Tangled in a Web of Lies (32 page)

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Authors: Jesse Johnson

BOOK: Tangled in a Web of Lies
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“I guess I don’t really need to tell you that there’s no going back once we’re inside,” says John.

“I’m not leaving here till Rick fucking Mosley is nothing but a bloody corpse under my boot,” Odin assures him. John nods, gesturing towards the back of his car. Odin follows him around where he pops the trunk , revealing a blanket with different weapons neatly laid out on it.

“You’re really are worth every penny,” Odin jokes moving his hand slowly over every tool. He feels an old spark inside him as his hand crosses over a hunting knife. He picks it up, testing its sharpness, and durability. The tip has a hook that gives Odin the perfect idea. He tucks it in his pocket and follows John through the back gate of the prison. The guard gives John a familiar nod and admits them inside. John walks him through the back halls, and through the kitchen before he finally brings him to the empty showers.

“It’ll be a few minutes. Want me to leave the lights off till he’s inside?” John’s words prove how many hits he’s pulled off in his life, and Odin nods. “Cuffs or no cuffs?”

“No cuffs. I got this.” Odin makes his way to the corner and waits in the dark for his prey. One minute. Two minutes. Five minutes. He waits, contemplating, planning every move, anticipating all that will come.

The door opens, casting a light on the floor in front of him. He can see Rick standing outside, his handcuffs being removed by the guard.

“What the fuck is this?” Rick asks, unable to see into the dark showers.

“Shower time,” replies the guard with a ruthless smile.

“In the middle of the night, in the dark?” Rick questions further, overly suspicious.

“Get the fuck in, or I’ll shove my night stick so far up your ass you won’t shit straight for a month.”

Rick eyes the dark room, oblivious to Odin waiting in the corner. He balls his hands into fists as he cautiously walks inside. Once the door is firmly closed. Odin makes his way toward Rick in the dark, his eyes already adjusted to the lack of light. He kicks Rick in the knee, so hard it snaps and Rick falls to the tile floor with a loud scream.

Then the lights flash on, and Rick turns his head to find Odin glaring down at him. Realization is written all over face, along with horror and some small acceptance. Before he has a chance to move, Odin stomps his face into the tile a couple times. Then he takes a step back, allowing Rick to catch a breath and spit out a few teeth in a pool of blood and saliva.

“I take it you know exactly what this is about?” asks Odin, cracking his knuckles. Rick nods his head, trying to take the man’s way out without crying or begging. He rises to his knees, but before he can get a foot underneath him, Odin slams his fist into the side of Rick’s face, hard enough to push him over, but not hard enough to knock him to the floor. Again, Rick tries to kneel, hoping to be able to take a stand.

Odin lets him get up. He wants Rick to stand and stare the man who is going to kill him in the eye. Rick tries to straighten his back, leaning on the leg Odin hasn’t snapped yet.

“Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” asks Odin, barring his teeth at Rick.

“Thought I could scare her straight. It worked before. But some bitches never learn, some bitches are better off being put down.”

Odin nods. “Lila is not a bitch. And now, you’re going to be the one who gets put down,” says Odin fiercely.

Rick smiles. “Yeah,” he says, taking a quick glance around the showers and spitting a mouth full of blood at the floor beneath him. “I figured that. But I’ll be damned if I go down without a fight.”

“Oh, I’ll give you a fight!” Odin throws his next blow, but Rick ducks out of the way, putting pressure on his broken leg. He quickly slams his fist into Odin’s side, but Odin doesn’t even flinch. He moves quickly, taking Rick’s head under his arm. With Rick in a headlock, Odin slams his fist against Rick’s face. Rick tries to break free, punching Odin in the ribs but it’s no use. His face starts to turn bright red and Odin lets him go before he passes out. Odin doesn’t have time to wait around for Rick to regain consciousness , and there’s no way he’s going out in a painless strangling. No, Rick is going to feel pain like no other. Only then will Odin let him die.

