Taken in Hand (12 page)

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Authors: Barbara Westbrook

BOOK: Taken in Hand
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his baby or his sweet boy or how humiliating words like that

made him feel. He could go on with his life and get Adam out

of his goddamned head. He looked down then as the man

glanced up at him through a fringe of brown hair, his eyes

dark green. Through a haze of alcohol, those green eyes

registered in Chad’s brain. No, they shouldn’t be green

eyes—that wasn’t right. Those eyes should be brown.

Realization swept over him. What the fuck was he doing? It

was only Adam he wanted.

He put a hand down on the young man’s head and

gently pushed him away. The guy fell back on his heels with

a puzzled look, his lips red and wet. “I-I’m sorry,” Chad said,

shaking his head. Side-stepping away, tucking himself back

in his pants, he mumbled more to himself than the boy. “I’m

sorry, but I-I can’t.”

He stumbled back through the bar and almost ran to

his car, his cheeks burning with shame. He shouldn’t be

here. He had to get away. Starting his car, he turned out of

the parking lot, not toward home, but toward Adam’s house.

He needed to talk to him, to try to figure this out. He knew

Adam would know what to say to make him feel better. Still

coherent enough to know he’d had way too much to drink to

be driving, he slowed down and concentrated on making it to

Adam’s neighborhood and breathed a sigh of relief when he

pulled into the driveway. Damn, he was dizzy, and he felt

like shit. He was too fucking drunk to talk anyway. Maybe it

would be best to go straight to his room to sleep it off. He

was at the point where he didn’t even trust himself to get

into the house without letting the surveillance team see how

drunk he was.

Getting from his car to the door, he did okay, or

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thought he did anyway. Over confident, he didn’t turn on a

light, stumbled over a rug in the entry hallway and almost

fell. Managing to catch himself, he slammed into a small

table by the wall. He grabbed for it and righted it, but

something sitting on top flipped over his arm and crashed to

the floor before he could catch it. Cursing, he squatted down

and felt around with his fingertips, trying to pick up the

Please God, don’t let it be some priceless antique.

found a shard of glass by jamming it into his thumb and

exclaimed before he could stop himself. Sticking this thumb

in his mouth instinctively, he was still squatting on the floor

when the lights came on.

Adam stood in the hallway wearing only soft looking

pajama bottoms, not saying a word, his eyes taking in the

scene in front of him. Chad fell on his butt, no longer with

enough balance to maintain the squat, and pulled his thumb

from his mouth. “I fell.”

“I can see you did,” Adam said softly, a hint of

amusement in his voice. “And you broke my lamp, and now

you’re bleeding on my rug.”

“I am?” He jammed his thumb back in his mouth, not

knowing what else to do with it and looked around


Adam made a noise in the back of his throat and

hauled him to his feet. “Is this going to be a habit with you,

Chad? Because if it is, the county needs to think about

putting me on its payroll and giving me extra hazard pay.”

“I-I’m sorry,” he said, stumbling along behind Adam as

he pulled him down the hall. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Mm-hmm, well, you did. How much have you had to

drink tonight anyway?” He took Chad into the guest room

and deposited him on the side of the bed.

“Just a few beers and some shots.”

“A few, huh? Did a cab bring you then?” He crossed to

the window and looked out at Chad’s car in the driveway

before turning back to him, furious. “No, I can see you drove

here, you complete idiot. It’s not enough for you to try to kill

yourself, you have to drag innocent bystanders into the


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He’d reached the stage he usually devolved to

whenever he had too much to drink. “I’m sorry, okay? I

fucked up.” He lowered his head back to his hands and

groaned. “Damn it, I feel like I’m about to fly apart!” He

jumped to his feet and looked around for something to

punch. When he couldn’t find anything to take out his anger

on, he drove his fist into the wall. “Damn it!”

“Stop that right now.” Adam’s voice wasn’t loud, but it

was firm and conveyed a kind of take no prisoners tone. “Sit

down on the bed and show me your hand.”

Chad turned and almost missed the bed, but managed

to fall down onto it and right himself. He held up the

offending appendage for Adam to see, feeling sullen and

unable to make eye contact with him. Adam took his hand

firmly in his and pressed his fingers gently into it, causing

Chad to wince. “Nothing broken, no thanks to you.”

He pulled Chad’s T-shirt over his head and wrapped it

around his hand. “This will stop the bleeding at least. Sit still

while I get some bandages.” He turned at the door and

pointed a finger. “Don’t you

Sunk in misery, Chad sagged on the bed, but jumped

when Adam returned almost at once with a small first aid

kit. Adam sat down beside him and in a business-like

manner cleaned and swabbed out his wound and none too

gently, either. There were still some pieces of glass in the

cut, but he picked them out, and pressed antiseptic to the

cut with a cloth. “No stitches, I think, but it’s a nasty cut.

I’m going to put some antibiotic cream on it and bandage it

for you.”

He did as he said, and in a few minutes, Chad’s thumb

was bandaged neatly. He started up, and Adam pushed him

firmly back down. “You only move when I tell you to.


Chad was capable of understanding the command

even if his thought processes didn’t advance enough to

understand why he should follow it. He nodded, freezing in


“Take off your pants, go to the bathroom, and I’ll be

back in a minute.”

