Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4) (16 page)

BOOK: Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4)
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His brow knits down, but before he can say anything, I’m all over him.

I launch myself into him, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling myself up to him. Our mouths connect and our tongues begin their familiar, seductive dance. I press myself deeper into him, trying desperately to lose myself the way I always do.

But it’s not working.

Finally, he presses me off of him. I try to claw my way back to him, but he’s a lot stronger than me, and he holds me at a distance. He’s giving me an intense, concerned look.

“What’s going on? What’s wrong?”

I give him a hard look. My hand reaches down and cups his cock, thickening beneath the robe he’s wearing. His eyes widen.

“Do you want to talk, or do you want to fuck me?”

Chapter 18

I’m bent over the back of the couch in the penthouse suite of the St. Regis Hotel. Isaac’s enormity is plunging deeper and deeper into me as I grind my ass against him. He groans as he fills me, his hands wrapped around both of my hips, pulling me back even further until he’s as deep as he can go.

Sweat beads on my forehead, matting strands of my brown hair along with it. I gasp with each thrust he gives me, bracing myself against the couch for support.

“Harder,” I command.

His thrusts get harder.

“Faster,” I command, again.

He does so.

But it’s not working. It’s not hitting the spot the way it usually does. It’s not taking me to that magical place where I can lose myself.

I roll away from him and point at the couch.

“Sit down.”

A puzzled look flashes briefly on his face, but he sits. His cock is fully erect, waiting for me to take it.

This time is different than all the other times we’ve been together. This time, I’m in control. This is how it usually is when I’m with someone. Most guys aren’t man enough to satisfy me the way Isaac can, but this time I need to call the shots.

I turn my back to him, spreading my legs to mount him. My hand wraps around his thick cock as I guide it into me. I go slowly at first, easing my way down his length. But once he’s settled inside of me, I pick up the pace.

“Oh, Jesus,” he moans. But I barely notice it.

I bounce harder and harder. Each time I land in his lap my hips give a little twitch, grinding my ass into him.

I don’t want to face him. I don’t want to see him. I just want to fuck him. I want to lose myself.

Isaac’s hands reach up from behind, cupping my breasts as they bounce. His fingers brush lightly over my nipples, sending ripples of pleasure through me.

I place my hands on the couch behind us, leaning back even farther. My hips thrust and rotate. The tightness in my center finally appears, just barely at first.

“Hannah! Fuck!”

Isaac isn’t cupping my breasts anymore. He’s trying to hold on. I’m bouncing harder and harder. My hair bounces along with me. Parts of it stick to my slicked neck and shoulders. The tight muscles in my legs are on fire, but I keep going.

When my orgasm finally comes, it’s sudden and violent. My legs spread wide and I bury myself all the way down on Isaac’s cock. My entire body contracts and vibrates as I explode all over him.

“Oh,” I moan. My arms give way and I collapse into his chest.

Isaac’s muscles flex against me as he continues thrusting his hips into me. I arch my head back, nestling it against his cheek. His breath comes ragged and deep with each thrust. I slide my hips from side to side, back then forth.

“Oh, shit, Hannah. Bloody hell!”

“Give it to me, baby. Give it all to me.”

“Oh, fuck!”

He bucks into me as I feel his cock pulse and vibrate. For a single moment in time both of our bodies still—the world stops spinning for that moment that Isaac clutches me tight to his body and I bury my face into his neck.

And then he erupts.

His hands dig into my sides as he pulls me down even harder on his thickness. His body shakes with tremors, every muscle tightening at different intervals.

When he’s done, a huge smile spreads on his face as he gasps for air. I roll to the side and curl up next to him. I can feel his warmth inside of me as he wraps his arm around me, hugging me close, holding me tight.

We stay like that for a while, neither of us saying anything, while I try desperately to silence Declan’s voice in my head.

Chapter 19

We lay on the couch for a long time, our limbs intertwined.

“That was incredible,” he says, after a while. “What got into you? It’s like you were a different person.”

I give him a weak smile, but don’t say anything.