Rick crouches a few feet from Odin like a wounded dog, ready to fight dirty in order to survive. Odin can see the desperation behind his snarl and it does nothing but amuse him. Odin throws himself at Rick, slamming his back against the shower wall so hard he can hear the air leave Rick’s lungs. But despite the blow, Rick retaliates quickly, trying to wrangle Odin into the same head lock and it works. With Rick’s arm around his neck Odin slams his body backwards, pinning Rick between him and the wall. He does this again, but Rick’s grip doesn’t weaken. So Odin makes use of the weak spot in Rick that he’s created, kicking him square in the hurt knee, which brings them both tumbling to the floor. Odin ducks out of the choke hold, and races to get on top of Rick before Rick can do the same to him. He pins Rick beneath him, and punches him in the face over and over, until Rick can hardly fight back.

Then Odin stands, looming over Rick. “You fucked with the wrong girl, Rick. You fucked my girl, a girl I’ll gladly kill for,” he says kicking Rick in the ribs with his steel-toe boot. Rick doubles over to the right, and Odin kicks him in the other side, then stomps on his balls. It’s too bad he doesn’t have all night. He’d like nothing more than to spend an equal amount of time on Rick as he did on Jaime, which reminds him…

“I got to say, you don’t cry nearly as much as your son,” says Odin, tauntingly. Rick chokes over his blood, trying to form words.

“You killed my boy?” Rick spits out, his eyes widening despite the swelling of his face. His look of horror makes Odin smile.

“No, I think the heat is what did him in at the end. Or, maybe he bled to death. I just tortured the fuck out of him for a night, defiled every part of his body, made sure he felt every bit of pain and suffering possible before I put him in that barrel and left him for dead.”

“You son of a bitch,” mumbles Rick, as he tries to kick at Odin’s leg.

“My mother was actually a very nice woman. It was my father who was the evil one, but you already know that. And you know exactly what I’m capable of.” With that, Odin pulls the knife from his pocket and stabs Rick in the thigh.

“Fuck!” Rick groans, as he tries to kick his feet at Odin, but Odin stabs him in the leg again, and again. Then he stabs him in the stomach, careful not to puncture a lung yet. The weaker Rick gets, the easier it becomes for Odin to exact his revenge. Odin tears at Ricks pants, imagining Rick and Jaime doing the same to Lila. Rick screams as his inmate pants are pulled down to his knees, exposing his genitals. He tries to cover himself with his hand, but Odin slices him across his fingers.

“Fucking whore!” Rick growls, pulling his hand back and trying to use the other to shield himself. Odin slices at the other hand just the same clipping the backs of his knuckles. Rick doesn’t retract his hand, desperate to keep Odin from unmanning him. So Odin stabs the pointed end of the knife straight through Rick’s hand, and as he pulls the blade back, the hook catches in Ricks flesh, grabbing bone, and tearing tendons as Odin jerks the knife backwards away from Rick.

Rick lets out a heinous cry as he pulls his hand up, cupping it in the other. Odin seizes the moment, grabbing a hold of Rick’s balls and pulling them downward. He quickly uses the knife to slice through the skin of the scrotum. Blood gushes from between Rick’s legs and he howls, his voice echoing through the empty tile showers of the jail. Odin stuffs Rick’s balls into his gaping mouth, forcing them so far down his throat that Rick gags and chokes for air.Then Odin unleashes his furry, stabbing Rick wildly over and over, uncaring of what organs he slices through.

This is it, the end. Blood sprays in all directions, and splatters across Odin’s face, coating his teeth as he smiles through the brutality. His hand comes down again and again. piercing through flesh and bone. Rick pathetically tries to cry around the testicles lodged in his throat, but slowly loses the battle as his blood pools larger around him, finding the drains in the shower floor.

Odin doesn’t stop until Rick is completely limp, and his eyes roll back in his skull. Then he stands, and takes a step back to examine his work. Other than wishing it could have been prolonged, the sight of Rick is perfect. Odin’s heart begins to slow, and he regains his breath, moving toward the shower faucet. He’s running cold water when the door behind him buzzes, but he doesn’t bother to look. He strips off his bloody clothes, down to his boxers, taking the time to set his shoes aside before he steps underneath the steaming stream of water.

