Talk to Me (15 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Carr

BOOK: Talk to Me
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everything out, so I'l just say this. You didn't even kiss me.”

“Yes, I did,” he immediately objected.

“On the forehead, when I was leaving! I meant when we woke up! You leaped out of bed like it was on fire!”

Drew pressed the pads of his thumbs into his temples, his eyes drifting closed.
Maybe he's got a headache too. It would serve him right
. She

felt petty for hoping the man was in pain but couldn't help it. Why should she be the only one being adversely affected by this ridiculous situation?

“I had morning breath,” he explained. “I wanted to go brush my teeth before I kissed you. I wasn't blowing you off.”

“You immediately cal ed me a cab!”

“Only after you acted so strange,” he argued. “I thought you had decided you'd made a mistake and were trying to get out of there as quickly as

you could. Then, when you actual y
fly out of my place like, how did you put it,
it was on fire
, I figured my hunch was correct.”

“Did I give you the impression I was ashamed of what happened? I'm not ashamed. I did some pretty crazy, out-of-character things last night, but

I'm not ashamed of any of them. I'm wondering if it was a good idea, but that's not the same thing.”

He plunked himself down on the desk as if he couldn't hold his weight up any more, stared at the floor for a while, and then raised his gaze to

hers. She was shocked to see a hint of vulnerability.

“Jamie, I'l let you in on a little not-so-secret secret. In fact, we talked about it a little last night, but maybe we need to talk about it some more.

You're not the normal type of woman I, um...”

“Have raunchy, al -night sex with?”

He gave her a half smile. “Yeah. Usual y the women are as happy to get rid of me as I am of them.”

Why that relieved her so much, she wasn't sure, but she felt loads better now. “It sounds like we both misinterpreted things.” She winced as she

noted the time. “The show's starting. Can we table this discussion until later?”

Drew unleashed his kil er smile then, and Jamie's thighs clenched again. He gave her a quick kiss, his tongue delving into her mouth and then

right back out. “Much better,” he murmured. “So we're good?”

“We're good.”

Drew started to back away and winced. “Fuck. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with this erection.”

Jamie giggled. “I'm sure you'l think of something.”

He paused by the door separating the studio from the producing booth. “Oh, I have a lot of thoughts, but I doubt you'd go for any of them. In fact,

I'm remembering something you told me last night about a fantasy of sucking my dick while I was on the air...”

“Go, before I report you for sexual harassment.” He closed the door separating the studio and the booth, and she turned toward her board.

“Hel o, old friend.” At least there was one thing in her life that didn't total y confuse her. She sat down to quickly queue up the sports report before

she caught dead air.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Twelve

They didn't get a chance to talk about anything during the show because the cal volume was unusual y high for a Friday, but that suited Drew just

fine. He had a feeling Jamie did entirely too much thinking, and he was determined to break her of that habit, even if it meant he had to keep her

mind occupied in other ways. He smirked at that thought.

No matter how hard he tried to concentrate on the show, he couldn't shake the image of Jamie on her knees in front of him, her luscious lips

wrapped around his erection while he talked on the air. It was driving him crazy. He'd been hard since the moment she'd walked in tonight in that

short skirt and hooker boots. He was sure she'd dressed like that on purpose just to torture him.

As soon as the show ended, he swept into the producer's booth and leaned down and gave Jamie a kiss. He dove deeper into her mouth,

losing himself in her taste. Final y dragging his lips away, he suggested, “Why don't we take this back to my place?”

“Don't you think we should talk first?”

“Talk about what?” He feigned ignorance. The last thing he wanted to do was have a heart-to-heart. He needed sex, and the thought of waiting

even longer to have her made him want to kil somebody.


“I thought we settled everything,” he said, kissing her again, hoping to distract her.

“We didn't settle anything,” she protested, pushing away from him.

“Fine. How about this? Let's go to my place, order some food, and see where it goes?” He held his breath, hoping she'd say yes. He could work

on that whole distraction thing once he got her alone.

