Talk to Me (17 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Carr

BOOK: Talk to Me
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“Fuck me, Jamie,” he urged her, pushing off the mattress to move his hips in time with hers. When she ground slowly down on his pelvic bone,

he threw his head back, lost in pleasure. It was so intense; he had no idea how long he could maintain control. Was it because she'd teased him for

so long? Maybe it was the way she was riding him. He didn't ponder any further after she pushed her breast in his mouth.

He nipped and sucked at her nipple, then caught the other between his front teeth when she offered it to him. This, he could do. This, he was

good at. The equilibrium righted itself, and he relaxed, letting her take whatever she wanted from him.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Fourteen

A delicious tingle rushed through Jamie's spine as she straddled Drew. She was no stranger to multiple sex positions but had never real y been

a woman-on-top kind of girl. For some reason, it felt right with Drew. Maybe it was because she had let him take the lead so far—she didn't know,

and she didn't care. Al that mattered was that they both got off, and judging by how Drew's chest heaved as he stared up at her through half-

shuttered eyes, the position worked for him.

He continued to drive himself into her while she vaguely feared losing her mind completely. Crazy was the only word to describe how she felt.

Sensation coursed through her body, making her eyes rol into the back of her head. She'd always thought it was an exaggeration when people said

that happened, but now she knew better.

“I'm so deep, I can't stand it,” Drew ground out through clenched teeth. “What are you doing to me, woman?”

The spel broken, Jamie snorted. “Woman?”
God, he amuses me.

“Yeah, woman.

woman, real y?”

“Fuck yeah, my woman. I don't share.” He actual y snarled then, and Jamie had to suppress the urge to ask him what he meant by “share". Did

she want to know?

She wasn't sure if she should slap him or hug him. On the one hand, the thought of him claiming her as “his woman” insulted her feminist sensibilities, but on the other hand, his possessiveness sent an involuntary thril through her. No man had ever wanted her so badly.

He planted his feet and slammed his hips up again. She gasped in surprise as the wal s of her sex clenched spasmodical y around him in

response. She knew it was foolish to make more of this than it was, but he was so tuned in to her body. It was hard to stop emotion from flooding

her, clouding her judgment.

He played her like a finely tuned instrument; every stroke and whisper of their bodies was a symphony. She felt a rush of pleasure curl into her

bel y and knew her orgasm was coming. “Drew, oh please, Drew,” she cried.

He pushed up again. “Yeah, baby, that's it,” he encouraged. “Come with me. Come for me, baby.”

She felt his cock pulse wildly inside her, pushing her over the edge. She shouted his name over and over while her back arched.

“Oh fuck, yeah baby, milk me.”

Her pussy clenched around him in the longest, hardest orgasm she'd ever had. Drew's eyes widened when she tightened again, squeezing him

hard as a second orgasm ripped through her. His mouth opened, but no sound came out. Then, final y, a rumble began from deep in his chest as he

poured himself into her. He col apsed back onto the bed, almost dislodging Jamie. Both of them were breathing like they'd just run a marathon.

“Untie me—I need to touch you,” Drew commanded.

Jamie reached up and pul ed the knots, freeing his hands.

“It was that easy? Wel , hel , if I'd known that...”

“You can only undo them if you know how.” She smiled impishly, stil straddling him.

He flipped her onto her back so fast, she nearly blacked out, then grinned. She'd never seen a smile that managed to look sexy and scary at the

same time.

“You're playing with fire, little girl.”

“Am I?” Jamie replied, stil breathless. The threat held double meaning for her. Letting any sentimentality take over was surely setting herself up

to get burned. Despite Drew making it crystal clear he was in this for the sex, though, she couldn't help herself. She cared.

“Damn right.” He clamped down on the sensitive curve of her neck and sucked hard.

Jamie laughed, aghast. “You're going to give me a hickey!” She tried to push him away, but her strength was no match for his, and he continued

to suck, ignoring her protests. “How do you suggest I explain marks al over my neck? Stop it!”

