The Billionaire's New Toy (3 page)

Read The Billionaire's New Toy Online

Authors: Chloe Kale

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Billionaire's New Toy
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Chapter 5


From the front foyer, I could see the
beginnings of the party beyond the vestibule of the mansion. I could see the
dangling lights strung alongside the house and held up by wires encircling the garden,
hear the hum of the crowd, and the clatter of drinking glasses; the sights and
noises of high society filled my senses and intoxicated me. It helped matters
that I had my toy with me, inside of me. And no one knew but me and my

As I approached the front entrance, I
could feel the cool air on my sex; it felt freeing.

Will and I stood in the entryway to the
mansion, in front of the garden, and looked upon his guests. They slowly took notice
of us, and all began to clap and raise their champagne glasses in the air. I
couldn’t be certain whether they were cheering for him or me. I assumed it was
him, but still he edged me in front of him, and started clapping himself. I
blushed as all eyes fell upon me, although I was already slightly blushing from
the toy between my legs.

I studied the faces of the guests;
perhaps Will was right. They seemed to be an older crowd, boring, all dressed
to code. They weren’t my kind of people, and Will had known that. I stole a
glance at him and he shrugged; the slight smile he gave me let me know that
things would get better.

“There will be more parties, lovely.” He
whispered into my ear, as I looked out upon our audience. “Parties more to our
liking. You wanted a taste of high society, well Cee, this is it. This is what
I have to deal with on a daily basis.”

“I thought it was going to be fun,” I
said through my smiling clenched teeth. “I thought you would ensure that it was
a good time? This party is for me, isn’t it?”

“This is the crowd you invite when you
want to establish yourself as an artist, not when you want to have fun.”

It clicked. The party wasn’t some game
for him; he truly believed in my art and was setting me up to succeed. I
squeezed his hand. He stepped forward.

“May I introduce the lovely Clarissa
Drayer; she is a young artist from Chicago, and the reason we are here tonight”
Will spoke and the crowd of people silenced immediately. He truly had a
commanding aura about him. “A rare talent, she has my full endorsement and I
think you’ll all see that she has a promising future ahead of her. If you will
follow us inside to the foyer, we will be unveiling her debut piece.”

Will, ever the leader, led the party
through to the foyer, and funneled them around the veiled piece, still on the
canvas. There was no point in hanging it here, Will had said. It was better to
have it in a place of prominence in the middle of the room.

“Do you have any words for us, Miss
Drayer?” Will turned his attention to me as the crowd encircled the hidden

I shot him a glance that said, ‘
didn’t tell me I’d have to prepare a speech
.’ The heat between my thighs
tempered the annoyance on my face. Damn Will Garrett! He always knew how to get
me going. I cleared my throat.

“Okay, well, I want to thank everyone for
coming,” I started and coughed again – there was something in my throat, making
my voice hoarse. “And I want to thank Mr. Will Garrett again, for providing me
with the opportunity to show you all my work. It has been a privilege to work
with him here in his beautiful home. I think we can all agree that there is
just something about this place… it’s beautiful, and I truly just wanted to
show you all how I see this place. I mean, I’m just a city girl, and uh…”

I looked around the room, and saw the
smiling faces, nodding, urging me onwards. My gaze stopped upon Will; he looked
so handsome in his suit. I thought of the toy inside of me, and gathered my
thoughts again.

“And I really owe him the world for the
opportunity. The piece is called ‘The Young Estate’, and thank you all again
for coming. Hopefully we can get back to the champagne soon. I know that’s what
I’m looking forward to.”

The crowd laughed and Will nodded
approvingly. He pulled back the veil on the canvas, and the crowd alternately
murmured and applauded.

Will approached me. “Don’t worry, that’s
a good reaction for this crowd,” he said with a wink. “Go mingle if you like.”

His hand cupped my ass ever so lightly as
a man in a suit came by and engaged his attention. I became awkward as I stood
by myself. I wanted to be an artist, but I wasn’t sure if this crowd was for

“I liked your little speech,” an older
woman in a red strapless dress said, her eyeliner was heavy and her skin lined.
“Drink up.”

She handed me a champagne glass and
motioned for me to raise it to my lips. I nodded my thanks and obliged.

“The piece is, well, a promising start if
truth be told. Just as Will said.” She looked over at my billionaire.

