Tablet of Destinies (33 page)

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Authors: Traci Harding

BOOK: Tablet of Destinies
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Hawk's mouth caressed a trail from Tory's forehead to her lips and, within their blissful delirium, the young
captain felt the fear of the Pantheon and their laws, and his own low self-esteem, being torn away. Stripped naked to his own feelings, Hawk found himself in complete empathy with Tory — he'd never known love to feel so right.


At the one entrance to the Su Palace on Nugia, it was looking like another quiet night on the job for the four huge Leonine warriors who guarded the gatehouse. In fact, this shift was proving to be exceedingly quiet, as there hadn't been a report of anyone even so much as being sighted breaking curfew. The guards chatted amongst themselves to pass the non-eventful hours and stay awake.

‘Sorry to interrupt your meeting, chaps.' Brian drew the guards' attention to his six-man band.

The guards immediately drew their weapons, startled by the appearance of the six alien humans, as Brian had picked up Cadwell and Neriada en route. The pathway to the gatehouse was long, open and lit well at this time of night; no one could have crept up on the guard post so fast without being spotted. The four Leonines began to tremble as they realised that their uninvited guests had to be Chosen Ones.

‘State your business,' the head guard got the courage to demand. ‘Or I shall be forced to …'

‘Kill me?' Brian queried, whereby the guard was forced to rethink his strategy. ‘Not to worry, my friend.' Brian set the warrior at ease with his light, friendly manner. ‘I am here to see your Lord. I don't have an appointment, but I feel quite sure he will see me.'

‘Who are you?' The guard stammered out his query.

‘Tell Nabu that Lahmu is here to see him.' Brian used his alias at Rhun's suggestion to see if the legend had infiltrated the palace. Brian hadn't even finished the sentence before all four guards had their faces in the dirt at his feet, begging forgiveness for serving their evil master. The Governor looked to his Vice, who was clearly delighted that all was going to plan.

‘It was just a hunch?' Rhun explained, giving Brian a cocky grin that encouraged him to proceed.

‘Gentlemen, please.' Brian hoisted all the Leonines back to their feet. ‘It is from your people that you must seek forgiveness. All I require from you is a little cooperation.'

‘Anything, Lord,' the head gatekeeper appealed, and began to sink to his knees again.

Brian grabbed the guard by the shirt to keep him standing. ‘If you would be so kind as to open the gate, we would be greatly obliged.'

‘Why … it would be my honour.' The large, burly Leonine bowed low.

All the way through the palace the gatehouse guard pronounced the arrival of Lahmu and guards stepped aside, as if they'd been secretly awaiting the event for some time.

‘This is proving
a lot
easier than I imagined.' Rhun voiced his reservation, mainly for Brian's benefit.

‘It's got to be a trap.' Cadwell offered his view, which was usually more optimistic.

‘I agree,' Talynn seconded, as she checked the place for surveillance and booby traps.

‘I think you're all underestimating the extent of Nova's influence on these people.' Thais strolled along behind the Governor's party, clearly at ease with the proceedings. ‘The DJ has made our dear Governor more famous than Ra, Jesus Christ or the master Buddha was, back on Gaia. I am talking centuries of legend, Governor, that you shouldn't be afraid to use to your advantage. After all, the legend was created with the very intent of aiding your coming to greatness.'

Brian was startled to a standstill. ‘You know who Nova is?' His query bordered on accusation.

Thais gave a shy smile. ‘I have merely speculated on the possibilities.'

‘Uh-hum!' Talynn cleared her throat to protest their pause.

‘Might I suggest we discuss this after we complete our business here?' Rhun urged the Governor to keep moving.

When, finally, they came to the throne room inside the Su Palace, beyond which lay the private abode of Nabu and Tashmet, Brian was pleasantly surprised to find Nabu's personal guard had taken up a defensive position outside the doors. The force showed no sign of stepping aside and allowing his party entry.

‘I am Gallard, Viceroy to the Lord Nabu,' a rather overweight, regal-looking Leonine came forth to announce. ‘My Lord wishes to advise that he has no desire to meet with anyone at this time.'

The thirty or so guards behind the Viceroy raised their blasters ready to fire.

