Temptation (12 page)

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Authors: Brie Paisley

BOOK: Temptation
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I will do that starting with some of these rules I don’t agree with.

I place my order for my coffee, and I find a table farthest away from prying eyes. I look around the small café, trying not to remember the last time I was here with Malcolm. The day I told him I was pregnant. Some days, I wish I could go back and forget him and I were ever together. Lord knows we weren’t exactly a couple. I sigh trying not to think about the past. I really want to forget Malcolm ever existed.

I check my phone again for the time, wondering where Viktor is. He’s running five minutes late, and that’s unlike him. I set my phone down and take a sip of my coffee. I can’t help but wonder why he’s not here yet. I might not know him as well yet, but by his dominate and controlling side, it won’t allow him to be late, unless for a good reason. I start to worry that maybe he’s standing me up. Maybe he changed his mind about this whole situation. I haven’t seen him in a week, just like he said. I thought he would still come to see Gabbie like he used to, but he didn’t. The only reason I’m here waiting for him in the café is because he called my parents phone last night.

That was an awkward conversation.

Viktor insisted I tell him then what my decision was, but I held strong. I wanted to do this face to face. I also told him I had a few conditions of my own, and I’m still not sure if he liked that or not. When he asked where to meet, the café was the only place I could think of. It wasn’t like we could talk about my very near future of becoming a stripper in my parent’s house. I can’t risk either one of them finding out what I plan to do. I also know I need Viktor’s help to come up with some sort of cover for the job he offered me. 

I hear the bell on the café door and I when I look up, I see his dark green eyes staring right at me. The man knows how to wear a suit. Seeing him walking towards me makes my skin break out with goosebumps. Try all I want, I cannot shake our locked gaze. His eyes are like a drug. Like he’s hypnotizing me. He smiles at me when he sits, as if he’s laughing at some sort of private joke. He clears his throat a few times and I pull my gaze from his. I look down at my coffee, suddenly lost for words.

“This is a nice place,” he says and I feel as if he trying to make the conversation light before we jump right down to business. The barista walks over and he orders a black coffee. He doesn’t even acknowledge the barista. I watch her walk away to make his coffee.

“Yeah, it is,” I take a breath and I look at him again, “I’ll just get straight to the point. My answer is yes,” I hold up my hand when he tries to speak. He grins and me and allows me to continue. I have to bite my cheek seeing his grin. I like that I put it there, and I like he seems proud I have conditions, instead of just saying yes. “As I was saying, there are a few conditions of my own before I sign your contract.”

“Alright. What are your conditions?”

I wait a few moments, watching the barista set his coffee down. He still doesn’t look anywhere else than at me. When I know we are alone and out of earshot, I start. “First, my parents can never know what I’ll be doing. I don’t care what we have to do to spin this so they won’t find out, but this is non-negotiable.”

“I agree to this. What else?

“I will not be dancing under my name. I’ll figure out what you and the other dancers may call me only while I’m at the club working. They will not know about Gabbie. No one will know my life outside of the club.” When he nods his head in agreement, I continue.

“You said I’ll be provided a house and a car. I want the house to be fully furnished and have a back yard for Gabbie. The car, I really don’t care as long as it’s in good condition.” This is part is hard to for me just to accept. I quickly add, “I want to pay you back for the house and car. Even if it’s in payments each month. I can’t just accept anything else for free.”

Viktor doesn’t say anything when I reach into my bag and pull out the contract. I flip through looking at my notes I had made making sure I haven’t forgotten anything.

“Under no circumstances will anyone touch me or get me to have sex with them. I want someone there watching just in case if I’m alone with a customer. I want you to pay for a check-up every six months, as well as an escort when I leave the club every night I work. I also want to be provided with an upfront cash bonus before I start.” Viktor raises his eyebrow at me when I tell him that but I continue ignoring his look. For my first business meeting, I think I’m doing okay despite the nerves. Here might be the deal breaker and I bolster all the confidence I have. “I want five thousand. I want to make sure when Gabbie and I move, I’ll have everything we need to get started in a new town. You’ll provide the movers, and make sure they do their job right.”

“Is there anything else?” he asks, and I lean back in my chair picking my brain over in case I’ve missed anything.

“Yes, there’s one more thing, but I also have some questions.”

“What’s the last condition? We can talk about anything else once you actually start working for me.”

I lean forward to rest my arms on the table. “Fair enough. My last condition is that I have to choose my own music. I don’t want that to be decided by anyone else. If you can agree to my conditions then I’ll sign your contract.”

He doesn’t even hesitate when he says, “I agree to all your … conditions.”

Wow. That’s was easy. I cross my arms across my chest and give a curt nod. “Okay. Good.”

I think the conversation is over when Viktor asks, “Can I talk now?”

I nod, and I start to worry. What if I just stepped over the line? God, what if this is a mistake?

“There are a few parts I’d like you to make sure you’re aware of.”

“Which parts? I pretty much know this damn thing by heart.”

“Good. But you should know, your contract will be terminated, and you will lose your job if for any reason your boyfriend or significant other decides to come to my club. I will not tolerate it. I’ve been down that road before, and some men can’t handle seeing that.”

“Trust me. That’s something you do not have to worry about. I don’t have a boyfriend and not looking to get one.” Viktor sighs and gives me a strange look. Like he doesn’t believe me. Why would I lie about that? And it’s the truth. I have no one and I honestly don’t care to have a boyfriend.