“Thank you, I’m not sure if you noticed
but I don’t know how well I’m fitting in so far,” I said with a laugh, hoping I
had found my first friend in this world.

The woman studied me.

“What you need to know about this world
is that it’s cut throat. And things can change in an instant.” She swirled her
glass in her fingers. I realized she was drunk.


“And Will, well, there’s no one quite
like him.” She laughed, and her drink spilled slightly as her shoulders shook.
“He’s a real power player. Some say with an unquenchable thirst.”

“I’m more than able to quench that
thirst,” I said, growing more annoyed with this woman by the second. What was
she getting at?

“Oh you do? So you are sleeping with him
then?” She raised an eyebrow high above her cruel grimace. Damn it, one sip of
champagne and I had already offered too much information. Way too much
information. The toy between my legs was distracting me, I decided.

“Of course not. I know him on a
professional level. You’ve misheard me,” I said, walking past her. I decided
she was intoxicated, and in the worst case scenario, her ramblings could be
dismissed as the words of a drunkard.

“Garrett’s new toy. Farewell little
girl,” she called after me as I walked through the crowd, towards my

I grabbed Will’s arm just as his conversation
with the older man was dying down.

“Yes, Miss Drayer?” He cordially asked me
as I withdrew my arm.

“May I speak with you privately for a

“Of course, follow me.”

I followed him to a side room, and closed
the door behind me, separating us from the party. Finally, there was quiet. The
smell of perfume had faded.

“You were right. The party is boring.” I
was blunt.

“It is serving its purpose, my lovely.”
Will coolly stated, placing his hands on my hips.

“I need to ask you something, Will. Something
that’s been bothering me.” I worked up my courage. I couldn’t let my
ever-present nerves silence my voice.


“Am I just your new toy, or are you going
to keep me around? Am I here for the long haul? Do you l-“

He kissed me, long and deep. Our tongues
met, and his hands held my lower back. The toy in my pussy throbbed in a very
pleasing manner. My hands crept up over his neck, and we kissed and embraced in
the side room, away from the clatter and bustle of the party outside. Just me
and my billionaire.

“I told you on your first day here, that
I’d like to keep you,” he said. “That’s still true, Clarissa. Nothing has
changed for me. Has it changed for you, Clarissa Drayer? We agreed that we
would both become better people, together.”

“Then I need you to be more open around
me. It’s not fair that I fall apart when I look in your eyes, I want to know
you more.”

“Know that I was lost before I had you.
Know that you are making me the person I am, the person you see before you. You
have impacted me more than you could possibly know.”

“Will – “

“Please, Clarissa. You know I like to
live in the moment.”

I laughed.

“You don’t. Not at all.”

He smiled knowingly. “If you want to know
more about me, then it’s as simple as staying. Stay here and find out.”

“Will Garrett, are you inviting me to
stay over?”

“I’m inviting you to stay here, while you
work on your next piece. In your studio.”

I grabbed his face and pulled him down to
kiss me. The flutter in my chest, that had been ever-present since that first
day in the art gallery, raged more furiously than ever. What was this feeling?

“I need you right now.” I said, and he
nodded, taking me by the hand and leading me through a side-door, sidestepping
the party outside, and taking an alternate route upstairs.

We ran past the white sandstone walls and
pillars, the numerous other paintings that decorated the halls, and I clumsily
ran into a black end table with a glass vase upon it, wobbling it, as we darted
by. With each step, the toy in my pussy and ass gave me a jolt of painful
pleasure. As we took to a set of stairs, I knew where we were headed. We were
running to our room, to our studio.

I was his girl, and he was my man. But
tonight, I would be his toy.

Chapter 6


We arrived at the studio, and in an instant
Will was at the cabinet, digging through the drawers. I could smell the fresh
leather, and hear the clink of metal. Will tossed an oddly shaped leather strap
at me. I caught it – barely – and held it up to the light.

“Silly goose, it’s a collar,” he said as
he watched me examine the piece of leather. “Tie it around your neck.”

“Am I your little pet for the night?” I
asked, a wicked grin on my face, as I clasped the leather collar around my
neck. I noted a hoop along the back, fit for a leash attachment.

“Yes, and I have half a mind to walk you
around the garden party.” He said, straightening the leash in his hands
tightly. “All fours, my lovely.”