“Too late,” he replied, his voice sounding thick and husky.

Jamie stuck her tongue out at him, and he smiled.

“Fine. I'l just put the rest in places where no one else wil see them. No one else
see them!”

He took her nipple into his mouth, and Jamie instinctively pushed closer; it felt unbelievably good. It didn't seem to matter what he did, it al

worked for her. What would she do when he tired of her? She'd never live it down if her sister found out about them, much less be able to get past

the broken heart he'd inevitably leave behind. For once in her life, she wanted to win, to make the smart choice, to prove her sister wrong.

Drew propped himself on his forearms and looked at Jamie. She looked like a wel -loved woman, her skin red in places from where his five

o'clock shadow had abraded her skin. He felt a perverse sense of satisfaction at being the one who had put that look on her face. He would never

admit it, but he'd known exactly what he was doing when he'd put that hickey on her neck. Jamie was a gorgeous, sensual woman, and he had no

doubt there was a line to her door. He was going fishing with some of his old teammates for a few days and wanted to mark his territory.

Why did he care? Why was he even
of Jamie in terms of his territory? Why did it bother him so much to think of another man's hands on

her? Why did he feel this unrelenting need to stake his claim? The questions bounced around like ping-pong bal s. His brain wouldn't settle down,

but he refused to look any closer.

Better to keep things casual
. He came back to reality with a shake of his head and saw Jamie was staring at him. Her eyes were dark with lust,

but there was something else there too.
. He wasn't sure if he felt better or worse to know he wasn't the only one who didn't know what the hel

was going on.

He rocked back on his heels and pul ed her up to a sitting position. The need to put physical distance between them overwhelmed everything

else. He needed to get her out of his bed. The worst thing he could do was confuse things even more by making love to her again.
Making love?

Try having sex, slick. Fucking
. He wasn't a relationship kind of guy, and he would just have to convince Jamie of that without hurting her.

“Are you hungry?” he asked her, his feet hitting the floor as fast as he could move, considering the rocking sex he'd just had. He swayed a little.

His blood was stil concentrated in his groin. “I'm starving. Let's go somewhere for food.”

Jamie's mouth fel open. “You want to go out—now?”

“Yeah,” he replied, rubbing his hands together and trying to sound enthusiastic about the prospect when al he wanted to do was crawl back into

bed and then into Jamie. “Come on. I don't have any food here. We'l go anywhere you want.”

“Drew, I'm a mess!” she protested.

“So take a shower. You can go first, and I'l jump in when you're done.”

“You're not going to come in with me?”

He shook his head, noting with dismay how her face fel .
I wonder if she knows her face is an open book
? She'd probably be embarrassed if

she did. Drew sighed and headed for the bathroom. “No, not this time, honey, or we'l never get out of here.”

Jamie stumbled out of bed and fol owed him into the bathroom. “Okay.”

He handed her a towel, said, “Take your time,” and left before he could get himself into more trouble.

Drew retreated to the living room, wrapping his robe around him on the way. He needed to get away from Jamie to clear his head, even if just

for the time it took her to shower. He shouldn't get involved. He couldn't get involved. But he couldn't shake how the thought of not being with Jamie,

of not being able to touch her and make love to her, left him cold. Make love to her? Why was he back to that again? Had he unintentional y drifted

into some chick movie? He snorted, scrubbing his hands over his face. He needed food and a good night of sleep. Maybe some perspective would

come with the dawn. He sure as hel hoped so.

He heard the water turn off a few minutes later and decided it was best to stay out of the bedroom while she dressed. With her soft, naked body

so close, her skin dewy from the shower, any good intentions on his part would fly out the window. He found himself wanting to give in and was

about to head to the bedroom to satisfy his growing need for her, his conscience be damned, when she appeared.

“Feel better?” he asked.


She was staring at him like she was trying to figure out the answer to a very complicated question. He squirmed under her scrutiny and then

bolted for the bathroom.

