Taffeta & Hotspur

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Authors: Claudy Conn

Tags: #sexy, #claudy conn, #myriah fire, #oh cherry ripe, #rogues rakes jewels, #regencyhistorical

BOOK: Taffeta & Hotspur
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Taffeta & Hotspur

Published by Claudy Conn at



Copyright © 2012 by Claudy

Edited by WildAboutBones

Cover Artist: Kendra Egert

All rights reserved


Published in the United States of

Date July 5, 2012


Names, characters, and events depicted
in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental
and beyond the intent of the author.


No part of this book may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the author.


Excerpt from Rogues, Rakes &

Copyright © 2012 by Claudy


Excerpt from Myriah Fire

Copyright © 2012 by Claudy


Excerpt from

Copyright ©2012 by Claudy


Excerpt from

Copyright © 2012 by Claudy

All rights reserved




Other books by Claudy


Legend Series


Shee Willow—Legend


Free Falling—Legend

Catch & Hold—Legend

Prince in the Mist (Novella)

Aaibhe—Shee Queen (Novelette)


Vampire Series




Stand Alone Books

Myriah Fire

Oh Cherry Ripe

Rogues, Rakes & Jewels


DarkLove (
published by Wild Rose



What reviewers are saying
about Claudy’s books


5 out of 5 stars

Fanning the flames of Myriah

What was once an innocent, if rollicking,
regency romance has exploded with passion as Claudy Conn revisits
Myriah Fire to turn up the heat.

The addition of unbridled sexual passion to
Myriah Fire’s strong story brings dimensions of maturity and depth
to the struggles faced by Myriah and Kit, without diminishing any
of the innocence, joy or charm found in the original story. This
revised version of Myriah Fire allows Claudy’s regency followers to
appreciate what her paranormal romance fans have
discovered—mind-bending eroticism.

A truly captivating tale with a blast of added
sizzle, Myriah Fire will kindle the flames of your heart and burn
up the night.

~ Vonnie Faroqui,
Ink Slinger’s


Love, love, love Myriah

It’s a brilliant, fast-paced, and ‘true to its
title’, ‘going to catch you on fire’ romance. Looking forward to
more! Hoping Claudy Conn plans to share more of her historical
treasures with us.

~ Candice Stauffer,


Myriah has always been my

This is a sweet, funny, charming romance. The
characters are likeable and the story is well told. I loved all of
the Claudette Williams (now Claudy Conn) books, but this one has
always been my favorite. I hope she will put out more of her

~ lmjolicoeur on


ShadowLove—Stalkers is hot, Hot,

is filled with steaming action and dramatic tension … Claudy
delicately plants the seeds for future development and characters
without distracting from the excitement and romance of Stalkers.
The result is that she has a paranormal, vampire series, of romance
novels, which carries her own unique and spicy aroma.

is hot, Hot, HOT … and yes, I am blushing.

~ Vonnie Faroqui,
Ink Slinger’s


Five Cups and a CTTR (Coffee Time
Reviewer’s Recommend) Award

is a story that immediately hooks the reader. It reminds me
of a roller coaster just beginning, only to plunge into speed,
drawing the reader into non-stop action. Intense and spellbinding,
this paranormal romance kept this reader engrossed until the
conclusion. I loved the passion and chemistry between the main
characters. With tremendous action and well thought out characters,
this fantastic read sizzles and sparks like a

Coffee Time Romance &


Trapped Legend has my pulse

A clever, fast paced, unpredictable blend of
action, adventure, mystery, magic and steamy hot loving … I
picked it up and couldn't tear myself away from it until I read the
last page.

I highly recommend each book in Claudy's
Legend series. You're seriously missing out on some wonderful
adventures if you haven't read the previous stories. It's by far
one of the most exceptionally crafted, enchanting Fae series I've
ever read.

~ Candice Stauffer,


Five Stars for

This second in Conn’s Shadow series is filled
with vampires, a vampire slayer, demons, wizards, a Fae prince and
an unlikely romance. Claudy Conn does an excellent job of making
this a standalone story while incorporating some of the characters
from the first book and introducing us to several new characters.
The war is still brewing and now the fae are becoming involved.
Can’t wait for the next book in the series.