Brian smiled, inspired by the message. ‘But you know
I am wanted by the Pantheon?' He needled the Viceroy with the query. ‘Surely the mighty Nabu would not pass up the opportunity to take me into custody? Surely he is smart enough to devise a means to entrap and contain six immortals?' With a wave of his hand, Brian willed every weapon aimed at him to hit the ceiling and tried not to appear too surprised as his desire became real.
Maelgwn was right, our capabilities are only limited by the imagination.

The Viceroy's confident manner crumbled as the immortal warrior called his bluff. ‘Nabu has other more pressing business to attend,' Gallard insisted, as he broke into a worried sweat.

‘He's not here, you mean?' Brian suggested, aiding the official to admit the truth.

‘Exactly,' conceded the Viceroy. He had no desire to try to lie to six beings who all possessed the same psychic potential as his current master.

‘So there is no immortal on Nugia to challenge me at this time?' Brian made his intentions fairly plain with the query.

‘No, my Lord Lahmu, there is not.' Gallard was not happy about it. He'd learnt over the years how to humour Nabu and Tashmet and now he faced a whole new fight to save his skin. ‘I throw myself and the governorship of this planet upon your mercy, Lord.' He bowed low, as did the entire guard that blocked the doorway to the throne room. ‘What have you planned for us?'

‘Well.' Brian rubbed his hands together, gleeful at this fortunate turn of events. ‘That really depends on how helpful you are willing to be, Gallard?'

‘Oh, I'm simply a hive of information, sire.' The Viceroy raised his eyes, keen to get on the good side of the new presiding Lords.

Brian's party moved in closer to the official, eager to achieve their objective as quickly as possible. ‘Do you know the details of all Nabu's mining ventures here?'

‘Oh yes, Lords. I know all … I have maps, annals, export details, the lot!' He began to chuckle nervously, overwhelmed to have so many of the Gods looking down on him at once.

‘Do you know where to find Tyrus-Leon?' Brian challenged.

Gallard was mortified by the question, as he'd been responsible for having the rebel leader enslaved. He shuddered as he noted the physical resemblance Lahmu had to Tyrus. ‘I knew you reminded me of —'

Talynn gripped the Viceroy round the back of the neck. ‘Just answer Lahmu's question,' she advised.

‘Tyrus-Leon was condemned to the hell-pit and is probably dead by now,' the official spat out. ‘Nobody lasts years on that chain gang.'

‘Well, perhaps somebody should go and find out what has become of my
subject?' Brian suggested, but as Gallard moved off on hands and knees to comply, he grabbed him back. ‘But not you.'

‘Yes, my, Lord.' Gallard bowed repeatedly. ‘I live only to serve you.'

‘No.' Brian squatted, and held up a finger to correct him. ‘From now on you live only to serve your people, just as it should have been all along. I want every one of your people released from slavery.' Brian stood once
more to make an announcement. ‘As of now, all mining ventures on Nugia are officially closed down.'

Horror danced with elation on the Viceroy's face, and every Leonine within earshot began to cheer. Could they dare to believe that the nightmare rule of the Pantheon was truly coming to an end as predicted? Or would today's little adventure only serve to bring the Pantheon's wrath down upon their tiny city? ‘With all due respect, Lord,' Gallard timidly cleared his throat to voice an opinion. ‘Nabu will seek retribution, and our defences are minimal against the might of the Pantheon.'

‘Oh, I don't know,' Brian theorised, raising Gallard up and taking him under his arm to steer him to the throne room door. ‘I suppose it depends on if you care about saving the city, or if you care more about saving your kindred and improving their lot in the long run?'

‘Well … both,' Gallard said, as Brian raised the Viceroy's hand and placed it on the PKA plate that opened the doors; the barrier vanished. ‘What good will it do to save my people if they have nowhere to live?' he reasoned.

As Brian eyed the opulent splendour of the imperial chamber, he could see why the Viceroy wanted assurances that the city would be protected. ‘But surely you have living arrangements underground to accommodate the slave drivers and workers in the mines?' Brian strolled into the heart of the palace he'd just stolen, proud of his achievement but impervious to the wealth of his acquisition. ‘I've heard the mines are virtually impenetrable from the outside.'