“There is no drinking allowed while you’re working. If I, or any of the staff sees you even with a drink in your hand, contract terminated.”

“I don’t drink. At all.” I highly doubt I’ll ever drink again considering what happened the last time I got drunk. Viktor nods, and then he continues talking.

“You agree to the beauty regimes I have in there?”

“Yes, it seems … necessary. But I’d like to find a place of my choosing, if you don’t mind.”

“The company the other girls use is quite discreet and professional if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“No, I just … It’s going to be awkward enough and I’d like to find a place I’m comfortable with.” I don’t dare mention that this conversation is also making me feel awkward.

“How about a compromise? You’ll try out the place I’ve recommended and if it isn’t to your liking, you can find a place of your own.”


“As far as making payments on the house and car, we can set something up at a further date after you start.” I nod agreeing with that. I feel better about adding that part in. I don’t feel like I’m taking advantage of his offer.

We both go quiet and I look around trying not to look at him. This meeting is something I never saw myself doing. I had no idea I would ever be in this situation and I can only hope I’m doing the right thing. I still don’t understand why out of all the million other girls, Viktor chose me for this. I guess I should take it as a compliment, but at the same time, I know I have to keep my guard up. For all I know he could be using this as some sort of opportunity. What that opportunity would be, I have no clue.

“When do you want to start?” he asks me and I have to look back at him. I think about it for a few minutes, trying to give myself enough time to get my body back in shape and for moving.

“Let’s say in three months.”

“Three months it is. I’ll revise the contract, and I’ll send for you and Gabbie next week.”

“Wait, you want us to move to Nashville in a week?”

“Is that going to be a problem?”

Well fuck, I guess I don’t have a choice. I might not have signed the contract yet, but I have a feeling Viktor won’t change his mind about this.

“I … I guess it’s fine. I just thought I would have more time with mom and dad.”

“Nashville is only an hour away. I’m sure they will understand.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“As far as what to tell your parents, work wise, you can tell them you’re coming to work for me. Tell them I own my own contracting company and you do the filing and other secretary work. They won’t think much of that.”

I nod my head. I really don’t know much about jobs, so I have to trust that he knows what he’s talking about.

“I have to say, I’m impressed you took so much time to think this through. Most people would’ve just said yes.”

I smirk at his revelation. “I’m not most people. I know, but it’s not just me anymore. I hope you know if I didn’t have Gabriella, I would have never said yes to this. I highly doubt you and I would’ve even crossed paths.” Viktor looks down at his watch and then back to me. I don’t know if my comment rubs him the wrong way or not.

“I have to head back. I’ll see you next week.” Viktor says as he gets up and just as quickly as he walked into the café, he walks out.

I watch him as he walks outside and gets in his car. I lean back in my chair wondering what just happened. Did I say the wrong thing? I still have no idea if I’ve made the right choice or not. I have no idea how my parents are going to react to Gabbie and I leaving. I think they’ll understand, and maybe they can still come watch Gabbie when I actually start … dancing. I refuse to say stripping. I’m not comfortable in my own skin, and how in the world am I going to take my clothes off for random people is something I need to work on.

I get up and grab my bag. I walk out of the café and start the walk home. Mom begged me to take her car, but I knew I would need time to clear my head after the meeting with Viktor. Plus, it wasn’t that far from home.

There’s so much going on in my head. The things I’ve agreed to … will they change me as a person? I’d like to think I like myself the way I am. But ever since Viktor Matvei came into my life, I’ve been second guessing that. Maybe being someone else while working for Viktor will be good for me. If I could be like that dancer I saw the night I watched at the club, well, I think I would at least be more of a confident person. I remember her moving to the beat of the music and the way her body looked so amazing. It takes a lot of confidence to go up on stage and lay it all out for everyone to see. If anything, that chick earned my respect.

As I walk back home, I also think about things between Viktor and I. Will things change between us? Will he still come to see Gabbie? Now that I’m about to be his employee, I figure in three months it could possibly be the last time I see him outside of work. The thought makes my heart clench a little. I think I’ve grown to like Viktor, but I want to tell myself it’s only because he helped me and Gabbie. I refuse to let it be more than that.

Malcolm also pops in my head. I don’t want to think about him, but I think I need to. Keeping what he did to me fresh in my mind makes it easier to keep out anyone else trying to get close to me. I might one day forgive Malcolm, but I doubt it’ll be any time soon. I wonder what he would think if he knew what I had to do to survive. I can’t keep depending on my parents for everything. I know they won’t mind, but I can’t do that to them. They have worked so hard for years taking care of me, and I don’t think it’s right for them to have to do it again.

I really worry about being alone with Gabbie. I’ve used my mom too much as a crutch. She’s helped me so much since Gabbie was born. I honestly don’t know how I could’ve taken care of Gabbie without my mom after I got home from the hospital. I was so sore and so doped up on pain meds that first week. I had no idea how bad having a baby was going to be on my small body. I didn’t think I was ever going to get better. My mom was amazing though. She’s seen things and helped me do things no mother should have to do. But she never complained and she told me more than once to stop telling her how sorry I was about this whole situation. At times I still feel the guilt of getting pregnant so early in life, but at the same time I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

Gabbie’s my everything. And I will do anything and everything I can to make sure she has the best life possible. No matter what I have to do.


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