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Go to the bathroom? Come to think of it, he was rather

desperate to pee. He rolled off the bed to his knees, pushed

up, nearly going to his face on the floor when his hand

slipped, and stumbled into the adjoining bathroom. Pulling

out his dick, he remembered the last time it had been out.

He closed his eyes and groaned. Was it possible to die of

embarrassment? As much of it as he’d suffered through the

past couple of days, it must not be. More’s the pity.

He finished up and washed his hands, careful not to

get his new bandage wet, a good excuse not to look at

himself in the mirror before he stumbled back to the

bedroom wanting nothing more than to lie down and die.

Adam waited for him, his mouth pressed in a tight

line. “Pants off, Chad. Now.”

He slipped them down, not even blushing over the fact

he was commando. Not much, anyway. Swaying a little, he

waited for whatever Adam had to say next. Instead of saying

anything, Adam shoved him backward. Chad fell on his back

on the bed. Adam took his wrist in one hand and a leather

cuff appeared in the other. He slipped it on Chad’s wrist,

neatly attaching the other end to the bed post.

Adam looked at it stupidly. “What is that?”

“That’s a cuff, Chad. And here’s a matching one.”

The second appeared in his hand. It took Chad that

long to understand he was picking them up from the floor

and what he was doing to him. Adam snapped the second

one on, leaned over Chad, holding him down with a hand in

his chest, and attached it to the opposite post. Chad’s efforts

to stop him were about effective as hammering a nail with a

rolled up newspaper.

Chad pulled hard on the cuffs, but they weren’t

budging. Adam pulled more cuffs from the floor next to him

and attached one to Chad’s ankle and to the post on the

footboard, Chad’s drunken resistance useless. The other

ankle got the same treatment. Chad pulled at his bonds

experimentally. Nothing hurt or was too tight, but he

couldn’t move, for sure. He got a little angry.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Professor?”

“Giving you what you came here for tonight, Chad.

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Think of this as a time-out. You can’t seem to control your

actions, so I’m doing it for you. Lie there, contemplate your

sins, and sleep it off.”

* * * *

Adam hadn’t been so turned on in a long time. He

stared down at Chad, naked and wearing nothing but his

cuffs with his angry red prick pointed toward the ceiling.

Adam was having a hard time convincing himself it would be

wrong to uncuff Chad’s legs, throw them over his shoulders

and fuck him into the mattress.

“Since you came in drunk with your zipper down and

wearing no underwear, I’d say you’ve been out to experiment.

Is that right?”

Chad nodded.

“And how far did you get?”

“To the back room of a bar with a guy who was giving

me a blow job,” he slurred miserably.

Adam dropped his gaze, surprised at the fierce anger

and outrage racing through him. This was
boy, damn it.

“I see.”

“I didn’t…I mean, he didn’t finish. I wouldn’t let him. I-

I pushed him away and ran out of there.”

“Why did you do that, Chad?”

“Because…because he wasn’t…he wasn’t …” He let his

head fall back against the pillows.

The last words were almost whispered, and Adam sat

down beside him to lean closer. “He wasn’t what?” He

allowed himself to trail a finger down Chad’s sculpted chest

and down to his abs. Dipping the finger into his bellybutton,

he watched as Chad squirmed. Ticklish. Good to know.

He waited for the longest time, until he thought he

wasn’t going to get a reply at all. Then the words came so

softly he almost missed them. “You…he wasn’t you, and I

couldn’t stop thinking about how it should have been.”

Adam had to press his lips together hard to keep from

smiling. He needed to stay stern and in control, but he badly

wanted to hug his boy and give him a good spanking for even

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thinking about allowing someone else to touch him. This was

the second time in as many days someone else had their

hands and mouths all over his boy, and that shit was going

to stop.

“Thinking of me, huh? With your dick stuck down

somebody else’s throat?”

“I…I’m sorry, Adam.”

“Don’t do it again. If you’re very good and you can

convince me you’re very sorry, I may let you go in the


“But-but you can’t just leave me here like this,” he

complained, bouncing his hips in an unconsciously

suggestive invitation.

Though it was difficult, he ignored the seductive,

jiggling cock. “Oh, I could and I should. But since you’ve

decided to practically give yourself alcohol poisoning, I won’t,

in case you might vomit and choke to death. It would be just

like you. So I’ll be over there.” He pointed to a chaise lounge

by the window. “Probably spending a very uncomfortable

night. I wish you the same.”

“But wait—I th-think I want you to m-make love to


“And I think that’s the alcohol talking. No, hush now.

When you’re sober and make that statement, we’ll discuss it


Adam grabbed a pillow and a blanket off the bed,

ignoring Chad’s whimper, stomped over to the chaise, and

tried to make himself comfortable. Without a doubt he

wouldn’t be. His cock strained against even the looseness of

his pajama bottoms. He wanted so badly to sink it in Chad’s

sweet little ass.

He got very little sleep, waking up several times to

check on Chad when he murmured or groaned in his sleep.

Once he sat by him for a few minutes on the side of the bed,

just gazing down at him. Chad’s mouth was open, and soft,

wet snores came from his throat. He tried to roll over on his

stomach and when he couldn’t, he’d got a frown on his

handsome face and puffed out his lips like a pouty three year

old. Adam thought he was exquisite in his struggles.

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Smiling, he went back over to the uncomfortable

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