Tarnished Honor (4 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Tarnished Honor
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Eyes showing signs of weariness turned to him. His wound had been fretting him all the way there. He gestured dismissively.

“Do nae fash yourself, Ian. I was nae certain of it till this morn myself. Introduce yourself to your new Countess and assist her dismount, if ye please. Did ye acquire a sui
able vessel?”

Ian’s mouth fell open for a moment, then snapped shut. The Earl was a fortunate man, indeed. He bobbed his head before answering. “Aye, my lord. We leave on the morning tide
two days hence

“Good. The sooner we are quit of this place…the be
ter. Locate a seamstress to come to my room on the mo
row. Find one who may have attire for the lass and lady that is already made. My lady needs a warmer cloak for the journey. Ask the same of a cobbler.”

“Aye, my lord.” Fergus strode up as Ian went to assist Brighde and relinquished Connall of his ward. He di
mounted stiffly, wincing briefly in pain. The young squire caught a glimpse of his side
as he did so.

“My Lord Earl, your wound still weeps. This travel is nae good. Twill nae heal if ye do nae rest.”

Connall swore under his breath. He knew that his squire was right. Damn the man who thought to shoot him in the back with his crossbow! Twas the only thing that could pierce his armor. He had survived two years of the king’s service to be wounded a day before they departed. His eyes appeared feverish as he peered at Fergus.

“Very well. Send Robbie to attend me
after we are se

Pleased, Fergus gave a lop-sided grin. “Aye, my lord.”

* * *



Chapter V

* * *

By the time Amy had been washed and fed, Connall’s entire left side was inflamed.
Brighde was awaiting his d
parture before she prepared for bed. She was adamant that he would not touch her again.

“Tis a nice room, my lord. I thank ye for seeing to my comfort. Do ye have your own bed or do ye sleep with your men?”

He smiled wickedly. “Aye…I have my own bed, wife.” He looked pointedly at the large bed dominating the chamber.

“Nay! I will nae share a bed with a dishonorable man! Ye will have to sleep elsewhere.”

Connall shook his head in denial. “My wife sleeps with me.”

She clamped her mouth shut as Amy crawled into his lap. She did not wish to argue in front of the bairn.
. She heard him
sharply in pain as the child accidently bumped his side.
Brighde’s head jerked up
He is injured!
Robbie arrived a moment later with healing tools.

Brighde took charge of the lass, coaxing her to lie down on the pallet. Meanwhile, Robbie had stripped off Connall’s shirt, exposing his swollen red side.

Robbie glared at him in anger.
“Damn it, Connall! Why did ye nae tell me it was this bad?”

“It was nae until this day.”

Brighde gasped in horror as she peered at the angry wound. “Lie down on your stomach, husband. The wound needs to be cleaned.”

He gave her a speculative look. “Ye have tended such wounds before?”

She nodded. “Aye. My father was injured from time to time. It has reddened because there is something still in there. Twill be painful but it must be removed…if ye trust me with a dirk.”

He rolled over to allow her ministrations. She had Robbie heat the blade to purify it while she prodded the injured area, searching for foreign objects.

“Aha! There it be.” Robbie handed her the cooled-down blade. Connall grit his teeth as the blade sliced open his wound, releasing a small torrent of blood and pus. With the tip of the dirk she worked out a small sliver of metal then rinsed the wound with
beatha. Connall hissed at the burn.

“Are ye done torturing me, wife?” His voice was hoarse. She smiled.

“Almost, Husband. The wound needs to be closed now.” She handed the dirk back to Robbie to reheat.

After what he had just endured, a few stitches would be a breeze. He felt Robbie put his hands on his shoulders to hold him still as Brighde cauterized the wound. He swore an oath and passed out.

His captain gave her an appreciative
smile. She had spunk. That was good, she would need it in the days to come. She applied the salve he handed to her on the closed wound to ease the burning. Once it was bandaged, she asked Robbie what happened.

“Some vile low-life shot him in the back with a bolt! We never discovered who it was. Connall just wished to go home. He has had enough of killing.”

