The Alexandra Series (39 page)

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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Alexandra Series
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One of his hands went immediately to my rear end, easily finding bare flesh, since my robe was short. His other hand came around the front and probed inside the silk, finding a soft breast to rest on. He caressed it very slowly as his hard body rested casually against mine.

“You like going to your limits, Alexandra?” he whispered in my ear.

“You’ve taken me there today,” I remarked, and my head fell back against his shoulder.

He felt up my ass, roughly, determinedly – the hand that had slapped me, wielded the paddle, and probed me mercilessly was now bringing back all the feelings that one long evening of abuse had produced. When I felt a finger at my anal cleft, I breathed deep, relaxed and let the invasion begin. It was what I’d been waiting for, and I needed it now. I moved against him in the encompassing silence, just the sounds of our breathing, and the tiny kisses he laid on the crook of my neck. A day’s worth of tension fell away as I let him have me, all the while thinking there could be nothing more appropriate than this.

He remained fixed against me, then led me to the couch and pushed me down against it. He held me close the whole while, as if to let me go, I’d be lost. His strong thighs against the back of my thighs were security. His one hand holding me at the waist was an assurance. The cold liquid in my rear cleft was startling, but welcome—with all the hot fires lit on my skin, and inside my body, the cool sensations soothed me.

He worked my bottom with his hand, reminding me how much I liked the sore feeling. The further he probed my anus, the more I wanted to be entered there. Nothing else would do.
Why couldn’t I have figured this out with Will?

I was opening easily for him, much easier than the first time. The thick lubricant made his penetration swift and sure, and the burst of crude sensations set off a dozen fireworks everywhere. He pushed himself against my ass, slapping me with a few sharp smacks, though nothing I didn’t want.

“God, yes, Reg…” I cried, and cried again, as he slowly worked his cock in and out of my back door. Then, just as I’d gotten used to the easy rhythm, he suddenly rammed himself inside me. He fucked me hard, as if being gentle no longer mattered – and by then it really didn’t. Despite the intensity of the act, I could have taken him in my ass all night long if he’d wanted to be there.

However, it didn’t take but a few minutes to satisfy himself. Sensing his mounting pleasure, I replied, moving my hips against him. He answered back with his dick thrusting madly at my back door, and finally jerking with a few quick thrusts. A luscious sounding moan of pleasure greeted my ears as I felt him climax. My own finish was a hairsbreadth away. Sensing my rising orgasm, he gave me the gift of his hands playing with my crotch until I came. Then we both collapsed against the cool of the couch, falling on our sides, Reggie still fixed behind me so I couldn’t see his face.

“You can’t leave tonight,” I told him. It sounded like a command, but he didn’t flinch at it.

“Don’t worry. I’m too tired to move,” he moaned. I was glad to know I’d have him in my bed with me all night, just for comfort if nothing else. We were both exhausted, though he still had enough energy to squeeze my aching ass cheeks as I led him off to bed. Once between the sheets, however, I was soundly asleep in seconds, and I imagine he was, too.

I couldn’t believe any man could know me so well and we’d never slept together, not even for a night. But we might as well have been platonic friends as lovers for all the attention we gave each other between those wee hours and the waiting morning.


I was surprised at daybreak to find Reggie was still sleeping beside me, a stray arm reaching out to tickle my sides when he moved. Looking at his face the sternness was much less apparent. I’d never seen him look quite so vulnerable.

Rising, I took my shower quickly; then went to the kitchen to make us breakfast, though it seemed awkwardly domestic. Reggie and I had never had common place interactions; our times together had always risen above such mundane things as eating, sleeping and the normal business of life.

It was eight o’clock, admittedly early for a Saturday morning when we could have slept until noon. Yet, I had something important to do and I was not about to sleep any later.

When Reggie walked through the bedroom door, just as I was putting muffins, juice and coffee on the table, I was glad he looked ready to leave. I wasn’t sure when he had awakened, but he was already fresh washed, spanking clean, and looking like a million dollars, even though he wore the same clothes he’d worn the evening before. It’s a real gift, looking perfect all the time, must be something that comes naturally, a quality Reggie had down pat.

“How charming,” he said, seeing me with my apron on, and the breakfast on the table.

“I’m a multifaceted woman,” I quipped.

“These from scratch?” he asked, sitting down at the table, and taking a muffin from the basket.


“Now, I’m really impressed.”

I chuckled, and poured him some juice.

“You care to be spanked this morning?” he asked. I didn’t know if he was serious or not, but I certainly knew my answer.

“No, not really.”

“Good, I think you’ve had enough, at least for now.”

“So my punishment is not over?”

“Not quite,” he said.

I sighed heavily.

“Is Will back in your bed?” he asked pointedly.

“No,” I admitted.

“Well then, you can submit again.”

“You told him about this.” I remarked, remembering Will’s detached look from the night before, and the way it had so thoroughly jerked my emotions to and fro just seeing him.

“Yes. Though
should have,” Reggie admonished me. “Unfortunately, I don’t think you did yourself any good with the little uproar you caused.”

“That was regrettable. But I’m putting that behind me, and while I’d love to chat with you, Reg, I have an errand I need to run, so if you’ll just…”

“Leave? Of course, I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

“It’s the video.”


“I think it’s time he saw it,” I explained.

He looked amused, though I could see he understood what was at stake for me. And why shouldn’t he understand? He’d agreed to help me out of the ‘kindness of heart.’ And I had to believe he really wanted Will and me back together.