Gallard was repulsed by the idea. ‘You can't expect the upper-class citizens of Su to move down there!'

Brian turned back to address the overfed official, not really surprised by his ridiculous protest. ‘If they want to live, they won't have much choice now, will they?' This response must have put things into perspective for the Viceroy; he fell silent. Brian then looked to his team, who had followed him into the throne room and were turning in circles and gaping at the decadence of the decor. ‘Talynn,' Brian called for her attention. ‘Please fetch Samara, Adair and their people here, and let me know if they've re-established communication with Nova yet.'

Talynn nodded in confirmation of the order, and vanished.

‘Cadwell, I want you and Neriada to take some of Gallard's men and find Tyrus-Leon.' As Brian gave the command the Viceroy directed several of his men, loitering by the doors, to accompany the Gods on Lahmu's errand. ‘And you, my good Viceroy …' Gallard jumped as Brian slapped a hand down on his shoulder, ‘… can give the rest of us the guided tour of Nabu's business dealings.'

‘I wish to request permission to investigate the situation on Karleashian, Governor.' Thais stepped forward to appeal for leave.

‘Not until you tell me who Nova is.' Brian gave his response in a jovial strain, but Thais knew he meant it well enough.

‘I honestly cannot say.' Thais' eyes fell upon Gallard, as he was not too sure he trusted Nabu's Viceroy.

Brian noted this and thought it a wise move to
dismiss the official for the moment. ‘Gallard, why don't you go assemble some of that data we'll need to look at.'

‘At once, Lord.' Gallard rushed from their presence, thankful to be leaving.

‘No transmitting now,' Brian warned the official. ‘I'll have someone checking the city's network. If I find out anyone has tried to warn the Pantheon about our endeavours here, I shall hold you personally responsible.'

‘Woe is me,' the Viceroy whined, as he escaped the throne room.

‘Now,' Brian looked back to Thais. ‘I know you suspect someone … who?'

‘Does it really matter who the DJ is?' Thais reasoned, wondering why they were wasting time musing over the issue. ‘He has been your ally since before you were born! Reports have it that DJ Nova is not a recent phenomenon.'

‘He's an immortal,' Rhun concluded, most interested in Thais' statement. ‘And as none of the Chosen were even aware of the legend of Lahmu until recently, chances are Nova isn't one of us.' He narrowed the possibilities down considerably. ‘Holy heck. He has to be one of the Pantheon!' Rhun was so shocked, he laughed.

‘Correct,' Thais granted. ‘Now, there are only a half dozen Nefilim with us, and well disposed towards the human races. There were even fewer who were well disposed towards humans prior to the Gathering, fifty years ago.'

‘There was only Gibal, Micah and Micah's spouse, Shala.' Brian, being knowledgeable about political history, named the Gods in question. ‘Nabu was on our
side then, or rather, he was secretly allied to Marduk. But who can say if he really was pro the human cause and not just a spy for Nergal?'

‘Gibal has the Aten for mobility and was the closest associate to Marduk during his banishment.' Rhun made his guess at the DJ's true persona.

‘But it was Micah who jumped into the arena to come to our defence.' Brian leant more towards this Lord as the prime suspect. ‘And it was Micah who made us aware of the legend in the first place.'

‘But how can we be sure the DJ is an ally?' Rhun decided to play devil's advocate for a moment. ‘Nova could be some long-term Nefilim insurance policy, designed specifically to snare Lahmu should he ever arise from legend to challenge them.'

‘Well,' Thais raised his eyebrows to point out, ‘he was right about Tashmet not being on Nugia.'

‘Yes, he was, wasn't he,' Brian admitted, and it gave him hope that the DJ's report on Kila was also true. ‘Then, perhaps, once you find the rebel base on Karleashian you could try and get word to us via the DJ?'

The suggestion made Thais smile for he knew this meant his departure was imminent.

‘The rest of us shall seek you out as soon as we batten down the hatches here on Nugia.' Brian placed a hand on his advisor's shoulder in encouragement. ‘By the next time we meet, we shall know for sure just how helpful and accurate the DJ's information truly is.'