“I see. Thank ye for your aide, Robbie. Good eve.”

He bowed and gathering the medical supplies,
departed for his own bed

Brighde examined her options for bed. She glanced at Amy sleeping soundly on the pallet.
Bedding down with her was certainly an alternative, but she was confident that Connall would remove her if he discovered her there. Sha
ing her head with a sigh, Brighde stripped down to her chemise and crawled under the covers.
At least he is too injured to demand his rights this eve. Besides, I do nae b
lieve he would do so in front of the bairn.
Slowly, her body relaxed as her breathing evened out until she finally slept.

on his side, gently pulling her into his arms so as not to wake her. Brighde sighed softly, snu
gling deeper into the warmth of his embrace. A hint of heather teased his senses as thoughts of the previous eve crossed his mind. His shaft stirred. There would not be a repeat this eve. He was too sore and was certain that she would be, as well. Never mind the fact that she probably hates him. It was worth it. At least she is safe now.
Connall kissed her brow tenderly then drifted off to sleep.

“Da,” came a whisper in his ear. Thinking it a dream, he ignored it. “Da?” There it was again, a bit louder. Pre
sure from a tiny hand pushed at his shoulder. “Da, are ye asleep?”

As his eyes blinked open slowly, he was startled to discover blue eyes staring into his from less than a foot from his face.
He smiled at his ward warmly. “Why are ye about so early this morn,

She grinned widely at the endearment and hopped on the bed. Brighde stirred at the movement, coming slowly awake.

“I got powerful hungry waiting for ye to wake. Can we eat now, Da?” Connall glanced toward the window noting that the sun had already risen. He never slept this late! It must be the result of his injury. Peering at his wife’s slee
ing face, his heart warmed. This is what he had missed all these years
…family. A sense of peace settled on his heart as he turned to the waif. Giving her a hug, he nodded.

“Let us be quiet though, lass, so we do nae wake my lady. She be very tired.” Amy giggled into her hand, no

A short time later, after he had dressed, he attempted to clothe the wriggling lass. Twas not an easy task. Her arms became tangled in the long sleeves of the over-sized gown as they struggled together.
Attempting to locate her head, he pulled back the collar and peeked in. “Are ye in there,
? Or has the gown devoured ye while I was nae loo

Amy looked up with shining eyes as she laughed. “Do nae be silly, Da. Clothing does nae eat people…does it?” An uncertain glance crossed her face.

He righted the dress, grinning back at her. “Do nae fret, lass. I only tease ye.” He ruffled her hair affectionat
ly. “Now let us find out if I can manage your hair.” As he gently worked the tangles from her fiery red hair
he heard a scratching at the door. His eyes darted to the bed to assure that Brighde was covered, then he gave entrance to Fer
and the innkeeper that was laden with food.

Amy became quite animated as the delicious aromas attacked her senses. She bounced over to the table to see what they had brought. “Look, Da…
meat!” She clapped her hands excitedly.

A look of pity appeared on Fergus’ countenance. To think what that poor child has endured. Connall caught his eye giving him a warning look to say naught. Amy was happy this day. He would not have it spoiled.
Nodding his thanks, they departed.

“Perhaps we should wake my lady before the fare grows cold. What think ye,

Eyes big as saucers, she nodded. “Da?”


“Do ye think she would care if I call her Mama?
ince ye
Da, and she is your lady, that makes her M
ma…does nae it?” She plopped her thumb in her mouth. A habit he had noticed when she was uncertain.

Placing a large hand on her shoulder, he glanced at Brighde. Misty aqua eyes stared back as she nodded agreement. She had been awake for some time but did not let on so that she could observe their interaction.
She was pleased with what she had seen and heard so far. The man puzzled her. How could he dishonor her, and yet, be hono
able in all other matters? It made no sense.

Connall leaned over and murmured in Amy’s ear. “I have my suspicions,
, that my lady would be honored to have ye call her
Mama.” She gave him a big hug, then ran to the bed shouting, “Mama!”