“By the way,” I said, as I got up from the table, “maybe you should train Desiree the way you’ve trained me. I think it’s a little silly for you to have a girlfriend who doesn’t like it in the ass.”

He looked annoyed at my remark, but I ignored him.

“Please lock up when you leave,” I said. I couldn’t wait to get on with the rest of my life.

Chapter Nine

I knocked on the door of Will’s apartment, feeling sure he’d be up. Always an early riser, he’d certainly be out of bed by ten, dressed and working in his studio.

“Alex?” he said on seeing me. He was surprised.

He cracked the door just a little, though I could see he was still in his robe, his hair disheveled and his eyes still bleary from sleep.

“I’m sorry, did I get you up?”

“No, I was just in the bathroom.”

I expected him to ask me in, and when he didn’t, I felt awkward just standing there.

“I was surprised to see you last night?” I went on, trying to ignore my discomfort.

“It was interesting,” he replied, noncommittally.

Damn! This is getting worse.

“Well, the reason I came was to give you this,” I finally said, handing him the video. He looked at it quizzically. “A bit more indication of my sincerity,” I added. “Reggie made it. I should have given it to you a week ago, but I was chicken.”

He nodded, but said nothing. I had a thousand things I wanted to say to him, but I was hoping for some encouragement before I began pouring out my heart.

“Will,” a woman’s voice suddenly called to him from inside his apartment.

It shocked me.

“Just a minute, Jane,” he said, turning slightly back to address the unseen woman.

“Janie Warren?” I asked.

“Yes. She’s been spending some nights here.”

Will had known Jane long before he met me.

“Then…” I was about to ask why he even bothered to go to the party the night before, but never liking to look foolish, I could only think about a hasty retreat. “I suppose then I shouldn’t bother you,” I said, as my churning stomach did one horrendous leap. I turned away, fearing I might end up getting sick all over him.

“Alex,” he called to me when I was still just a few steps away.

I turned back around.

“I’ll look at this,” he said. I had the feeling that he struggled to say it, just as he’d struggled to speak the night before. I wish I knew what was in his head, what was setting off his feelings, what conclusions he’d made about us. But at least for the moment I was destined to remain in the dark, nursing my aching bottom and my aching heart.

Chapter Ten

I saw the light gleaming in his office window. It was eight o’clock in the evening. Dinner with an old friend had brought me downtown at an hour when I’d have normally been home and cozy in my apartment.

Reggie was working late, and on the off chance that he was alone I went inside to see him. When I opened the door to his office, I was delighted to see he was alone.

“Hi,” I’d surprised him.

“Alex,” he said, as he turned around. He had a sheaf of papers in his hand. His blond hair was a little mussed, his tie pulled loose in a typical relaxed executive style. I’d never really seen him that way. My body quickened at just the sight of him, however, the expression on his face bothered me. It was emotionless, not a particularly good sign.

“This is really a fluke, my being down here,” I said. “I saw your light on.”

“Well this is what I do when I have no pert bottom to spank,” he replied flatly. There was no twinkle in the stunning blue eyes, just a predictable cold.

He sat casually on the corner of his secretary’s desk in the reception area, waiting for me to speak.

“You could have had mine,” I reminded him, letting him know I was feeling neglected. An entire week with no word from either Reggie or Will, and I was beginning to get desperate. I wasn’t used to being unwanted.

“Missing it, huh?” he commented, as he stared directly at my bottom.


“So, you think you can come down here and woo me into blistering your ass. Or did you just want it screwed?” he asked.

I shivered at his cold question.

“I haven’t heard from you, I haven’t heard from Will. It’s been nearly a week?” I explained, as I was wilting under his icy stare. I was thinking this whole move might have been a terrible mistake.

“You want to be in control again, don’t you?” he said. “Not getting enough attention?”

I was ready to stammer something, but nothing came out.

“So what will you do, find another personal ad to answer? Some poor longing dominant who’s dying for a submissive bottom?”

I was speechless. After almost enjoying being in bed with him the week before, he was now as heartless to me as he’d ever been.

“I told you I’d punish you on my time. I suggest you remember that. I haven’t wanted what you have to offer the last few days, so you’ll just have to pocket your spanking lust, unless you want to hire someone else to abuse your ass.”

“I’m sorry I came,” I replied, practically in tears.

“It’s control, Alex, it always has been. You’re so used to creating your sex life, that you can’t stand not being in charge, defining every little detail with that wildly creative mind of yours. It was a problem when you were first with me, and it’s a problem still. The truth? It’s the heart of your problem with Will. Of course by now, even you should realize that.”

There was a knot in the pit of my stomach that felt like lead. Truth does that to me. To think that I was still dealing with one of the same issues that originally brought me to Reggie in the first place.

“You go home and wrestle with that, and if I’m in the mood for you again, you’ll know.”

“And if you’re not?” I asked.

“Then I’m not.”

“So, you’re saying you’re finished with my punishment?” I asked.

“Really bothers you, doesn’t it?”

His arrogance made me feel two inches tall, while at the same time raising my sexual arousal through the roof.

“I guess I’d better go home and lick my wounds,” I said, trying to smile.

He didn’t smile in return; instead his stare bore right through me, penetrating me with its chilling cold, so that I shivered from my teeth to my toes until I was well away from his office building.

Chapter Eleven

Shuffling through some papers in my office, I was aware of a deadline bearing down on me that I couldn’t ignore. My last weeks with Reggie had put me behind in a lot of things. I was beginning to think that I’d better put aside the whole horror of my broken relationship and my half-ass attempts to repair it through this absurd punishment, lest everything in my life turn to shambles.

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