Talons of Scorpio (26 page)

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Authors: Alan Burt Akers

Tags: #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Talons of Scorpio
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All that had to wait. Now I could luxuriate in the thoughts I had been keeping at bay and now was unable any longer to resist.

When I saw Delia! By Zair! What a story to tell her — Dayra, the fierce and ferocious taloned miss, the merciless Ros the Claw, our little Dayra — at last true to Vallia and to herself. Yet this was not a facile example of the return of the Prodigal Daughter, oh, no. Very much it was the return and redemption of a Prodigal Parent — for Delia had always retained Dayra’s love, of that I was very sure, despite what I had seen to the contrary in times past.

If I could win my own daughter’s affection, if I could sheathe those Deadly Talons — wouldn’t
be a thing to tell Delia?


Autmoil: stranger

About the author

Alan Burt Akers was a pen name of the prolific British author Kenneth Bulmer, who died in December 2005 aged eighty-four.

Bulmer wrote over 160 novels and countless short stories, predominantly science fiction, both under his real name and numerous pseudonyms, including Alan Burt Akers, Frank Brandon, Rupert Clinton, Ernest Corley, Peter Green, Adam Hardy, Philip Kent, Bruno Krauss, Karl Maras, Manning Norvil, Chesman Scot, Nelson Sherwood, Richard Silver, H. Philip Stratford, and Tully Zetford. Kenneth Johns was a collective pseudonym used for a collaboration with author John Newman. Some of Bulmer’s works were published along with the works of other authors under "house names" (collective pseudonyms) such as Ken Blake (for a series of tie-ins with the 1970s television programme The Professionals), Arthur Frazier, Neil Langholm, Charles R. Pike, and Andrew Quiller.

Bulmer was also active in science fiction fandom, and in the 1970s he edited nine issues of the New Writings in Science Fiction anthology series in succession to John Carnell, who originated the series.

More details about the author, and current links to other sources of information, can be found at
www.mushroom-ebooks.com, and at wikipedia.org.

The Dray Prescot Series

The Delian Cycle:

1. Transit to Scorpio

2. The Suns of Scorpio

3. Warrior of Scorpio

4. Swordships of Scorpio

5. Prince of Scorpio

Havilfar Cycle:

6. Manhounds of Antares

7. Arena of Antares

8. Fliers of Antares

9. Bladesman of Antares

10. Avenger of Antares

11. Armada of Antares

The Krozair Cycle:

12. The Tides of Kregen

13. Renegade of Kregen

14. Krozair of Kregen

Vallian cycle:

15. Secret Scorpio

16. Savage Scorpio

17. Captive Scorpio

18. Golden Scorpio

Jikaida cycle:

19. A Life for Kregen

20. A Sword for Kregen

21. A Fortune for Kregen

22. A Victory for Kregen

Spikatur cycle:

23. Beasts of Antares

24. Rebel of Antares

25. Legions of Antares

26. Allies of Antares

Pandahem cycle:

27. Mazes of Scorpio

28. Delia of Vallia

29. Fires of Scorpio

30. Talons of Scorpio

31. Masks of Scorpio

32. Seg the Bowman

Witch War cycle:

33. Werewolves of Kregen

34. Witches of Kregen

35. Storm over Vallia

36. Omens of Kregen

37. Warlord of Antares

Lohvian cycle:

38. Scorpio Reborn

39. Scorpio Assassin

40. Scorpio Invasion

41. Scorpio Ablaze

42. Scorpio Drums

43. Scorpio Triumph

Balintol cycle:

44. Intrigue of Antares

45. Gangs of Antares

46. Demons of Antares

47. Scourge of Antares

48. Challenge of Antares

49. Wrath of Antares

50. Shadows over Kregen

Phantom cycle:

51. Murder on Kregen

52. Turmoil on Kregen

Copyright © 1983, Kenneth Bulmer

Alan Burt Akers has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, to be identified as the Author of this work.

First published by Daw Books, Inc. in 1983.

This Edition published in 2007 by Mushroom eBooks, an imprint of Mushroom Publishing, Bath, BA1 4EB, United Kingdom

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN 1843196522


Under the Suns of Scorpio...

1 – Pompino’s name affronts him

2 – The Devil’s Academy

3 – We sail for Bormark

4 – The instructive history of a zan-talen

5 – Aye

6 – The Lady Nalfi hides in the Chunkrah’s Eye

7 – Twayne Gullik

8 – Concerning the traitoress Ros the Claw

9 – How a blood-stained switch changed hands

10 – Of the power of the Lemmites

11 – How the Great Lie spread

12 – Of the Pied Piper of Port Marsilus

13 – The Little Sisters of Impurity

14 – Strom Murgon puts on a show

15 – Dafni

16 – Mindi the Mad

17 – A Rose between two thorns

18 – Of the spitting of Ros Delphor

19 – Sheathed Talons...?


About the author

The Dray Prescot Series

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