“That was bloody,” says John as two guards start to bag up Rick’s body.

“It was personal,” Odin mutters under his breath, using the water to wash his hands and face. He finishes cleaning himself while the guards hose down the shower floor, eliminating all traces of Rick Mosley. One of them is kind enough to toss him a small bar of soap.

“Don’t drop it,” the guard jokes, clearly checking him out. Odin flashes a threatening glare at him that clearly shakes the guard as he casts his glance back to the body bag. Odin stares at his back a moment, daring him to look again, but he doesn’t.

John hands Odin a towel and a backpack with some clean clothes like they talked about earlier. He takes the bloody ones and discards them in a trash bag.

“I’ll take those,” says Odin, staring at the bag full of soiled clothes.

“What’s the matter, don’t trust me?” John grins as he hands the bag to Odin.

“I don’t trust anyone.” Odin snatches the bag and finishes lacing up his bloody boots.

“You’re going to have one hell of a problem if you get pulled over.”

“I’ll handle it.”

John nods and escorts Odin back through the jail. Once they’re back in the parking lot, Odin places the bag of soiled laundry into the saddle bag on his bike.

“About that other thing we discussed earlier, you still want to go through with it?” John asks while Odin mounts his bike.

“Yeah. It’s a go.”

“William Jay, inmate at the Wyoming State Penitentiary. I can’t get you in, but I know of another inmate there who can. Cost you a little more. ”

Odin is already on his bike ready to leave when John says this, and he smiles wickedly.

“That’s perfect. I need it to look like he pissed off the wrong inmate, I can’t have this blow back on me. Money’s not an issue, just make it fast and clean.”

John nods one last time before he turns his back to walk away. Odin starts his bike and heads home to Lila.


Chapter 30

Painful Secrets

Odin unlocks the door, feeling different than when he left a couple hours ago. With killing comes a sense of power. Lila is still bent over a bench in the dungeon waiting for him. She flinches when he closes the door behind him

“Did you miss me?” he speaks before placing a hand on her shoulder, not wanting to startle her. She nods eagerly. “Daddy’s back now, and I’m going to finish what I started.”

He starts by removing the plug in her ass, and she moans a sigh of relief in her mask. He’s pleased to see her anus is hot pink, burning with the aroma of ginger. Now that he knows Billy is soon to be dead, he’s not as mad at Lila. The lie still needs punishing, but the anger and jealousy in his heart have subsided.

Her ass is still red from the paddle as he smoothes his hand over her skin. There’s still a faint X shaped scar on her back, along with a few other lines from where he lashed her with his bull whip a few months ago.

That’s it. The bull whip is painful and mean. He knows she can take it. She lasted through five lashings the last time, and was even so bold as to ask for more. Surely she can handle three. It will be the fear of being stuck in her gag, beneath the mask that will affect her most. Not knowing when he’ll stop, the helplessness of being tied down.

Odin has a different bull whip in this room. It’s thinner, and not quite as brutal as the one that hangs in his bedroom. But without her sight, her mind will play tricks on her, intensifying the pain without causing as much damage to her skin. He takes the whip, and grips it in his hand.

“Brace yourself baby, this is going to hurt.”

Lila’s entire body flexes as Odin pulls his hand backwards, then he unleashes the whip on her back. She screams beneath the gag, and her entire body flinches. She tries to pull her head up, but her restraints hold her down in place. He strikes again, and the way the whip cuts across her skin makes him hard. She shakes her head, begging him to stop with her body language. She’ll never understand this lesson, because he can’t tell her why he’s doing this. If she finds out Odin knows about her trip to see Billy, she might suspect him when Billy turns up dead. This is more about his peace of mind. He whips her one last time, cutting across her perfectly rounded ass.

Lila goes crazy in her restraints, struggling to free herself. Odin moves to her side, and places his hands on her shoulders. Her body calms, but she’s still trying to communicate. Odin lets her hands go free, and she immediately reaches for him. He takes her hands in his a moment, assuring her that she’s okay. Then he unfastens the mask.