Thais took a deep breath, not wanting to consider the possibility that his quest might turn out to be a complete farce. ‘That we will, Governor … that we will.'


heir immediate desire exhausted overnight, it was difficult to part in the knowledge that they would never know the intimacy of the other's touch again.

Dressed, and awaiting the patter of tiny feet, Hawk sat on the floor against the wall in the tech-room and Tory sat curled up between his legs, cradled inside his arms and wings.

‘Where is the power to create my own reality now?' Tory cuddled closer, wanting to curl up inside this man and be carried around within him forever.

Hawk kissed the top of her head, breathing deep her scent, committing it to memory. ‘I do believe that halting time or altering history are even beyond your scope …' he was going to say Swan, but recalling her true name decided to use it. ‘Tory.'

‘No!' She shifted herself so as to look Hawk in the face. ‘Please don't call me that. We don't know for sure … it could all just be some terrible misunderstanding.'

Hawk shook his head, sorrowfully, having little doubt. ‘If we expect the worst, then we can only be pleasantly surprised … right?' His smile was strained.

Tory gasped at his words. ‘Expect the worst and that's exactly what you'll get.' The difference in their belief systems was suddenly very obvious to Hawk and Tory could feel his hellish past preventing him from being able to accept her view. His fear of losing his newfound love exceeded even her own. ‘Screw this for a joke.' Tory rose to open the hatch door.

‘What's wrong?' Hawk got to his feet. ‘Where are you going?'

‘To find out the truth.' Tory kissed Hawk and then vanished into thin air.

Tory manifested before the soul she sought. He was in the kitchen with Chook and Seagull, gaping in awe at her sudden appearance.

If the Goddess was teleporting herself about, Crow figured she was no longer wearing the restraining module. A glance at her wrist confirmed his horror and he made a quick getaway out of the kitchen.

‘Where do you think you're going?' Tory appeared in Crow's path and scared the wits out of him.

‘You wanted to see me, Swan?' He halted short of colliding with her and backed up, playing naive.

‘What's my real name?' Her query seemed to alarm Crow all the more and before he had a chance to deny anything, Tory strode forth and placed the palm of
her right hand over his third eye to extract the answer for herself.

Tory backed away from Crow shaking her head, tears of shock beginning to stream down her face. ‘I
Tory Alexander.' She looked at the floor as she tried to recall her previous existence. When she could not she looked back at Crow. ‘I cannot believe that even after I saved your life, you
continued to lie to me.'

‘I wanted to tell you what I knew,' he appealed, truly remorseful at his failure. ‘But after our run-in in the munitions room, I knew you'd kill me.'

‘Well, somebody should,' commented Seagull, who had come to stand outside the kitchen hatch with Chook to watch the proceedings.

Crow did his best to ignore the cook and stayed focused on Tory. She was the first female whose company he truly treasured, and it was only now that he was losing her friendship that he realised how much it meant to him. ‘You seemed so happy here, and Hawk was so —'

‘Don't you dare pretend that you give a damn! You left me for
. Answer my queries and then I never want to speak with you

Tory didn't have to threaten violence. The look of betrayal on her face was more cutting than the ultra-violet setting on an EMS wand. ‘What do you wish to know?' Crow asked, more open to her will than he'd ever been.

‘Why does Nergal want me dead?'

Crow raised his brow in surprise as if the answer were elementary. ‘You are the most beloved leader of
your people,' he said honestly, for he'd not had to ask Nergal his reasons for wanting Tory Alexander taken prisoner; not after her brother's performance in the arena. ‘By killing you, Nergal hoped to rile your brother, Brian Alexander, the Governor of Kila and the suspected fulfiller of the prophecy of Lahmu. Your husband is Maelgwn Gwynedd —' Crow's eyes shot to his brother as he came downstairs to join the conversation. He felt sorry that Hawk had become so attached to a married woman, but Crow continued the explanation as was Tory's wish. ‘Better known as the Dragon, he is, from what I can gather, privy to some secret knowledge that the Pantheon is not. For your death was meant to provoke the ex-Governor of Kila into confronting Nergal, and the Lord then planned to entrap and probe the Dragon for information. Originally, Nergal had planned to penetrate the Dragon's mind once he'd joined the Pantheon of Twelve. He knew the Chosen One would not refuse the position offered, because the human tribes would lose one of their few spokesmen in the Senate. But the Dragon did the unexpected and waived the position in favour of his Vice, your brother. This move convinced Nergal that Maelgwn must be hiding something … maybe he even suspected that the Dragon might be the prophesied Lahmu. Anyhow, as your brother was a virtual nobody politically, Nergal never even suspected him of being the promised one. If he had, he never would have connived to get your brother into a contest with a Lahmuian mutant. The Head of the Pantheon was sure that the young Governor would perish in the
arena and thus, your husband would be forced to assume the position in the Senate.' Crow took a breath and gave Tory a chance to absorb the information.

