Tarnished Honor (3 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Tarnished Honor
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Stephen and Angus both greeted him as he sat, each with their own agenda. He felt Ross’ cold, grey stare sizing him up, causing the hair on the back of his neck to bristle. He turned an indifferent glance toward the man, staring him down.

“Greetings, Ross. What brings ye so far from home?”

A leer crossed his face reminding Connall of a serpent. “Why, I have come to collect my bride.”

He stiffened, then forced his shoulders to relax. He smiled at the man. “Twill be hard to collect someone who has turned down your suit.”

Stephen’s icy stare darted to Angus. He shuddered as he realized he had forgotten to deliver her message. He would need to talk fast to dissuade any violent reaction from Ross. He cleared his throat nervously.

“Forgive me, Stephen. With the Earl’s arrival, her r
sponse completely slipped my mind.” He smiled. “But I have hopes of her wedding yet.” He took a large gulp of ale, then waited for the gillie to refill it before he continued.
Turning to Connall, his words slurred a bit for he had been drinking steadily for quite some time.

“Tell me, Blacksword…would ye be interested in o
taining a wife?”

He raised his eyes slowly to meet Angus’. A dark frown filling his countenance as his ire rose. Connall ste
pled his fingers before him as he sat back in a relaxed pos
tion. “Perhaps. I have nae given it much thought. But if ye refer to Lady Brighde, then it will do ye nae good. She does nae seem to want a husband.”

Angus waved his hand in the air
, dismissing the obje
tion. “She will nae have a say. I have come up with the pe
fect plan.” He leaned toward the Earl, spewing alcoholic fumes in his face. Stephen inclined his head to listen in. “Whichever of ye two who offers the most gold to me will ruin her. I will walk in on ye the next morn and demand a wedding. She will nae refuse if she is compromised. Tis perfect.”

Connall’s brows shot up in surprise. “Ye would have her raped? Your own kin?”

“Nay…nae exactly. Let us just say that I ken of some herbs that will make her receptive to your advances. Twill nae harm her.” His drunken look of insult would have been comical if it were not for the topic.

One glance at Ross’ avid interest and his decision was made. He would wed her. His honor would only suffer for a short time. Although he would need to deceive her temp
rarily about bedding her, she would forgive him when he released her untouched…if that was her wish. His honor would be restored.

“If I were to agree to your plan…what would ye d
mand as payment?”

Laird Fraser grinned. Now it would get interesting. He sighed. “I could nae possibly be parted from my beautiful niece for less than…say…two hundred gold pieces.”

Ross leapt from his seat in rage! “That is a king’s ra
som! Ye ken that I can nae raise that much of a price! What trickery is this?” His eyes turned deadly as
he grasped his dirk.

Angus cleared his throat of the nervous bile that threa
ened to rise. He was playing with fire and he knew it. Pe
haps he had asked for too much. Still, Connall had not r
sponded to the price yet. He looked at Stephen.

“Is she nae worth it? Mayhap, your father would pay it for ye? If you vow it…I would wait for its arrival.” This seemed to appease the man as he gave a curt nod.

“Aye, my father will pay it. My older brother has nae produced any heirs so it is left to me to do so.”

This, Connall could not allow!
It was a high price that her uncle demanded but she was worth it. He was certain that if he allowed Stephen the honor of wedding her, she would join his other wives within a year.

“I will pay ye four hundred gold pieces this eve…and ye will put it in writing before I retire. I do nae wish to d
tain our journey more than one day. My men are anxious to see their own families.”

The two men gasped in unison. Angus had not dared dream that he would pay so much.
To be fair, he looked askance at Ross, in case he would raise the bid. One glance answered his question. His father would never agree to such a sum. Stephen shook his head in defeat.

“Tis done! My steward has already drawn up the p
pers. He but waits for the sum to write down. We can settle accounts after we sup.” They shook on their bargain as St
phen sulked into his cup. “Ye will do the deed this eve so ye can wed on the morrow. Ah…here comes your bride now.”

Connall’s vivid green eyes almost glowed as he stu
ied his future Countess. She wore a silk gown the shade of yellow buttercups
which clung to her slender curves and contrasted well with her sable hair
Tresses, he noticed,
that reflected silver and red highlights as the glow of the ca
dles chanced upon it.
Her demeanor was regal as she a
proached the dais. He stood and aided her up the steps, a twinkle in his eye.

“Ye look stunning this eve, Lady Brighde. I see that my ward did nae get her grubby paws on this gown.”

