The Battle Lord Saga 02 - Her Battle Lord's Desire (34 page)

BOOK: The Battle Lord Saga 02 - Her Battle Lord's Desire
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right hip, her pants firmly clutched in the Blood’s death grip.

It was so quick, no one was aware of what had happened until they heard the wet

the sword.

Yulen stared down at the thing at the end of his weapon as Atty managed to free herself

and get back on her feet. He was breathing hard from the burst of adrenalin that had exploded

inside him. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he put his boot on the dead Blood and levered the sword

out of its skull. Once it was free, he cleaned the blade on the moss.

“Mastin, rouse the rest of the men, if any are still asleep. Let’s get back on the road.”

“Yes, sir.”

Sorcher trotted back over to let them know what the sentry had spotted. It was the

creature’s horse, tied to a tree not far from the edge of the camp.

“That means it was sent to keep an eye on us. To watch and learn what we knew,” Yulen

muttered. “If the horse was close by, then that thing only meant to stay a little while and be gone

before we awoke.”

“It also means that when it doesn’t report back to the main group, they’re going to know

something’s happened,” Atty said.

Her husband nodded. “That’s why we have to leave now. Every mile we get closer to

Alta Novis, the less of a chance they’ll have of accomplishing whatever plan they’re hatching.”

He looked down at her. “How did you know it was there? Did it make a sound? Did it do

anything unusual?”

She shook her head, biting her lower lip. “I don’t know. I can’t tell you anything definite.

I just woke up and was thinking about kissing you while you were asleep because you haven’t

been able to kiss me all damn day, and that’s when I saw it in the trees behind you.”

The soldiers standing nearby smiled, some snorting softly at her admission. Even Yulen

had to grin. To think that they had been saved because she’d wanted a kiss.

“Well, in that case, I think you’ve definitely earned one,” he chuckled softly as he reached

for her.

Chapter Twenty-Nine
Foster City

The next three days and nights they met no other sign of resistance, saw no other Bloods,

and Atty felt no presence with her innate ability. However, that didn’t mean they didn’t see

evidence that the creatures were ahead of them and moving straight toward Alta Novis.

In spite of her husband’s warning not to wander off to go hunting, Atty managed to snare

a fair amount of game from her perch on top of her mare. It was mostly small animals who made

the mistake of pausing in their forage for food to stare at the glittering, armor-clad line passing by,

only to end up as supper. The men assigned to protect her enjoyed watching her pick off the

strays. It also helped to pass the time.

The weather remained cold. MaGrath predicted it would be an early and possibly harsh

winter. Yulen agreed. If they thought as much, maybe the Bloods did as well.

When they were encamped, Yulen spent most of the evening discussing strategies with

Mastin and his two lieutenants. They needed to have a plan of action ready to implement the

moment they entered the compound, in case the Bloods had already tried attacking the city.

There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that there would be a full-scale assault once they returned.

With the Battle Lord back in his domain, the Bloods would know their chance of overtaking the

compound would be gone. Yet, without question, they definitely would try one last desperate

time to succeed.

And, more often than not, desperation led to success. Unless Yulen and his men had

everything set and ready, the odds would be in favor of the larger, if not somewhat disorganized,


Atty sat on the ground next to her husband and listened to the men discuss and plan and

argue and draw little diagrams on the sheaves of paper Yulen carried with him in his saddlebags.

Sometimes she’d fall asleep, cuddled against his strong, warm back, and find herself waking up in

his arms inside their bedroll. On another night she managed to stay awake until they’d dismissed

for the evening, and hand-in-hand they had retired together.

On that night they’d tried to talk about Yulen’s plans to expand the outer walls of Alta

Novis, to accommodate the population growth the compound had seen in the past few months. In

the middle of their conversation, her husband suddenly ceased what he was saying in mid-sentence

and gave her a funny, delighted look.

Monkey face?

As if finally getting the punch line of a joke, Yulen burst out laughing. It became

infectious, and before she knew it, she was giggling, then laughing along with him. It was the

release they’d been needing to rid themselves of the stress of the past few days. Exhausted, and

with his stomach hurting from laughing so much, he pulled her into his arms and promised to

smother her with all the kisses she wanted as soon as they arrived at Foster City.

* * * *

It had started to drizzle again when they came in sight of the compound. Normally Yulen

would have bypassed the fortress in order to make a few more hours on the road before dark.

However, with the threat of Bloods in the area, he knew it was imperative he get his men inside a

more secured shelter, and give them some respite from the strain of the last few days. Besides, he

knew Batuset would welcome the additional troops, and the man also needed to be caught up on

the latest information.

“Ho! D’Jacques!” The big bear figure of the Battle Lord of Foster City greeted their

entrance personally as the troops slowly began to file their way through the main gates. Dark

brown eyes didn’t miss the small knot of men guarding the lone figure amid their protective circle

as they rode past the first line of sentries. “Isn’t it amazing how much can change in the short

span of a few months?” the man challenged him with a grin.

Yulen got down from his mount and removed his helmet before accepting Batuset’s warm

handshake. “Thanks for taking us in, Zane.”

“Thank you for stopping. There’s been a helluva lot going on these past few days, and

I’m eager to hear your part in it.”

Yulen paused, eyes widening. “Have they struck here as well?”

Grabbing the younger man by the arm, Batuset started to lead him toward the main lodge

when Yulen stopped and turned around. Atty dropped from her horse and hurried to catch up,

taking his extended hand.

“Ah, yes. Forgive me. But like I said, a lot has happened in a few months,” Batuset


They hurried into the warm main room where two servants helped to remove the armor

and chain mail shirts from their guests. Shivering, Atty walked over to the huge fireplace to dry.

