The Accidental (18 page)

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Authors: Ali Smith

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: The Accidental
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Fuck poetry. Fuck books. Fuck art. Fuck life.
Fuck Norfolk. Fuck his job and fuck his wife.
Fuck teenagers who think they know it all.
Fuck that girl walking past him in the hall.
Was there corollary in love and fuck?
Was there corollary in gave and took?
Was there a point in any written book?
Was there a point in anything at all?
Was there a push that ever came to shove?
Was there a rhyme that ever came to love?
Was there a way to discipline a sigh?
Was there a place where pop songs went to die?
Was there a girl who’d never ever ever?
Was there an artery that wouldn’t sever?
Did the heart fuck the mind with all its slummings?
Did Shakespeare always become e.e. cummings?
Was the end always sonnetary ruin?
Did Shakespeare always turn into Don Juan?
Michael went to the village for a walk.
That was the kind of thing a chap like him did,
holiday stroll to the village, hands in pockets,
casual, professional, on a whim, did.
He sat outside a church and got a shock.
It sounded more strenuous than a gym did!
People were clearly fucking in that church.
It was the sound of Michael in the lurch.


It was the sound, to Dr Michael Smart,
of tragedy, a bloody song of goats.
That’s what it was, a goat-song. Was it Sartre
said tragedy was those who got their oats
when others didn’t, or something like thart?
Michael was tired of being a rubbish poet.
Tired of a language that barely suffices,
words that could call this All a
mid life crisis


Michael had fallen for a bit of rough
who’d happened past their Norfolk holiday home.
There was no doubt about it. It was luff.
He swelled with false hope, like the Millennium Dome.
He fucked his wife instead. Not good enough.
Like the Millennium Dome, nobody’d come,
they couldn’t find it, it was off the map,
and when they did get there the show was crap.


It was New Labour love, then, him and Eve,
a dinner-party designer suit-and-tie,
a rhetoric that was its own motif,
they believed in each other, and a lie
was at the very centre of belief.
The waste it was made Michael want to cry.
He was a ruined nation, and obscene,
and nothing meant what it was meant to mean.


He put his hands over his ears, appalled.
Strangers having sex made him want to drown.
He walked back to the house, nonchalant, called
his therapist but she was out of town.
He walked twice round the garden feeling old,
did what he always did when he felt down,
he drove his car to the nearest supermarket
and looked for a good place to double-park it.


He filled the basket with selected fruit
then checked along the line of working girls
judging them for the likeliest recruit.
He chose the one with honey-coloured curls.
She looked about fifteen. He queued. He put
the grapes in front of her like they were pearls,
the oranges like she was very fine,
smiled at her dashingly, fed her the line.


The girl smiled back. He charmed her by explaining
her beauty, his amazement at her, talked her
into meeting him on her tea-break, feigning
wonder, left without paying, snapped ‘I’m a Doctor,’
to stop the man he’d double-parked complaining,
flashed his ID, waited for her and fucked her
for fifteen mins (tea-break) in the passenger seat
in the nearby wood and she was very sweet


and everything but he felt nothing at all.
He felt–awful. Her name-badge said ‘Miranda’.
Brave new world. He felt bad, utterly small.
He magicked all his cash into her hand, a
small fortune. She straightened her overall.
It was nylon. He dropped her, as if planned, a
little away from where she worked. She waved.
Brave new world. Dr Michael Smart, depraved,


wept for five hours, head on his steering wheel,
in a nondescript backlot God knew where,
miles from anywhere. Then he began to feel
hungry, so he drove back, windows down, air
flow making his eyes less red. At the meal
Astrid had lost her camera. Amber’s hair
was glorious. It really was. It was.
She had hair that was truly glorious.


Afterwards Amber played this game. ‘Say you
gave me something of yours, maybe a key,
a house or car key or something, something you do
quite a lot with in an everyday way, see,
a house key’s maybe best, I’d be able to
tell you all sorts about yourself. Trust me.’
(He sent Astrid upstairs, told her to get
his keys out of the bedside cabinet.)


Amber closed her eyes and held Magnus’s ring.
She said something about truth and disguise.
Astrid refused to give her anything.
Amber told Astrid she should use her eyes.
Eve gave her–he had no idea–something
and she told Eve something Eve thought was wise.
His turn. She held them to her perfect nose
and he could feel her breath, she leant so close.
‘You’re never going to get the thing you want.
Not till you work out what it is you want.
You don’t actually want the thing you want.
You only want what you can’t have. You want
it blindly. What it is you think you want
is nothing like what you actually want.
You’ve still got to work it out, what you want
and what it is, the real meaning of want.’


She dropped his keys on to the table. Never.
She’d told him he’d never get what he wanted.
It made him want her more. It was so clever.
It left him hopeless hope, a ghost more haunted
by the living unhaveable than ever.
He’d have it. He’d have her. He wasn’t daunted.
He walked around the garden and he ranted.
He wasn’t daunted. He’d get what he wanted.


