The Billionaire's New Toy (2 page)

Read The Billionaire's New Toy Online

Authors: Chloe Kale

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Billionaire's New Toy
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Chapter 3


I hurried to the en suite bathroom, and
he slapped my ass as I want. I entered the bathroom and saw the familiar glass tub;
my feet felt cool on the white tile floor.

“Strip yourself.” He commanded and I
obeyed, stepping out of my sweatpants, and then lingering for a moment in my
panties. My billionaire liked the sight of me in only my panties.

“See anything you like?” I said as I spun
around, my fingertips hooked into the frills along the top of my panties.

“Pull them down and let me see that
gorgeous cunt.”

I did as he asked, and slowly pulled them
down, bending over totally as I went, so he could savor the sight of my pussy
and asshole.

He took a step forward, and put his hands
on my ass as I bent over. He spread my cheeks apart, and exhaled in pleasure. I
could feel his colossal erection through his suit pants. He was fully dressed
and I was naked.

“Are you going to get naked with me,
Will?” I asked as I stood up. “You don’t want my cum all over your suit, do

“Why do you say that?” He asked playfully
and then pulled me into his lean muscular arms. He sat down on the edge of the
bath, with me in his lap. He pushed open my thighs with his hands, and then
flicked my trimmed pubic hair back and forth; enjoying it before it would be

“Maybe I’ll make you cum all over my
clothes, and then I’ll wear them to work. Maybe I’ll wear your cum like a badge
of honor.”

I blushed; before I met Will, I had never
had an orgasm. Then the first night he took me, I had an orgasm so hard that I
learned I squirted whenever I came. The sheets were always drenched after we
would fuck.

“Make me cum all over you,” I said,
breathing heavily, as his hand stimulated my clit with an open palm. With his
other hand, he placed two fingers up my tightness and slowly thrust in and out.
He worked me just how I liked it; he knew exactly what to do to make me weak in
my knees. I could feel his cock hardening beneath my legs. And then my thighs

“Will… Oh my God…” He was doing it; I was
going to cum all over his nice suit. He had taken it as a challenge. My
thoughts raced; bouncing back and forth between: ‘
How much did that suit
To ‘
Oh my God, Oh my God.’
Then I looked into his eyes; they
shone proudly. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he was confident, and
proud. Damn him. He was good.

And then I hit the threshold; I couldn’t fight
it back. A cocky smile spread across his face, and my head reeled backwards as
my thighs gave out. His hands quickly shifted to catch my back, as my body
turned limp in his arms and my cum sprayed out from my open thighs, covering
his suit in my juices.

“Oh my God,” I exhaled, and my body felt
lighter than air. My mind couldn’t converge on a single thought. My ears were
ringing. All I knew was that Will was now kissing my mouth, and the rest of my
body was in a state of ecstasy.

Suddenly the water was running in the
tub. And Will had set me down. I was in the tub. He was standing next to me,
slowly taking off his shirt, with his back to me. His back was a damn work of
art, I thought to myself, as I slowly returned to reality. He was chiseled, and
glistening with sweat.

And then he undid his pants, and his
boxer briefs fell down as well. His ass was tanned, I noted. And perfectly
formed. Then he turned around.

His cock was not erect, but it still hung
massively down the front of his body. Even when it was soft, I had to admire
the size of it. Often, I wondered how my tight pussy could handle it. I reached
out for it, and he took a step back, shaking his head with a playful smile.

“Are you ready for your next reward?”

I nodded. It was all I could do.

“You’ve got to work for it.”

I nodded again. “What do you want from

He handed me shaving gel and a disposable
shaving razor, before taking a step forward and sliding into the tub, behind
me. He turned the water off, as the tub was full and steaming hot.

He lifted me up so that my pussy was
above the waterline, and rubbed the shaving gel over my mound and the sides of
my lips. I was naturally not a very hairy person, so this wouldn’t be a big
job. Will wasn’t hairy, either. We could finish this as quickly or as slowly as
we wanted.

First he took the round end of the razor
and teased my lips with it; I giggled and moaned at the slight tickle and the
pleasure. Under the water, I could feel his cock hardening like some massive
stone snake I had charmed. Kissing my neck, he slowly rubbed the soft end of
the razor up and down, from my clit to my asshole. Will nibbled on my ear, and
then inserted the smooth razor into my tight slit.

I motioned my ass up and down in the
water to rub on his cock while he fucked me with the razor. With one hand he
held my body up, and with the other he controlled the shaft that was now inside
of me. He kissed me along the neck, and I squirmed in his grasp, loving every
moment of it.

“Fuck me, my billionaire,” I said, all
pretenses dropped. I was his.

“Are you my little toy?” He asked
playfully, “Do you belong to me?”

“Yes, I’m all yours. Anything you want.”

And then my hands were both below the
water. I was stroking his cock up and down two-handed.

“You want it don’t you?” He asked, his
voice becoming controlling and rough.

“Yes, I want it.” I wanted to please him.