Both men eyed her as they took a seat at a nearby table. Once Batuset ordered trays brought out

to feed the men, he turned his attention to Yulen. “I remember your last visit to us like it was


Yulen smiled wistfully. “It’s been quite a ride, let me tell you.”

Again, Batuset let his gaze linger on the woman standing before the roaring fire with her

back to them. “It’s a story I’ve been dying to hear. But before you do, we first need to get

straight on what’s happening right now. Do you have any idea why this sudden surge of piddly-

ass strikes against my compound?”

Beginning with the day Atty’s people arrived at Alta Novis asking for protection against

the siege laid down by the Bloods, Yulen recounted each instance of their attacks, including the

moment when he realized what their real target was. As he related the news, his soldiers filed into

the main hall to be fed before seeking out their first safe night of sleep in a long while. Atty joined

them just as the food arrived and began to eat, sitting quietly beside her husband to listen.

Presently they were joined by Mastin, Del Ray, and MaGrath, who also dug into the sizeable

portions on the trays. When Yulen finally paused to drain his cup, Batuset whistled softly.

“What can I do to help?” he offered.

“Just keep on the alert. If they find Alta Novis unaccommodating, they may come here. If

we see them turning in your direction, I’ll bring additional help.”

“I’m a small compound,” Batuset reminded him. “I only employ just over a hundred and

sixty troops, with a little less than a hundred in the general population.”

“I know that. My problem, however, is growth. We’ve grown by over two hundred

people in just the past six months, some of them immigrants from other compounds.”

“Why do you reckon they’ve come to you?” Batuset asked. “What other compounds?”

Yulen shrugged. “We had our largest influx last June. We always get quite a few

nomadic tribes seeking shelter at that time of year, but this time they wanted to stay. I wasn’t

going to turn them away, especially if they had someone among them who was experienced with a


Again Batuset’s eyes drifted over to where Atty now sat with her head pillowed on her

arms on the table. In the firelight her deep blue hair shone with bright gold highlights. It was

late; the sun had set hours ago. While Mastin had stayed, in case Yulen had any last-minute

orders to give him, the other two soldiers had politely taken their leave and gone to bed.

“I’d be willing to bet she may be one of the reasons people are seeking you out. You

know, I’ve heard a lot of stories coming out of Alta Novis about you two,” Batuset commented


Yulen smiled at him over the rim of his cup. “Yeah? And how much of it are you willing

to believe?” he asked, half-teasingly.

The big man blinked. “All of it.” Pointing a finger upward, Batuset told him, “You

remember that pennant you had her shoot down? I had it put back up there, hole and all, just so I

could tell people who stop by and ask me about her that she took it down with just a bow and

arrow.” He glanced over at Mastin, who had wisely kept quiet during their conversation. “I bet

you have some interesting tidbits to share.”

“Sometime in the future, ask Yulen about the flaming horse.” Mastin grinned. “I noticed

he left that part out.”

“Flaming horse?”

Groaning softly, Yulen got to his feet and stretched. A yawn caught him unawares, and he

shook his head to clear it. “Would love to sit and chit-chat some more, Zane, but we need to be

up and out by daylight. Cole, you’re dismissed.”

Mastin bid them goodnight and left as Batuset also stood. Silently the Battle Lord of

Foster City watched Yulen lift his sleeping wife into his arms and prepare to ascend the staircase

to their room. “You owe me, Yulen. Big time,” the big man casually remarked.

“You’re right. I do. But it’ll have to wait,” Yulen promised.

He turned back to the stairs to carry Atty to bed, realizing at that moment that the last

time they had been in that same bedroom, they had come to the finalization that they were in love.

It had been on a drizzly, overcast night exactly like tonight, and everything between them had

been new, exciting, and very frightening. Looking at his wife, he noticed how she instinctively

snuggled against him. Life with her had not changed. Their marriage was still new and exciting.

The only frightening aspect with her now was how much he worried whenever she went out to

hunt, or when she was gone longer than she promised.

He wished it was earlier in the evening so they could enjoy a bath together. In those

intimate moments their conversations always tended to meander into very private and sometimes

previously unexplored topics. It was like opening up to each other, revealing their souls as well

their bodies. Of all the moments they shared, Yulen looked forward to bath time the most.

Tonight, however, it was out of the question. They would have to wait until they reached Alta


Inside the bedroom, the small corner fireplace was radiating enough heat to fill the entire

room. Laying her on the bed, Yulen removed her boots and clothes, then slid her under the sheets

and blankets. He quickly did the same, pulling her into his arms before falling almost instantly to


* * * *


Sleep would not let him go. Yet, for some reason, Yulen didn’t sense the urgency to

come wide awake. Not like he did last night. His body felt detached, almost floating, except for

a silken warmth lying against him. He was aware of small hands reaching around his hips, and

before he was fully aware, they began to stoke him into hardness. Her fingers grasped his

scrotum and lightly teased it with her fingernails until he shivered in expectation.

He took a deep breath and rolled against her, pressing himself firmly into her belly as her

fingers coaxed and teased his growing erection. “Are you needing me for anything, Atrilan?”

“Yeah. And there aren’t any damn soldiers nearby to watch,” she whispered, a smile

clearly evident in her low, husky voice.

A pair of lips started to play with his male nipples, tonguing them roughly, and Yulen felt

his body begin to respond despite his exhaustion. She continued to stroke him, using nearly

expert movements as her fingers wrapped more tightly around his pulsing dick. Groaning, he

reached out and found her back and waist, and her cloak of warm hair. He let her play with him

as he grew and thickened in her grasp, and brought to life the eagerness to envelope himself inside

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