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Agent Bill Harris, aka Phil Young, leaned back in his chair and pushed away from his desk.  This job is so disheartening at times.  If I can crack this case, I might just retire. He thought to himself.

Agent Bill Harris had been with the FBI since he graduated from college.  Starting in the mail room he worked his way through the ranks and was now in charge of the states southern district.  The past few years there has been an influx of Mexican Nationals coming over the border looking for work.  Catching the illegal immigrants and returning them to their country was not Agent Harris’ priority.  Keeping them safe was first on his list.  A body smuggling ring, who we call Coyote’s, give the illegal immigrants a ride over the border for a fee.  When they arrive in the states some are released and others that are known to have or mistaken to have wealthy relatives are taken to a ‘drop house’.  In the ‘drop house’ the men are tied up, their feet cut and their shoes are taken from them.  If they were able to escape they couldn’t run.  They are tortured and receive very little food or water. 

The Coyote’s send word to family members asking for a ransom or they will kill their family member.  Some families can round up the demanded ransom but there are many without funds to send the Coyote’s.  The Mexicans whose families do not pay the ransom are taken deep into the desert, shot between the eyes and left for the vultures to devour.

Agent Harris and his team of agents have zeroed in on the body smuggling operation.  They do not know who the leader is but they know he is working out of Coopersville, a small knit town in the high desert.  It’s been difficult to infiltrate the body smuggling ring but they are closing in on them.  They need a break. 

Agent Harris called Agent Sam Parker into his office.

“Agent Parker, we have word from an informant there’s a ‘drop house’ on Fifth Street.”  Agent Harris informed him.

“Is the source trustworthy?”  Agent Parker asked.

“Yes, he is.” He replied as he put papers in a file.

“You know what to do.  Let’s get it staked out.  You know we have to be sure before we bust into someone’s home.” Agent Harris advised.

Agent Parker and his team made plans for the stake out.  The agents would take two hour shifts.  With Coopersville streets being pretty straight they are able to watch the house on the corner from three angles.  Days pass without any movement.  Dawn of a new day was on the horizon when suddenly a white van pulled in front of the house.  A dozen Mexicans got out of the van walking single file into the house.  They noticed one man with a gun in his hand leading the line of men.   The other man at the rear with a firearm bringing up the rear. The men marched into their prison one by one.  The door closed behind them and the window shades were drawn.  Agent Parker knew this was a ‘drop house’ from the way they entered the house and immediately closed down the house.  Agent Parker and agents would keep a close eye on the place.


Meanwhile, the FBI office ran a check on the house and found it belonged to a Mark Brandon.  That wasn’t a surprise since the Brandon’s own most of the town.  The next step would be to find out if the home was rented out.  Agent Parker had his secretary run a check on the tenants from his informant at the utility company.  The informant came back with the information.  The house was rented to Ron Mills or at least his name was on the utilities.

Agent Harris knew they could bust the house and free the Mexicans but this would not stop the body smuggling ring from operating in this area.  They needed to locate the leader.  Maybe he would show up at the house.

The FBI continued to keep close watch on the house of Fifth Street.  By no means would they stand by and let the Mexicans be killed.  Knowing they would not kill them in the house being afraid someone would hear the gun shot.  If they put them in the white van it would be to take them either to pick up the ransom or to the desert to get rid of them. 

Saturday morning one agent noticed a nice looking young couple going door to door handing out religious material.  They reached the corner house of Fifth Street without going to the door they walked right on past as if they didn’t see the corner house.  That seemed suspicious.  They walked on stopping at the next house continuing on with their ministry.

The agent reported the suspicious action of the young couple to Agent Harris.

“Let’s see what they do next week.” Agent Harris said.

“They were probably told not to stop there.” The agent said.

“That could be or maybe they saw something that kept them away.” Agent Harris said as he pushed back in his chair.

“I didn’t think of that, sir.” The Agent said.

“Okay, what’s on your mind?”  Agent Harris asked.

“I don’t know but there’s something about those people that bothers me.  I think they know something about what’s going on in that house..”

The following Saturday came without any movement from the house of Fifth Street.  The Agent parked down the street watching again the young couple walked from door to door handing out their religious material.  Just as they approached car the agent stepped out of the car. 

“Good morning.”  The agent politely said to the young couple.  “Sure a nice day.  Do you live in the neighborhood?”  he inquired.