Months later he remembered that she knew
where the house keys were kept, after this game–
in the bedside cabinet. Months later, too,
he thought about the wanting her with shame
and not a little wryness, like a clue
right under his own nose, a clue that came
and went and told him exactly what he needed,
plain as abc, and he’d refused to read it.

the middle ages she’d have been in real trouble having all that charisma; history held that to be quite so animally magnetic wasn’t always so safe and in a different age she’d have been publicly flayed for it or dragged humiliatingly through the village and stuck in the stocks, or chained to a post outside the local church with all her hair shaved off like that girl in the Bergman film, the film where death was following the medieval knight and the plague was making everyone go mad. (God, those Bergman films were such hard work. They were beautiful. But impenetrable, and so dark. The times films like those were dealing with were dark, she supposed. And it took dark times themselves to produce films like that one. That particular film was meant to be an allegory about post-nuclear paranoia if Eve remembered rightly. Did dark times naturally result in dark art? And did art always really reflect its own time, rather than any other time? Eve was a member of a very nice book group in Islington, six or seven women and one rather beleaguered man, who met in each other’s houses–one of the pleasures of it was seeing the insides of a whole range of other people’s houses. Over the last six months the book group had enjoyed two doorstop historical novels–both Victorian, mostly about sex–by contemporary novelists, last year’s Booker winner about the man in the boat with the animals, a Forster novel, the big multicultural bestseller which most people in the group got only halfway through, and a very nice novel about Southwold. Michael disapproved of the book group. He thought it bourgeois beyond belief. But Eve was a minor celebrity at the book group, being an author herself. It gave her a definite authoritative edge, which half of the group nodded to and most of them secretly resented, she sensed.)

She watched as Amber, sitting next to Michael, filled her plate from the salad bowl, and thought about what Amber would look like with her head shaved. She’d probably still be beautiful. That was real beauty, Eve thought, beauty that could withstand humiliation, or baldness, and not David Beckham baldness but spite baldness, victim baldness, violence baldness, crowd-anger baldness. She pictured Amber, head bowed and bald as an egg, hands bound behind her back round the wooden post, thirsty and silenced and beautifully insane outside a medieval church with all the villagers jeering at her.

Astrid, she said instead, quick. You should film us all at supper tonight. It’s such a lovely night, it’s been such a lovely day, and it’s such a lovely supper, we should commemorate it.

But Astrid being quintessentially Astrid, as well as maddening Eve by arranging and eating things on her plate in some kind of psychotic adolescent order–the meat by itself first, the bits of salad separated into leaves from the same types of lettuce next, the cucumber separately from the tomato–announced she had ‘lost’ her nearly-a-thousand-pounds-worth of camera ‘somewhere’. Amber tried to cover for her and pretend it was her fault; more the act of an adolescent schoolfriend than a grown woman; with the same sweet brusqueness Amber distracted them after supper by playing one of those psychological personality games where she claimed to be able to ‘know’ information about someone by simply holding in her hand some object that had belonged to him or her for a considerable length of time.

Trust me, Amber said. This talent is what enabled me to travel three continents on almost no money and always eat a reasonable supper.

Everybody laughed, except Astrid, who wouldn’t join in. Amber asked Magnus to give her the ring he was wearing (the one Eve had bought him for his birthday the year before last). Magnus slid the ring off his finger. Amber held it in her hand and held her hand up, professionally, in front of her face.

This ring, she said after a moment’s silence, is very very precious to you. This is because your mother gave you this ring.

Astonishing! Michael said. Totally glorious!

Eve held up her hand to quieten Michael.

It was a Christmas gift, Amber said with her eyes closed, as if listening. No, a birthday. A birthday. Fifteen years to the day after your birth, your mother gave you this ring.

Well, obviously, Magnus must have told her this. But Magnus swore he hadn’t.

Shh, please, Amber said. Your birth was complex. You had the cord around your neck before you were born.

Magnus’s mouth fell open. He turned to his mother and stared.

Amber raised her fist with the ring in it up to her forehead again. Someone must have told her. Michael must have told her, if Magnus hadn’t. Not that Eve could have imagined Michael remembering a fact like that. But Michael was odd at the moment. He was strange, changeable. Several times now, Eve had found him sitting staring into space. The other day she’d found, in his trouser pockets (turning them inside out for washing) along with the usual condoms, a piece of paper which had the alphabet scrawled on it and under this a mysterious meaningless list of words: bluff cuff duff enough fluff rough stuff tough.

Amber was good at this performance of herself. She was really very good. She was almost totally convincing. She was now saying a lot of quite brilliantly pitched and conveniently vague-sounding things to Magnus about being true to yourself and being false to yourself.

Eve slipped out to the garden. There were a few small stones under a rose bush. She picked one up. She brushed the dusty soil off it and then gave it a rub on her leg. It would do. It was yellow-white, like a sea stone, glittery in places.

Back in the house, when it was her turn, she gave the stone to Amber. Amber held it for a moment. Then she laughed.

Really? she said.

Eve nodded.

Are you sure? Amber said.

Yes, Eve said. I’ve had it for years. It’s very dear to me.

Okay, Amber said still laughing.

What did you give her? What is it she’s got? Michael said.

It’s private, Eve said.

We can do this privately, yes, if you like, Amber said. She took Eve’s hand and led Eve across the lounge to the sofa on the other side of the room, and this is what she told Eve, holding as proof the random stone from the garden, leaning forward confidentially like a gypsy:

You were born in a good place at a good time, at the turn of the dark decades into the lighter ones. (This was true, and easy to guess.)

You had a good early love and a good early loss. (This was true, too.)

You’ve led a life unthinkable to most of the generations of women and men who birthed you to freedoms and riches unimaginable to them. (Well, this was true of almost everyone.)

You’ve been lucky.

You’ve been blessed.

You’ve been educated, more than you understand.

Really? Eve laughed.

Amber ignored her and continued:

You’ve always had a safe place to sleep and good things to eat, all your life.

So what is it you could possibly want to know about yourself?

And what is it they’d ask you, what do you think they’d want to know, if they were here tonight, all those women and men and women and men and women and men that it took simply to culminate in the making of you, the birth of you, that day, squealing and furious and covered all over with your mother’s blood?

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