The Blackmail Pregnancy (15 page)

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Authors: Melanie Milburne

BOOK: The Blackmail Pregnancy
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She opened her mouth, but shock had rendered her speechless.

‘I suppose this is a payback for me going to be with my family?’ His lip curled.

‘I…’ She swallowed to clear the blockage in her throat. ‘Byron, it’s not what you think. I was—’

‘Don’t insult me with your pathetic lies!’ he shouted at her. ‘Have you learned nothing after seven years? You can’t run away from every little obstacle that gets thrown across your path. You have to face life head on, take it by both hands and live!’

He raked a hand through his already ruffled hair, his voice going down several notches as if in defeat.

‘I’ve done all I can to reassure you, but it’s not enough. I love you, and want to spend the rest of my life proving that to you, but you won’t give me a chance. I’ve told you Megan is nothing to me. She’s been having an affair with a married man. Apparently she’s been using me as a smokescreen, but I’m afraid I wasn’t aware of it until Fliss practically hit me over the head with it. As for my family—I’ve already told you I won’t force them down your throat any more. I respect your need for space and I will do my best to ensure you get it.’

Cara stepped on her very best white blouse to stand in front of him.

‘But what about when we need a babysitter?’ she asked. ‘Aren’t extended families really good at that sort of thing?’

He stared at her silently for a full thirty seconds.

‘I’m sorry.’ He shook his head, as if he wasn’t sure he was hearing correctly. ‘I think I missed something there. Run that by me one more time.’

She slipped her arms up around his neck, nestling her body against the warm shelter of his.

‘I’m pregnant.’

Byron felt as if someone had knocked the air out of his lungs. He sucked in a much needed breath and held Cara away from him, to stare down at her incredulously.

‘You’re joking, right?’

She shook her head and, reaching into the back pocket of her jeans, handed him the blood test results.

She could see his eyes watering as he scanned the information there, and her heart swelled until she was sure it was going to take up far too much room in her chest.

‘There must be some mistake…’ His voice trailed off.

Cara couldn’t help giggling.

‘So far you’ve said just about everything I said to the doctor this morning.’

‘This morning?’ He let the blood results float to the floor as he gathered her closer. ‘You only found out this morning?’

‘That’s why I couldn’t fly down yesterday. I wasn’t feeling well, and the doctor thought it best if I waited until I knew for sure.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me on the phone?’

‘I didn’t want to get our hopes up. I was certain the doctors had told me I couldn’t have another child.’ She told him of her mother’s role in overplaying what she’d thought the doctor had said, and how she had accepted it unquestioningly, thinking it was her punishment for not having taken greater care.

Byron held her close as she recalled that painful time, his eyes smarting with the effort of containing himself.

‘Besides,’ she said lifting her head to look up at him, ‘I didn’t want to miss out on seeing your face when I told you.’

‘Was it worth the wait?’ he asked, his smile wide.

She gave him a rapturous smile as she pressed herself even closer.

‘It was definitely worth the wait.’

He kissed her lingeringly before lifting his head to gaze down at her.

‘I was so sure you were running away again. I had myself convinced of it. I called and called, and when you didn’t answer I knew I had to fly back and find out for sure. When I saw you dragging that case down the stairs I lost it.’

Cara smiled forgivingly.

‘I didn’t know what to pack, so I packed everything. I was so excited I couldn’t think straight.’

Byron gave the skirt he was standing on a rueful look.

‘Just as well you won’t be needing any of your clothes right now.’

‘I won’t?’ Her eyes began to sparkle as she saw the dark glint in his.

He gave her a sexy grin as he scooped her up in his arms.

‘No, you most definitely will not,’ he said, and carried her back up the stairs.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5899-4


First North American Publication 2005.

Copyright © 2004 by Melanie Milburne.

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