“No, we work for our church and on Saturday’s we share the gospel with the community.” they informed him.

“That’s very commendable of you. Excuse my manners, my name is Glenn.”  The agent said as he extended his hand forward.

“Good to meet you.  I’m Ron Mills and this is my wife Susan.”  Ron Mills told him.  “Can we give you some literature to read?” 

“Sure, but I’m a devout Catholic.” He said with a chuckle.

Susan with shaking hands gathered a few items from her purse handing them to Glenn excusing themselves saying.  “We have a lot of folks to minister to today so we will be on our way.”

“You enjoy the day.”  Agent Glenn said with a smile.  The smile being for his accomplishment.

Agent Glenn’s instinct paid off.  There was something about the Smith’s behavior he suspected.  Why the Fifth Street home is rented in the Mills name?  Why do they canvas this neighborhood?  Agent Glenn filed his report and turned it into Agent Harris.

“Let’s run a make on Ron and Susan Mills.  Agent Harris suggested.

“Already in the making, Sir.  I wonder what we will find in their file.”  said Agent Glenn.

“You can be assured we will be surprised.  Well, we would have been surprised last week but with the information we have now nothing will surprise me.” Agent Harris said as he pushed back in his chair.










































As Ella and Juan drove up to the lumber yard the proprietor was putting out the open sign. 

“Good morning.” he nodded “Sure gonna be a pretty day.”

“Morning.”  Ella sad as she handed the list of things needed to the proprietor.

“Do you have all these items in stock?”  she questioned looking around the lumber yard.

“I probably do but if there’s something I’m out of I can get it for you by tomorrow morning.” he told her as he started checking off the list.

“Good.” Ella said.  “We have a big day planned.”

“What are you building?  If you don’t mind me asking?”

“How rude of me, I’m Ella Smith and I’ve rented the vacant building on Main Street.” She said hoping he would cut the chit chat and get started gathering up her items.

“You mean the secondhand store where Paul and Nellie mysteriously disappeared?” he questioned shaking his head.

“I know they were previous tenants but I don’t know anything about them disappearing.”  She curiously said hoping he would elaborate.

“What’s the scoop on that?  Do you think maybe there was foul play?”  she asked.

“I don’t have a clue Ma’am.”  He said as he went about his business.  Ella realized no one in town wanted to talk about Paul and Nellie’s disappearance.  What she doesn’t know is why.

Ella knew something happened to Paul and Nellie.  Whether it was foul play or they may have disappeared because of being found out for being the refuge for Mexican’s fleeing from the Coyote’s.

Ella and Juan pulled up in front of the store and immediately noticed an envelope on the front door.  Ella wondered why anyone would need to leave a note at her door.  She snatched the envelope wedged between the door and the door frame.  Immediately she tore the envelope open and began to silently read.  Just as quick as she opened the sealed enveloped she the stuffed the letter back in the envelope and put it in her purse. 

“What’s the letter about, Ms. Ella?”

“Oh, just a nice note from a friend.” she told him.

“Let’s get busy unloading the station wagon.  We want to accomplish a lot today.”

Juan unloaded the station wagon and they began working on the new shelving for the store.  Juan worked into the night drawing up plans on how he was going to erect the wall and the free standing shelves.  Everything seemed to go together like clock work. Not a glitch all morning. Juan is very talented in many facets of construction.  Next, after lunch they would start on the free standing shelves.

Ella announced she would run down to the fast food joint and pick up some lunch.

“What’ll it be Juan?” she asked.

“Anything will be fine for me.  I could sure use a cold drink.”  Juan told her continuing to get things in order.

“That you will have,” Ella said walking out the door.

The station wagon started up Ella was not only off to pick up food but to read the note she snatched from the door earlier.  Because of its first line she didn’t want to read it in front of Juan.  The note read: 
.   The note infuriated Ella.  “What kind of an idiot would write such a prejudice note.” she said aloud as she headed for food.

She wondered if Juan and Maria were safe living in this town.  How many prejudice people are involved in this note?  No one was going to scare Ella off.  She would tell Juan to always be careful because there are prejudice people every where.  This meant she needed to get the green card papers finalized with the attorney’s in San Francisco.  If things continue she will need to take this note to the sheriff.  For the time being she will keep silent with the note hidden deep in her handbag.

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