TeaseMeinTunisia (3 page)

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Authors: Allie Standifer

BOOK: TeaseMeinTunisia
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Slowly, so he wouldn’t startle her,
turned Daisy around to face him. She looked up at him with apprehension in her wide, dark green eyes, evidently feeling like she’d done something wild and wicked, unsure if he would accept her.
Like he could walk away now.
would have laughed if his cock hadn’t sucked all the breath from his lungs.

, he forced himself to repeat. While he might love nothing better than to throw Daisy across the king-size bed, spread her wide and shove himself as hard and deep as he could,
didn’t think that was a good way to be invited to stay for seconds. He needed to keep his brain functioning and his cock under rigid control. If he went too fast and pushed her too hard,
knew he’d mark her. That would scare the hell out of her and ruin his swiftly drawn-up plans.

So he remained still and silent. Daisy’s eyes dropped to his clenched hands and her mouth opened to a little O. She gave a half moan, half sigh and
moved in, eager to take advantage of her slightest capitulation.

Slowly he touched his mouth to hers and prayed for the restraint not to hurt this beautiful woman giving herself to him. To not give in to the demons riding him hard, demanding he fuck her and mark her at the same time.

Her mouth was everything he’d fantasized about and more. Sweet, soft and arousing as nothing he’d ever tasted before. The flavor he’d scented in the air before burst around his tongue.
Daisy tasted like the sweet succulent fruit picked at the perfect time.

opened his mouth, his heart jolting when her lips parted too. He angled his head for a better fit, licking the inside of her lower lip, slanting his lips for a deeper taste of her. His heart nearly stopped when she tentatively met his tongue with her own.

Fighting the desire to take her to the floor,
lifted his head. In his mind he could picture it. He’d simply drag her to the carpet, open her with his fingers and shove his cock in, regardless of whether she was ready for him or not. Then he’d push her legs so high and wide apart she wouldn’t have any control. It would all be his. He’d start fucking her hard, pounding with fast, deep strokes until she didn’t know where he began and she stopped. The possibility appeased his wolf side, but the human in him knew he couldn’t push her that hard or fast. If he tried, he’d lose her before he ever had her.

Instinctively he knew Daisy wasn’t ready for that no matter how much he wanted to give it to her. Instead he’d take whatever she’d be willing to offer him and be happy with it.

ran his finger under the knot of her belt and gently tugged it free. It took less than ten seconds to have the robe on the floor and Daisy naked beneath his hands.

She gave him a wavering smile. “What about you?”

“Not yet.
Can’t keep control if I get naked.”
He let out a shaky breath. Okay. He’d been able to answer her instead of growl. That had been a good sign. Only now he had to open the eyes he didn’t know he’d shut.

The bounty before him made his mouth water and his cock jerk and weep. She was perfect in every way. He was almost afraid to touch
afraid he’d scratch the smooth silky skin.

He ran one tanned finger around her nipple. Daisy’s breath stopped,
burst out in rapid little puffs. If she liked his touch, then she’d love what he planned to do next.

He bent his head and licked the large, dusky nipple before taking it between his lips and sucking. She tasted like sugarplums. The neglected breast called out for his attention and he quickly mimicked his actions on the plump sweet-smelling flesh.

leaned forward desperate to taste her lips again. “I’m going to try to be gentle, but I can’t promise. If I go too fast or hurt you, tell me to stop. It might kill me, but I will.”

“Thank you,” Daisy whispered against his lips.

Her sweet breath teased the limits of his control.

He eased her legs open a little by setting her on the table with the basket…full of condoms? His eyes popped. God bless nosy paranoid people. He knew the three sisters were responsible for the basket He moved between her silky lush thighs to touch her mound. The hair covering her was softer than he expected, but not as thick. His fingers slid through the folds of her damp pussy. They were both panting now, as he tested her. He’d known she was tight, but very, very wet.

He pushed into her, gliding his finger through her dampness, careful to spread the moisture around her small opening all the while circling her clit.