This is another one I couldn’t put down and
read in a single sitting. I got so caught up in the action I was
sad to see it end. Fans of the paranormal romance, urban fantasy
and vampire genres should enjoy this as well.

~ Wild About Bones


One hot and thrilling

I fell for all three of the main characters,
fun loving Maxie, dark and brooding Julian, and one hot Fae,
Breslyn. However, it wasn’t just the characters that kept me on the
edge of my seat, it was the entire involved plot that included
jealously, betrayal, magic, murder, and, of course, hot passion …
The well-written out mixture of myth and legend, not to mention the
characters, all in today’s world has me Joyfully
as one book you won’t want to miss.

~ Jo,


Chapter One


Spring 1813, Nottingham,


Taffeta looked out the window as their
well sprung carriage rumbled languidly over the country road. It
was a cool spring day, and the air held a fresh crisp scent. She
looked at her brother and uncle across from her. Although she could
see they hadn’t paid the least heed to the sweet breeze as it
wafted through their open window, she breathed it in and prepared
for battle.

Don’t pout, Taffy! It ain’t
like you, and it won’t change my mind,” snapped Lord Nigel in a
tone obviously meant to be suitably firm and effective.

She wasn’t pouting, but she couldn’t
pull herself out of her ‘dream’ to tell him. She was too deeply
engrossed in the vision being enacted in her mind as though actors
were on a stage right before her eyes.

She saw a huge, muscular, and
beautifully naked man with dark eyes that burned through her as he
looked right at her—at least the ‘her’ on the stage. His black hair
fell in waves around his handsome face, and she watched herself as
she glanced at him from top to bottom and allowed her gaze to
linger on his ready manhood.

Lady Taffeta lived in the country and
from time to time had witnessed a stallion breeding. This
incredible man was much like a stallion. She felt herself blush and
wondered who he could be, and why she wasn’t shocked in her dream

She had to get out of this vision. It
was wrong—all wrong. She sucked in air and broke out of the dream
as she pushed her golden tresses away from her face and tried to
concentrate on the present. She didn’t know where this vision had
come from—she was sure she had never seen such a man … yet. “What
did you say? Pouting? I … I am not pouting,” she announced, doing a
very good imitation of it. Taffeta had to direct her attention to
the present.

Sighing, she focused on the
conversation at hand. “Nigel, why you are suddenly taking on this
attitude, is more than I can fathom. You may be my uncle, but you
are only two years my senior and not fit to tell me what I should
or should not be doing.”

Nigel turned to her brother beside
him. She knew he was looking for help. Her brother, the young Duke
of Grantham, had been more friend and confidant than nephew to
Nigel since the first day they had gurgled together on the lawns of
Grantham Castle, she’d frequently been told.

What are you grinning
about, Seth? I should think you would lend me your aid in this.
After all, she is your sister!”

Taffy watched her brother as he eyed
his uncle doubtfully.

Don’t look to me for help
with the brat. Papa was the only one able to control Taffy, and
this muddle is all your doing, you know.”

Lady Taffeta eyed her brother ruefully
and then her young uncle and guardian. She knew it had been
difficult for him. Nigel had been born to his parents late in life.
After his parent’s death, his care and upbringing had gone to his
older brother, and he had grown up with Seth and her, so the job of
guardianship was forever in conflict with the position he held as
their confident and friend. There was scarcely a month in age
between her brother and Nigel, but that month had been enough to
award Nigel guardianship of both her brother and her upon the death
of their beloved father. She didn’t know what she would have done
without both of them.

However, it was getting close to the
day when Seth would be of age and take the reins of his own and her
legal interests. It is sad really, she thought idly, how little
women are allowed.

You know Seth, when we
started this thing with the Luddites, well … I allowed myself to be
drawn into it, even allowed you to drag Taffy—” Nigel

This brought her out of her reverie,
and she raised one brow as she eyed them. “I wasn’t

Very well, I allowed Taffy
to join in the thing because she—we—needed a diversion. We were all
so glum when we lost your father … but dash it, man, I didn’t think
it would go this far. It just isn’t the thing for Taffy to be
involved in … all of this now. In fact, it is time for us to
withdraw as well.”

Taffy always gets into
everything we do. Always has,” Seth answered with a wide grin in
her direction. “And we are withdrawing.”

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