“Then shave.” He simply said. “You can
have my cock when you’re done.”

“Yes, Will.” I obeyed his command.

His hand became loose on the razor,
allowing me to take it from him and pull it from my juice-filled cunt. Will had
already spread the shaving cream over my mound, and so I had but to swipe the
razor along it, pausing every now and then to rinse it in the water.

While I shaved, Will licked my face,
gnawing at my ears, and grabbing my throat and holding me. He would dig his
fingers in ever so lightly, causing me to feel a slight tightening sensation in
my body. It was like a sharp flash of pleasure each time. I moved the razor
around my lips, one slight mistake and I could cut myself. Will continued to
bite and press his hands into me, knowing that I loved it. I loved the danger.

When I was done shaving, I dipped myself
into the water to wash away any excess shaving cream, and as soon as I did I
found myself spun around in Will’s strong arms, and face to face with his giant
beautiful cock.

“Shave it,” he said. And of course, I
obeyed him.

I rubbed the cream into the slight
stubble of hair around his cock, and went to work. Shaving him was far quicker
than shaving myself, and he was relatively hairless to begin with.
He just
wanted to play razors
, I thought with a wicked grin. I looked up to face
him, after his cock was totally hairless.

“What are you going to do with my cock?”
He asked.

I watched it bob in front of my face,
poking out of the water, the skin tightening around it as it hardened and grew.

“I’m going to suck it until you cum in my
throat.” I said. I knew what he wanted to hear.

With that, I lowered my mouth onto his massive
member. I felt the head of the cock pass my lips and tongued the slight ripples
of veins beneath the skin. His cock was pulsating with desire. I took the cock
in as deep as I could, until it touched the back of my throat and then I bobbed
in and out, wrapping my tongue around the head, lashing it as best I could as
my billionaire’s penis filled my entire mouth.

I could feel Will shaking in his legs; I
had grown better and better as sucking his cock. Just like how he knew how to
make me cum, I had learned how to make him cum.  He no longer had to do
the work; I could pleasure him almost as well I could pleasure myself. I took
his cock harder and faster, and felt my own saliva dribble down my chin.

I made eye contact while I sucked; his
face gave away no hint of his pleasure, but I knew him better than that. I
could see through the act. He was suppressing his feelings of pleasure; he was
putting on a show of domination. It turned me on.

His cock hit the back of my throat over
and over again. The pace quickened, and I maintained eye contact. He closed his
eyes and tilted his head backwards, his body trembling. He was going to cum; my
billionaire was going to cum for me. For a single moment, he was going to lose
control over himself. He would be vulnerable.

And then he filled me with his cum, and
for a moment, he was mine. He throbbed uncontrollably, lost in pleasure as his
cock shot cum into the back of my throat, and at last I tasted my billionaire. My
reward. I have pleased him. I swallowed, and sucked as hard I could, to finish
him off. Then I let his cock fall from my mouth, and took a deep breath.

He laid back into the tub, relaxed and
calm, his eyes still closed. I snuggled up his body, and lay on top of him, my
head at his chest, counting the fine hairs between his lean pectoral muscles. I
listened to his breathing, and closed my eyes too, as I felt his arms wrap
around me. We fell asleep in the glass tub, wrapped up in each other.

Chapter 4


It was 9PM and I was still getting ready.

I wasn’t prepared on the night of the
garden party. I was never prepared for anything in my life, to be honest. I was
more of a seat-of-your-pants type person, ready for each experience as it came.
Will claimed to be the same way too, but I knew him better than he thought.
Each moment in his life was meticulously planned and orchestrated in advance.
No matter what he told me or himself, he was the planner. I was the

Not to say that we never shared experiences
– whatever that means. These experiences just happened to be carefully
engineered – and that was okay for me. It meant the illusion of danger, but not
true danger. It gave us roles to play; and oh, we played hard. There was no
doubt about that.

And so this garden party, or unveiling
party, would be no different. Will Garrett had likely set the entire thing up
to go a certain way, and now it was for us, the pieces, to move about his
chessboard. Was he too controlling? Why did I love it so much? ‘
Because it
gives you pleasure, Clarissa
,’ Will’s voice inside my head said. Isn’t that
the purpose of life – to seek out pleasure for yourself?

I spun around in front of the mirror to
examine my dress; a long flowing black open-back gown. The dress was both minimalist
and elegant. On my wrist, a diamond charm bracelet given to me by Will
especially for the party; it glittered seductively in the dim light of Will’s
bedroom. Where was he? He was supposed to be home. The guests were already
outside; tended to by his servants.

I was going braless tonight; it was going
to help promote my natural look. I also was wearing little makeup – Will said I
had a natural beauty that I shouldn’t try to hide. I was extremely flattered
and thought back to the sketch of that girl in my old sketchbook – doe-eyed,
pale, scared of the future - 

No, but that wasn’t me anymore. I was
here, at a party in my honor, unveiling my own creative work. The painting I
made for my billionaire. I smiled, as I thought of the piece that was hidden
under a veil downstairs in the foyer; primed and ready for the unveiling. I
could only hope that Will hadn’t babied me too much, and that the painting
wasn’t in actual fact, awful. I had to trust Will on that front. Whenever I
looked at the painting myself, all I could see was the flaws. No matter.

