine the trust the Dragon has in me.'

‘Forgive me, Noah.' Tory was touched by his concerns and she rethought her strategy. ‘I would hate to be responsible for such an occurrence and I will not put you in the situation if it makes you feel that uncomfortable. I shall tell Maelgwn this evening.'

Tory's resolve caused Noah to rethink his own. ‘No, please. If you think the information should be withheld from the Governor until a more opportune time in his schedule, who am I to argue with your decision?'

‘You are my trusted advisor and dear friend, Noah, that's who!' Tory appealed. ‘If you think I should tell Maelgwn what happened, based on what we know at present, I will.' Noah frowned as he considered how Maelgwn would take the news.

‘Governor,' Noah began to rehearse an explanation. ‘A rare celestial event possessed your wife this afternoon, in order to communicate with your unborn children. This has left all three apparently unscathed, but unfortunately we have …' Noah ceased his spiel as
Tory's facial expression contorted into one of agony. ‘What's the matter? Don't you like my approach?'

Tory gripped her belly and gritting her teeth, she smothered her moan. She didn't wish to alarm Noah, who had yet to venture into parenthood.

‘Good grief! Is this normal?' Noah begged to know, as the Governess continued to moan, obviously in a lot of discomfort. ‘Give me a nod, if I should be alarmed.'

Tory shook her head. ‘Just get me to our healing chambers.'


When Maelgwn arrived in the healing chamber to find his wife in the throes of labour, and Cadfan and Hatty making ready for a delivery, the expectant father became rather alarmed. ‘This wasn't supposed to happen for a month yet.' He voiced his surprise to make known his arrival.

‘Well, it's happening now, En Dragon.' Cadfan smiled. ‘So, if you are still of the mind to aid in the delivery of your babes, you'd better get those hands clean.' The healer pointed the bemused father towards the basin, even though he knew where it was. ‘She's
nine centimetres dilated
,' he added to urge Maelgwn to get a move on.

‘But that's the third stage of labour!' Maelgwn rushed to the sink. ‘What happened to stages one and two?'

‘Your wee ones seem in somewhat of a hurry to get here,' commented Hatty, as she passed by Maelgwn carrying a large pile of fresh towels towards the action.

Maelgwn grabbed hold of her arm and pulled the healer up to have a quiet word.

‘I know what you are going to ask,' she said, her tone making light of his woes. ‘And it's quite normal for twins to be premature. Tory isn't a big woman, and I'm sure it's getting awfully crowded in there. So, don't fret, my pet' she advised, sweetly patting Maelgwn's cheek. ‘Enjoy the moment.' Hatty winked to reassure him and went back about her business.

Her advice greatly improved Maelgwn's attitude, but by the sounds of the noises emanating from his wife, she wasn't too joyful at present. ‘How are you doing, sweet thing?' he called out to Tory as he stuck his hands into the recess in the wall, where they were pelted with water and scrubbed clean, then gently dried by warm scented air.

sweet thing
me, lover boy,' she strained, as her contractions hadn't eased for more than a few minutes since they'd started. ‘The next time you want a baby … try a test tube.' She managed to squeeze out the punchline ahead of a great wail.

Maelgwn smiled, as his wife had yet to lose her sense of humour. ‘Where's the fun in that, my love?' he posed, but was spared an abusive response as Candace and Sybil arrived.

‘Goodness!' Sybil exclaimed, as she witnessed the scene unfolding in the chamber.

‘It looks like action stations,' Candace commented aside to Sybil, as they both made haste to Tory's side. On the quiet, Candace was worried that the premature birth of her sister-in-law's babies might be linked to Tory's ordeal earlier in the day. ‘What brought this on?' She looked to Cadfan, who knew what had taken place at Devaglen.

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