Daisy’s legs fell open farther. Wetness pooled between her spread thighs.
pushed inside her with one finger while keeping an eye on her face. He watched a red flush climb from her breast to her face. Her mouth opened, panting for air while her lungs strained trying to keep up.

He pressed farther inside her, feeling the soft giving flesh spread for him. Moving slowly, afraid of hurting her, he bent his finger, gently massaged inside her silky walls.

Daisy gasped, her eyes opening wide. “Please, take me to bed,

“I thought you’d never ask,” he panted and swept her into his arms before gently depositing her on the bed. His entire body ached to cover her, but first he had to get some things out of the way. “I want to fuck you so badly my hands are shaking.” He lifted the offending appendages for her to see. “When I get naked I’m going to be inside you within five seconds. I won’t be able to stop.” How could he explain this without scaring the living crap out of her? “I want to make sure you’re ready, that you can take me without any pain.”

Big green eyes looked at him hazy with lust. “Oh. Okay.”

He breathed out harshly, trying to not think about her scent going to his head like fine wine. “There’s more.” He tried to push past the desire consuming him. “I noticed the condoms in the basket. That’s great and all, but they may not fit.” And if she were truly his mate the latex wouldn’t work worth a damn anyway.

Daisy’s cheek flushed bright red as she smiled at him. “I’ve…uh…been on the Pill for two years to regulate my period.”

Astonishment, gratitude and sheer horniness combined to nearly drive him to his knees. Instead he leaned down to gently kiss her, trying to show without words how much her trust meant to him. He followed her down on the bed, his heavy weight pressing her back. And knew without a doubt he’d found the one female in
all the
world created for him.

His mate.


drew away Daisy became chillingly aware of her nakedness. She reached for a pillow, but his calloused hand stopped her.

“Don’t.” He demanded. “Don’t hide yourself from me.”

“I’m getting cold.” She confessed, embarrassed that such a pedestrian problem plagued her when she should be acting worldly and aloof. Instead she felt the cool hotel air brushing across her bare skin. And fear was there as well. Not a lot, but enough to make her highly aware of the large male undressing hastily. She didn’t want to back out. She’d instigated this affair and she had no intention of kicking
out of her bed.

But there was something different about
, something she became aware of as he finished shedding his clothes. He’d lost the smooth movements she’d accepted as a natural part of him. He looked larger and more powerful naked, his thick muscles contracting as he threw his socks down. The light from the bathroom spilled enough illumination into the darkened bedroom that she could see he was finally totally naked, his large penis thrusting out from a dense nest of black hair.

Daisy shrank back, finally seeing the strength and power that had been hidden beneath a layer of civility.

He wasn’t the first naked male she’d ever seen. There had been men at her gym during her very short gym membership, pictures in magazines and one very embarrassing porn movie. But none of those men looked anything like
. His body didn’t have that cover model, gym-rat look. He was stronger, harder and better than that. His chest was covered in thick black hair. His arms and legs had the same layer of hair, almost like a pelt. Even his muscles looked harder and more defined.

turned to her, his erection long, thick and weeping at the broad tip.

Daisy licked her lips while trying to calm her racing heart. Panic, awe and fear coalesced inside her until she felt ready to erupt from her own skin.

The mattress dipped beneath
weight as he kneeled on the bed. Part of her mind screamed to run, get the hell out before he used that monster cock on her. The other part panted at the thought of finally getting to touch all those hard muscles and intriguing planes of his flesh.

In the half-light
bent over her, part of his face in shadow. Various muscles in his chest and arms flexed as he braced one arm over her. The other spread her thighs apart. His face looked hard and Daisy wondered what the hell she’d let herself in for.

She felt the solid latex-protected cock prod between the lips of her vagina, then the rigid wide head of his penis being fitted to her before she had a chance to calm down enough to relax for his entry. He shoved hard with all the power of his lower body, inflexible and deep.