Brighde received her embrace good-naturedly as a si
gle tear escaped. She swiftly swiped it away. “I smell something delicious in the room. What ever could it be?” Her eyes twinkled.

Amy puffed up as the bearer of important news. “Tis meat, Mama!
Real meat!
Hurry afore it grows cold.
” She tugged on her hand with urgency.

“Come, Amy, and I shall prepare ye a trencher while your
mama dresses.” She instantly released her, hurrying to her seat at the table. Brighde dressed quickly and soon joined them.

After the meal, a parade of tradesmen and seamstresses visited their chambers until they had acquired warmer clothing and boots for traveling. That eve they ate in the main room so Amy could show off her new attire, darting from man to man, twirling about for them to admire her. She received scores of compliments and chuckles at her bubbling enthusiasm.

Brighde finally called a halt to her antics as the hour grew late. “Do I have to, Mama…Da?”

. Listen to your mama. We rise early on the morrow for a sea voyage. Would ye like that?”

Her mouth dropped open. “Truly, Da? Oh, I would like that ever so much!” She bounced over and lay a big wet kiss on his bristled cheek.

Connall patted her back gently. “Good eve, then, lass. Ye will need your rest. I will be up soon.”

“Good eve, Da.” She took Brighde’s hand
as they went toward their chamber. She waved to the warriors shouting, “Good eve, everybody!” There were many smiles and good cheer as she reminded the men of what they had to look forward to when they reach their destination.

Robbie sat down next to Connall. “She is a ray of su
shine after a long cold winter, that child. Ye are well blessed, my lord.”

“Aye. She gladdens my heart very much.”

* * *

The short voyage to Wick was uneventful
. After se
tling his family at the inn, he supervised the unloading of the horses and equipment. Connall was anxious to get home before the snow flies and they would still need to go ove
land for the next six days. Raising his head he smelled the cold air for any hint of snow. There was naught yet…but six days was a long time.

“Do ye think the weather will hold?” Robbie brushed a brown lock of hair from his face. He worried for Brighde and Amy. It would not do for them to be caught in a storm.

Blacksword shook his head. They were already ove
due for the first heavy snow. “If the good Lord be willing. We can only pray that it be so.” He faced Robbie, handing him a purse. “Replace the supplies that the men reli
quished to the villagers. They will need them for the last leg of our journey.”

“Aye, Connall. I will see to it. Go now and spend some time with your bride. We can distract the wee lass for a time…if ye wish it.” He leered at him.

His cock stirred at the suggestion. Smiling, he replied, “I just might take ye up on your offer, Robbie.” His captain slapped him on the back and walked off laughing.

Brighde was uncommonly nervous this eve. She knew that her husband was healed enough to demand his rights. The thought sent heat in a rush through her veins. She d
sired him. There was no denying it. If only he had shown more integrity in acquiring her hand.
Why had she been drugged? And who did it? Connall? She shook her head in confusion. From what she had learned of him, she had trouble believing it. But who else could it be?

Her eyes darted to the door as his muscular frame filled the opening.
merald eyes smoldered with desire as he gazed at her sitting in the bed wearing a thin chemise. Her breasts rose and fell heavily as breathing became diff
cult. She clutched the covers tightly to her chest.

“Where is Amy, my lord?” Her voice trembled.

“She is playing warrior this eve and bunks with Robbie below.” Connall turned and bolted the door.

“Oh.” She swallowed nervously, mesmerized as he r
vealed muscle and sinew with each piece of clothing he removed. When he had only his trews left to remove, her eyes fixed on the large bulge concealed there. Her mind raced back to their first time together. “Will it hurt again?”

Connall paused mid-stride…his eyes softening. “Nay, wife. That only occurs the first time. This time will be all pleasure.”

She glanced up to his face. “Is that why ye drugged me the first time? Because of the pain? Or was it because ye will nae be refused by anyone

Connall was stunned at the accusation. Brighde thought that
drugged her? His spine stiffened in outrage! She had the audacity to accuse him of being so base-born

that he had no honor at all? His eyes turned bla
ck with fury.

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