Hawk had sunk to a seat on the stairs, his face as pale as a sheet. Chook and Seagull were leaning on opposite sides of the kitchen hatchway, also engrossed in the tale.

‘As it was, Brian Alexander tamed the mutant as per the prophecy,' Crow summed up. ‘Instead of accepting the seat in the Senate, he declared war on the Pantheon and split it down the centre. Over half the Nefilim present took a stand alongside Lahmu, against Nergal. That's when Nergal realised he'd unleashed his ultimate nightmare. His vanity demanded revenge on Brian Alexander for challenging him in the arena and living to tell of it. I was Nergal's agent in Chaliada at the time. Before your brother's flight had even left the Senate capital on Nibiru, I had been assigned the mission of kidnapping you.'

Tory was dumbfounded, and searching for a handle on the moment she looked to Hawk, who couldn't speak he was so mortified by the truth.

‘He didn't know anything about it,' Crow informed Tory. ‘Hawk hadn't seen me for years at that stage.'

‘I know,' she replied, and before Crow had time to wonder how she knew, Tory changed the subject. ‘So Nergal still believes I am dead?'

Crow nodded. ‘To the best of my knowledge.'

Tory recalled the first day that she'd awoken on the Bil-me and of the ship that had been in pursuit of their craft. ‘But, someone came looking for me. Do you know
anything about the necklace I gave away?' She probed further. ‘Who gave it to me?'

‘Maybe your husband.' Crow hazarded a guess. ‘I really don't know.'

In retrospect, Tory considered her actions might have been a bit rash in that instance, but as there was little point in worrying about it now, she turned her mind to other matters. ‘So where are Lahmu and the Dragon to be found?'

Crow shrugged. ‘Your death did not have the desired effect on them. Instead of confronting Nergal as expected, Lahmu and the Dragon have both disappeared from the face of the galaxy, taking all Kila's key governmental people with them. When Nergal landed in Kila's capital city he found it completely abandoned.'

Even though Crow hadn't answered her query, Tory was excited by the information. ‘Well, if all my kin have gone into hiding, then I believe I shall remain dead for the time being.'

Hawk's spirits lifted, thinking that her resolution might somehow extend their time together. ‘How do you mean?'

Tory held up a finger to beg his patience and, closing her eyes, she assumed the form of a white-feathered Falcon woman.

Hawk had seen this transformation before, but even he was overawed by her ability to change form at will. The other three males were absolutely stupefied.

Tory's eyes opened to behold the amazed faces of her crewmates, but she looked back at the captain. ‘How do you feel about having a concubine a while longer?'

Hawk's smile returned, as Tory slid into his arms to hug him. ‘The longer the while, the better,' he assured her.

Crow's state of wonderment departed rapidly. He grabbed hold of his little brother and yanked him away from the Goddess. ‘Do you have a death wish?' he hollered. ‘Not only is she an immortal, but she's married to one!'

,' Tory defended. ‘Isn't a marriage only legal until death do us part?'

‘The Chosen don't split up! They don't get divorced!' Crow clued her and his brother in on a few home truths. ‘They mate for all eternity!' he overstated, focusing all his attention on his brother. ‘And her other half is going to eat your balls for breakfast if you defile his woman.'

‘Ooops … too late.' Hawk stared defiantly back at his brother, furious that Crow would have the gall to reprimand him on his own ship, or lecture him in the affairs of the heart. Crow was making what had been the ultimate intimate encounter sound like rape.