She shook her head and rol ed her eyes, smiling, and he knew he had her. “Fine, but we aren't doing anything until we're finished talking about

this,” she warned.

“We'l talk,” he promised. He would've promised to climb Mount Everest if that had been what it took to get laid. He just hoped he could distract

her long enough that she'd forget the whole “let's define this relationship” conversation. Just thinking about it gave him the wil ies. He led her out of

the building and helped her into the limo, slipping in behind her, his gaze fol owing the path of her boots from the stiletto heels to the flare at the top.

“I've been thinking about these boots al night.”

After putting up the partition between them and Dave, Drew slid his hand up to the juncture of her thighs underneath her skirt and found she was

wearing only a skimpy, silky thong. His cock twitched, straining against the fly of his jeans. “What do we have here? You saucy minx!” He wondered

if he'd had any influence on her choice of undergarments. Perversely, he hoped he was a factor in her wanton behavior. It would even things up a

little, make him feel a little less lecherous.

He turned his torso to face her, pushing her legs apart with one hand while he slid the other into her hot, wet center, pushing the skimpy panties

easily aside. She moaned at the slightest touch of his hand on her clit, and he grinned to himself.
Time to begin Operation Distraction
. “Remember

how I asked you last night if you'd ever been fucked in a limo?”


“You're about to be fucked in a limo.” She squeezed her thighs around his hand in response, trapping it in paradise.

“I never thought I'd say this, but bring it on.” Her eyes flashed with chal enge.

He pushed her back until she was lying flat on the spacious seat and then leaned down over her. “You have no idea what you've just done.” He

sent her a feral grin. “You've awakened The Beast, baby. You're in for it now.”

Jamie couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. Who was this insatiable, sex-starved woman? And why was she letting him get inside

her pants? They hadn't settled anything about what they were doing or what she could expect from him. There was no time to reflect as Drew's

fingers brushed against her clit repeatedly, further ratcheting up her ever-increasing desire. She went weak and mal eable every time he touched

her. She knew it. She wanted it to be different, she wanted to be stronger, but she wasn't.

Drew didn't waste time, shucking his pants quickly, pul ing out a condom, and sliding it onto his erection. He was inside her in a heartbeat, and

Jamie's head lol ed back against the seat as he pul ed her legs over his shoulders, thrusting deeper into her with every stroke, encouraging her with

coarse, rasping words. He felt so good, and she was so revved up, it didn't take long before the familiar surge of pleasure began to overwhelm her


She was grateful for the dark windows of the limo. She felt reckless, and it scared her how much it turned her on. She squeezed Drew with her

internal muscles and was rewarded with a loud grunt as his cock pulsed inside her pussy. The pressure grew too much to bear, and she exploded

with a thunderous moan, Drew's release fol owing closely behind hers.

They only had time to quickly pul themselves together before the car reached his condo. Of course, Jamie was stil ful y dressed—Drew hadn't

even removed her thong in his haste to get inside her. On shaky legs, Jamie emerged from the limo. Drew latched on to her elbow when she stumbled. “You okay?” he asked her, a satisfied leer on his face.

“Never better,” she quipped, stil coming down from the high of the orgasm as she let him lead her inside. He nodded to the doorman, and

thankful y the elevator was waiting for them. She wasn't sure she could've endured a long wait, feeling as dizzy and light-headed as she did. It wouldn't do to melt into a puddle on the floor of his lobby.
This affair is definitely not good for my health. Oh, who am I kidding? It's great for my

health. I've gotten more exercise in the past twenty-four hours than I've gotten in the past six months.

Drew opened the door to his condo and punched in the security code, pul ing Jamie in after him. “I've got some ideas about how to spend the

next couple of hours,” he told her, and she felt a delicious chil run down her spine. Her resolve to talk before getting physical had fled as soon as his

fingers delved into her sex in the car. There'd be plenty of time to talk later.

Smiling, she took his hands, leading him into his bedroom. “I've got a couple of ideas of my own,” she replied, spinning and pushing him hard

onto the bed.