She laughed at his humorous remark.
shook her head. “Nay
, but twas nae for lack of trying. I believe she has run her hands over most of my wardrobe before she finally slept. She is a delightful bairn, my lord.”

He stared at her avidly. “It would please me if ye call me by my given name…Connall.”

“Very well…Connall. Do ye leave on the morrow?” She knew she should not ask such a rude question but she could not seem to stop her runaway tongue. He intrigued her and she would not mind getting to know him better.
There was a sense of power emanating from his very pores. A maleness that seemed to call to her feminine senses. His broad forehead, ebony hair reaching his wide shoulders, even his close beard divulged a hidden strength. Perhaps it was the royal blood coursing through his veins
that attrac
ed her. She did not know. Brighde only knew that she wished to be closer. She blushed as she realized that she had been staring at him.

He pretended to ignore her perusal of him. It gla
dened his heart to know there was an attraction. Twould make things easier when he would need to smooth her ru
fled feathers. He did not relish the deceit he was about to enact on her but he could see no other way to see her safe. He would admit the truth as soon as they were safely away from here.

“Nay. I will stay one day more to strengthen Amy b
fore the trek home.”
Brighde smiled, secretly pleased.

As the hour grew late, she bid them good eve and r
tired to her chambers. Dealing with Amy had tired her more than she thought. Lily helped prepare her for bed,
as she sipped her goblet of wine that she always had before sleeping. It was a ritual that she had acquired ever since her father died. She lay down a short time later.

* * *

Angus led Connall to his study to sign the agreement. His steward had been busy throughout the meal counting the gold pieces while Robbie looked on. When all were sa
isfied, they signed the documents, with the steward and Robbie as witnesses.

“There is one other thing ye should ken, my lord.”

“And what would that be, Fraser?” His brow arched as he looked down on the slimy weasel before him.

“She will be examined on the morrow by my healer to determine that the deed is done.
Brighde will nae believe that she would succumb to any man under these circu
stances. It will be necessary.”

Connall’s heart skipped a beat. If he truly bedded her this way it would strip away his decency. He could not bear to go against his own morality…his principles. They were a part of his very being!

“Nay! She will nae be examined!” he roared.

Angus eyed him for a moment, then nodded. “Ye will see. I ken her very well. She will insist on it.
And if she still be virginal your gold will be forfeit and the contract null
fied, then I will sell her to Stephen Ross. The choice is yours to make. Do nae doubt her spirit, Canmore…she will insist.”

In his heart he knew Angus was right. She would not wed without real proof. He walked out of the chamber without disclosing the turmoil within him. He never r
vealed his thoughts or feelings to strangers. His insides quaked as his stomach twisted in knots.

Once they were alone, Robbie spoke up.
“Tis a vile thing her uncle plans. He kens how ye value your honor. He thinks to steal your gold and sell her again. Fraser is counting on ye to adhere to your principles. But before ye decide, Connall, I ask ye to consider one thing.”

He turned bleak eyes to his captain. “What would that be?”

“Would it be more honorable to turn away from this task and leave her to Ross? Or do the deed to save her life? I believe the latter to be more
. Your honor will still be intact
, just a mite
when ye tell her the truth
…and I believe she will forgive ye once she kens the way of things.”

Connall smiled. “When did ye become so wise?”



* * *


Chapter IV

* * *


He sat on the edge of the bed gazing upon her innocent face hidden partially by the shadows of night. He wore only a white tunic with trews beneath. How could he do this to the lass? The struggle with his conscience had been on-going since he left Angus two hours hence. Robbie’s a
sessment of the situation was correct but it made the co
summation no easier for him.
If she were willing…Connall shook his head. The deed must be done to save her life, even if it meant she would hate him for the rest of his
. He valued his honor above all else…but if he turned from this deed he would ever have it on his conscience. Where would his honor be then?

Connall stood and stripped off his clothing
, then eased himself in beside her. A soft fragrance of heather drifted to his nose as his shaft began to swell in anticipation. A feat
er-light touch brushed some loose strands of hair from her cheek. She moaned softly at the brief contact. He cupped her cheek with his large hand as his lips tasted hers for the first time. So sweet. The kiss deepened as her lips respon
to the
pressure. Connall groaned with desire as her mouth parted
his tongue entrance

Brighde awoke slowly. Someone was kissing her most wickedly and she found that she liked it. Her arms wrapped around his neck with a will of their own as her heart began to pound. She should scream for aide or struggle against the assault, yet her body would not obey. Heat shot in a rush between her thighs as his warm lips nibbled their way down her throat. She opened her eyes partway to discover who shared her bed. Twas Connall!