‘You're a damn fool, Hawk.' Crow backed away, bewildered and then angered. ‘Why the fuck did I bother keeping you alive?' he snarled, serving Tory a dirty look as he stormed off past her towards the maintenance area.

Tory turned to Hawk, who was doing his best to look merely perturbed, instead of hurt. ‘Forgive me, I didn't imagine he would —'

Hawk held a hand up. ‘You have nothing to apologise for,' he insisted. ‘That wasn't about concern for my welfare, or yours.'

‘What was it about then?' Tory queried, but Hawk was reluctant to comment.

‘Any cover you wish to assume is fine with me,' the captain pronounced. ‘My ship, my crew and myself, are entirely at your disposal for as long as you need us, Swan.' He smiled, knowing that she would be using his given name for her for a while yet.

‘Your generosity and loyalty will be rewarded,' Tory avowed, to dismiss what Crow had said earlier. ‘I can't speak for the rest of my kind, but

‘Your love is all the reward I shall ever need.' The captain moved in closer to Tory to bestow a kiss, at which time Chook and Seagull quietly withdrew into the kitchen.


After viewing the layout of the subterranean cities that had sprung up within each of the hidden mining sites on Nugia, Brian and Rhun agreed that the people of Su would be far safer relocated underground for the time being.

Under the Su Palace, Brian was surprised to discover the grand central station of a subterranean superhighway, with tunnels branching out in all directions, giving faster access to the hidden mining sites that the planet hosted. This was one of Su's best-kept secrets and this transport system had certainly not been included on the official guided tour of the city, when Brian had accompanied Maelgwn and Marduk some time ago.

‘We'll get the people evacuated via the underground,' Rhun advised his Governor, ‘and then blow up central station.'

As Talynn and Brian nodded to agree with the Vice-Governor's strategy, Gallard nearly had a fit. ‘But the palace will be destroyed?'

‘This palace is the key to holding the planet, and as a target it's as vulnerable as all hell. We won't be able to hold it,' Rhun explained. ‘But if we destroy it, the Nefilim cannot regain control of operations here.'

‘But neither can we,' the Viceroy fretted.

‘We don't need to, at present. The mines are well stocked with supplies,' Brian informed. ‘What we need to do is cut off all bar the one surface entrance to each mine. It will make them easier to defend.'

‘But how shall the mines communicate when the only photon-linking system is here in the palace?' Gallard reasoned.

‘We'll take care of communications from now on,' Adair informed the Viceroy, who he despised with a vengeance. He was only being civil to the official because Lahmu was present. ‘The mining bases will just have to revert to the old by-directional laser-optic data-linking system.' He looked to Rhun for clarification. ‘I'm gathering it's just the palace you're destroying and not the entire city?'

Rhun nodded, and then smiled. ‘Your people are welcome to raid the palace for spoils before we do away with it.'

‘The Nefilim have nothing we need.' Samara spoke for her people, serving Gallard a look of disdain. ‘Unless the gold and jewels in this palace can be miraculously transformed into food, clothes and a place to sleep, feel free to bury it back in the earth from whence it came.'

‘Ah …' Adair hated to contradict his mother, but he felt he must in this case. ‘We might just take a look at the communication and equipment stores … if that's alright by you.'

Samara was surprised at her oversight. ‘You're right,' she conceded, feeling silly. ‘Forgive me if I am a little over-emotional at present.'

Brian could see the woman was sick with worry for her husband and exhausted from lack of rest. ‘Why don't you take your mother to get some air?' Brian instructed Adair. ‘Gallard will see to the evacuation.'

The Viceroy was most disgruntled by the order, but Samara and Adair were thankful to leave Gallard's presence.

‘How am I to redistribute so many people in …' The official realised he didn't know the schedule. ‘How long do I have?'

‘Notify everyone before sundown, and we'll move them tonight,' Brian advised.

Gallard thought the task impossible. ‘But —'

‘If you give me one more objection, Viceroy Gallard, I shall have
sent to the hell-pit.' Brian shut him up quick smart. ‘Just do it …
,' he emphasised, to get the man moving. Gallard hopped to it, racing from Nabu's room of court, where Brian had set himself up.

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