It had been so long since her last lover. And Norm had been nothing like
. The pressure almost hurt. He felt too large inside her. She’d thought she’d been ready, but she was wrong. He burned inside her, stretching her walls past comfort.

Daisy forced herself to bite back a cry of pain. She couldn’t suddenly cry foul because she’d gotten exactly what she asked for. In the back of her mind she knew if she didn’t make a sound of protest, then
would consider her good to go. He’d thrust a few more times, groan maybe once or twice then shudder. He’d be done and out of her in less than five minutes.

She could keep her mouth shut for five minutes, right?

Luminous black eyes grabbed her attention. “Shit,” he
his voice low and deep. “I should have waited. You’re too tight.” Several deep breaths passed in and out of his lungs before he spoke again. “I’m trying.” He panted, his muscles straining. “I’ll stop…just give me a second.”

Guilt rose up to drown her. She’d done this to the poor man. He looked to be in so much pain all because he didn’t want to hurt her.

Not sure of her actions, but not wanting to see
hurt either. Daisy reached up and gently cupped his face. “It’s okay. I’m all right.” She sealed the deal by clenching her inner muscles hard on his invading flesh. After all she’d been the one to start the disaster. Why should he have to pay for her stupidity?

shouted in reaction, his body falling heavily on hers, his face buried deep in the curve of her neck. His lower body tensed and he began thrusting fast and deep.

The whimpers were caught at the back of her throat while everything else raged out of control. Daisy did the only think she could think of. She held onto
for dear life.

The rhythm of his strokes amplified until he was crashing into her, the bed creaking loudly with each movement. Time lost all meaning and she couldn’t remember a time when
not a part of her, driving in and out like a jackhammer.

Suddenly, Daisy slammed straight into orgasm. She moaned and screamed as a wave hit her like a hurricane, her entire body locking down hard and fast.

shouted into her neck, his mouth pressed against the tender flesh between her shoulder and neck. A sharp swift pain came and went as he groaned and growled, his penis swelling even farther deep inside her, knotting at the head of her cervix, preventing him from pulling out. His shout muffled as he pressed his mouth against her flesh,
shook, thrust, growled and moaned, seemingly not wanting the pleasure to end. She felt his fiery hot cum splash inside the condom. Just the feel of his seed behind the latex sheath had her eyes rolling back and her body clenching in another climax that left her blind and numb.

Daisy’s mind drifted away from the pressure and pleasure of her body. Too much of each had left her blissfully close to unconsciousness. Her last thought before succumbing should have jolted her awake, but she ignored the warning tingles on the back of her neck.

Did he just bite me?

* * * * *

If his body ever recovered
would have to see about cleaning up Daisy. But right now he couldn’t think past the oasis of bliss surrounding him. Damn, he’d had sex before, but nothing absolutely nothing came close to being balls-deep inside Daisy.

Biting her when he came had been nothing more than instinct. He couldn’t have stopped if someone had put a gun to his head. But now he needed to face the consequences of his actions. It’s not like he could roll off her and
, “Hey, Daisy, you were so amazing that I marked you as mine forever. Want to fuck some more and then grab dinner? By the way, how do you feel about cubs?”

Yeah, he almost snorted at the image of her reaction. Daisy would be gone so fast his head would spin. Mortals and non-shifters were a mystery to him, but one thing was clear. This was his woman, his mate. No other would ever do for him. She had him by the balls and didn’t even know it.

Damn it all if he wasn’t still hard inside her heat. He braced his weight on his hands and did some slow easy thrusting. His cock slid in like silk now that she’d come. His dick wanted to continue without the latex barrier separating them. Flesh to flesh.
Wanted to feel all that wet heat clinging to him and pulsing around his naked flesh.
Too bad humans had so many hang-ups with protection and safe sex.

Desire hummed hotter in his veins and
didn’t want his mate to miss out on their second set of orgasms. He could feel the need to bury himself inside her again growing with every breath before he’d even pulled out. A second outside her body had his heart pounding and his dick aching.

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