He exposed her breasts to his view, tweaking each in turn. Her back arched in pleasure as he pulled one into his mouth and suckled. Hot liquid gathered between her legs as she began to writhe next to him.

This is wrong! We should nae be doing this! Why does my body nae obey me?
Brighde attempted to rise as he moved lower down her body. A wave of dizziness struck her and she fell back
, disoriented,
as his fingers dipped into the hidden recesses of her thighs.
She groaned as he stretched her sheath to accommodate his swollen shaft. Her pulse raced with desire as he stroked her rhythmically. She was on fire! Brighde thrust her hips wantonly as the fire spread throughout her to the point where thought escaped her. All she could do was feel.

Connall wanted her. In spite of the circumstances, his desire for her had been palpable from the moment they had met.
Her skin was silky soft and fiery hot as he stoked her ardor. Brighde spread her thighs in welcome as he nestled his body between them, entering her sheath slowly. It was tight. He gasped
as he attempted
to control himself. Reac
ing the barrier that would ensure her life; he cradled her face in his hands, forcing her to peer deeply into his eme
ald depths.

“Brighde. Look at me. Ken that what I do here, I do for ye
. Ken,
as well
, that I claim ye as mine from this moment forward! See who takes ye!” With that…he thrust deeply into her body, removing the barrier.

She cried out at the unexpected pain. Connall held still
her face with kisses. It was not long before her body forgot the small pain as the fire began to

Satisfied that she had adjusted, he plunged his hot shaft into her sheath repeatedly, rhythmically, until he felt her body clenching him. She keened in pleasure as his seed filled her womb.
Connall kissed her brow then stretched out beside her. Brighde nestled her head on his chest and was soon sleeping once again.

As Connall lay there staring at the underside of the canopy, he swore. She will hate him on the morrow when her uncle arrives. He regretted that. But he could not quite regret claiming her as his own…even though his honor was at risk.
Nay, I made the right choice.

* * *

Connall leapt from the bed, sword in hand, as the door crashed open. He stood ready to swing at the threat, then realized it was Angus. He must have dozed off.

Behind him, Brighde shrieked in terror, as she saw his nude buttocks. What was he doing in her chambers with no clothes? Flashes of memory darted through her mind. She reddened as she recollected moments of the past eve. A surge of desire
shot through her.

Angus studied the scene before him. He noticed the virginal blood that had dried on the Earl’s cock.
I can nae believe he went through with it! I thought he was too ho
orable to do this deed.
He smirked. With a look of outrage he glared at the couple.

“What goes on here, my lord? Nay…never mind. I can see for myself that ye have ruined my niece! And ye, Brighde! Ye shame your father’s memory with such co
Your entire clan!”

Connall donned his trews as the laird put on his show of indignation. His ire growing with each condemnation thrown at her. Angus was enjoying her shame a bit too much. Blacksword glanced at his soon-to-be-bride, wincing at the tears rolling down her cheeks. He threw on his tunic, then spoke in a dangerously low voice.

“That will be enough, Fraser. Fetch a priest and we shall be wed this morn.”

Brighde’s eyes widened in horror. “Nay! I do nae choose to wed ye!
I told ye I wish to marry a man with honor. Where is the honor in this?” Her delicate hand swept the bed.

inwardly. The words cut deep in his pride but he had to come up with a sound reason or  last eve would have been for naught. His green eyes pierced her.

“Although ye have the right of it as to last eve…a di
honorable man would take his leave of ye without a thought…nae offer marriage. I wanted ye and…” he cringed at his own cold words that came next, “ye were more than willing.”

Pain shot over her face as she gasped.
She knew it was true but she still did not understand her behavior. Never had she acted thus before. Her spine stiffened as she clutched the sheets close to her body.

“Send for the healer. If she confirms the deed I will wed with ye.” Brighde knew it was true. Her memories were hazy but it was obvious that he would not be in her chambers if it were not.

Connall gave a brusque nod. “I ken what she will say so I will fetch the priest and prepare, my lady.” The men
her room
then she examined the sheets.
She bit her fist as the truth slapped her in the face. Fresh tears gathered as she rose to wash herself and wait to be exa
ined. Words teased her memory from the night before. Connall had said something to her. What was it?
I do this for ye.
That is what he said…but why? How can ruining her be for her own good? It made no sense.

Three hours later they were wed. Connall proudly a
nounced her to his men who all swore fealty to her without hesitation. She saw no condemnation in their faces as
she had in her own clan. They openly welcomed her.