When I don’t respond, he pushes me up off of him and lifts my eyes to meet his. His gray eyes are studying me, intently. I know I can’t hide from them. They see me.

“What the hell happened, tonight?”

“I ran into Declan,” I say, simply.

His eyes tighten, concerned.

“What happened?”

I pinch my lips. It’s even more painful to put into words than it had been to hear them in the first place.

“He had to tell me something…” I’m quiet for a moment, composing myself. Isaac waits patiently for me to continue. “He told me that business hasn’t been going so well. He told me that with the economy and the Internet and everything that he doesn’t think BMG will be around much longer.” I can feel myself getting emotional again, tightness constricting in my chest. “He told me that, unless a miracle happens, we won’t make it to the end of the year…
Daddy’s legacy
won’t make it to the end of the year…”

Isaac’s eyes search me. He’s quiet for a long time, his arms still holding me tight. Then he shakes his head.

“That doesn’t make sense. Why is he getting my company involved if he’s going out of business?”

“He said the European deal was supposed to buy us some more time. That’s why he’s been freaking out so much lately. He said if things fall through then he has to start letting people go.”

“Christ.” Isaac’s head sinks back on the couch.

“I couldn’t look him in the eye after that.” I swallow, hesitating. “I just wanted to come see you.”

Isaac looks down at me again. He runs his fingertips through my brown hair. He gives me that charming smile of his.

“I’m glad you did. Don’t worry, we’ll get it all sorted.”

Some of the tightness in my chests loosens when he tells me that. I hate to admit that I might now need Isaac in more ways than one.

He lets out a deep breath.

“I need a beer. You want something?”

“No thanks,” I say, as he slips off the couch.

He pads off to the kitchen area leaving me alone in the living room of the luxurious suite. I look around, noticing for the first time just how spacious the place is—we haven’t exactly spent much time outside of the master bedroom. Tonight, we never quite made it there.

“This place is huge.”

I slip off the couch and wander around the living room, appreciating the elegant entertainment center that houses a TV so big it probably wouldn’t fit into my apartment. I make my way over to a door on the far wall and push it open, thinking it’s a bathroom.

It’s not a bathroom, though. It’s a study.

The lighting is low and I’m about to turn around when a stack of pictures sitting on one of the shelves catches my attention. There’s something about the profile in the picture on top that strikes me as familiar.

Scrunching my brow, I walk over to it. The world stills around me as I pick up the stack of pictures.

They’re of me, walking into the same bar where I first met Isaac, wearing the same dress.

Beneath the stack of pictures is a short bio. It has my name printed at the top. There’s a quick synopsis of my life, all spelled out on the page, printed and sitting here in Isaac’s study.

It’s dated from two weeks ago.

“Oh, fucking hell.”

I whirl around to see Isaac’s frame filling the doorway. His eyes are wide and panicked.

“Hannah, I can explain…”

Take Me: Part 3
Chapter 1

The world is closing in around me. It’s like everything has come to a standstill and I’m the only one left moving. I stare at Isaac, a cold feeling stretching into my fingertips. His mouth is moving, but the sounds coming out don’t make any sense. It’s like we’re underwater—the world is muffled and distorted.

“Why do you have pictures of me?” I ask, speaking over his sounds.

He’s still holding the beer he grabbed from the kitchen only moments earlier. He sets it on a shelf as he takes a step toward me, holding his hands up.

“Hannah, this is not what it looks like.”

I take a step back, keeping distance between us. My head is buzzing, making it nearly impossible for me to understand him.

Why the fuck do you have pictures of me from before we met?

He takes another step closer and I step back, again. I can’t be near him right now. I need distance. I need answers.

“Hannah, I promise I can explain.”

“Then why aren’t you explaining?”

He takes another step forward, reaching out to me, but I deflect his hands away. Isaac jerks back, giving me a wide-eyed look.

“Hannah, please, calm down.”

“I am calm.”

My voice is low, like a whispered threat. Isaac holds his hands up a bit higher when he hears my tone. I fix him with a hard stare, my mind racing with a million questions. But of those millions, there’s only one that I’m able to grasp and hold onto.

