The Alexandra Series (38 page)

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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Alexandra Series
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But Reggie’s words had no effect. I answered with another wail, wriggling against him nastily. Though he managed to hold me tightly with his left hand pinned at my waist with a firm steady force, I could tell he was not expecting to have to battle me so forcefully.

“Dammit stop!” The unexpected cry pierced the air, as the paddle descended with an ever more fierce intensity. My cries went on, my rage not diminishing for even one tiny bit. I’d be damned if I was going to submit to this without a fight.

To my shocked surprise, Reggie suddenly stopped the spanking, pushed me from his lap and stood up, all the while managing to keep one of my hands firmly in his.

“Andrew,” he turned to our surprised host. “Miss Morgan and I need to talk in the next room.”

“Certainly,” Andrew replied. No one seemed to know exactly what was going on, and certainly I didn’t.

“What the hell’s going on with you?” Reggie demanded to know as soon as we were alone in an adjoining sitting room.

I was breathing heavily, my sobs and tears and rage were still right at the surface. I wanted to scream.

“I don’t know,” I finally snapped at him, through my labored breathing.

“You’d better.” He leveled me with a severe, fatherly grimace, then he lifted my bowed head and squarely in the eye. “Talk! Now!” he demanded.

I couldn’t stop looking at him, though I continued to struggle with his grip on my chin. He kept bringing my face back so I finally gave up, and let his constant stare penetrate me.

“I hate these clothes,” I finally stammered.

“You what?” He looked befuddled.

Hadn’t he heard me?

“I hate these clothes!” I repeated, my voice rising with anger.

“You want to explain more. I chose those clothes to suit Mr. Locke and his old-fashioned ideas of spanking naughty women. Certainly you understand that?”

“Yes, I do,” I admitted.


“I think this has something to do with identifying too much with the ‘old’ Alex,” I suggested, knowing right away that I’d hit the nail on the head. I hated the woman I used to be, and I didn’t like any reminder that she was still a part of me.

I could see a positive response to my explanation register on Reggie’s face, but he wasn’t about to sit and counsel with me. “Alex, it’s not my intention to beat your ass into oblivion to make you behave, and I don’t really care about your personal woes concerning how these clothes make you feel. What you need to do right now is turn yourself into a compliant demure little school girl, and go out and give these men one fine show. That’s all I ask, nothing more. You figure out what this means later. You understand me?” he said.

Just this much break in the action and a little bit of self awareness allowed me to cool down so I was no longer filled with wild rage.

“I understand,” I replied, feeling rather foolish for making such a scene in the first place.


All the while my skirt remained tucked at my waist, my well reddened ass end hanging out. It should have embarrassed me, but I’d been too consumed with myself to even think about it until we were ready to leave the room. At that moment, Reggie thought about it too.

“Turn around,” he ordered.

I complied.

With the paddle still in hand it was easy for him to give my bottom several more sharp stinging smacks, and though I wiggled and squirmed just a little, my out of control protest was over.

“I should take you out there and blister your bottom for another fifteen minutes,” he said, “but I’ll let your audience have a whack at you, and you’ll answer to me later. Just behave yourself, because I won’t hesitate to start again myself. And you don’t want that!”

I took his warning seriously, and giving me one last whack, he sent me on my way.

When we returned to the living room, I was presented to Mr. Locke with the paddle in hand. “She’s all yours,” Reggie said. “As you can see, she could use a whole night of spanking.” With that, Reggie returned to his girlfriend and I was now Mr. Locke’s to punish.

The man smiled at me kindly, but I knew that was only a ruse. He was anxious and waiting to paddle my bottom, and I’m sure that my unfortunate bauble had just made him more enthused about the prospects of laying the implement on my burning cheeks. Sitting down in the same chair that Reggie had vacated, he pulled me over his lap and gazed at my pink cheeks for some time. I couldn’t see his expression, but I could sense he planned to enjoy every minute of this spanking from a connoisseur’s point of view.

First, laying one hand on my bottom, he massaged my sore cheeks very lightly. Despite myself, I found a certain pleasure in this, even with a man I didn’t know and certainly didn’t care about. I guess I just couldn’t help the fact that spanking in its purest sense turned me on. Moments later, however, the eager man was whacking at my bottom with a sure and determined stroke of the paddle. I think I must have been a little numb from the previous spanking, because it certainly didn’t have the sting of the earlier one. I imagine too that Andrew Locke was a lot less fierce and purposeful than Reggie, whose anger-fueled assault had been to teach me a very pointed lesson.

Andrew Locke was considerate enough to pause after every few smacks and allow my bottom to recuperate. That only made the spanking more erotically arousing. I was almost a little disappointed when he finally pushed me off his lap and sent me to the corner to display my bottom for the gathered crowd.

“I think everyone should get a chance to see this fine crimson up close,” he said as he pushed me on my way. “But don’t think you’re done, young lady. We have a lot more spankers to be satisfied tonight.”

I had the feeling that I’d get a chance to go over all their laps before the night was over, but at least for the moment I was grateful for a break, even if I did have to expose my rear in this humiliating way.

Resigned to my fate, I knew that despite the clothes, and Reggie’s threats, I’d get through the night—and maybe it wasn’t so bad as I thought given the erotic charge that was all too obvious. On my way to the corner however, I happened to glance at the doorway of the living room, and I instantly froze on the spot. To my horror, surprise, delight and complete bewilderment, there was Will. His handsome eyes were gazing at me with the strangest far off look I’ve ever seen, his unexpected appearance leaving me dazed and unable to move.

While I stared at my ex-lover’s impassive face, I could hear the sound of Reggie’s Desiree squealing in the background, something about how she wanted to be spanked too.