“Make yourself at home,” he cal ed back down the hal . He closed the door and leaned against it. “Shit,” he mumbled to himself.

Jamie sat on Drew's leather couch, its cushiness nearly swal owing her whole. Leaning back into the soft, pliable leather, she sighed. Drew had

wrung every bit of energy from her, and she was almost asleep when Drew emerged from the bedroom. She jerked awake and sat up, smoothing

her hair nervously. “Ready?” Drew asked her.

“Yeah, sure.”

“I know this kil er twenty-four-hour diner down in the Vil age. Do you like diners?”

“I like diners fine, but why do you want to go al the way to the Vil age? There must be something closer.”

“There are closer restaurants, sure, but I like this place. Come on, we'l grab a cab and be there in no time.” He headed to the door, grabbing his

keys off the smal table in the foyer as he opened the door. If that wasn't a clue to hurry, she didn't know what was.

She rose and fol owed him to the elevator. The doors slid open, and they stepped inside, both facing forward. Drew's arms were folded over his


“Did I do something to piss you off?” she couldn't resist asking him.

He threw her a quick glance, his expression unreadable. “No, of course not.”

“It just seems like you're a little, wel , formal.”


“Yes, that's the best word I can think of for it. You're suddenly al business.”

“I'm hungry.”

“Okay, but...”

“But nothing. You're making too big a deal out of this,” he told her but wouldn't meet her eyes.

“If you say so.”

The doorman hailed a cab for them, and Drew motioned Jamie in first, then climbed in himself. He gave the cabbie the address and then sat

staring out the window, his hands on his knees while his foot tapped a staccato beat on the floorboards. Jamie frowned. What the hel was up?

Experimental y, she reached out and took his hand. “Hey,” she said softly.

He turned to her. “Hey,” he repeated, his normal y sexy-smooth voice sounding flat to her ears. She moved closer to him and put her other hand

on his thigh. Looking up at him, she began to move it closer to his groin. “Looking to give the cabbie a free show?” he asked without smiling.

Her brow furrowed. “No, I just wanted to be closer to you.”
What the hell is wrong with him?

He removed her hand from his leg, placing it on her own thigh. “We're almost there.”

“No, we're not. We're stil blocks from the Vil age. Even I know that. What's eating you?”

“Nothing, and that's the problem,” he replied.

“This mood is seriously al because you're hungry? There's no other reason?”

He turned to her and gave her a look she'd seen a teacher give a child who wasn't catching on to the lesson. “That's al . Men get grouchy when

they're hungry.” He turned back to the window, and Jamie slid back to her side of the cab, rejection seeping into her pores like a dose of poison.

That's all, my ass. Something is up; I just have no idea what
. Everything was fine, last she knew. She ran through recent events in her mind and

couldn't come up with a reason he'd be upset with her.

They spent the rest of the cab ride in silence, and when they arrived at the diner, al Drew wanted to talk about was the show. When the seemingly interminable meal was over, Drew threw a couple of bil s on the table and rose. He hadn't so much as touched her hand the entire time

they'd been eating, and it didn't look like that was going to change anytime soon. She trailed after him, stil uncertain about what was going on but

not wil ing to take the chance of being told she was “making too big a deal about this” again.

They caught another cab and spent that ride in silence as wel . When they arrived at Drew's building, he waited for her to get out of the cab and

then walked behind her to the elevator. Once on board, she decided to push him a little. This spike that seemed to have been driven between them

was driving her crazy—she had to figure out why he had suddenly gone so cold on her.

She glanced at him. He was watching the numbers light up like they held the meaning of life, so she took the opportunity to surprise him. She

spun him so that his back was to the wal and pushed her body flush with his. Reaching between the two of them, she felt for his cock, cupping it. He

instantly began to grow and thicken.
That's better. He's not nearly as cold and unaffected as he wants me to think
. His hands were stil at his

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