“There’s just one thing I want you to tell me,” I begin. His eyes look pained before he nods his agreement. “Did you know who I was before you met me?”

The creases at the corners of his eyes intensify. There’s a drawn out pause before he says anything.

“Hannah, you have to understand… I didn’t intend for any of this to happen.”

The anger is building inside of me.

“Didn’t intend for any of
to happen?” The silent threat is now gone. I’m practically yelling at him. “You didn’t intend to use me? To get me in bed and manipulate me?”

“No, of course not!”

“So you admit you knew exactly who I was when we met that night?”

I’m breathing hard, seeing nothing but red. The look on Isaac’s face is even more pained than it had been before. I don’t know why. He’s the one doing this to me. Why should he be the one that’s hurting?

“Bollocks, woman, it’s not the way it looks.”

I shake my head. Unbelievable.

“You’re a real piece of work.”

I need to get out of here. I need to get as far away as possible from Isaac Drake.

Throwing the pictures back onto the desk, I turn to push past Isaac and out of the room. His strong hand wraps around my arm, spinning me back to face him. I twist out of it, quickly.

“Don’t touch me!”

Isaac snaps both hands away again. He gives me a pleading look.

“Hannah, you can’t leave. Not like this. We need to talk about this.”

“There’s nothing we need to talk about ever again,” I say. “I can’t believe you’ve been lying to me this whole time. You’re disgusting.”

“I wanted to tell you, but there was never a good time.”

I shake my head.

“I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning. I should have stayed away from you as soon as I found out who you were.”

“Hannah, wait!”

He calls out to me as I run out to the living room and grab my clutch and heels. I don’t even bother putting them on before running out of the hotel suite. The last thing I hear is Isaac calling after me to stop. But I’m not going to stop. Not for him. Not ever again.

I’m done.

Chapter 2

The next day I’m curled up on the couch, wearing my favorite gray sweat pants. The only thing I’ve done all day is flip through channels on the TV and eat half a tub of ice cream, and any other sweets I’m able to find stashed around the apartment. I’d never before realized how much of a sweet tooth my roommate has, and just how secretive she is about it. There are little stashes of sweets hidden away all throughout the place.

Isaac has been texting and calling all day, but I’ve been ignoring him. I’m not even bothering to read the text messages anymore—I just delete them. I don’t want to know what he has to say. I’ve already given him enough of myself, he doesn’t need anymore. I’d rather just sit here upset and pissed off at the world.

It isn’t until the late afternoon that Tawny gets back home. She’s practically dancing and singing when she comes through the door, still wearing the same dress she’d worn to the club the night before. She fixes me with a glowing smile as she twists herself into the living room.

“Well, hello there, roommate.” Her eyes seem to glow even more intensely as she bounces onto the couch next to me. “Ask me how my night went…”

I can’t help but smile at the obvious excitement in her voice.

“Considering you just did the Walk of Shame, I’m guessing you had a pretty good time.”

She rolls her eyes and waves a hand.

“Oh, please. Shame and I broke up a long time ago.”

I let out a little laugh.

“Sounds like you had a
good time, then.”

She flops back onto the couch, her eyes staring up at the ceiling while a goofy grin spreads across her face.

“Calvin is so…” She lets out a sigh as her voice trails off.

I stare at her for a long time, waiting for her to finish the thought. But she never does.

“He must really be something to make you go speechless like that.”

This seems to elicit a satisfied sigh and more dreamy looks. When her attention finally returns to the real world, she gives me a pained look.

“I’m sorry I ditched out on you, last night. He just kind of whisked me away…”

I wave a hand, dismissively.

“Don’t even worry about it. I kind of had my own stuff come up, anyways.”

Tawny bounces up on her knees, spinning around to give me an excited look.

“Did someone whisk you away, too?”

She’s giving me an eager look, as though she honestly thinks that I had any intention of hooking up with someone at the bar.

I grimace, shaking my head.

“Unfortunately, nothing nearly that exciting,” I groan.

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