He landed on his back, snickering. “Do your worst.”

Drew watched as Jamie pul ed her top over her head, revealing a lacy black and cream bra. His dick stood up, and he barely suppressed a

groan of pure lust. She seemed to be in a zone, and he sure as hel wasn't going to break the spel . She reached behind her, unzipping the skirt and

letting it fal to the floor. She was left in just her bra and panties, and those luscious boots. “Do you want them on or off?” she asked him, motioning


“What?” he stammered, his brain sluggish at best.

“The boots—on or off?”

“Al ow me,” he told her, sitting up long enough to reach over and pul the zipper of the left boot down slowly, watching as more and more of her

long, gorgeous leg was exposed to his eager eyes. Leaning over, he kissed and licked her leg and then pul ed her down on the bed, taking her big

toe into his mouth. He loved women's legs, and natural y their feet were an extension of their legs, but he'd never had a foot fetish. Her feet were tiny

and perfect, though; he just couldn't help himself.

She giggled and tried to yank her foot from his grasp, but he held tight. This was a novel activity for him, and he wanted to explore a little more. “I

promise I won't tickle,” he told her, pul ing another toe into his mouth to gently suck on it. “If you real y don't like it, though, I'l stop.”

“It tickles, and it feels a little weird. I never thought of toes as an erogenous zone.”

“Neither did I,” he confessed. “Until now. Your feet are perfect. So smal . So delicate. Mine are al gnarly from squeezing them into skates al my


Jamie laughed. “My feet are far from perfect. Or smal .”

“Fine, fine, I'l leave them alone. For now.” He made his way back up her leg, then drew the zipper of her other boot down. “God, I love your

shoes. I would take you shopping and buy you thousands of dol ars’ worth of shoes in a heartbeat, but I'm not sure I want to let you out of my bed

long enough to carry out that plan.” He licked the back of her knee, drawing a contented sigh from Jamie. “Yeah, not sure at al ...”

When her other boot had been removed, he drew her panties slowly down her legs, fol owing their trail with more kisses and licks. Final y, he lay

down beside her, lazily tracing patterns with his fingertips over her bra-covered breasts. Jamie arched.

“Drew, you're kil ing me.”

“Why am I kil ing you?”

“Because I want you! I need you inside me!”

“Patience, patience,” he answered. “We have plenty of time. Why rush things?”

Jamie sighed. “Al right, you win.”

Drew grinned. He knew he'd get his way if he teased Jamie long enough.

“But I get to be in control. You said I could do my worst, and then you just took over again.” She pouted as he chuckled. She pul ed his shirt over

his head. “Lie back and don't talk. I want control this time, and we both know I can't keep it if you're talking to me.” When he obeyed, she added,

“And close your eyes.”

“I don't like the sound of this,” Drew began, but Jamie cut him off.

“What did I tel you? No talking! Close your eyes,” she repeated.

Reluctantly, he did. His other senses sharpened. He felt her weight move off the bed and then heard the door to his closet being opened. What

on earth was she doing? His cock stiffened even more as various scenarios played out in his head, making his jeans uncomfortably tight. He knew

he must look a sight, lying there silently with the huge bulge of an erection jutting out of his pants.

Drew heard a few whispers of sound but couldn't make out what they were. He felt the bed depress again as Jamie returned and settled in to

see what she would do next. He didn't have to wait long as she immediately grabbed one of his hands and pul ed it above his head. His eyes shot

open. Jamie was smiling down at him, one of his ties in her hands. “Did I say you could open your eyes?” she asked teasingly.

“What are you doing with that?” He motioned toward the tie.

“Tying your wrists to the headboard,” she answered matter-of-factly. “Now be a good boy and close your eyes.”

Drew heaved a heavy sigh.

“Trust me. Close them.”

He did, and she drew his hand up again. He didn't protest, and soon his wrist was tied surprisingly tightly to the bedpost. He pul ed at the knot,

but it didn't budge. His other wrist was tied to the opposite bedpost in short order.

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