I dropped to my hands and knees, and
titled my head down so he could attach the leash to my collar. He dropped down
behind me and lifted up my dress to examine the toy I had inside of myself. He
put his hand the connective part between the vaginal and anal prongs. He gently
rocked the toy back and forth, alternatingly giving me pleasure in my two
holes. I purred in desire.

“Turns out this was a good idea, wasn’t
it my lovely?” Will asked, his hand still massaging the toy.

“Yes, Will.” I breathed out between

Will slid my dress off me, pulling it
down, leaving me totally naked on the floor. I crawled out of the black dress,
and stayed on my hands and knees. Will took the leash and walked around the
room in front of me, guiding me. We walked over to the cabinet, where the
flogger was resting inside the open drawer.

Will picked up the flogger, and tested
the leather straps on his hand, before looking at me gently as if to say, ‘

He strolled behind, leash still in one
hand, and smacked my ass and sex with the straps of the flogger. A jolt of
painful pleasure ran through my body, and I shuddered. The toy was still inside
me, still making me writhe in my euphoria. It was perfectly shaped, and hitting
my G-spot. What a wonderful toy it was.

Will nudged me onwards and smacked my ass
again with the flogger. As it struck, each movement of the toy became more and
more pleasurable. As he was slapping me with those leather straps, I could
barely contain myself, and I cried out for more. Every now and then I yelled
out his name as well. Before long, my ass was red and hot, and I was pawing at
the front of his pants.

He stripped quickly, and then took me
from behind, first pulling the toy out. He kept his hand on the leash. With one
hand, he pulled me back by the collar and held me in a type of light-choke, and
with his other hand he stimulated my clit. Then he fucked me hard from behind,
his body slapping hard into my ass with each thrust, bouncing it up and down
along his massive cock.

“Do you like that, Miss Drayer, young,
promising artist? Newly crowned socialite princess?” Will called out for me.

I cried out his name, and he pulled back
on the leash harder. “Fuck me!” I screamed, and he obliged, tightening his
grasp. As I climaxed and called out his name, he released his hold, and my head
tumbled down past my shoulders, and I turned to putty from the pleasure. He
propped me back up, and held me by my tits, as he continued to fuck me hard
from behind. He dropped the leash to the side, and picked up the flogger again.

“Oh Will, hit me!”

He slapped me across my back, and with
each stroke, I felt myself edge closer to climaxing again. He put his thumb
over my asshole, and then dragged the leather straps lightly along my back. I
was my billionaire’s toy for the night. I moaned, and tried to motion my ass
back and forth on his cock to spare him from doing all of the work. He liked
that, and hastened his own pace.

Will grabbed a handful of my auburn hair,
and pulled my head back again. My mouth was bobbing open and closed as I gasped
for air between my purring. He stroked my back again with the leather straps of
the flogger. My back must have been red, but the sensation from the leather was
too great to give up. I called out for him to keep hitting me, when he pulled
harder on my hair.

“Don’t forget who’s in charge, here,
Clarissa.” Will said as his voice turned commanding. I could feel his member

“Yes, master.” I said. I was happy to
please. I had overstepped my bounds, I knew.

“That’s more like it,” Will said, as he
released my hair from his hands, and used that hand to guide my ass over his

Pulling me back and forth, Will dropped
the flogger to the ground. With one hand, he held my ass tightly rocking his
cock in and out of my dripping wet slit. With his other hand, he grabbed my
breast and squeezed my nipple. I wondered if the party guests at the garden
could hear my hollering. I looked at the glass window and could slightly see
our reflection; it was so hot. I was grateful that the garden did not lead
around to that side of the house, so no one would be able to look in on us.
Although, that could be kind of hot…

Will’s speed increased, and his thrusts
deepened. Knowing what he wanted, I yelled out for him to cum inside of me. His
grip on me tightened, and as his thrusts grew quicker, I felt my body convulse
in orgasmic pleasure. I flooded his cock with my cum, and he came at the same
time too.

For a moment, our game had equalized and
we were lost in a state of pleasure, both of us beyond control. For a moment,
we were one. His body collapsed on top of mine, and then I fell from my hands
and knees to the floor. We both lay there, breathing heavily, as our cum
dripped from my tight cunt.

Will gathered himself, and wrapped me in
an embrace. He untied my collar and slid it across the floor, and let me
snuggle into his chest. He whispered into my ear until we both fell asleep,
happy, and totally content. In that moment I was convinced; Will really did
care for me.

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