Her eyes are large, and filled with confused tears. He wipes her cheek with the pad of his thumb before removing her gag. Then he unzips his pants and straddles the bench, moving toward her with an erection so thick it hurts. He takes her by the hair, and she willingly opens her mouth for him.

He lets her start out slow, sucking on his tip while she uses a hand to stroke his balls. It’s nice, but it’s not what he needs. He flexes his hips, pushing himself further into her mouth. Then he moves back and forth, nudging at the back of her throat each time he pushes forward. The sensation of her gagging on his cock excites him. He fists her hair in his hand, pulling her face into him. His hips move faster, fucking her pretty little mouth until she’s forced to swallow him.

She chokes and he pulls out, allowing her to breathe. But then his hips move again, in the same motion. Her tongue swirls around his dick, licking, sucking, and driving him mad. He uses her hair as leverage, forcing his cock down her throat again, then quickly pulling out. His balls get tight, her hand still clasped around them. He rams his hard cock down her throat again, then again and as she gags and chokes for air, he cums hard into her mouth.

She squeezes at his testicles, but it only makes it better, sending more cum shooting down her throat. He growls, embracing his release. The moment he pulls himself free, she gasps for air.

Odin stokes his dick, that’s still a little hard. He eyes Lila, deciding to finish her off a little differently that he had planned originally. He unshackles her ankles and has her lie back on the bench. He hooks her arms to the legs of the bench then uses rope to tie up her legs so that her knees are in her chest and her thighs are spread wide open.

He traces her pussy with his fingers, slapping her playfully. Her smile changes everything. It makes him feel soft, and vulnerable, a lot different from the man who just butchered Rick an hour ago. He kneels at the end of the bench, bending over to kiss between her thighs.

Lila moans as Odin licks her clit. Her thrashing and her little pleasure filled noises make him hard all over again. He slips two fingers inside her, massaging while his tongue laps at her pussy. It’s only a few minutes before she’s cumming, screaming his name and begging him not to stop. He doesn’t, not even after she’s finished and panting for air.

Her body trembles on the bench and he continues to gently lick her swollen clit. Her breathing becomes panting, as she nears another orgasm. When she’s close, Odin stops. He gets up from his knees and leans over Lila, gliding his cock into her entrance. Her eyes shoot open, like they always do when he fills her. His fingers find her clit and she tosses her head back, moaning through the pleasure. Her breasts bounce each time he pushes into her, mesmerizing him.

“Hold it for me, Lila. I want you to cum with me,” he tells her. She nods, pressing her lips into a hard line trying to control her body. He moves faster, fucking her harder but his fingers still move lightly. He can feel his own release building again, his balls drawing tighter.

“Now!” he says, pressing his fingers hard against her clit and rubbing furiously. Lila’s body shutters, and she pulls hard at her restraints as her body falls into another captivating orgasm. She stares up at Odin, groaning loudly while he thrusts hard and deep. Her pussy clamps around him, tight and wet.

“Fuck!” he growls, burying himself inside her. He holds himself still, pumping her full of cum while his fingers continue massaging her clit. She her moans turn to screams that echo through the dungeon. Odin almost loses his balance on the bench, lost inside of Lila. 

When he’s finally finished, he sets her free and she immediately wraps her arms around him. He holds her close, stroking her hair while she cradles her head against his chest.

“You smell different,” she says.

“Yeah. County Jail doesn’t exactly have nice smelling soap.”

Her head pulls away, and she stares into his eyes. “Rick’s dead?”

“Rick and Jaime are gone. They’ll never hurt you again,” he assures her. She sighs in relief, and her body completely relaxes in his arms.

“I love you Daddy,” she whispers, her head carefully nestled on his chest.
, the title sounds perfect on her lips. She is his baby girl, precious, and devious.

Odin’s eyes take in the room around him, the room that used to make him feel like he didn’t have a place in this world. As it turns out, his place is right here, in this dungeon with Lila.

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