“Alexandra!” Andrew Locke snapped me to attention. “To the corner,” he ordered. “And don’t go pleading for sympathy,” he added, as if he knew that my resolve to complete this phase of my grand punishment was suddenly threatened.

Moving on obediently, I stood submissively facing the wall like a little kid, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest, my desire running rampant, my mind unable to make sense of this whole thing. Why had he come? Had Reggie prompted him? He must have, how else would he know? And just standing there, so completely emotionless, I wished there’d been some hint of his feelings, but there was none. What was this suppose to mean in the scheme of things? Did he still care about me, or was he just checking to really see if I was doing all the nasty things Reggie might have told him about?

My mind was a confusing mess of thoughts as I half listened to Desiree’s coos and squeals. I heard some man’s hand come down on her bottom and wished I could see the scene myself, although I didn’t dare look. I could tell by her cries that this was a playful paddling, the smacks hardly more than love taps. I even detected the erotic passion in her voice, and wondered how Reggie would be feasting on her body tonight. When the happy Desiree was finally finished with her ‘ordeal’, I waited expectantly, thinking how much I wanted another glimpse of Will, at the very least. A moment to speak to him would be even better.

“Miss Morgan,” I was at last called from the corner. “There are some gentlemen that would like the pleasure of your ass end,” Andrew informed me.

“Yes, sir,” I replied, as I turned back around.

And from there, the spanking commenced. I had trips over two more laps before I was allowed a break. I have to admit that I focused very little on these gentle spankings. I was thinking of Will the whole time. Breezing through both brief sessions, I couldn’t wait until they were over so that I could find him.

After the second spanking, I was allowed to retreat to the bathroom for a rest, while I promised to return for yet another paddling by yet another anxious spanker.

In the hallway, I chanced to run into the object of my hour’s obsession. Will was coming from the bathroom himself and stopped in front of me. We stood facing each other for some awkward moments, as the painful memory of our last exchange came readily to mind. Now he was so very calm. I wasn’t sure which scared me more. I saw him with fresh eyes, his hard body, his handsome face, and even more, I
the remarkable presence about him that I loved so much.

“I’m doing this for you,” I said, suddenly feeling very self conscious.

“That’s what I hear.”

“You came to watch?” My voice sounded strained.

“Curiosity. Although from what I’ve seen so far, you’re still a long way off from the submissive woman you’re supposed to be. At least if I understand what you’re trying to do.”

“You did see the whole thing?” I asked.

“You mean did I see you acting like a spoiled, bad-tempered brat?” he asked. “Yes. I’ve certainly seen that before.”

“It was unexpected, this whole thing tonight,” I told him. “Maybe we could talk?” I asked anxiously thinking that there were a lot of things I wanted to explain to him.

“Maybe,” he replied. Though giving me a brisk smile, he moved away, while I heard my name mentioned in the other room. I scampered to the bathroom to hide for as long as I could.

When I finally returned to the living room, Will was gone and my heart sank. I suppose in all these weeks, I could have sought him out. I still could. Perhaps it was a positive sign that he had come; it gave me cause to hope.

I treated another two men to their spanking fantasies, enduring not just their hands and the wooden paddle, but a riding crop, a few cuts from a cane, and some determined probing of my rear channel. I thought I might get screwed before the night was over, but I was very glad that didn’t happen. The spanking was certainly was enough.

Never in my life had I been punished so thoroughly, though I wasn’t certain at the end, if the worst punishment hadn’t been the heartache, not the abuse to my rear end. It certainly seemed that my emotions were far more bruised than my bottom.

It was nearly one a. m. when I found myself alone in Reggie’s limo again, feeling the seat a reasonable cushion for my sore rear. I was exhausted and content to be whisked away, back to the security of my home.

Unexpectedly however, the door of the limo suddenly opened again and Reggie’s face appeared.

“Wait up for me, Alex,” he said. “I want your ass tonight.”

“Tonight, now?”

“Yes,” he said flatly.

“What about Desiree?” I asked, trying not to sound as bitchy as I felt.

“She doesn’t take it in the ass,” he said.

“You could force your way, like you do me.”

He ignored the haughty comment, and said with a bit of mockery, “I don’t force you to do anything.”

He was right.

After all the abuse I’d suffered that night, I wasn’t sure if I welcomed the prospect of getting taken in the rear, but I couldn’t argue with the fact that my clamoring sexual appetites needed something raw and nasty to satisfy the burning heat the punishment raised.

“I’ll be there by two,” he told me, and he backed out of the car.


Ten hours feeding my sexual flames made for brutal agitation between my legs. I wanted to bring myself off the moment I arrived home, but I didn’t. I tore my clothes off first, happy to dispense with them, and happy to wait for Reggie. For all the mixed feelings I was having, by the time I was settled in my apartment, I couldn’t wait for him to arrive, no matter what he had planned for me. The enema, the spanking, the confrontation with Reggie, more spankings, Will, the clothes…

Would it matter what he did next? Especially if I had some physical satisfaction for myself.

I stood by the window waiting, looking out on stars and city lights. I hugged myself close, feeling the soft silk of my red jacquard robe, its smooth surface caressing me gently in a way I needed to be caressed.

I left the door unlocked, thinking Reggie would just let himself in and he did. When I sensed his soft approach behind me, I was able to smile to myself. There had been a time that I had wanted him more than anything. Now he was just a ‘make do’ lover, until I could have my real lover back. I fantasized that I’d turn and it would be Will ready to take me, but I wasn’t that lucky. It was definitely Reggie at my back when he pulled up close. I could tell by the distinctive aroma of his cologne.

“You know it’s dangerous leaving your door unlocked in the middle of the night,” he told me.

“It’s probably dangerous letting you inside.”

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