Their wedding feast was measly compared to most. Connall was irate with her uncle over the fare. Considering the gold coin, he could have provided better. He leaned t
ward his bride offering her a morsel of meat. She shook her head.

He frowned. “Ye should eat, Brighde. We depart at the nooning.”

Her brows shot up. “This day? I thought ye wished to let Amy rest before traveling on.

“I have changed my mind. We are half a day’s ride from Inverness. We will rest there. Twill give me a chance to find proper clothing for ye both before we travel nort
He could not tell her that he wanted distance from the stench of the place.

She studied her new husband for a moment. She could not deny that she found him desirable…what woman would not? But the way that he had acquired her hand did not sit well. Why had he not just asked for her hand? She might have said yes…after they became better acquainted.
Her ire rose as she glimpsed her uncle smirking at her. Why was he acting so strange?

“My lord, the hour grows late. I will prepare Amy for the ride if ye will excuse me.”

“Aye. We will depart within the hour, wife.”

* * *

Stephen scowled at Angus from across the hall, gul
ing down several mugs of ale.
His eye darted to the newl
weds. It should have been him sitting beside her. Her uncle had promised! He observed Brighde keenly as she rose and left the hall. He started to rise, then caught Blacksword’s attention on him. The look was
of severe retribution if he approached the lady. He sat heavily. He was in no co
dition to do anything at the moment. But later…

By gloaming, Stephen had sobered considerably.
Hands fisted, he approached Angus in his study.

“Ye said she was to be mine!” he roared inches from her uncle’s face. “Tell me why I should let ye live after ye played me for a fool!”

The stench of fear oozed from his sweaty pores as his mind raced for a way to placate the young laird. Mayhap, involving Stephen had been a mistake. Angus cleared his throat

“Let u
s nae be hasty, Ross. Ye will still have my niece if ye wish it.

Suspicion crept into his eyes as they narrowed on the portly man.
“What do ye have in mind, Fraser?”

“Only that if ye want her…take her. Ye appear capable of killing the Earl and wedding her yourself. Or make her your leman. Makes nae difference to me. All ye need do is pay the two hundred gold coins upon which we originally agreed.”

head whipped around, black with rage. “Why should I pay ye any gold? She is damaged goods now!”

Angus stood his ground as his eyes narrowed shrew
ly. “Damaged or nae, she is still Brighde Fraser, heir to these lands through her child. That makes her valuable.” He shrugged. “If ye do nae pay, then I will cry foul to the king and welcome her home. I am sure to find someone else to purchase her.”

Stephen scowled. He knew he would do what he said. The man had no scruples.
With a curt nod he growled,
up the papers. I will have my man give ye fifty gold coins for now. I will pay the balance when the deed is done.”
Aye…I will pay him alright. I will lop off his head and retrieve my fifty gold coins plus the four hundred that Blacksword paid. The lands and the wench will be but a bonus.
Smiling, Ross departed to issue orders to his men.

* * *

Brighde had remained silent on the short trek to Inve
while she attempted to sort out the events of the last day. Was it just yester morn that she had informed Angus that she would not wed Stephen? How is it that the same eve she slept with this stranger? Her face flushed with mo
tification as she began recalling the events of the prior eve. Was she so fickle? She had not believed so.
She sighed deeply.
Mayhap I am simply wanton.
Her eyes widened as another possibility crossed her thoughts.
Was I drugged? The wine had tasted a bit off last eve.
Her aqua eyes har
ened as they darted to the dark Earl ahead of her.
If it be true, then, Canmore has nae honor at all! Would he go so far just to get what he desires? Aye, mayhap.
She would need to give this more thought before condemning the man. Brighde pulled
her cloak more tightly about her in an a
tempt to cut off the cold bite of the winds whipping about them.

Amy slept in Connall’s arms, wrapped snugly in the cocoon of his plaid. He gazed softly at her angelic face. Who would have thought that he would gain a family in one day’s time?
Not him, for certain. He glanced back at his silent wife. She had not spoken a single word since they departed. He was curious of her thoughts.
Did she suspect that her wine had been drugged? They would need to speak of this soon. Connall did not approve of deceit. He silently vowed to explain all when they docked in Wick.

The grey sky began to spit snow
in sparse flurries just as they entered Inverness. Connall’s man, Ian, met him at the entrance to the small inn as they halted just outside.

Ian was a bit surprised to see Brighde in the entourage and glanced at the Earl.

“My Lord, I have nae made arrangements for the lady. I was nae informed that she would be traveling with ye.”

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