My hair wasn’t in its usual bun; it was
tussled down my back in large waves of ringlets. I looked like a princess
tonight. I felt like one too. Ever since I met Will, it had felt like I had
fallen into a dream and that any moment I would wake up and realize that life
was too good to be true. It had to have been – how could I be so lucky? When I
awoke, I would be back at the gallery, under Mademoiselle’s heel, sketching
strangers as they toured the long white halls, staying at home at night
watching serialized medical dramas and eating potato chips – my old life.

Who was this girl before me? I studied
myself in the mirror again; I no longer looked like the girl in the sketch.
There was no way. I could barely contain my glee and my girlish smile came
leaking through my attempt at a sophisticated demeanor.

“You look gorgeous, Cee.” Will appeared
behind me, sneaking up as he usually did.

 “Where did you come from, Will?” I
asked, as a shudder went through my body at the sight of him in his suit. It
was the same suit he had made me cum all over. “Tell me you washed that suit?”

“Another late night at work. No rest for
the wicked.”

“And about the suit?” I prodded. I knew
to leave matters of his work alone; he did not like to discuss work with me. He
tried to keep business and pleasure separate.

“Of course I washed it. I can’t very well
be appearing at your party covered in cum stains, can I?” He smiled and wrapped
his arms around me, his hands finding their way to their spot between my
thighs. “You, on the other hand…”

I playfully knocked his hand away and
spun around.

“No sir, I will not have my night turned
into a mess. This is important for me, right?”

“It certainly is. And actually, I was
coming to check if you were just about ready to go now.”

ready? It seemed like you
just got here – do you need to change or anything?” I asked.

“No Cee, I prepared at work. I’m all
ready. And if you’re also all ready, how about we move to the studio for a
moment to reminisce before we join the guests downstairs?” He suggested.

Everything was orchestrated, I
remembered. My sweet billionaire – he was always with a plan, always pulling
the strings.

He placed his hands upon my shoulders and
guided me into the attached studio room. He positioned me where my easel once
stood, and made his way to the cabinet. The special cabinet. The cabinet of
pleasure and desire… and toys.

Unlocking the drawer, he took a quick
glance backwards, before he slid the compartment open and grabbed something.
Then he closed it, and strolled back over towards me, his hands behind his
back, and a dark handsome smile on his face, slightly hinting at the presence
of his perfect white teeth.

“What have you got, Will?” I asked, my
eyes darting back and forth from his steely blue gaze to whatever he had behind
his back.

“I have… an option. An option for you
tonight.” He said with a coy expression on his unearthly handsome face.

“What do you mean?” I asked, eager to
know more.

“In my hands, I have, for you, something
that might spice up your night a bit. Now, trust me when I say these parties
can be a bit drab. Even more so when you are the guest of honor,” he added when
he saw my face fall a little bit.

I never expected the party to be boring;
in fact it was all I was looking forward to since he had told me about it. I
had imagined my victorious stroll from the house, to the eyes of all the
onlookers; the high society few, the elite, and me. Could it really turn out to
be a bore?

“Well, Will. I was looking forward to the
party. So I don’t quite understand what you mean,” I told him, trying my best
to solve the riddle of the look on his face. What was going on?

“Cee, don’t be upset. This is why I’m
merely giving you the option. You might find some of the guests to be a bit
stuffy; they received the mandatory invitation, lest I offend them.” He took a
step towards me, and revealed the item in his hand.

He held out a small two-pronged black
vaginal and anal plug.

“Will. I don’t know about this –“ I
started, but he put the item in my hand.

“At the very least, I’d suggest you try
it before we step outside. You’ll find it to be non-abrasive to your evening.
You will find it to be moderately pleasurable as you mingle amongst the guests.
And you’ll please me, as well.” He added with a sideways smile, looking at the
fully glass wall.

“I’ll try it. But I’m only going to use
it if I want to. Not for you – it’s for me.”

“That’s all I want, my darling.” He
crossed his arms and watched as I slid my panties down my legs.

I pulled my dress up slightly, and
inserted both prongs in. I guided one in to my tight asshole and one in my
aroused vagina. Okay. It felt good. I took a few steps around; the movement in
my body caused a light rhythm of pleasure from the toy. Okay, it felt quite
good. I looked up at my handsome billionaire; the light was hitting his
perfectly shaped face at a very flattering angle. 

“And?” He said, but he already knew the
answer from my expression.

“Okay. I’ll wear it.” I conceded,
fighting back my smile.

“Anything else to add?” He urged.


“Are you sure?” He said, playfully
drawing out of his words, while wrapping me in his arms.

“Alright fine. You were right.” He loved
to hear that.

“Leave the panties off?”

“Just what I was thinking,” I said with a

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